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Study Question:
1. Compare the Philosophy of Thoreau with that of Lao Tse’s.

Knowing Henry David Thoreau as one of the advocates of Transcendentalism

wherein Thoreau believes that there was more to reality than what a person
could experience with their senses, and more knowledge than what a person
could discover through human reason. Thoreau encouraged intuition, self-
examination, individualism and exploration of the beauty of nature and
humankind. While As Lao Tzu known as the father of Taoism (pronounce as
Daoism). Taoism is the philosophy describing the meaning of life and how to live
virtuously. Imagine Taoism is like a flowing river, it hold the essence of life which
is constantly flowing from one state to another. You are a small pebble in this
cosmic flow of water which appears to you as your objective reality. It is an
experience that moves through your body and soul, you cannot hold it just like
you cannot hold water but you feel it as it happens to you.

2. Why do you think Herbert Spencer is an advocate of egoism and


I can say that Herbert Spencer is an advocate of egoism and individualism

because Herbert Spencer believes that the greatest happiness for all was mostly
achieved by individuals adequately seeking their own pleasure, but that
individuals gained happiness in part by promoting the general good.

3. Define Transcendentalism.
Transcendentalism is where people, men and women are equally knowledgeable
about themselves and the world around them that "transcends" or goes beyond
what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel. In Transcendentalism it is believed
that humans were essentially upright but corrupted by society and that they
should therefore strive for freedom and self-reliance.
4. What is the abolitionist movement advocated by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

Abolitionism is the legal end and prohibition of Slavery. Ralph Waldo Emerson is
probably the most well-known Transcendentalist, although his role as an
abolitionist is less understood.  In 1850’ Ralph Emerson became a fervent
advocate of abolitionism. Emerson has a strong feeling regarding the rights of
personal freedom in every man, he aims to stop the slavery existing in the
society. He spoke out about the Fugitive Slave Law, the Kansas-Nebraska Act,
and the execution of John Brown. As Emerson states that: "I think we must get
rid of slavery or we must get rid of freedom.... If you put a chain around the neck
of a slave, the other end fastens itself around your own."

5. Do you agree with Rousseau when he says that the individual interest must
give way to the general interest?

Yes! Because when people sacrifice their physical freedom of being able to do
whatever they please, but they gain the civil freedom of being able to think and
act rationally and morally we can have a much greater and wonderful society
wherein everyone is thinking for benefit of others before thinking of their own
personal interest. Even though each of us has its own individual will that
expresses what is best for him/her, the sovereign (collective grouping of all
citizens call by Rosseau) expresses the general will that aims for the common
good of the society. Especially when you are a public servant you must think for
the common good and what is in the best interests of society as a whole.

6. Describe the philosophy of perestroika. Compare the intent with that of

Osborne and Gaebler’s concept of “Reinventing and re-engineering the

Philosophy of Perestroika is a kind of policy where "reconstruction" was

presented in an attempt to change the economic stagnation by creating a new
dependable and effective program/plan for accelerating economic and social
progress. While in the concept of Reinventing and re-engineering the
government by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler its intent is to give the highest
quality of inputs that they can acquire, the most knowledgeable workers, the
most ground-breaking research, the best infrastructure, but having the cheapest
capital. The governments that focus on steering actively shape their
communities. They make more policy decisions. They put more social and
economic institutions into motion. Some even do more regulating. Rather than
hiring more public employees, they make sure other institutions are delivering
services and meeting the community's needs. To conclude, Perestroika focuses
on reconstructing the economy while in the concept of Osborne and Gaebler it
focuses on making the best in the economy but having the cheapest capital.

7. What is the philosophy of glasnost? Is transparency necessary in

governmental affairs?

Philosophy of Glasnost is a kind of policy where being true and honest was
presented in a way wherein comparison is accurate and expressive. It allowed for
greater freedom for everyone and to express their ideas in and out freely. The
glasnost philosophy have awakened people from their social slumber, it helps
them to overcome insignificance and passivity and become more aware of the
stake they had in change and its important implications for their respective lives.
The intent of glasnost was to allow rebellious voices to legally be heard. Just like
here in the Philippine government it is very necessary that transparency is
applied, most of us demand a much transparent government wherein every
plan/programs are for sake of its constituents or every use of government fund
must be reported clearly and honestly. Because most of us thinks that
government use to corrupt or misuse the government fund for their own sake.
Transparency shows us how efficient and effective a government is wherein
transparency makes us feel contented and we give full trust within the
government. Yet transparency is essential and important in a government
especially when it comes on using government funds.

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