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University of Houston

Teachers Name: Susan George

Basic Lesson Components

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Time Estimate: 45 Minutes – One (Extended) Class Period

Teacher Background Information: using comparative language and proper usage of

appropriate comparative symbols

TEKS: 2.2D Use place value to compare whole numbers up to 500 using comparative language,
numbers, and symbols (<,>, =).

Content Objective(s): compare whole numbers up to 500 using comparative language, numbers,
and symbols.

ELPS: The student will use comparative language, numbers, and symbols to compare whole
numbers up to 500.

Vocabulary: Definition: Cognate (T or F):

Greater than Bigger. The symbol > means greater than (the False
symbol < means less than). Example: 5 > 3
shows that 5 is greater than 3

Smaller. The symbol < means less than (and the

Less Than symbol > means greater than). Example: 4 < 9 False
shows that 4 is less than 9. Equal, Less and
Greater Than Symbols.

being the same in quantity, size, degree, or

Equal To False

- Students may confuse the different symbols from each other.
- Students may
Materials/Resources/Technology Needs:
- Promethean Board Images on flashcards
- Pencil
- White Board
- Markers
- Power Point
- Sanitary wipes to wipe the promethean board pen.
- Popsicle sticks
- Flashcards
- Promethean Board
Flocabulary Video:
Students should be following the teacher’s direction so the lesson can run smoothly without any
5E Instructional Procedures
What Teacher Does What Student Does:
Engage -Good morning, friends! -Good morning, Miss George.
-Today I have a fun lesson for us to Whole body listening
learn about so let us go ahead and Eyes are on the speaker
begin. Alright lets go ahead and Ears on the speaker
ACTIVATE our whole body to Brain is on the speaker
learn the lesson today. Heart is showing love
The teacher will sing. The students Clap clap Teach?
will repeat. Clap Clap Ok.
Whole body listening * Students raise hands and one student is
Eyes are on the speaker called and then comes up to the board.*
Ears on the speaker - “I can use place value to compare numbers
Brain is on the speaker up to 500 using words and symbols.”
Heart is showing love - Student goes back to their seat.
Clap clap Teach? -Backrow comes to the front of the
Clap Clap Ok. classroom.
- Nice job! Now that we - The students will listen for the key words..
ACTIVATED our whole body to 1. Less than
learn. I need someone with a nice 2. Greater than
loud strong voice to volunteer to 3. Equal to
read the objective on the
Promethean Board for us.
Remember the objective is kind of
like our mission for the day. This is
what we are hoping to master
learning by the end of this lesson.
Who can I call on? Please raise your
- Student _____ please come up to
the board and read the lesson for me.
- Thank you _____. Please go ahead
and take a seat back to your desk.
Now ____ read the objective for us
and I know that was a little
confusing to understand so I will
explain it. Today we will be learning
how to compare two numbers to
each other and guess what? You
guys will be comparing numbers up
to 500! How exciting! I would love
for everyone in my back row to
come to the front because I have a
Flocabulary video for us to watch.
While you are watching the video, I
want you to listen for these three
1. Greater than
2. Less than
3. Equal To
- Boys and girls when I turn off the
lights to watch this video, I want to
go over our video expectations.
- Are we talking to our neighbors?
- Are we playing with items in our
- Are we watching the video and
listening for our 3 key words?
-Who can remind me what are key
words are again? *The teacher will
select names with popsicle sticks.
- Alrighty boys and girls I am going
to play the video now.

