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M1.4 Elaborate: Finding a Touch of Holiness in the Ordinariness of Student Life

Walking and talking invites me to be closer

with God, and your family. Whenever I feel down
and desperate, I listen Worship Songs. Every time I
sang it, I could picture Jesus taking my hand and
walking with me in our garden. We were talking and
laughing, and the conversation was two-way, which
is exactly the way prayer is supposed to be! I speak.
God listens. God speaks. I listen.

I have never forgotten that image, and I am

often drawn to take Jesus’ hand and go for a walk.
Somehow the physical act of getting outside, away
from the normal hub-bub of life, helps me clear my
mind and focus on his presence. My favorite place to
walk is the garden. A walk around the block will work as well. The important thing is to step out
of the normal confines of my house and get outside where the sun can warm your face, and the
beauty of nature can remind me of how big our God is. It’s amazing how small our problems
appear when we realize we are talking to the Creator of the entire universe.

I am one of those people who likes to speak

my prayers out loud and, in our world of iPhones and
headsets, no one gives me a second look when they
see me talking to my invisible Friend.

But our silent prayers reach God’s ears just as

well. The important thing is to share our thoughts,
concerns, and joys with your heavenly Father as you
would your earthly father or a best friend. Then,
when the words run out, don’t forget to listen.

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