La Pointe de La Pyramide

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2/3 points h�roiques

1 points divins
lvl 14:
lvl 16: lethal accuracy
lvl 18:
lvl 20:
Dieu g�niteur: Lamashtu
Domaine: Mutations
The next time the character is reduced to �10 hit points,
he is instantly restored to full hit points. If he is killed
by an effect that slays him without dealing hit point damage
(such as by disintegrate), the effect fails to kill him and
he is restored to full hit points. If he is killed by a
hostile environment (such as a lava flow or when teleporting
to a dangerous plane), he is transported to his last safe
location and restored to full hit points. This card does not
save the character from effects that would permanently
disable him, like petrification.
femme: Eya
fille adopt�e: Tiffany
Monstrous humanoid
saurian (huge)
Il peux d'une action standard arrach� et lanc� l'un des yeux,
L'oeil flote et est controlable comme le sort oeil de mage
d'une dur� de Xmin (X= votre niveau)
peut se lib�rer de tout
La capacit� de pouvoir s'orienter quelque soit l'endroit que
vous vous trouver et vous ne compter pas dans le nombre de
personne maximum pour les sort de teleportation.
*immunit� au a la fatigue du au marche forc�
Loyalty 1: Mes m�res
Loyalty 2: Les alli�es
Loyalty 3: Le combat
Trigger: Perte d'un alli� ou m�re
1. claquer des doigts sonne comme une cloche
2. PC�s esophagus can function as a scabbard that wouldn�t
prevent movement, eating, talking, or breathing.
3. Spectacular lightning strikes flares overhead when the PC's
name is said.
4. PC tastes like chocolate.
5. PC can make a DC 15 Concentration check to summon the
nearest bird, friendly or not. (doit mettre la capacit� sur
une arme)
6. PC now has commitment issues. If they already had them
before, they�re now more secure in their relationships.
7. PC is detected by Detect Undead.
Drink me potion:

Phoenix: On death (-10hp, or whichever you

use), explode as a 10HD widened fireball and be affected by
true resurrection, all gear, including magical, is destroyed.
Until this happens, your eyes glow with weak embers.
Only works once.

Dragonfly: +4 Ref. -2 Fort. -2 Will

Kangaroo: You are always considered running when making a jump,

but you require specially made footwear for your enlarged feet.

Rhino: Ignore penalties to AC from charging and gain a further

+2 to hit and +2 to damage when charging.

Deer: stressed when you hear noises (-2 will)

faire enfant avec outsider
outsider dois changer d'apparence pour avoir une apparence
acceptable et dans le cas de la conception d'enfant, le sort
doit �tre maintenu constamment (permanence ou relancer le sort
en boucle) pour concevoir les deux doit recevoir un sort
oublier pour augmenter les chances de conception.
autre option: m�lange d'�me avec beaucoup d'effort et un aide
de fertilit�.

le p�re veut aider, y fait confiance qu'a moi, il y a un

traitre qui travaille pour la m�re.

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