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A Beginner’s Guide Making

Money Online in 2019

Everyone needs extra income from time to time. Over the past few years, I have honed

my earning potential through the use of beer money websites. Beer money is, according to Urban

Dictionary, "Extra money for non-essential payments, available for spending on luxuries,

hobbies, or a fresh pint of your favorite draft." I use this definition, because this is (in most

cases) not intended to be a primary source of income. This is a way to supplement what you

already have. There is no way to know what you will make any given month, so do not count on

it. My worst month I only made around $500 and my best I made over $2,000. Either way, this

will be a guide on earning extra on the side.

This is not a definitive list of everything a person can do online by any means, but I will

try my best to outline what I have personally used, as well as recommendations from others that I

deem to be useful. Do your own research on the subjects I list, use Google, ask other people, and

find what works for you. What I talk about works well for me, my family, and my schedule. In

this guide, I will explain why I chose this as a way to make money, provide a quick recap of the

revenue streams that I have found to work, and introduce ways to also save money online.

Since getting married, I have needed extra money for various bills and saving for things

we wanted. We moved into a larger home after getting married, and money has been tight.

Essentially, I was just tired of barely scraping by every month after tax and savings. Because of

this, I have been investing more time in all of these sites over the last 9 or 10 months and the

cash flow has been steadily increasing as time goes on. I have been able to get my car paid off a

little sooner (fully paid off a year early), have been able to afford more luxuries like taking the
wife out on weekly dates, and have built my emergency fund to six months of bills. I am now

also able to wake up and see that money came in while I slept. It has been rad.

I personally invest anywhere from 20 to 30 hours a week doing these sites, on top of my

day job. Some days I will make $20 all day, and others I will make over $200. I prefer this, as

opposed to a second job, because I can pay partial attention to a laptop and 'clock-out' when I

want to focus on family or Netflix, rather than having to listen to another boss every day, worry

about getting fired, and deal with more people. This works better for my temperament and my


The tech required: A working laptop, a cellphone (in some cases), an internet connection,

and a fairly good amount of patience to learn. If you are in a position where these tools are not

available, you can also do many of these from a library.

To be fully transparent, to be able to use a fair amount of info and to be able to offer this

guide for free, there are sporadic referral links within the titles and body for some of the listed

items. To easily navigate to these websites from this guide, just click on the link in each chapter.

Otherwise, all of these are easy enough to find with a simple Google search.
Money making websites that

require less than an hour of

work at a time


Based in the UK, this is one of my favorites because they pay in Great British Pound

(GBP) which is the equivalent to 1.4x the USD. Prolific is similar to Mturk (listed next) in that

all you do is fill out surveys. Pay is better than Mturk, but the availability of surveys is not as

great. The initial questionnaire you have to fill out is a bit long taking me about 20 minutes, but

ensures you qualify for every survey they show you and will never get disqualified for not

meeting the demographic. You have to hit £5 before you can cash out, but you get this after a

few days of watching for surveys. Leave it open in a tab and check it throughout the day. I wish I

could do this one all day because the pay rocks, but I only see a few a day. They pay out in

PayPal anytime you request it and have a balance of over £5.


This is by far the one I spend the most time on and has been the best earner. This site lets

humans perform small tasks that robots still cannot do well. It is owned by Amazon. Downside is

there are slim pickings on weekends and when colleges are out on vacation. I typically stick to

surveys, but once in a while do batch jobs which there are more of. You have to wait a week for

your first payout, which will go to an Amazon payment account. You can the get payouts one

time per day after that. Approval for mturk can sometimes be a pain in the ass, almost impossible

if you are not from the US, but is definitely worth it in my opinion if you can get approved.


This site allows users to screen for online or in-person surveys and focus groups. I have

made thousands with this site alone in less than a year. The pay is amazing, easily averaging

$125 per test. I only average getting approved for the groups about 10% of the time (I have filled

out about 200 screeners and have been selected for 20 studies). Thankfully, each screener only

takes me a few minutes to fill out. I have made up to $200 with one hour of work doing an in
person focus group. Most focus groups are done through webcam, so you don't even have to

leave your house. They payout via PayPal 7 days after the activity is complete.


This site allows you to review new websites and apps. The pay is usually $10 per

recorded test lasting 10-15 minutes. Sometimes the pay is more, but never less. I average a few

tests a week. Some weeks I will get a dozen tests, other weeks nothing. This one is great to

practice your feedback skills, which open up a lot of other doors. Pay is through PayPal, one

week (to the minute) after the test is complete.


After getting rejected by merch by Amazon (another great option), I came here. You

design and publish t-shirts, clocks, mugs, phone cases, and about 20 other mixed products, with

each sell netting you a few bucks. They are based in Australia, and do pay-outs once a month on

the 15th via PayPal. I have only been at this one for about two months, but see the potential it

has. It also takes a good amount of upfront work before you see any dividends. You do all of the

uploading and just wait for people to find it with keywords or searches. Great if you are artistic

or know how to use any creative software.


This is just simple game testing. It is super fun, very quick, and you get to test new games

before anyone else. They send you tests for different listed devices, you download the game file,

and they record your screen. The only issue I have with this one is that you are only able to test
3-4 games per month, at $9-$11 each. Paid almost immediately after each test via PayPal. No

payment proof available as it is not all saved in one place.

**Secret shopper app**

This link will take you directly to a sign-up page with my ref code. Once registered, you

will be taken to the app store where you can download the actual app on your mobile phone. I

have not use this app that much, but can verify that they do indeed pay out. Essentially, you go to

local stores near you that are identified in the app and take pictures or videos of specific items. I

like this one because I have the ability to make a few extra bucks if I am already out and about or

shopping at a specific store. The pay for this one averages about $15/hr.

**UsabilityHub **

This one lets the user take quick one or two minute surveys on your opinion of an app

screen. They pay for this averages to about $.10 a minute, so it is nothing spectacular. Just leave

it open in another tab and take a quick survey when you hear a new one come available. This will

probably net you about $20 a month, but the time investment is so minimal it tends to be worth it

for me. The only problem with this site is that you can't cashout until your balance hits $10.

**Reddit subs**

From test driving cars, to doing homework, to rating businesses, these subs have been a

catch all for when I have any extra time to go through them. Honestly, this has probably been the

third best pay per hour of work out of everything, after Respondent and Prolific. I just wish there

were gigs to find all day. Be careful not to get scammed here. Some people are just... something

It is ridiculously simple to use Reddit as more than a social media tool or news website.

Knowing the right subs to subscribe to, and what to look for, can help you make a few extra

hundred bucks a month. There are a ton that you can find small or medium jobs on, but I am only

going to outline the top six that have worked for me.

/r/slavelabour: This sub is normally dedicated to doing cheap jobs for people, at cheap

rates. I have both had things done for me here, as well as completed a lot of tasks. It may seem

daunting at first, with people offering $2 to write an essay (seriously though... no doing

homework here), but there are gems to be found. Two of my best jobs in August have been

creating a month's worth of meal plans for $60, and finding the name of a book for $80. Those

two jobs alone netted me $140 with three hours’ worth of work.