Time- 10 minutes
Explore -Nice listening skills friends! I could The students from the back row will come
see everyone’s listening ears on as sit in the front so (monitor and adjust) they
that video was playing. Now after can see better.
having watched that video I would The students will be learning about the
like to ask you a question… words greater than , less than, equal to.
What do you think it means to Students will be called on by using popsicle
compare numbers? Talk to the sticks.
person sitting next to you and Students will answer when called on .
discuss. I will walk around and Students will work in pairs to discuss.
listen to your conversations. You Students will repeat after the teacher when
guys will have one minute to discuss she says to repeat after her.
with your partner. We will be on a
level 2 voice. These are my
expectations for you your time starts
-Class class …Yes yes
-Who can tell me what the word
compares means? I will choose a
name using popsicle sticks.
-Yes, to compare means to see if a
number is the same as, bigger than,
or smaller than another number or
set of numbers.
-Friends say the word compare.
-Whisper the word compare.
-Mouth the word compare.
-Now touch your brain and say the
word compare.
-Awesome job.
-So when we compare numbers we
use these symbols.
-Who wants to try to guess what
symbol is what before we learn
about them?
-You might have seen these symbols
when you were in 1st grade.
- Awesome job guys!
-The first symbol we are going to
learn about is greater than. Everyone
say greater than for me.
-Now when we are talking about
numbers what do you think the word
greater than means?
-Teachers picks a name using
popsicle sticks.
-Yes, you’re right!
-Greater than means bigger than.
This is the symbol for greater than.
The way we know that this is the
symbol for greater than is we look at
the dots and we count the number of
times we can make a dot. I can make
a dot 2 times here and only 1 time
on the other side. This is how I
know that this means greater than.
Also when we read we read left to
right just like when we are reading a
-With this being said who wants to
give this a try.
- How would we read this.
-Chooses name with a popsicle
-Yes you would read it as 227 is
greater than 150.
-Alright so the next word is less
than. Can everyone say less than for
- What do you think less than
-Right, less than means smaller than
the other number. This is the symbol
for less than. The way we know this
is the symbol is that there is only
one dot.
-Who wants to try to read this for
-Great job.
-The last vocabulary word we are
going to go over is equal to.
Everyone say equal to. Nice job!
-Now who thinks they can tell me
what equal to means?
-Right, equal to means the numbers
are the exact same. The way we
know the symbol is equal to is we
can create the same number of dots
on both sides.
-Who wants to try to read this for
Explain Now let’s try it together! Get out a - The students will be answering
white board and a marker. Thumbs questions asked by the teacher. They
up and quiet when you are ready. I will be learning about the rules to
am looking for the row that can do comparing and ordering numbers.
this the quietest for a Row point. Once the teacher has seen the
-Awesome job friends! students have mastered this she will
-When we are comparing numbers present them with a question and the
that are rules that are steps that we students will answer these
can follow every time so we know questions…
our answer is going to be correct. - Are the 1’s in the hundreds place the
-Who would like to read rule same or is one bigger?
number one to me? - They are the same.
- Nice - You’re right they are the same. Since
-The first rule is to put our numbers they are the same we are going to go
in a place value chart. next door and compare.
-Remember our saying “THE - What number is bigger in the tens
-Now we are not going to worry - The 9
about the thousands place until next - 193 is bigger than 129.
9 weeks. -
- Who can read rule 2 for me.
-Yes rule 2 says Start in the highest
possible place value and compare.
Make sure your numbers are lined
up to the proper place value.
- Who can remind me what is the
highest place value? Is that the 10’s
place? 1’s place? Or the 100’s
-Yes, the 100’s place
- Let’s compare the numbers 193
and 129.
- Which number is bigger?
-Raise your hands.
-Right the 193 is bigger. So I am
going to do step 1 and create a place
value chart. Lets make sure that we
are careful and put the right numbers
where they are supposed to go.
-Second step says we have to start in
the highest possible place value and
Let’s compare 193 and 129
a. Are the 1’s in the hundreds
place the same or is one
b. You’re right they are the
same. Since they are the
same we are going to go next
door and compare.
c. What number is bigger in the
tens place?
- You’re right! The 9 is bigger than
the 2 so we know that the bigger
answer is 193.
- How would we read this?
Nice job!
-Now sometimes the numbers might
be the same so what would we do
-Turn and talk to your partner of
what you think.
-If you said go next door you are
totally right!
-When the digits are the same, move
on to the next door until there is a
difference. The number that has a
digit with a greater value, is the
bigger number.
-Lets look at this example 168 and
- Both the hundreds and the tens
have the same value so we have to
go next door to the ones place and
-Which number is bigger the 8 or
the 9?
-Show me on your fingers.
-Right! The 9 is bigger so we are
going to go ahead and draw the
bigger than symbol so this is read as
169 is bigger than 168.
-Now what do we do when all the
numbers are the exact same?
-Turn and talk to your partner. I will
give you 30 seconds.
-Who would like to share?
-When all the digits are exactly the
same in both numbers, the = symbol
is used.
-Awesome job guys!
Elaborate -OK so now lets go over the The students will be completing a
comparing rules. The teacher will series of questions on their white
have two different sets of cards boards with markers. They will raise
prepared. their hands if they have any
-I will use popsicle steps and go questions.
over the rules with you.
-What is rule 1?
Right rule 1 is to put the numbers in
a place value chart.
-Now when we are comparing
numbers do I start in the highest
possible place value chart or the
*uses popsicle stick
-right the highest
- What do I do if 2 numbers are the
* uses popsicle stick
-Right, I go next door.
-What if ALL the numbers are the
* uses popsicle stick
- YES! I would use the equal sign!
-Ok so now I would like to do some
practice questions with you.
-Compare the 2 numbers…
- While the students are working out
their problem I will be walking
around and monitoring.
( I will do this 3 times)
- Time-10 minutes
- The teacher will tell students
she will give them each a
different card and they have
to find a partner and tell that
partner what card they have
and what type of plants and
animals they would find in
that environment.
- The teacher will monitor the
students to make sure they
are staying on task.
- The teacher will let this
rotation happen 3 times so
the students each get 3
different partners.
- The teacher will then show
the students her pocket chart.

Evaluate - Boys and girls I want - The students are going to complete
everyone to put their white an exit ticket. When they are done
boards back into their desks. they can work on their Spin, Toss,
- Now everyone will be and Roll worksheet from Friday.
handed an exit ticket. Time: 5 minutes
- What you have to do is solve
your problem and then whne
you are ready give me a
thumbs up and I will let you
place it in the right spot.
After you have done this you
can finish your Spin, Toss,
and Roll page from last
- Time:5 minutes

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