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According to Marcel Proust, the real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new
places but in seeing with new eyes. The human eye is the organ that gives us the sense
of sight, allowing us to learn more about the surroundings and to discover things in the
world. Through experiences and inspirations, I know what I want to become in the
future, an eye doctor, and optometrist.

To explore more in this field and to learn more about being an optometrist, we
were assigned by Doc Penales to visit optical clinic in order for us to experience being a
patient. I choose Vintage Optical Express in Victoria since they offer computerized eye
checkup for free. At first, I was really hesitant because I already know that they’re just
going to do a test with the used of an auto-refractometer machine. The optical was very
neat and clean which is good. The problem is that the optical staffs were not really
friendly. The staff didn’t even have the initiative to greet me good afternoon but they’re
busy with their cellphones. A few minutes later, someone approached and asked me if I
wanted be checked so I said yes and also asked her if is it true that they were offering
free checkup and eventually she said yes. Before doing the computerized checkup, she
introduced herself as the resident doctor of the optical but I already have an idea that
she’s the doctor because of her aura. After the computerized eye checkup, she explains
to me the result and she told me that the checkup was done. I was about to ask how
much would it cost for a refractive eye checkup but she directly asked me if I want to get
an eyeglasses, and if not, I would just have to return to the optical if I had the money to
get an eyeglasses. That action really disappoints me. When I asked politely her name,
she’s quiet hesitant to give it and she wears that awkward smile and said doc Christine.
I can truly see that she is an optometrist that only cares for sale and profit. I cannot see
her as a primary eye care provider.

One of optometry’s biggest appeals to me is to work closely and create strong

bond with people and gives genuine services to everyone. The doctor’s action towards
me is really disappointing. I also can’t blame her because we have different point of
views since she is already a doctor and I’m just one of her many patients. Well, she also
inspires me. She inspires me not to be like her in the near future. I don’t want to become
an intimidating doctor but I want to become an approachable doctor. I want to become
an optometrist that is committed and compassionate that desire to be on the forefront of
providing clear vision to every individual at any age.

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