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Brynne Perez

Emotional Disturbance

Nobody Hugs A Cactus written by Goodrich, Carter (2019) Illustrated by C. Goodrich. Simon &
Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Nobody Hugs A Cactus is a great book to read to your students on both sides
of having an Emotional Disturbance. It teaches students who do not have an
emotional Disturbance to try their best to ride it out and continue to be kind
to those who do. It teaches children who do have an Emotional Disturbance
to take a step back and look at the people around them. They have friends
who love them just the way they are and if they need them, they will be
there for them!
Young/Middle Elementary

The Way I Feel written by Cain, Janan. (2005) Illustrated by J. Cain. Parenting Press; Illustrated

The Way I Feel goes through all of the emotions that we have as humans. It
is a great book to read to your students to help them develop a grasp of
what different emotions mean and why we have them. This is a good book
for both students dealing with Emotional Disturbance and those who are
not. For both sides, it is great for children to understand what their emotions
mean. This book also illustrates every emotion with great color and
expression from the different children in the book.
Young/Middle Elementary

Rage: True Stories by Teens About Anger (Real Teen Voices Series) written by Longhine, Laura
of Youth Communication (2012) Free Spirit Publishing

This book gives a great range of different reasons why teenagers feel
angry or upset in their young lives. It gives first hand insight into their
lives and what is going on. This is a great book for teenagers who are
struggling with an Emotional Disturbance to see that they are not alone
with the way they feel, but it is also a way for them to see how other
students cope with their struggles. It works well for other students also,
as they will be able to step into a struggling child’s shoes and see why
they are having a hard time. It can form a sense of understanding
between them and their peers.
Young Adult
Brynne Perez

I Hate You- Don’t Leave Me written by Kreisman, Jerold J. and Straus, Hal (2010) Tarcherperigee

I Hate You- Don’t Leave Me takes a specific look into the life of an individual
struggling with Borderline Personality Disorder. It helps to explain the
rollercoaster of emotion that people with BPD experience on a daily basis..
They are unable to control their feelings and outbursts and it is difficult for
them to trust.
Young Adult

Girl in Pieces written by Glasgow, Kathleen (2016) Penguin Random House Audio

Girl In Pieces takes the reader through the emotional journey of a girl who
continues to struggle and lose the most important people in her life. We
see her trails of trying to cope and learn how to live in the life she has. She
is trying to rebuild her life as it continues to fall down around her. It is an
insight to the life of someone who is potentially a peer to any student,
allowing teens who read to understand just how hard life can get for some
people. It can develop a sense of understanding for someone who has
never experienced these kinds of hardships.
Middle School/ Young Adult

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