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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

By Mimi
What is it?
It is a group of rare nervous system disease which affect nerve systems in brain,
spinal cord, and causing loss of muscle control. It also is progressive which
meaning the symptom can get worse over time.
How does it affect
It makes these cells called "motor neurons" that run from the brain through the brainstem or spinal cord to
muscles that control movement in the arms, legs, chest, throat and mouth die off, and causing the muscle
tissues to waste away. Eventually, the brain loses its ability to initiate and control voluntary movements.
However, ALS does not affect a person's sensory functions or mental faculties. Other, non-motor neurons,
such as sensory neurons that bring information from sense organs to the brain, remain healthy.
No cure has been found yet. However, there are some treatments that can help control symptoms, prevent unnecessary complications,
and make living with the disease easier.

Medication: riluzole drugs help to reduce damage to motor neurons by decreasing levels of glutamate, which transports messages
between nerve cells and motor neurons.

Physical therapy helps improve cardiovascular health, and help people fight fatigue and depression by doing low-impact aerobic
exercise. Stretching exercises can help prevent painful muscles from relax and contract.

Speech therapy: some people with ALS have difficulty to speak so this will help to adapt strategies to speak louder and more clearly.

Nutritional support will help provide enough calories, fiber, and fluid and how to avoid foods that are difficult to swallow.

Breathing support: as the muscle which helps breathing start to weaken, the patient will experience shortness of breath. Therefore,
doctor will provide a mask over nose and mouth to maintaining normal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.
How to prevent
Improving nutrition:
● Eat fruits and vegetables that are bright red, orange, or yellow
● Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids 3-4 times a week
● Take vitamin E supplements

Checking and slowing the disease:

● Look out for the basic signs of ALS
● Avoid strength training when you are diagnosed to preserve your muscles
Mayo Clinic Staff (2019 August 6). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

NINDS (2013 June). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Fact Sheet

Wikihow (2019 March 29). How to Prevent ALS. [Internet] Riluzole from; c.2020 [Update: 3 September 2020, Cited: 15 March 2019]. Available from

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