/r/WorkOnline: This sub is 80% people asking how they can make money online, and

10% spamming. Please don't go there and do either of those. The other 10%, however, is a gold

mine of information on different websites to check out, gift card survey opportunities, and other

generally helpful tips. I have never made money directly from there, but have gotten tools that

have helped make thousands over the last year.

/r/beermoney: Beer Money is almost a mix of slave labor and work online; a lot of info,

but also a few tasks to be done. I have found research study opportunities, the ability to test drive

cars for money, and a plethora of other pretty cool money making tips and tricks here. Definitely

worth a look if you are new to earning money on your phone or computer.

/r/signupsforpay: Since slave labor does not allow paying people to sign up for websites

(they are starting to hand bans out like candy), this is where to go to make a few bucks with

signups. From connecting your gas and electric information, to signing up with Acorns, I have

probably made a grand total of $100 here. Nothing overly special, but $100 is $100.
/r/giftcardexchange: This is one of my favorites, because you can buy and sell all of those

gift cards you have/want. Have a $20 gift card from a family member that you will never use?

Sell it here for 80-90%. Want to buy Amazon gift cards for less than face value? Get 'em here. I

do a lot of buying on Amazon, so this sub has easily saved me hundreds over the course of using

it. Caution: It is filled with scammers, so trade carefully.

Teaching English online


There are many different options when it comes to teaching English online. Some of the

more popular include VIPKid, DadaABC, QKids, and Cambly.

If you're interested in teaching from home, I recommend trying out VIPKID. You teach

Chinese students from Beijing, for 25 minutes at a time, and can earn anywhere from $9-13 per

lesson (25 minutes). The lessons and created for you, and you just have to follow along with the

power point. It will always be 1-on-1, so you are never teaching more than one child. The kids

are respectful, and hard working.

The requirements that you'd need are a bachelor’s degree in anything (not just teaching)

and be a Native English speaker from North America and you do not need to know any Chinese.

You can work from anywhere in the world.

I've been teaching with VIPKID for just under a year, and already I have a good base of

7-8 students who consistently book me, often daily. I am a full time teacher outside of VIPKID,

so my schedule is pretty tight, although I still manage to fit about 7 classes in a week. This is

nothing compared to what I know some other teachers are working! Currently, as I'm on school

holidays, I teach 2-3 a day, by my own choice. I have had parents ask me to open more time slots

so they can book me. I currently make $500 without any effort, really.

Due to the time difference in Beijing for me as I am in the Eastern Time Zone (+12

hours) the peak time for me to work is Mon-Sun 6am-830am, as well as Friday/Saturday

evenings. I know some teachers who do this as a full time job teach through the night on


Social Media Evaluation with

Appen, LionBridge, or


What does a Social Media Evaluator do?

Simple, as the name suggests you get work on tasks through your social media accounts.

It may be Facebook or Instagram and the work is very simple. My experience has been awesome

so far as the company is very professional with timely communications.

What is the process to be a social media Eval?

1. Go to their page and then search for the relevant job. Input your

country and then the relevant keyword like 'Social Media Evaluator' and then hit the search

button. All the results will appear, Read the title which would indicate work from anywhere,

ignore if any city is given next to the title as 'social media eval' is a work from home position.

You can choose either choose, 1 hour or 4 hour depending on the free time you have. The more

you work the more you earn.

2. Click on the relevant job title and then on the next page click on Apply.

3. You will need to upload a resume and then fill in the basic personal details.

4. On the next page you will have to provide information about your Facebook profile and

Instagram profile (no. of friends, no. of followers, etc.) and answer some more questions about

language etc.

5. After submitting the application, you will get an acknowledgement mail stating that your

app has been received. Depending on the demand they may get back to you within a week or a

month (sometimes they do no reply). You can track the status by checking your dashboard on

6. If your resume is accepted, then you have to take a simple qualification test for which

study guide will be provided and time will be given. If you successfully pass the exam, then you

can start working as a social media evaluator.

Note: Do not use fake details as they will ask for identity proof before the qualification. Also,

some part of your Facebook name must match with your real name as in documents.

How much do they pay and how do they pay their contributors?

Well, I cannot disclose the payment due to NDA but all I can say is that it is very good

considering simplicity of the work. depending on the country they give either 1hour/day or 4

hours/day work. It is much more than Beer money and constant, you will have work every day

till you are working as an social media evaluator. They pay through Payoneer and DBT.

Key highlights

1.Complete flexibility, you choose when you want to work

2.simple work

3.good and Prompt pay

4.Reputed and professional company

5.Process of becoming a Social media eval takes time. May take up to weeks, trust me it is worth

the hard work

6.generally the contract ends in a year and yes they can throw you out any time as it is a contract

Fulfillment by Amazon

–Jordi O-
What is FBA?

FBA or Fulfillment By Amazon is the system that Amazon makes available to you so

that all you have to worry about is restocking your products: they receive them, store them,

ship them, handle returns, and provide customer care in the right language for each customer.

Amazon FBA advantages

● The products handled by FBA are part of Amazon Prime, which are both a ranking

factor and a guarantee for customers. This ranking factor is important in winning the

Buy Box.

● A product handled by Amazon means safe, quick shipping = 0 problems to the customer

● There is a direct correlation between the use of FBA and the amount of sales that

you get. This is why FBA is one of your best bets for scaling up your business, even

though it shrinks your margin.

FBA influences several ranking factors which could help you win the Buy Box, such as your

vendor feedback, your vendor score, shipping latency, and shipping method. But there are also

logistics and handling fees. Check them on the FBA fee calculator:

Junglescout FBA Fee Calculator

AMZ Scout FBA Fee Calculator

FBA and niche products

Niches in ecommerce are a subset of a larger market or products that are quite specific.

There are lots of opportunities to sell these products via FBA, especially if you find a

competitive product and can buy it from a supplier at a rock-bottom price. That’s what we call

sourcing and it’s usually focused on finding cheap manufacturers in China, India or Pakistan.

The key to find profitable products is in the research and sourcing, and that’s why you

need a tool like, Junglescout, Sellics, AMZScout or

Try Sellics: 14 days trial. Credit card needed, but expires automatically

Try Junglescout: 14 days trial with 100% money back guarantee

Try AMZScout: 7 days trial. No credit card required

Try EGrow: no credit card needed

Once you’ve done your research, the goal is to find the best supplier (the one that leaves

you the highest margin and doesn’t cause stock-outs and other hassles), use FBA, and let things

run on automatic pilot. Then you can just ship stock to Amazon and turn your attention to the

next niche.
How to find a niche using Junglescout

Junglescout is the best tool to find profitable niches on Amazon FBA. Simply use their

“Niche Hunter” to decide the kind of niche you would be interested in, regardless of whether

Category, month to month request, value, level of competition, or more.

What's more, the database of Niche openings refreshes continuously. There are currently

almost 1 million niche opportunities, and we are expanding that list every day.
By clicking in any of the niches you can find the top 5 sellers for every one of them. Simply

evaluate it’s:

● price

● fees

● net profit

● estimated sales

● estimated revenue

● competition

And decide wether if that product is elegible or not.

