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English Assignment

Nama: Shandina Marwa

Kelas: XII IPS 5

1. Create two other Expression of offering help,accepting and declining the other
a) Offering Help
 Formal
May I help you?
Could I help you?
 Informal
Can I help you?
Do you need any help?
b) Accepting (Offering help)
 How kind of you! Thank you very much.
 Yes, please do.
c) Declining (Offering help)
 No, I really won’t, thank you.
 No you don't need to.

2. Created a short dialogue as the example given which consist of the expression offering
help ,accepting, and declining the offer.
Diana : would you like drink a cup of tea?
Alex : I am sorry, but I am just drinking
Diana : well, how about eating?
Alex : I have to go now, actually
Diana : where will you go?
Alex : I will go to our school to give a letter
Diana : All right, please be careful
Alex : Thank you

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