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The fundamental core values of human being reflect in our Physical, Intellectual, Moral, Spiritual, Social,
Economic, and Political.

Everything you think, everything you feel, every action you take is because of your core and related
values. You may not be aware of it. You may not be conscious of it, but your values shape your
decisions. And your decisions shape your life. Core values are those things that are important to us, such
as behavior or actions that we take, decisions that we make in our life. Core values anchor us, keep us
stable, and give us a path and direction to follow.

But not all human being have the same core values that they follow.

You embrace the inner peace and you are contented with being alone, and being in bliss. And you have
faith and hope for better days. If you felt this strong connection to God, then spirituality maybe a strong
core value of yours.

Some people may really think that hard work is a core value that is important to them, and becoming a
productive member of society, self-reliant, whether it’s from work or at home is also part of becoming
economically efficient. There are others that value their loved ones. Family, friendship and connection
became the Social core values. It’s caring about someone more than you care about yourself. It’s
putting others first. It’s making time for the people you care about. It’s giving the people you love and
maybe even strangers, your complete presence, and building that connection.

If you make Moral a top importance in your core values then you embodies love, integrity, self-worth,
and discipline. In love it is not just romantic love, but love of all things. A non-judgmental love. The love
you have for your family, your friends. The love you have for your favorite things. The love you have for
your passion, and your mission. Making love a priority in your life means there is no room for hate or
indifference. And integrity is knowing you do the right thing even when no one is watching and no one
will know either way. The inner knowing you always do what is right. That brings pride and it brings
inner peace. When you value integrity you value doing what is right.

If your core value inclines to political then you have kindness and compassion. The world would certainly
be a better place if people showed more kindness and compassion. Less judgment, more respect. It’s
placing yourself in someone else’s shoes before you judge them. And feeling fulfilled being kind to
someone for no reason. If feels good to be kind because it is right to be kind. It also includes giving. As
humans we are built to give. Not just give money, or things, but give ourselves fully to others in need.
To serve selflessly. You also respect and take pride in your country and its heroes.

For Intellectual core value you seek knowledge, you seek answers for all things to be better, to grow.
Human beings are wired to grow. Growth comes from experience, from learning, from failures, from
achievements, from intention. Intention to seek truth and clarity. So you can experience more. Enjoy
more. It’s about becoming the greatest version of you. Not just for yourself, but for others.

And lastly, Health, Physical Fitness, Cleanliness and Orderliness, Beauty and Art for Physical core value.
This might be the most important value of all to some people. Without physical health, it is very likely
you can experience and enjoy all other values at their deepest levels. Great health gives you energy and
vitality which enables you to dive deeper into the more important things in life and give more energy
and time to those you love. You also get to value yourself more and be presentable when you face

If you decide to apply any of these values to your life in your own words, in your own way, your own life
will be one of more value. Having core values is so important because it’s like a guiding force that directs
you through life.

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