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New Delhi-110058 Phone: 011-41024601-05 D Target PMT Corporate Office: A-1/169, Main Najafgarh Road, Janakpuri EXCLVELY FOR MEDICAL EATRANGE E-mail: Website: Animal Tissue Comparison between the fibres of connective tissue Nature Collagen fibres Elastic fibres Reticular (White fibres) (Yellow fibres) fibres 1. Location Tendons, Tunica Ligament, Tunia Most abundantin spleen, Externa of Blood media of blood lymph nodes and bone marrow vessel, Periostium vessels (Sharpey's fibres) Sharpey's fibres of Tooth (Peridontal ligament) At sutures [Immovable Joints of cranial bones] 2. Ocurrence —Occurin bundles. Singly 3. Colour Glistening white. Yellow 4, Nature Unbranched thick, Branched, thin, long long and wavy. and straight 5. protein Collagen Elastin 6. Elasticity Tough andnonelastic Elastic Singly White Branched and form net work, short. Reticulin Delicate (Collagen on boiling get converted in gelatin Elastin is resistant to boiling Many years old Mummies still hae their arteries intat due to well presenced elastic fibres. Trabecular bone/Sponay Bone/ Cancellous Bone - Cansists of delicate bars and sheets of bone, trabaculae, which branch and intersect to form a sponge like net work (Honey comb structure). Dense regular connective tissue Tendon Ligament 1. Itis made up of white fibrous tissue 1. Itis made up of yellow elastic tissue with some collagen fibres. 2. Tendon connects a skeletal muscle to a bone. 2. Ligament connects a bone to another bone. 3._Itis tough and inelastic. 3._Itis strong but elastic. 2 Loose connective Tissue In this tissue fibers are not packed in bundles. Itinclude- (1) Areolar Tissue : Most abundant connective tissue. Helps to hold skin with underlying muscles. Helps to form coat/covering of a number of organs, present in submucosa layer of digestive tract It contain following cells. 4. Fibroblast cell : Secrete matrix & also helps to form fibres (white & yellow fibres) 2. Mast cells : modified basophils. Mast cells releases “ (ii) (ii) Histamine (modified form of histidine) — acts as vasodilator. Involved in inflammatory/allergic responses. Serotonin (5-hydroxy tryptomine) Modified form of amino acid — tryptophan Vasoconstrictor Heparin (Mucopolysacchride) Anticoagulant [Mast cells (Basophils) have IgE as membrane receptor| (3) Clasmocytes/Histiocytes/Macrophages — Phagocytic cells (4) Cart wheel cells/Plasma cells — Produces Antibodies (Ab) Adipose Tissue Helps to store fat as fat droplets. Helps to make cushion pads/acts as shock absorber. Acts as source of energy. Helps to make coat/covering of organs. Provide insulation Contain following cells (1) Fibroblast cells (2) Mast cells (3) Clasmocytes Detail is same as in Areolar Tissue (4) Cartwheel cells/plasma cells (5) Adipocytes ~ stores fat as fat droplet could be Monolocular or Multilocular Monolocular(White Fat) — Has single large fat droplet. Due to deposition of fat droplet, cytoplasm & nuclei of adipocytes get shifted to periphery & cell gives rign like appearance called signet ring. Multilocular(Brown Fat) - Has several fat droplets. Brown fat— At pectoral & pelvic girdle of infants. * This fats rich in cytochrome (hence appears brown) On oxidation, this fat provide Heat energy * This fat also found in hibernating mammals such as Rats, Polar bear. Adipose tissue also found in :- Blubber ~ Subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue in whale Hump - In camal Fat bodies of frog and yellow bone marrow —|_ Fat storage area | Nucleus |__ Plasma ‘Membrane (b) la) Mast o cell Loose connective tissue : (a) Areolar tissue (b) Adipose tissue

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