>>> Try Junglescout: 14 days trial with 100% money back guarantee <<<
Flipping on Ebay

-Ronnie C-
eBay Complete Beginners Guide

A complete guide on this may also be found on Amazon by the same author

First step you need a PayPal.

While there are different ways to receive or send payment, PayPal remains the safest and

most trusted option on eBay. You can actually lose sales by not accepting PayPal.

-PayPal sign up-

Strongly advise having a bank account to send money into from PayPal.

This could be either a personal account if you are small time and only selling a few things around

the house every once in a while OR if you are big time it would be your "Business" account.

What I mean by that is that this bank account would NOT be used for ANYTHING except

business. Why? Because if you are doing this full time, this will limit your problems when doing

taxes. Also it will provide you with a much clearer picture of where you stand with your

business. (PayPal is limited in what you can purchase in-person, unless you decide to get a

PayPal debit card, thus having a bank account to send money to from PayPal is important.)

Tax information. I do not advise on tax information, consult a tax expert.

-Sign up to eBay-

For convenience I use the same email signing up to eBay as I use with my PayPal account. You

do not need some amazing name to start with. It is very easy to make a new eBay account and

you can have as many eBay accounts as you want linked to 1 PayPal account. HOWEVER if

your eBay account gets suspended or banned, they will also suspend or ban your other accounts

linked to your PayPal.

-Link your eBay & PayPal together-

Log in to your eBay account. Click My eBay at the top of the page. Mouse over the Account tab,

then click the PayPal Account link. Click the Link My PayPal Account button. You will be asked

to log in to PayPal to finish linking your accounts.

You should now have an account where you can either buy or sell things. Yay for you.

Selling Limits

First time sellers have a very low limit on both quantity of items they can have up as well

as the total value of those items listed. I believe beginner limits are "You can list 10 items with a

total amount of $1000".

As you sell items they will automatically increases your selling limits, however you can

request higher selling limits, once a month.

To see your Monthly selling limits, click "My eBay" at the top right. Scroll down, on the

left click on "Sell" and it should expand. Click on "All Selling".

You can also see the amount of free listings you have. eBay automatically gives you 50

free listings every month. If you list after using up your free listings for that month, they will

charge you a small fee.

At the bottom of the same page you can also see the promotional offers that eBay has

available for you. They will add new ones every once in a while. These offers can help you save

money on selling fees and allow you to list more items for free. This is a very important page and

you should be checking it anytime that you are going to relist items. Promotional offers will not

necessarily be the same across all of your eBay accounts. To activate any offer just click "Get


Preferably use a digital camera. Could use phone/tablet that can take decent pictures but

you may end up spending more time that way.

Easily worth 1000 words each, you should be taking pictures from all angles. Make sure

you have good lighting and also take pictures of any defects or problems. Your item should be

centered in the middle. In some cases where size is hard for a buyer to judge, you should include

something to scale like a quarter or a ruler. Pictures are the first thing a buyer will see, so always

upload good quality photos. After taking pictures of the items you wish to list, spend some time

editing through the photos.

Generally, I will make a folder for each of the items I took pictures of. Put all of the

pictures for each item to its corresponding folder. Go through each folder and delete all of the

bad pictures. You should have a max of 12 pictures for any 1 listing. You can have more

pictures; however, eBay will charge you extra if you go over 12 pictures. In some cases,

especially for high value items like cars/boats - it pays off to include extra pictures.

Listing an item

If you are signed into your account, click "Sell" on the top right. Type what you are

selling into the box, and click "Get Started".


Based off of what you put in the box, eBay will show you a selection of categories that

they believe your listing would fall under. Usually your category should be shown, but if you do

not see it, search through "Browse categories". Click at least 1 category. You can click up to 2 in

an effort to reach more buyers, however you will be charged extra money.

This is your headline. Make sure your item is easily searchable with the correct wording.


Click and it should give you some options. Unless your item is "Brand new" you will

have a Condition Description box to describe about any defects. Input any problems you have

noted, as well as where they can be seen in your pictures. This both explains honestly to the

buyer what to expect, as well as protects you in case of fraudulent buyer activity.

Add Photos

Click and add your photos that you have already saved to your computer. Make sure your

first photo is your best photo as that is going to be the first one any potential buyer will see.


Describe your item. Many buyers are reading impaired so even if it is redundant I will

include the same information twice. A general example of what I write in this section is:

Name of Item

Manufacturer, Year Made

Any Defects

Anything interesting about the item.

Returns Policy.

Format and Price

You can choose between Auction or Fixed price. Generally speaking, you will want to

have your item listed as Fixed price with the Best Offer option checked.
If you do not know what to price your item for, you can check what others are selling for

by searching the item on eBay, and on the left under Show only, click "Sold Listings". Make sure

you factor in the 10% eBay + 2.9% & 30 cents PayPal fees. As well as what your shipping is

going to cost you if you are offering the buyer "free" shipping.


This should be left as 1 unless you have multiples of the same exact item in the same

exact condition.


0 days is the longest choice which is another reason you will want to be using Fixed Price

listings. Auction listings do not have as long a duration.

Select how you'll be paid

Make sure PayPal is checked, with your correct corresponding Email address.


There is no one correct way to do shipping. But this way should give you the most

leeway as a new seller. U.S. shipping Flat: Same Cost to all buyers. You can add in different

shipping services with different times however for simplicity choose Economy Shipping which

gives you the longest time-frame in case a package takes a while to get there.

Cost 0. Whatever you are charging for shipping should already be added into the price of what

you are charging. And for Handling Time choose 2 business days. By doing this, you should

never need to rush to the post office in case something sells. There is a downside as you will read

below about power-sellers.

More about shipping at this link

Return Policy

Make sure your returns policy is set up how you want it. I will also add a description of

my returns policy in the details section of any listing I make. Most of my items I accept returns

on - with the buyer paying return shipping. However, for some heavy and or big ticket items I

will not accept returns and I will state this.

Shipping/Handling & Power-sellers discount

If you are doing this as a business and can

"Have a minimum of 100 transactions and $3,000 in sales with US buyers over the past 12



"Maintain a positive Feedback of 98% or higher over the past 12 months"


"1 business day handling time"


"a 30-day return or refund policy"

You can qualify for being a power-seller which has various benefits such as the 20% 10%

off eBay final value fees.

You sell an item and eBay would normally charge 10% of your your items value. So lets

say you sell a $100 item, and normally are charged $10 final value fee by eBay, they would

instead charge you $9 with the power-seller discount. This can add up for those doing a large

amount of business on eBay.


If you sell an item, you should receive an email notification. You can also check your

eBay and PayPal account, to make sure. PayPal will hold the money until after a certain amount

of time has passed that the buyer has received the item. The amount of time that those funds are

held, will decrease for sellers with a good reputation. eBay is not going to take its 10% cut of the

sale immediately, so make sure you do not simply withdraw or spend all of the money in your

PayPal. Leave some money to pay eBay within 30 days as well as pay for future online

transactions or shipping.

