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Nama : Adi Nursalim_30


(1)Twenty percent of the power of a motor car is wasted in overcoming friction.

(2)Engineers try therefore to reduce friction as much as possible by good design. (3)They can
also use materials with a low coefficient of friction for devices such as bearings. (4)The third
method used for reducing friction is lubrication. (5)Although the surface of a block of polished
steel may seem perfectly fiat, when we examine it through a powerful microscope we see that it
is covered with tiny 'hills and valleys'. (6)If we bring two steel surfaces together they will touch
at only a few points where one set of 'hills' meets another set. (7)Because the total mass of the
steel is concentrated at these points, the pressure on them is so great that it causes the points of
contact to weld together. (8)When we apply a force to make one block of steel move over
another, we must first break these tiny welds before the blocks will move. (9)For this reason, to
start a surface moving over another surface requires a force greater than that required to keep the
surfaces in motion. (10)This greater force represents static friction whereas the smaller force
represents sliding friction. (11)When one block slides over another the two surfaces scrape
against each other, breaking off tiny pieces from each surface. (12)However, if we lubricate the
two surfaces, oil fills the tiny valleys so that the surfaces do not weld together, and one block can
move over the other. (13)Lubrication, then, reduces friction and because the surfaces do not
scrape against each other it reduces wear on the material. (14)Although dry friction can be
eliminated in this way, some power will still be lost depending on the thickness of the lubricant
used. (15)Thus if the oil is too thick the lubricant itself will offer some resistance to motion.
(16)Selection of the correct lubricant depends on many factors, chief among which are the
operating speeds of the machinery which is lubricated and the temperature range within which
the machine must operate.

Explanatory sentence:
(1)Twenty percent of the power of a motor car is wasted in overcoming friction.
(2)Engineers try therefore to reduce friction as much as possible by good design. (3)They can
also use materials with a low coefficient of friction for devices such as bearings. (4)The third
method used for reducing friction is lubrication. (11)When one block slides over another the two
surfaces scrape against each other, breaking off tiny pieces from each surface. (12)However, if
we lubricate the two surfaces, oil fills the tiny valleys so that the surfaces do not weld together,
and one block can move over the other.(13)Lubrication, then, reduces friction and because the
surfaces do not scrape against each other it reduces wear on the material. (14)Although dry
friction can be eliminated in this way, some power will still be lost depending on the thickness of
the lubricant used. (15)Thus if the oil is too thick the lubricant itself will offer some resistance to
motion. (16)Selection of the correct lubricant depends on many factors, chief among which are
the operating speeds of the machinery which is lubricated and the temperature range within
which the machine must operate.
Supporting sentence:

(5)Although the surface of a block of polished steel may seem perfectly fiat, when we examine it
through a powerful microscope we see that it is covered with tiny 'hills and valleys'. (6)If we
bring two steel surfaces together they will touch at only a few points where one set of 'hills'
meets another set. (7)Because the total mass of the steel is concentrated at these points, the
pressure on them is so great that it causes the points of contact to weld together. (8)When we
apply a force to make one block of steel move over another, we must first break these tiny welds
before the blocks will move. (9)For this reason, to start a surface moving over another surface
requires a force greater than that required to keep the surfaces in motion. (10)This greater force
represents static friction whereas the smaller force represents sliding friction.

mencari kalimat preposisi dan artikan !!

1. (1)Twenty percent of the power of a motor car is wasted in overcoming friction.
(1)Dua puluh persen tenaga sebuah mobil terbuang untuk mengatasi gesekan.

2. (2)Engineers try therefore to reduce friction as much as possible by good design.

(2) Oleh karena itu, para insinyur berupaya mengurangi gesekan sebanyak mungki
melalui rancangan yang bagus

3. (3)They can also use materials with a low coefficient of friction for devices such as
(3)mereka juga dapat menggunakan meterial dengan koefisien gesekan yang rendah
untuk peralatan seperti bantalan.

