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In our world, pufferfish are known to be deadly creature due to its bodily toxin

that can kill a grown man under 10 minutes of consumption. Who would have known that
this little deadly creature is a romanticist that will endure 24 hours a day for a week of
hard work just to find a lover. Unlike other animal that court by giving scent or having a
fighting match just to have a partner, the pufferfish creates a sand art using its tails and
fins and it amazes how a creature smaller than a human fist can create something so
beautiful and is consider by the human brain mathematically perfect. It wows me how it
strives for perfection, continuously ploughing and how its little mind can think of
something so complex that it can be unofficially called the world’s greatest artist. The
pufferfish is truly an amazing animal for its amazing skill and mind to create such an
intricate and complex thing. How this creature can think of decorating the sand art with
the little shells and whatnots to make it more attractive and how thee pufferfishes can
think of making an art to attract other pufferfish baffles me too my core. Just like the
Fibonacci sequence, the art that the pufferfish makes also has a sequence. The Fibonacci
sequence reflects patterns of growth spirals found in the pufferfish’s sand art. The
sequence and the intricate detail attracts its other half and it has come to my conclusion
that the pufferfish is truly an amazing and hardworking animal for it amazing ability to
create something that baffled the humans.

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