50 Free Listings Every Month

Hey, why is eBay charging me? I thought this was free. It is free to list. eBay will still

charge you if you sell an item though. After you use your 50 free listings you can wait till the

beginning of the next month and get another 50 or you can keep listing more items however you

will be charged .30cents for each new listing. Should you? It depends on how fast your items

sells. Quick sells are usually fine, but no one wants to list slow selling items repeatedly at a cost.

6 Free Vehicle Listings a Year

Vehicle listings are different from your regular listings. You only get the 6 free a year

AND if you use all 6 you will not get any more ever. So basically only use 5 of your 6 free


Oh that's cool it only costs 30 cents to list. WRONG. Vehicle listings cost 50$ to list after

you use all of your free listings. Do not ever use your last free vehicle listing. You can get more

free vehicle listings by just making another account. But it is a pain to sell when you have no

Shipping an item

Make sure you have a box on hand that fits what you are selling. If you are using priority

shipping you can get flat-rate boxes for free from your local Post Office however that is only*

for the priority shipping method labeled on the box. There is Priority Small, Medium, Large, and

Envelopes, as well as regional boxes available for free.

Also you can ship regular (NOT flat-rate) priority using any regular box so long as its not a

priority flat rate box.

You can get free shipping supplies at basically any store by asking the manager if they

have any boxes/packing material they were going to throw out.

Anything breakable should be secure and unable to move around in the box.

Paying for Shipping at the Post Office

You can pay for shipping at the post office however it will cost you more money than

other methods. Once you have paid and received your receipt the employee should have circled

your tracking number. If they did not, and you are unsure of tracking numbers, ask the employee

to explain it to you. Then go home, log on eBay, click "My eBay" in the top right. Scroll down

click "Sold" on the left. The item you shipped should be shown here. Click "More actions" and

then click the option to upload tracking. Type in the tracking numbers you have on your receipt

from the Post office.

Printing out a label Online

If you are paying for shipping via eBay, at the top right click on "My eBay" scroll down

to Sell and click on Sold. Your item should be shown here. Click the "more actions" and click on

print label. You will be shown a variety of shipping options. You will need a scale to weigh your

item. Make sure you enter the correct weight for your item or the post office could reject it. For
simplicity, the options you should be checking are "Parcel Select" and "Priority Mail" for

anything over 16 oz. At or under 16 oz should be "First Class Mail". Choose whatever is

cheapest so long as you entered the correct weight for your item. (If your item is super bulky or

oddly shaped it may not apply, so you should double check)

You also have the option to add insurance for your item, which is a good idea if you are

shipping an expensive item.


There are a variety of ways to get shipping discounts. For example you can get money off

by printing out your label online. You can do this via eBay which saves you the hassle of

inputting your tracking number to confirm that you shipped the item.


Having high feedback is important. When you first make your account you should buy a

few things. Whatever it is you were going to buy anyways in the near future. People will leave

you feedback, which will help your new account look better than one with 0 feedback.

eBay Store

As a beginner you should absolutely not get a eBay store. However if you plan on doing

serious selling in the future on eBay you should at least know enough about it to find out if it is

right for you. As of right now eBay has 3 tiers of stores - Basic, Premium, and Anchor, with 2

different payment subscription plans - Monthly or Yearly.

Basic $24.95 per month or $19.95 per month with yearly

Premium $74.95 per month or $59.95 per month with yearly

Anchor $349.95 per month or $299.95 per month with yearly

Okay, why in the world would I want to pay this much money?
You will receive lower final value fees when you sell an item.

More free listings at the start of every month.

The ability to put your items/store in "vacation mode" which lets buyers know that you

are out of town and anything they buy will not be shipped until whatever date you say you will

be back in town.

For regular non store sellers if you are making more listings than you have free listings,

eBay will charge you a 0.30 cent fee for your new listing. However depending on which tier

store you pay for, with the eBay store this insertion fee is reduced to 0.25c 0.10c or 0.05c for

fixed price listings. Auction listings are 0.25c 0.15c 0.10c.

This below, I believe is true, because that is what I see when I search through

listings, but I cannot substantiate it - so take it however you want with a grain of salt. It

may just be eBay store sellers having higher feedback & sales, faster selling items, less stale


eBay will prefer eBay store items in their search algorithm over a regular non eBay store

seller. So if you and another seller had the exact same item and all things being equal except that

they had a store and you did not, their item would appear first in a buyers search results.


Some tools you will need, as well as things you may wish to purchase in the future to

make life easier. Link

Pricing your Item

Beginners guide to Pricing. Link

An Introduction to


How To Start A Drop-Ship Product Website

Pickings product to sell.

This is not only the first step, but also one of the most important. You need to finds a

product that has high monthly search volume in Google, but not a ton of competition. You also

want something with a fairly high ticket value. You don't want to be selling $5 or $10 items in

massive quantities because then your phones will be ringing off the hook and customer service

will be a mess. You want to sell $50 - $200 items in smaller quantities. Try to stick with products

with at least 50% profit margin. You want to double your money before operating expenses.

Stay away from flooded niches with huge amounts of competition. You'll waste your time and

money competing with Amazon and other big box stores online. A few examples of bad product

ideas to avoid include electronics, health supplements, clothing, and appliances.

Finding the right supplier.

Once you decide on the product you want to sell, then you have to find a best drop-ship

supplier to fit your needs. The best way into simply Google search for the product suppliers. For

example, if I want to sell Baseball Bats then I would search for "baseball bat suppliers",

"wholesale baseball bats", "baseball bat drop shippers", etc. Not all wholesalers offer drop-

shipping. so you'll need to make a list of 8 to 10 suppliers and then call them all to ask what they

offer. Ask about pricing, billing terms, shipping procedures, returns/exchanges, etc. Do not get

discouraged if a supplier won't work with you immediately. Some larger companies have strict

rules about who they work with, so you may have to start with a smaller supplier while you get

your site rolling and gain credibility. Stay away from China drop-shippers! Also steer clear of

"all-in-one" solutions like Doba, they are terrible. Use only suppliers who are warehoused in the

same country as your customers. Trust me.

Developing your website.

This step can be tackled many different ways depending on your knowledge level, I'm

just going to assume for this part that you have zero experience in web development. My

recommendation is using an ecommerce software that has a shopping cart, admin, email tools,

analytics, and credit card processing all in one. These sites also make it easy to design with pre-

made templates to go off of. I personally use Volusion software. It's a very nice solution,

however it can be expensive with high traffic because they overcharge for bandwidth.

Once your website is designed and your database of products is live, then you need to

optimize it for search engines. I could write an entire book on SE0 (search engine optimization)

alone, so I'll just give you a couple basic hints here. You need to make sure that every product

page, category page, and your homepage all have decent amounts of content that relate to the

terms you're trying to rank. You also need to make sure your Title Tags, Header tags, and

Description Meta Tags all have matching keywords to go along with your content.

