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OVERLOOKED IN THE DEChEL GARDEN Richard Daugherty and Rex Walfcrd comment on recent government curriculumn proposals: Once upon a rime, so the story’ most secondary schools, and ic is ment cin be covered br English rms nos ts seieh endeared polerty apa 6p ti, he diene, RE, PE and SSchniugl knows how. abot car Glamisation opdon omy by Bnelish, modern language: Heulum? vas tie celebrated wher giithemaice and she Sacicess Ht "How then “should geography nce cf ola postwar Minister of ir toes not feature ae part of the reachers cespond to this challenge to Eicatin, and sven inthe. lote badly cated Goren Gievorumevork the place of the subject fm the cut {Ses auc of is successors. Anthony prapooals Together with histanyand weaken ® One xenction mus be to Glosland, could say lin the Police long tnt of other subject wrens, question the terms and level of che of Pftcetion) that leds ease Geattiphy cops sto the cboamest dobsta conducted by helbi There Ghmcelt or iisteffcisis at the DES Sn'the iaoe page within accomest_s certainly mach to crticze in wae Ertin the ightes dezse com of ‘varting "proven according Mac Moris lies called! (Ife TES, ic ty tusfete ye cei: to oe) ecumstance”—u suaige Petruny 8) is called“ appar, furs “ieds templng see the Sechnanencatiin an poomusils of suatimdes. =) compendia ol ini DES pogmll on A Frame: lec w the reduction ob what banalities ae Mork for the Schoo! Curricubn ss Sc yjued. to. be! ah acceptabe Alps appear to he quoted as mere Shmethne of a.vindiestion of these Gicersiy of eumrimniam sauce windmwedressing, the decision abou Sie ict Boxe Stone Ves ese foal lulsen In Jancary 1880, the secre garden - Testing on instinctive. juggement has been imvaded. The making of _ This peripheral position allocated 7°92)" shan an argued position relat has eon savaged The mabing of. geagrapiy’ isin spite of eho fact Taube than an argued position relat hy politicians as. “interference” arrears fused in the Gecares: of supposedly. indispensable sub- Bebe of cenirel goverment co 1 field pupils undersrand the Jose Ss emerges though, ser Saket Meet teas dhe ert of le Gpeewacpendence gk ingiidesls, NeUghE given co aeograph, ke _ Since Tames, Callaghan’s Ruskin groune And nations an sim Tei Sod. a0 om, is fo ve a matter of Heeees te a Spats ae officit the Secretary of State on‘more than Yaeiable provision according to documents. The Green Paper, Edie ne occasion since. A more central locality. (Does this mean that Sone cieriand eatlen ot expression of tie intentions of geo- S0m€ localities “need | geography Fee nce aetndements oe seaphicel elution wold be lard Ocean others? Thar some The” School Gurrlcdum ave © find, but appaconsiy this aim, localities are more naturally “geo. Wee cared aiuidae ERIT sitvevs igre acearaing t0 the Framework doc’ continued overteof muy sad” seconds, workiagg = papers. 00" Curriculum 1116 ance Trese ricensly from HME a Vest Of the Curviculion. In spite of the oatious exploration of areas of Sxperience™ inthe SM working papers nd of personal. Gevelop= Bienen team suavers Sie DES notion of « {remework for he uiriciliin, in ‘their apost ‘cent Gooumens 5 a conventions! Levine Staubjecte® Attor much direct and indinece criticism ‘of Schools. for Mfaiing to mect the needs of a modern indastsal sosety Se seems that te solurion, m DES eves les patna ential rethinking OE the Ewsieulum but'n @ recipe ot “more of Fe same es a reply, as an established main subjece, mish have been expected fo be favoured by euch a conserva ve view oe the curricula Ii as the secondary survey showed, part ot die cove of subiects taught «0 al pupils im the firs three ‘yours of SS

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