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Ayurveda Center Presents

Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Care:

Theory & Practice
with Mary Vaishnavi Roberson, Ph.D.

Fourth Mondays of Each Month, 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Jan. 24 Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Nutrition: Part 1. Preparing Self,
Preparing the Kitchen, Cooking as a Spiritual Practice (Sadhana).
Feb. 28 Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Nutrition: Part 2. Food as Medicine
Six Tastes, Maximizing Digestion, Balance with Constitution,
Imbalances, Time of Year.
Mar. 28 Ayurvedic Cooking (1): Preparing Ghee, Choosing Healthy Fats
Apr. 25 Ayurvedic Cooking (2): Choosing and Cooking Grains (e.g., rice,
quinoa, barley, millet, wheat, oats)
May 23 Ayurvedic Cooking (3): Working with Spices, Making Masala
June 27 Ayurvedic Cooking (4): Choosing and Cooking Lentils and Beans
July 25 Ayurvedic Cooking (5): Fruits–Qualities and Use (e.g., Chutney)
Aug. 22 Ayurvedic Cooking (6): Vegetables–Choosing, Preparing,Cooking
Sep. 26 Ayurvedic Cooking (7): Flat Breads, Making Chapati
Oct. 24 Ayurvedic Cooking (8): Preparing Digestive Aids (e.g., Lassi,
Ginger Pickle), Principles of the Healing Diet for Your Type
Nov. 21 (9) Special Recipes: Masalas for the Seasons, Paneer, Teas
Dec. 19 (10) Wrapping Up, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Pot Luck, Q&A (3rd Mon)

Mary Roberson or Vaishnavi has been studying Ayurveda for 25 years. She has studied Wise Earth
Ayurveda with Maya Tiwari, at the Ayurvedic Institute with Dr. Vasant Lad, and Maharishi
Ayurveda. At times, Ayurveda Center staff will be assisting in the course, as well as Shyama Gaur, an
experienced Indian cook.

Cost: Each class is $25. One can sign up for all twelve classes for $250 (two free), payable at the first class,
January 24, 2011. Or you can pay as you go. But please RSVP so that we will have enough materials.

Location: Ayurveda Center for Natural Healthcare, 665 Emory Valley Rd., Ste. A, Oak Ridge, TN. 482-0981.
For directions or more information, see website: under about us.

Again, please RSVP your intention to come to or 482-0981. Thanks!

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