I know that I am being VERY brief here when it comes to SEO, but it's just too much to

dive into without confusing 99% of readers. It's best to have someone recommend a consultant

with years of experience and proven results. Hire them to help get things off the ground the right

way. Here is an example though, assuming I am trying to sell baseball bats on my homepage:

TITLE TAG: "Baseball Bats - Wood Bats and Metal Bats" I-ll TAG: "Baseball Bats"

DESCRIPTION META: "Buy wood baseball bats and metal baseball bats online at Base and get free shipping on all orders. Our baseball bats are 100% guaranteed to hit

home runs!" Then you need to write content paragraphs (200 - 400 words) that use the terms that

you are targeting. This is a great place to throw in "long tail" keywords that will help you rank

for other combinations of searches that include things like sizes, colors, brands, etc.
Marketing and Advertising.

I have tried just about every form of advertising that you could think of, and most have

failed me. So I am just going to focus on the 2 things besides SE0 that have actually worked

consistently for my sites. PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is great for products. You can buy the

exact phrases that convert sales well for your business from Google and Bing among others, You

can display your Ad every time someone types "metal baseball bats" into Google, and then only

pay when someone clicks it. Since I choose niches that are not super competitive, I can get most

of my clicks for around .75 cents each on average. Twitter inns amazing resource that many

businesses just don't understand how louse properly. I get massive amounts of traffic and sales

from my Twitter marketing campaigns. Unlike PPC, getting Twitter traffic will most likely take

some help from someone who really knows what they're doing. You have to attract thousands of

followers who are in the demographic you want as potential customers, and then reach them on a

daily basis without appearing spammy. I will recommend the company I use below in my

resources section. Each one of my Twitter accounts have between 3,000 and 40,000 followers.

Also make sure they are REAL followers because some companies out there will promise to get

you 1,000 followers for really cheap, but they're all fake accounts.

A good combination of SEO, PPC, and Twiner is all you really need. Don't fall for sales pitches

from companies offering banner ads, email lists, contextual ads, or pop-ups.

Handling customer service.

In my experience, people don't call you nearly as often as you would think. I only get 1

phone call for every 15 orders that get placed on average. Most customers order online, get

confirmation email automatically, then you send tracking numbers if the supplier doesn't.

Nothing too difficult honestly. It's nice to offer live chat during the day when you're online, some
people like using that more than calling. Volusion has it built in to the shopping cart software.

Offer a customer service email that is clearly posted on every page. Even if customers don't use

the contact info, just seeing a phone number and email on each page makes you appear credible

and puts their minds at ease.


Below is a short list of the software, services, and vendors that I recommend:

Commerce Software: Volusion is pretty awesome. 

SEO and PPC Help: Email (honest guys who can rank anything)

Twitter Marketing: Email (Twitter geniuses, they handle all

my accounts)
Passive Android Earning

All of these methods take less than 60 seconds to set up so you can earn straight away!

CashMagnet REF Non-Ref

CashMagnet is best used when you won't need to be using your phone (such as before

you go to sleep). It's currently for Android only but the best part is that it doesn't seem to be a

massive battery drain. Basically the app uses your phone to surf websites (just like Hitleap but

you get paid for it directly). You can earn up to $15 per device (up to 4 devices) per month as

promised on their website but personally I get about 30 cents per day on my device so that's

basically $9 a month - it all depends on which country you're from and the demand. 

Minimum payout is $5 and you can withdraw using PayPal, Amazon Gift Cards, Bitcoin,

Ethereum... and even PUBG skins.

CashMagnet Guide:


Visit CashMagnet and then create an account. From there log into your account (no need

to email verify) and then enter your payment information such as PayPal email, btc address,

Ethereum, and for some reason you can also put in your Steam trade url - perhaps a future payout

method. Head over to the “Download” tab on the left of your screen to get the app. Once you’ve

opened the app and signed in head to the “games” tab and install all of these games. For each

game you download it will give you 20 coins ($1 = 1000 coins). There’s also another use for

these games, other than playing them, so be sure to read that in the “Levels” section below. After

you have installed all the games (no need to open them) head over to the “home” tab and click

“start earning”! The app will then begin your device to browse websites and/or open up the game

apps which were installed through CashMagnet. If you need to use your phone, then simply go
back to the app and click “stop earning” OR (through the notifications) select the app and

click “stop earning”.

Passive Mode?:

There’s actually a limit to how many hours you are able to passively earn money with the

app if you download the unrooted version. The limit resets every 24 hours and it’s quite easy and

to get to the stage where you can leave the app running 24/7. You can increase the amount of

hours you can passively earn per day by downloading games through the “games” tab and also

by levelling up.


Now we get to the fun part! CashMagnet actually has a levelling system for the unrooted

version of the app which essentially means that the more you use the app the more you are able

to earn! Each time you level up you also receive free coins. To level up there are certain

requirements, these requirements are a mixture of having a certain amount of installed apps from

the “games” tab and also how many hours you have been using the app for. Always make sure to

check every so often if you are eligible to level up as if you do not do this you are missing

out! The requirements for each level and previous levels must ALWAYS be met, for

example, the prerequisite for level two is that you need to download and have three games

installed on your phone. If you uninstall one of these and thus leaving you with only two

games on your phone, then you will be sent back to level one. The level system is only local

to each individual device; this means if you have multiple devices (up to four per account) then

you can be level eight on one account and level two on the other, depending on whether or not

the requirements for each level have been met on the phone.
How To Withdraw:

To withdraw your funds either head to the CashMagnet website or head over to the app

and click “REDEEM”. From there go and select what you want and be sure to remember that it

can take up to 48 hours for the funds to be received.


When the app is running and earning I suggest that you turn your phone’s brightness all

the way down so that you save electricity, your phone’s screen is actually what usually uses the

most amount of power. I haven’t had an issue with this but it’s better to be safe than sorry, turn

your media sound off while using the app. Just in case the sound from a video that might be on

one of the websites it cycles through or the games can be heard. There are two ways to access

your account, via the website interface and through the app itself. I prefer to use the website as it

shows you dollar values rather than points. Also I just find that using a computer is a bit faster

and easier than using an app.

McMoney Non-Ref

McMoney is an SMS testing service. Basically they send you a text message every so

often when they need to test for their clients. I'm getting about an average of 10 cents per day

which would be over $3.50 per month. All you need to do is make sure the app is running in the

background and you'll be getting some money!

Minimum payout is $7 and can be done via PayPal.

McMoney Guide:


Visit McMoney and download the app. Open the application and simply register your

mobile phone number (there will be an SMS verification). From there click the three horizontal

lines (hamburger) on the top left and head to “Account”. Make sure that the status is set to on. If

you for whatever reason want to stop using the app temporarily then just turn it off via that

switch. Then finally enter your PayPal email address (you will receive money automatically once

you hit the $7 threshold).

How To Withdraw:

Withdrawals are automatic (awesome) and are processed each Friday (Netherlands time

zone) if you meet the $7 minimum balance.