4. (4)The third method used for reducing friction is lubrication.

(4)metode ketiga yang digunakan untuk mengurangi gesekan adalah pelumas.

5. (5)Although the surface of a block of polished steel may seem perfectly fiat, when we
examine it through a powerful microscope we see that it is covered with tiny 'hills and
(5)Meskipun permukaan sebuah bongkahan baja yang digosok tampak sangat fiat,
apabila kita mengamatinya melalui mikroskop yang canggih, kita melihat bahwa
permukaanya diselimuti dengan bukit dan lembah yang sangat kecil.

6. (6)If we bring two steel surfaces together they will touch at only a few points where one
set of 'hills' meets another set.
(6)Jika kita menggabungkan dua permukaan baja, kedua lempeng ini akan bersentuhan
hanya pada beberapa tempat yang berpadu pada satu bukit.

7. (7)Because the total mass of the steel is concentrated at these points, the pressure on them
is so great that it causes the points of contact to weld together.
(7)Karena total massa baja terkonsentrasi pada titik titik ini, tekanan pada kedua lempeng
itu sangat kuat sehingga titik titik kontak pun menjadi satu.
8. (8)When we apply a force to make one block of steel move over another, we must first
break these tiny welds before the blocks will move.
(8)Apabila kita menerapkan gaya untuk membuat satu balok aja bergerak di atas yang
lain, pertama-tama kita harus memecahkan bilur-bilur kecil ini sebelum balo-balok itu

9. (9)For this reason, to start a surface moving over another surface requires a force greater
than that required to keep the surfaces in motion.
(9)Karena itu, untuk memulai suatu permukaan yang bergerak di atas permukaan yang
lain, memerlukan daya yang lebih besar daripada yang dibutuhkan agar permukaan itu
tetap bergerak.

10. (10)This greater force represents static friction whereas the smaller force represents
sliding friction.
(10)Gaya yang lebih besar ini menggambarkan gesekan statis sedangkan gaya yang lebih
kecil menggambarkan gesekan yang bergeser.

11. (11)When one block slides over another the two surfaces scrape against each other,
breaking off tiny pieces from each surface.
(11)Ketika satu balok slide bergeser ke atas balok lainnya, kedua permukaan mengikis
satu sama lain, pecahan-pecahan kecil dari setiap permukaaan.

12. (12)However, if we lubricate the two surfaces, oil fills the tiny valleys so that the surfaces
do not weld together, and one block can move over the other.
(12)Akan tetapi, jika kita melumasi kedua permukaaan itu, minyak mengisi lembah-
lembah kecil itu sehingga permukaan tidak sekat, dan satu blok dapat bergeser ke
permukaan yang lain.

13. (13)Lubrication, then, reduces friction and because the surfaces do not scrape against
each other it reduces wear on the material.
(13)Oleh karena itu, pelumas dapat mengurangi gesekan dan karena permukaan tidak
mengikis satu sama lain, sehingga mengurangi pemakaian pada bahan.

14. (14)Although dry friction can be eliminated in this way, some power will still be lost
depending on the thickness of the lubricant used.
(14)Meskipun gesekan kering dapat dihilangkan dengan cara ini, beberapa tenaga masih
akan hilang bergantung pada ketebalan pelumas yang digunakan.

15. (15)Thus if the oil is too thick the lubricant itself will offer some resistance to motion.
(15)Jadi, jika minyak itu terlalu tebal, pelumas akan memberikan perlawanan terhadap
16. (16)Selection of the correct lubricant depends on many factors, chief among which are
the operating speeds of the machinery which is lubricated and the temperature range
within which the machine must operate.

(16)Pemilihan pelumas yang tepat bergantung pada banyak faktor, yang terutama adalah
kecepatan operasional mesin yang dilumasi dan kisaran suhu dimana mesin tersebut
harus beroperasi.

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