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Internal search = searching from memory

Brands = Consumers are generally able to recall two to eight brands for a product
category. These brands usually form the consumer's consideration set, which is the
set of brands that they will consider buying. This is why some brands work hard for
simple brand awareness, so they are more easily recalled.
Attributes = Consumers will also be able to recall key attributes (features and
benefits) about some brands. This is often related to the brand's positioning and how
the brand is different in the marketplace. For some brands consumers will have a
strong understanding of attributes, but for other brands they will have a limited
understanding of the brand's attributes.
Evaluations = As well as having knowledge of brands and attributes, the consumer
will usually form a positive, neutral or negative attitude towards different brands. This
helps the consumer split their knowledge of brands into suitable and unsuitable
brands for their specific problem or need.
Experiences = Consumers will have direct experience of some brands through
previous purchases. Their prior post-purchase evaluation (satisfied to dissatisfied)
provides the consumer with important information to guide their information search
and future purchase decisions.

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