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1. Create a flowchart and a program that will computer for the midterm grade of a student. The
midterm grade is equal to one-third of the minor A exam and two-third of the midterm exam.
Print the midterm grade.
2. Create a flowchart and a program that will convert and display an inputted number in inches (in.)
to its equivalent number in feet (ft). Hint 1 ft = 12 in.
3. Create a flowchart and a program that will that accept number kilowatts then display its
equivalent number in watts. 1 watt = 0.0001 kilowatt.
4. Draw a flowchart and create a program that will accept for radius (R) and compute the
corresponding area of a circle. Print the value of the radius and computer Area. Use the formula
Area = Pi x R2

Deadline: October 03, 2020 @ 12mn

System Administration and Maintenance

1. 1010 + 1101
2. 1011 + 111
3. 1111 – 1010
4. 101 4. 1110 − 101
5. 1001 5. 1101 × 101
6. 1000001 6. 1001 ÷ 101
7. Convert the binary number 1101101111110101 to Hex.
8. Convert the hex number ABC7 to binary.
9. In hex, 2BFC + 54A7
10. In hex, AC74 − B3F
11. Convert 187 from decimal to base 2
12. Convert 1000 1001 from binary to base 10
13. Convert 0101 0100 from base 2 to base 10
14. Convert 0010 1011 0110 1000 from binary to base 16
15. Convert 69 from decimal to base 2
16. Convert 1001 0111 1100 1111 from base 2 to hexadecimal
17. Convert 110 010 011 from base 2 to octal
18. Convert 0001 0111 1110 1010 from binary to base 16
19. Convert 0110 1101 from base 2 to decimal
20. Convert 1011 0110 from binary to decimal
*Show your solution

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