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PL, The Advertising Key.

Leandra Franyely Hernandez Gómez


Ever Fuentes

Facultad de Ingeniería
Programación Lineal
Universidad Libre

2020 - 2

Linear programming has many applications. We can find linear programming

anywhere even when we do not realize it. Furthermore, it uses to be in simple or
everyday things like advertising. We find advertising everywhere when we are
watching a video, walking on the street, driving a car or traveling on a bus, listening
to the radio, watching TV or something as simple as being in someplace and
someone gives you a little paper with any advertising in it but, many people do not
how it works and what is back those advertisements. The answer is linear
programming which according to (Figueroa, 2011) it must follow rules and
restrictions established by the company, TV programs, radio, newspaper, and media
in general, some restrictions could be the number of advertisements that some
company could have also a restriction by the company could be the amount of
money that they can pay for advertising. Moreover, linear programming aim, in this
case, is increasing the amount of audience for that reason considering the hour in
which most people is watching TV, using social media or listening to the radio is
important since it is the perfect moment to post the advertisement and we can
achieve that through linear programming.
On the other hand, to get an idea about the topic I will tell you some important
concepts which are related to advertising and it is Marketing whose definition says
“Marketing is a business term that experts have defined in dozens of different ways.
In fact, even at company level people may perceive the term differently. Basically, it
is a management process through which products and services move from concept
to the customer. It includes identification of a product, determining demand, deciding
on its price, and selecting distribution channels. It also includes developing and
implementing a promotional strategy” (MBN, 2019). As you just read Marketing has
a lot of fields, there are some important phases to consider as an example
investigation could be mentioned like one of the principals things people have to do
to start sometime relate to marketing because what it is moving the market is what
you have to apply. It could be to introduce a new product, to innovate an old one, or
to promote a product or a brand. Because if you do not have clue about what people
like at the moment or what is the kind of people that you what to buy your products
or your services you won’t be able to do the advertisement in a way which can attract
people. And like what I just mentioned there are a lot of important phases in the
marketing area. However, let us be focus on advertising.
Moreover, advertising means “advertising is a means of communication with the
users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who
send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them” (TET,
2018). Also, it has some characteristics. The first one is that it has a promotional
purpose what is allows people to know a product or a service and to encourage them
to buy it. That is the reason we see advertainments everywhere because the more
advertisement we see the more attractive we will be about a product since that is the
main idea. encouraging people to buy and to increase their sales. Another
characteristic is that it is an important part of the company’s strategy since it does a
specific function in a company and it could be one of the most important even if many
companies have not realized it. It is important since companies could have a good
production system really good strategies inside but if they don’t pay attention to show
to people their products or services so there wouldn’t be sales what means the
company will incur losses, consequently it has to stop producing and finally closing
its doors.

The third one is the content of the message considering it must be designed to touch
people's feelings (depending on the final purpose) in order to get the following
purpose which is getting into people’s minds consequently being recognized by
people in a pleasant way. Additionally, we find another characteristic, it has a cost
that implies companies must invest money time and sinews. The advertising model
is based in that the transmitter channel must receive some money to spread the
advertisement. Like we just see the cost it is not just money the time that people
must invest to get the best idea is sometimes a lot, also they have to spend time
researching what is trending at the moment around the world in order to relate the
advertisement with people’s tastes. Continuing with advertising characteristics to be
original is another one, as everyone knows advertising is everywhere, for that
reason. Companies must create strategies to stand out above the other ones and to
try that their advertisement could keep in people’s minds. It could be achieved by
using something like videos about some history, impacted images unforgettable
speeches because the only thing that makes advertising unforgettable is creativity.
However, another thing which could give advertisement a plus is a repetitiveness.
Each person has to receive the message about the brand and the company’s values
but it has to be balanced in order to avoid causing that people relate the brand or
the product with something annoying. The last but no lest characteristic is it must be
ethical. Advertising must avoid being misleading, honest advertising talks about the
values company and the reliability of the brand(Quiroz, 2019).
Considering, that advertising is important in a company and the media to transmitted
it must be selected carefully. Linear programing gives companies the best options to
avoid wasting money and increasing the audience.
Furthermore, there are some examples of companies that applied linear
programming in marketing to select the media in which they will show the
advertisements. Firstly in (Figueroa, 2011) the publishing company (BP&J) to design
an advertising campaign considered just 5 media to expose their advertisement and
to gather some information after a month. Information like the number of people who
saw the advertisement, the cost and at what hour there was more audience. After
that information (BP&J) could calculate a cost of $30.000 for a month. However, the
company established some restrictions which are at least 10 advertisements must
be transmitted by TV and those advertisements must be broadcasted at least 50.000
people and the budget is $18.000 for TV.
After calculating the budge, variables also, the restrictions and the advertisements
allowed by the TV, radio, and newspaper. They create an algorithm which will
present the number of advertisements at the hour that they like the best to be
exposed to more audience. The results were the following:


