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FACT: Did you know that manga were made to distract people from the war?

Ancient period all the way to Edo period (1603-1863), Japanese literature was inspired from the
Chinese. Japanese works also reveal elements of Indian and western. Japanese literature has 4 periods:
Ancient lit, Classical, Medieval, and Modern.

Ancient lit. (794) started during the 8th century, and popular during this time are about Japanese myths
and legends were based on kojiko (records of ancient matters) and nihon shok (historical events)

Classical lit. (794-1185) it’s also called the golden age for Japanese lit. published during this time was the
world’s first novel, titled “the tale of genji” and the 19th century folktale “taketori monogatari” the first
example of protoscience fiction.

Medieval lit. (1185-1603) where “renga” started. Renga is a genre of Japanese collaborative poetry that
is written by more than one author. It consists of two ku or stanzas

Modern lit. (edo period, early modern lit.) kabuki yomihon and kusazoshi which focuses in illustration
started to boom

Modern lit. (meiji period) new styles were introduced, specially romanticism.

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