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. Spirit, movie it was release on May 19, 2009 Directed by Kelly Asbury and Lorna Cook.

Movie was

shot with a traditional 2D and 3D, animation released by Dreamworks Animation

It recounts the beginning of the life of a little mustang steed it who lives in the old west, it happening

during the XIX century by the animal curiosity of the Spirit, it goes into the camp but the rustlers wake

up, and they try to catch Sprit. The steed manages to keep the thieves away from his pack, But by this

attempt it ends up being caught by them and led to be sold by a group of American cavalry. When

Spiriy is in place the antagonist is known, the severe Colonel of the army, he will be a great obstacle

and to a young Indian Little Creek, he was arrested. During the stay of that place, without can´t

escape, there were several of attempts to tame Spirit, among the soldiers of the place and at the end

with the Colonel, although he is a being a difficult opponent, but not impossible to down. it can

demolish, it escaped with Little Creek next to the domestic horses who are in the place, escaping from

the fort.

Spirit arrives to the Lakota population, it is carries by Little Creek and his mare Rain.

In the place, Little Creek tries to ride Spirit, but it is a being a wild horse and following his instincts, it is

not allowed and it doesn´t have to allow himself to be tamed by he, thus decides that Rain take care

Spirit for what teach him to trust humans more, Although in addition trusting humans, it ended in

love with Lluvia; he provokes doubts in Spirit, between it will being free or staying with Lluvia. The

cavalry regime and the Colonel who commanded the regime arrive in Lakota, attacking the place.

Between the fight Lluvia and Little Creek are shot by the Colonel falling into the river by the Colonel's

shot, Spirit first saves Little Creek of one shot from the Colonel and it proceeds to help Lluvia of the

river, but at the end of so much effort, they end up falling by a waterfall. Upon leaving, he sees
Lluvia seriously injured, for the he desided stays with she to protect her, but he is kidnapped of again

by some soldiers dragging him to the forces and it ends up being sold by men from the railroad for

drag the machinery along with other horses

This for the memories of his family and the consolations of some horses that were part of the group

of horses in charge of dragging the machinery. In the moment they decided to use them, they tied

him and to the horses to a locomotive and dragged it up hill. Upon reaching

to the top of the hill, he notes that they intended to cross the railway to through his homeland, and

destroy it, for the is why he collapses to set him up; the men believed Spirit dead, and at that

moment he takes the opportunity for attack, he achieveing to break free and free the other horses as

well, but by this the locomotive begins to falling down from the slope almost crushing to Spirit, who

is saved. because the fall of the locomotive causes the destruction of the railway station and a fire.

Escaping of the

this rapidly spreading fire, in a moment it gets caught, almost died by be still yet being tied to some

chains, it that gets trapped, but at that moment Lluvia and Little Creek appear saving him.

Alread calmly assembled, the Colonel and his soldiers appear, in which Spirit and Little Creek escape

instantly, finally letting Spirit lets the Indian climb on his back They are chased until they reach a

canyon where Spirit, refused to be caught anew, jumps, managing to escape from them and at last

the colonel leaving them in peace. In the end, after they get back to town and find Lluvia healthy,

Little Creek decides to free Lluvia, baptizing Spirit and with them they leave.

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