Morning TV 10 15.000
Daily newspaper 25 10.000
Sunday supplement 2 2.000
Radio 30 3.000

The number of audiences reached was 61,500 which is even more than the
company required.

Secondly, in (Martinez & Torres, 2017) there is another example of the selection
of media is this in which a company plans a new radio and TV advertising
campaign. A radio commercial costs $ 300 and a TV commercial costs $ 2000. A
total budget of $ 20,000 is allocated to the campaign. However, to ensure that each
medium will have at least one radio and one TV commercial, the maximum that
can be allocated to one or the other cannot be more than 80% of the total budget.
It is estimated that the first radio commercial will reach 5,000 people, and each
additional commercial will reach only 2,000 new people. In the case of television,
the first ad will reach 4500 people and each additional ad will reach 3000.
After establishing all the restrictions like the budge which was $ 20,000 and the
amount available for each variable (Radio and TV). The results were following: x1
= 53; x2 = 2; z =116.500.
That means on the radio will be transmitted 53 advertisements and by TV 2 and the
audience will be 116.500 people. Using Linear programming they identify what mass
media was the best to transmit their advertisements and they reached even more
people than they were expecting.

The last example which is in (Martinez & Torres, 2017) we can see the linear
programming application to select the right mass media to transmitted
advertisements. It is about an advertising campaign in which a company will sponsor
soccer and basketball teams. The example is the following: The Really Big Shoe is
a manufacturer of athletic shoes for basketball and soccer. Marketing manager Ed
Sullivan must decide how best to spend advertising resources. Each of the
sponsored soccer teams requires 120 pairs of shoes. Each basketball team requires
32 pairs of shoes. Soccer coaches receive $ 300,000 in shoe sponsorship, and
basketball coaches receive $ 1,000,000. Sullivan's budget for promotions is $
30,000,000. The Really Big Shoe has a limited supply (4 liters, or 4,000 cubic
centimeters) of flubber, a rare and expensive compound used in the manufacture of
promotional athletic shoes. Each pair of basketball shoes requires 3 ccs of flubber
and each pair of soccer shoes requires 1 cc. Sullivan wants to sponsor as many
basketball and soccer teams as his resources allow.

They want to increase the amount of soccer and basketball teams they will sponsor
to get the most possible audience. Then, some restrictions are established, the
budget, the amount of special material, and the no negativity restriction. The results
show that the amount of soccer teams is 12 and the basketball one is 26.

Finally, we can see the Linear Programming importance in advertising because it

gives companies an exact result or different options to increase their utility or to
resolve any problem related with advertising, in the first example the number of
clients was even more than they were expecting. Also, in the second example when
linear programming was applied, they realized in what kind of media they must invest
the most amount of money. That avoided having losses because if they had not
applied linear programming, they would have had to try different options and
consequently losing a lot of money. Likewise, in the third example, linear
programming helps a lot given the number of teams of soccer and basketball that
they must sponsor. It gives us an idea about many things that could be resolved by
applying linear programming in marketing, specifically in advertising.
Bibliography References
Figueroa, M. S. (2011). Aplicaciones de la programación lineal en marketing ,
finanzas y admistración de operaciones. 1-6.
Martinez, L., & Torres, J. (2017). 14 .- Campaña publicitaria - Programación Lineal.
MBN. (2019). What is marketing? Definition and meaning - Market Business News.
Quiroz, L. (2019). 10 características fundamentales de la publicidad - Anunciart.
TET. (2018). What is Advertising? Definition of Advertising, Advertising Meaning -
The Economic Times.

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