Make sure that the app is working properly in the background so that you can receive

apps, Android tries to be helpful and disable apps that haven’t been used for a while so it’s best

to turn this feature off for the app. The exact directory will depend on your version of Android

but generally it will be in your phone’s settings under “Battery”, then goto monitored and

unmonitored apps before selecting the app to be unmonitored. A unique feature of McMoney is

that you can choose what hours and days you are “available” to accept text messages so you

aren’t disturbed. Honestly this isn’t really necessary if you’re like me and use the “do not

disturb” feature on your phone so that you don’t get notifications at, say for example, throughout

the night.
Money SMS Non-Ref

Money SMS is the same as McMoney but simply uses euros rather than dollars. For a

0.25 euro bonus on signup you can use my ref E4D53E359. I'm getting on average 0.028 euros

each day which is about 1 USD per month.

Minimum payout is 2 euros and can be done by PayPal, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin,

OkPay, AdvCash, Skrill and WebMoney.

Money SMS Guide:


Visit Money SMS and click “GET APP”. Open the application and register an account

with your phone number and use the referral code E4D53E359 if you would like to get a 0.25

euro starting bonus. From there go to “Settings” on the bottom right of the app. Then to

“Payment method” where you can add your information for receiving payment.

How To Withdraw:

Just open the app and visit “Balance” on the bottom left-hand side. Press withdraw and

then follow the prompts, quite easy and fast!


As with McMoney it’s quite important to make sure that your phone is connected to the

internet and the app is functioning and not disabled by any battery optimization features. The

exact directory will depend on your version of Android but generally it will be in your phone’s

settings under “Battery”, then go to monitored and unmonitored apps before selecting the app to

be unmonitored. Another handy tip is to make sure that your account’s payment details are

updated and correct before withdrawing any funds.


So from using the figures I have been earning from my Android phone, and using

the three apps together, you can potentially earn over $13 per month. $9 (CashMagnet), +

$3.50 (McMoney), +$2 (Money SMS). If you chose to use four devices together that’s an

income of $52+ each month! I only mention four devices as that’s the max amount of

devices that can be used for CashMagnet but you could use as many devices as you like

with McMoney and Money SMS, it just means you won’t be getting as much money per

device after four.

Semi-Passive phone earning

I do minimal extra work on some apps. I think the days of farming are long gone. This is

my setup (although I've heard some of these apps and programs have a waiting list.

Swagbuck (Apps!)

I picked up one of the $30 Amazon fire tablet and threw a custom rom and rooted it. Any

android device (not your daily phone) will work. Only 4 of the 6 apps are on iOS.

Swagbucks Watch, EntertaiNow,, MovieCli.Ps,, (run in that


You use to be able to farm these apps but now only run a certain amount of time with the

possibility of bonuses. I just let them run while I'm at home and switch to each app when they

are done collecting points. If your device is rooted, you also want to install Beer Money

Assist which can import the shortest running video clips for efficiency.

There's also a new Swag IQ app that is a direct copy of Trivia IQ. If I feel like it I may play for a

few extra points.

I never do any of the surveys or craves on the main website. If I'm close but haven't meet

my daily goal through the apps (which can be collected at months end), I may answer the daily

poll, play swagasarous or search if I'm close. Also if the apps are being fickle, I don't even bother

and just wait until the next day (not worth the stress).

Microsoft Rewards

It usually takes me about 5 minutes a day to play through Microsoft Rewards. The trick is

using a desktop with ten keys keypad. For the daily search rewards, I open up Bing and search

'Boston Celtics schedule 2018'. Double click, it highlights 2018, change to 2017 then Enter.

Repeat for 2016, 2015, 2014, etc. to 1970. For mobile search, search any large city and continue

to select what it auto selects.


Technically, you could use it to farm for points but I don't. It's installed on my main

phone so whenever I go grocery shopping, it will usually pop up with bonus points. I'll also scan

barcodes for extra points. I use to get weirded out but now I don't give a shit. I can get browse

my store and scan very quickly and be done.

It may be against their TOS but my local supermarket is close to a Walmart (which

generally has more products to scan). While at my supermarket, I 'check' into Walmart and find

their products.

Pinecone Research (May be a waiting list)

This is the exception to the no survey rule. This company partners with legitimate

vendors for surveys. You'll get an email when you fit a survey's demographic (99.5% you will

qualify for the sent survey). I always take time out of my day to do the surveys. Generally, the

take between 5 and 15 minutes but a couple of completed surveys can net enough points for a $5

Amazon gift card. Plus, since I 'always like to try new products', I've actually got free quality

products to try (last one was Gatorade).

Receipt Pal (May be a waiting list).

This is one of my favorite apps. You scan any receipt in the app then send. After a certain

number of receipts (I think 16), you can receive a $1 Amazon gift card. TBF I may scan those

extra receipts folks leave at the self-checkout. What I also like is you have a digital copy in case

you need to return an item or enter into your budgeting software. Some folks recommend Receipt

Hog but it only gives you points for certain receipts.

Cross Media Panel (May be a waiting list).

This is a Google company. Basically it's a chrome extension for your mobile device (no

longer includes desktop browser) that anonymously tracks you browsing habits. Some folks may

not be comfortable with that, but for me, they probably already doing it so might as well get

paid. This is a completely passive app so I generally can get $5 per month not doing anything.

Speaking of Google...

Google Opinion Rewards

This app will show quick surveys (1 to 6 questions on average) based on where you gone

shopping (hint: surveys usually don't show up unless you venture to stores). The surveys can

vary from .10 cents to a few dollars. The points are only good for the Play store (not amazon) but

you can get your favorite song, rent a movie, support pro editions of your favorite apps. Pro Tip:

Never lie on the surveys. Generally, the first question is a trick one so answer honestly or you

won't ever get surveys in the future. Even if it doesn't apply, you always get .10 cents for your



This is a scratch card app. I only open it once daily for the return bonus points. Side note,

it takes frickin' forever to get enough points to cash out. Once I get enough for the $50 gift card,

it will be deleted off my phone never to return.

Pro tip on any app or program. Always cash out at the very minimum (wither its a $1 or $5).

There usually no financial advantage to saving for larger amounts and a big disadvantage if the

company decides you randomly violated the rules and suspends your account (happens several

times at /r/beermoney).
Passive savings

13 Ways to Save Money Passively 2018

Drop - (iOS | Android)

Completely Passive, Ref = 5ajb9

If anyone would have asked me a year ago, "What is your favorite beer money app?" I'd

respond with Drop.

12 months later, I don't totally know if that's exactly true, just because Drop has gone

through some changes that has made it seem (psychologically) not as great as it once was.

For those of you who don't know what Drop is, Drop is a passive loyalty program that

allows you to choose 5 popular stores where you'll earn cash back (automatically) at as soon as

you shop at them (both online or in store). Here are just a few of the stores you can pick from:

Walmart, Macy's, Dunkin Donuts, Target, Whole Foods, Walgreens, Starbucks, Uber,

McDonalds, and my personal favorite, Chipotle! There's about 20-30 stores you can pick from

for your perm. ongoing offers.

If you signed up for drop in the previous post, you might not have noticed this, but they

have actually changed their program a bit since then. There's a good chance you didn't even

notice any differences at all, but they have recently set a weekly limit of $5 in cash back, and

they seem to be wanting to limit what purchases count for cash back.

