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Assay for Bithionol in Liquid Soap trade of drugs and cosmetics are such that it is

most difficult, if not impossible, to obtain from

Sir: the manufacturer a dummy, blank, or control
The method for the assay for bithionol in sample, of any product which a third party wishes
liquid soaps as recently described by hlatuszak to analyze independently.
and co-workers (1) will undoubtedly give results (c) Matuszak, et al., conclude in their summary
which are slightly more accurate than those ob- that the buffer solutions used by us are no longer
tained by the method previously proposed by required. Yet they have to add, of course, a solu-
us (2). tion which brings the pT€ to 2. Moreover, addi-
We feel, however, that the following comments tion of an alkaline buffer will be necessary if the
should be noted: soap does not have a pH of 8 of itself; e. g., the
(a) The changes we introduced into the method so-called “artificial soaps.”
of Childs and Parks (3, which made possible a These considerations lead us to conclude, there-
uniform method of assay for liquid and nonliquid fore, that the value of the changes ptoposed by
soaps (as well as other cosmetics), have been Matuszak, et al., are more theoretical than
negated by the changes proposed by Matuszak, practical.
et al., so that the method is again limited to liquid
soaps, just like the original method of Childs and (1) Matuszak, J. B . . Bope, F. W., and Harris, L. E.,
Drug Standards 28 68(1960).
Parks. (2) van der Pol,h. J., Phartn. Weckblad, 93, 881(1958).
(3) Childs, R . , and Parks, I... THIS JOURNAL, 45, 313
(b) A second, and in our opinion more serious (1956).
objection, relates to the accuracy which can be FI. J. VAN DER POL
achieved. This is based on the fact that the
soap-base of the bithionol soap (without the bi- N. V. Koninklijke Pharmaceutisrhe Pabrieken v/h
Brocades-Stheeman en Pharmacia
thionol) has to be available. This limits the use P. 0. Box 48
Amsterdam C,Holland
of the method to the laboratory of the manufac-
Received December 27, 19RO.
turer concerned. In Europe, conditions in the Accepted for publication January 6 , 1961.


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