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Issue : Sports
Title : Importance of Sports In Our Life

- Sports have been shown as one of the mediums to keep someone as fit as a fiddle
and stay healthy.
- Are very crucial and essential in someone life as it plays various important parts in
somebody’s life
- An activity involving exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes
against another or others for entertainment
- Generation this day prefers to stay at home and plays with their gadgets
- The adolescents like to play with video games
- This kind of phenomena leads to a situation where the younger generations assume
that getting involve in sports is really dull.
- Some of them do not realize that sports’ impacts on education are limitless.


- Building Character Values

- Boost self-esteem.
- Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence.
- For example, the words of encouragement that the students get from their
parents,friends and even teachers will help to make the students feel appreciated.
- Instil patience, discipline and perseverance
- It takes perseverance and hard work to succeed in life, and sport is one of the best
channels to display these virtues.
- Hard work pays. Perseverance and a never-give-up attitude will be needed to
succeed in all walks of life.
- Discipline. Have to follow the rules and regulations of the game, obey and respect
the decision of the coach.
- Develop Leadership skills.
- We do not only play the role of team players but sometimes we also have to play the
role of leader.
- Improve your physical and mental health
- Refreshes our minds and create happiness in us.
- Development of a healthier body
- Helps one to gain more toned muscles and healthier bones
- Reduces the chances of one becoming obese
- Prevent disease from attacking your body. Our hearts require a certain amount of
daily works. During the game, hearts pump more blood.
- Clinical researchers have observed that highly active individuals are less likely to
develop high blood pressure, diabetes, colon cancer, obesity, and coronary heart
disease later in life.
- Reduce the levels of stress.
- It is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress.
- You can also make new friends who can be there for you as a support system.
- Your mind is distracted from daily stresses
- help avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts.
- Preventing depression and burnout.
- Develop social life
- Helps us to interact with many people of different ages.
- Developing the skills of interacting.
- Developing friendships with teammates.

- Whether you choose to be a professional athlete or you just want to play with your
friends, sports should be an essential part of your life.
- It offers numerous benefits, so, what are you waiting for? Call your friends and head
out for a game of your favorite sport!

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