From Drop's TOS:

Drop users are limited to earning a maximum of 5,000 Drop points per calendar week

(Sunday – Saturday) in connection with Drop’s ongoing (as opposed to one-time) offers. Drop

maintains the right to review the accrual of points and to determine, in Drop’s absolute
discretion, if certain transactions qualify for Drop Offers. Certain spending including, but not

limited to, repeat purchases, high-value purchases, purchases of gift cards, and purchases made

for commercial, non-personal or non-household purposes, may not, at Drop’s absolute discretion,

be considered Qualifying Transactions and may be ineligible for Drop points.

Source. I really do recommend you take a look over this.. there are a lot of hidden secrets in

Drop, like that 5000 point limit per week, while most people won't spend $500 (with 1% cash

back) in a week, it still makes this program seem so much worse.

Anyways, if you're not signed up for Drop, it's really a great app. I've been enjoying it

since its launch and I've made a fair amount back in savings from it.

Cash outs are instant and start with various gift cards at $5 (5000 points). (Amazon is $10


Spent (iOS | Android)

It seems that Spent has done away with the referral program.

Almost Completely Passive

Spent is very similar to Drop... so if you like Drop, chances are you'll also enjoy Spent.

Unlike Drop, with spent you'll earn 1% cash back at all of the stores they offer, so you don't need

to pick just your favorites. Here are all of the stores that Drop offers 1% cash back at:

Starbucks, Netflix, Walgreens, Uber, Costco, iTunes, ExxonMobil, 7-Eleven, McDonalds,

Kroger, The Home Depot, Chick-Fil-A, Whole Foods, Shell, Chevron

There are a few things about Spent that are better than Drop, but there are also a few

things that are negatives here.

I'll go ahead and make a nice little pros/cons list of Spent.

Pros of Spent:

$10 Sign up bonus (may or may not require referral link used?).

PayPal cash outs.

Manage transactions in the app.

Cash out minimum $0.01 w/ Gift Card Discount

Cons of Spent:

$20 Minimum cash out (PayPal).

Cash Back takes 1 month to get approved from pending.

Spent is also similar to Drop because you must link your bank account to it. This seems

to be a common trend with these apps. And yes, Spent does stack with Drop, but Spent might not

stack with other Empyr apps. You'll learn more about Empyr later in this post, or just CTRL+F

for "Empyr". Just note that when you link a card with Spent you might have just unlinked your

card from another Empyr app.

One thing I want to update about Spent is how cash outs work now. Since the original

post a year ago I think it's important to note some changes. Cash outs for Spent are done through

PayPal at $20 minimum (payment is sent instantly?). However, in the app they now have an

option for you to purchase gift cards at a discount. So for example, you could be somewhere that

Spent doesn't support... Let's say Papa John's... and they'll let you buy a Papa John's gift card on

the app and you'll receive 3% back. If you have any cash back balance you'll be able to use that

to help pay for the gift card (or pay for it entirely, if you have enough balance). I can see this
being a viable "cash out" option for users who feel like they'll never hit the $20 minimum. It

won't be a free gift card, but a discount nonetheless. Do note that if you're someone who is only

using drop for the 1% cash back at the select retailers listed above it will take you $2000 in

spend to reach the $20 minimum cash out. That could take a while for some people, depending

on how much you spend at these places.

One other thing about Spent that's worth mentioning is that it does also offer shopping

portals online ( and you'll be able to find cash back for Travel/Hotels/Rental Cars.

Just something worth checking out if you're interested in it. They also have an app called Spent

Travel you might want to check out.


Completely Passive

Pei is another new automatic cash back app, very similar to Drop & Spent. Pei is (as of

posting) in an invite only system and they seem to be slowly letting users in. I was able to get

early access since I'm 'Media'. I'm not sure how you can get invited into this app at this time, but

if you read what I have to say about Pei that you find interesting, feel free to download the app

and join the waitlist. I'd imagine soon they'll just let everybody in at once.

The one important thing to note about Pei is that it does run on the Empyr network. I was

in contact with Pei about this and they confirmed that if you link a different Empyr app you will

no longer receive the benefits from Pei. This is different from Spent since with Spent you can

link your card (at which point your card will unlink from your previous Empyr app), but then

link your card to a different Empyr app and you'll still get the 1% cash back offers to pay out.

Just the local offers on Spent won't pay out. With Pei if you unlink your card, the whole app will
break. So I'm going to try and convince you here that Pei is different from the other Empyr apps,

and might be interesting and worth taking your one Empyr app slot.

Pros of Pei:

Cash Back at a lot of locations (way more than any of the other Empyr apps).

Cash out via PayPal or Bitcoin.

Stacks w/ Drop & Spent

Cons of Pei:

Steep $15 cash out minimum.

Hard to track where your points are coming from (no history page with transactions?)

So with all of that being said, let's talk about the stores you can find on Pei. Just note that these

are only stores that are local to me, so if I don't have a certain store near me that Pei offers, I

won't have it on this list. Please feel free to leave a comment informing me of what I'm missing.

Panda Express - 1.5%

Target - 1%

Petco - 1%

PetSmart - 1%

Sephora - 1%

Banana Republic - 1%

American Eagle Outfitters - 1%

Gap - 1%

Old Navy - 1%

Chipotle <3 - 1.2%

Taco Bell - 2%

Domino’s Pizza - 1.5%

CVS - 1%

Starbucks - 1%

AMC - 2%

GameStop - 1.2%

Subway - 1.5%

7-Eleven - 1%

Dunkin' Donuts - 1.5%

Walgreens - 1%

Nordstrom - 1%

Supercuts - 2%

ZARA - 1.2%

Express - 1%

H&M - 1.2%
Urban Outfitters - 1%

+ Local locations - ~5%


Completely Passive

Paribus is not your typical cash back site. Once you sign up you can link your different

accounts (such as your amazon account) and it will automatically track your shopping. Paribus

doesn't directly earn you cash back... it acts more like Walmart's saving catcher if you've ever

heard of that. If an item you buy somewhere goes on sale shortly after or if there's any other

discounts/promotions you may have missed when you originally bought something, they'll

quietly get you a rebate on whatever you purchased. It can be very hit or miss. The catch is that

they do take a cut of your savings. I believe it is 30% for all new users, but for each member you

refer you can cut the cut by 5%. If you save $10, they'll charge you $3 to whatever card you have


Personally I've found it to be really hit or miss, but I've found some incredible savings. I

bought a gopro and I got $15 saved with Paribus, and I also got $50 back from some really nice

headphones I picked up on amazon from Amazon. What's weird is I bought the headphones like

6 months prior to the rebate. Was shocking to see it, but I've really had some good luck with

Sift (iOS | No Android)

Completely Passive

Sift is a similar site to Paribus, and its key focus is on enforcing credit card benefits that

many people don't know about. It's actually pretty nice. It'll let you pick your credit card and it'll

tell you pretty much everything about your card. I have the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, and I

was actually shocked to hear some of the benefits my card has that I have never been taking

advantage of.

From Sift's site:

We automatically comb through your credit card policies to show you all your benefits in one

place. For every purchase we let you know what benefits you are eligible for. We streamline the

claim process to make it as simple as possible to get your money back.

