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My room (describe)

The door is white, with some scratches at the bottom from my pug scraping it with her claws.
My pug scratches the door when she wants to come into my room. The door handle is brown
and metal. At the complete bottom of the door is a rubber flap, which I do not know the
reason why it is there. The room is about three lengths of my arm span, including the closet.

The floor in my room is wooden, and it creaks when stepped on. However, I do have one
white, plush carpet approximately in the middle of the floor. It is rather clean-looking,
considering it is white and that it is not washed regularly.

To the left of the door is a leather chair, of which is of no particular use, besides hanging
half-used clothes on it. Past the chair is my electronic station, where I charge my phone at
night, and charge my shaver during the day. Also, center-left is a rectangular window
overlooking our backyard garden and swimming pool. It is a pleasant view for a cold room.

Center-left and far-left is my queen-size bed, with white and grey covers, and white and
other colors for the blanket. The blanket in particular has a floral design and is heavy. My
pillow has a white case and nothing else to it. The frame of the bed is wooden and beige in

Above, to the right of the bed, is a narrow, elongated window, which allows one to view the
sky and neighbor’s fence. On the sill, there is a candle lamp, of which I never use. I can
often find dead insects on the sill as well, such as flies.

Below that window is my meditation altar to the right, and a small table to the left of the altar,
which houses books and random papers. It is barely big enough to hold these books and
papers in an organized fashion. My meditation altar is covered in a red cotton cloth and
features a picture of my meditation teacher. There is a candle in front of the picture of my

To the right of the altar is my closet, which contains a rack of sweaters, a suit, scarfs, and
belts. There is also a brown, lean dresser, which has the rest of my clothes in it. On the floor,
below the rack, there are miscellaneous items, such as an extra blanket, shoes, and hair oil.
Right before the closet on the left of it, and before the altar, is my tabla drums, replete with a
hammer and a small bottle of talcum powder.

The walls are all white, except the back room, which is covered with a blue, mosaic-
patterned cloth. The curtains over the large window are also white and see-through, which
almost defeat the purpose of having them. The ceiling is white, but with black blotches above
the meditation altar because of candle and incense smoke.
It is one of the coldest rooms in our house, as the windows are quite old and thin, and lack
insulation. During autumn and winter, sometimes a heater is brought in to feel comfortable.
However, with enough heavy blankets, sleep is manageable.

It is a simple room without much purpose other than sleeping, meditating, and playing
percussion. But I am a down-to-earth person, and it matches what I need.

The Rise of Teenage Gangs and Negative Consequences They Have (expository)
Teenagers constantly look for the place they belong. Isn’t it everyone’s dream to belong to a
certain group of people, to find like-minded individuals and feel accepted? Unfortunately, a
vast majority of teenagers take a wrong turn and get lost on their path to acceptance. It is not
uncommon for them to join teen gangs feeling like their members understand them, but that
is far from the truth. The rise of teenage gangs is a major problem nowadays. But, how
serious this problem really is? Consequences of gang membership can scar a person for life
in several ways.
Youth, teenage, or juvenile gang is defined as an organized group of adolescents and/or
young adults who rely on group intimidation and violence to commit criminal acts with the
purpose to gain power, recognition, and control. The rise of teenage gangs is perfectly
explained in a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health wherein researchers
discovered there were 1,059,000 youth gang members in the United States in 2010.
Moreover, on a yearly basis 401,000 juveniles join gangs. The primary reason why this
staggering number of gang members goes unnoticed is due to the fact that they may not
conform to popular perceptions of teen gang demographics.
Another potential reason why the total number of gangs and gang members keeps
increasing is because a great majority of crimes they commit usually goes unreported. As a
result, government officials find it difficult to gather exact data about this growing issue.
Youth gang members primarily focus on their peers, bully them, and force them to say
nothing in order to avoid harsher consequences.
When discussing the issue of youth crime groups, one must wonder how one decides to join
them. Risk factors that enhance a teenager’s odds of joining a gang include drug or alcohol
abuse, negative influences, peer pressure, a strong desire for recognition and belonging,
lack of parental supervision, and limited attachment to the community. Most adults do not
take this problem seriously enough and, usually, consider it as just another phase teenagers
go through. However, the American Journal of Public Health published a research showing
that gang membership in the adolescence has severe consequences in adulthood, long after
a person leaves the gang. Besides higher likelihood of criminal activities, people who were
gang members in the adolescence also experienced financial issues and were in poor health
in adulthood.
While most teenagers have a strong urge to feel accepted by their peers, others seek the
solace and comfort or escape from their difficult family life in gangs. Although the current
data shows the staggering number of gang members it is assumed the problem could be
even more severe as most of them do not fit into the gang demographics and many crimes
are not reported. Finally, there is a growing need for the entire society to take necessary
measures and work on this issue. If not, the consequences could be far more severe.

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