You can link your emails as well as your amazon account as well and they'll make it

really easy for you.

I have not actually used Sift much myself, so I cannot attest to how well it works, but the

app store reviews are generally positive for Sift.

Trim Savings - Referral Link

Completely Passive

Trim is similar to Paribus and Sift, but there's a certain void that it's trying to fill that the

other two don't really seem to be filling.

Trim's main selling point is its bill negotiations. Instead of trying to save you money

when a price drops, they're going to try and just nip it right in the bud and try to get your bills


Right now they're mainly trying to negotiate with cell providers, internet providers, and

cable providers.

Here's how the process goes:

Submit Your Bill: Submit your most recent cell phone, cable or internet bill to get started.

Trim Negotiates: Trim negotiates with your provider to get you discounts on your bill.

You Save Money: Trim takes 25% of annualized savings, but only on success—otherwise, it's


So, similar to Paribus, Trim does charge a fee. In a sense, I guess that's a good thing

because it gives them an incentive to make sure to get some sort of bill decrease for you so

they'll make some money too. Their rate is currently 25% of your bill negotiation. Of course, if

they're not able to negotiate your bill for you, you won't pay them anything.

Trim does also monitor your bank account for you and they'll notify you of account

changes (that you can set). For example, if they see a transaction worth $xxx, they'll notify me

that I've made a large transaction. If there weren't already so many other sites/apps that could do

that, I'd say that's a great feature that Trim offers.

One thing Trim also offers that is pretty nice is a cute little referral system.

Send your friends the link below, and you'll both get $2 when they connect an

account...We'll send you an Amazon Gift Code worth $2.

So, that's cute :). As always, if you do happen to sign up with my refs, it's appreciated greatly.


Very Passive

SavingStar has been around for a very long time. It doesn't get a lot of love around here

because it can often be referred to as the 'shittier version of iBotta'. While I agree that the

products they have to offer for rebates are limited, there are two things that make SavingStar

better than iBotta.

Ease of adding deals.

On iBotta you will find a lot of offers on products you might be interested in buying, but

activating the deals can be very tedious. Sometimes you'll have to watch an ad or answer a short

survey just to qualify for a rebate. SavingStar makes it a lot easier. All you have to do is tap.

Since there's no limit to how many rebates you can activate, I recommend just activating them

all. Check in to the app maybe once or twice a week just to activate offers. Even if you don't plan

on purchasing something, just add it in case you happen to buy it anyways.

Ease of redeeming rebates.

iBotta can be a pain with this. After you activate a rebate and buy it, sometimes they will

make you scan items (or did they get rid of this? I have not used iBotta in a while), and

sometimes you'll have to scan your receipt. The process can be long. SavingStar makes it a lot

easier by allowing you to link your store rewards card to redeem the rebates. After activation of a

rebate, all you need to do is buy the item(s) from the store you have linked, and your account

balance will automatically update.

When I first used this app (it's probably been about 5 1/2 years since I first signed up), I

secretly linked my mom's Jewel-Osco card without telling her and each week I would activate all

of the offers and I would just check the app every time after my mom went shopping and I would

get so happy to see a couple dollars added to the account balance. Was one of the easiest beer

money apps for me at the time :). Jewel-Osco kind of got rid of their card a while back, so that

made me sad, but you can still link the following cards to your SavingStar account: Stop&Shop,

Peapod, CVS, Kmart, Piggly Wiggly, Mariano's. They have a handful of other stores as well, but

that requires you to scan a receipt.


Semi Passive, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and Florida/Long Island.

GetUpside isn't really passive, but it qualifies for use a so many places (in the select

states) that it feels like it deserves a spot on this list. Upside has been popular around here (for

the people who can use it) because it allows you to compare gas prices at places, and earn cash

back at over 600 gas stations in these three places. It's really easy because you don't really have

to look hard to find the gas stations, and you just have to submit a receipt. If I could use this I'd

probably just go to fill up, and while I'm waiting I'll open up the app to see if the gas station I'm

at qualifies. It'd give me something to do for the minute while I wait for the tank to fill up.

GetUpside now offers cashback at certain grocery stores and restaurants. Does anyone

know if GetUpside uses Empyr? I mean I told them I lived in a state where GetUpside works and

I'm seeing I could be getting 20% cash back at Qdoba.

In the DC area? You can also save up to 35% at restaurants and 15% at grocery stores

near you.
It seems like they're mainly targeting DC area for restaurant and grocery cash back, but

the play store lists DC, MD, and VA.

I don't use GetUpside because I live in Michigan/Chicago, and they have not reached us

yet :(. They do have a referral program, though. Please please please, go ahead and start an

Upside ref train below, I give permission on this post, unless the mods disagree.


Completely Passive, Samsung devices only

SamsungPay has dropped so hard since I last updated this post. The only other thing that

used to be on this list that has gone further was Expense Rewards (if you don't know what

Expense Rewards is, don't worry about it. ._. )

Update: SamsungPay will now earn you 5-20 points per transaction, and they have

removed all gift cards and rewards cards. You can now only redeem for 'coupons' or instant win

sweepstakes. As of posting/edit they currently have $30 Uber Promo Codes, $25 Grubhub codes,

and $25 Atom Tickets codes for 6,250 points, but these appear to be temporary. All of these

codes have their own terms and limitations, so they're not as cut and dry as they might seem.

Samsung Pay has become my favorite way to pay... not only because I get rewards for

using it, but because it totally takes a shit on apple pay and android pay. I am using my phone to

pay at places where all of the employees tell me 'oh we don't allow you to pay with a phone', and

I just shove my phone against their card reader and prove them wrong. It makes the process a lot

easier for me as well.

Samsung pay has a rewards system where you'll earn anywhere from 5-20 points for a

purchase. They have a level system each month where the more purchases you make in one

month, the more your purchases will be worth the next. You'll have to maintain your levels to

keep up the next month. Currently to reach the highest level (platinum) and receive 20 points per

transaction, you'll need 30 transactions in a month.

I'll touch a little bit more on Samsung Pay's reward scheme shortly.

SamsungPay often offers various promotions that will offer discounts at certain stores or

discounts on gift cards. As of posting they have 15-20% off various gift cards for 'back to

school'. There's almost always some sort of gift card discount going on, so that could be a non-

passive way for you to save some money here and there.

So what kinds of rewards can you get from Samsung Rewards?

Currently you can spend your rewards points on some instant win games. I don't waste my time

with them. SamsungPay has now done away with Gift Cards and Rewards Cards.

To anyone who has used Samsung Pay in the past (or maybe has not checked on it recently, or

used it since the last post 6 months ago, for those of you who read that), they recently devalued

their points. Of course this is only for people who have qualifying Samsung devices: S6, S7, S8,

S9, and the newer note devices.

Uber Visa Local Offers

Completely Passive

Just feel like throwing this important fact in here: I am a 5.00 star rated rider on Uber. Just

wanted to boast.
Shop or dine out, get Uber credits back. Use your Visa card next time you dine out or go

on a shopping spree at a featured store and earn Uber credits toward future rides. To join, go to

settings in your Uber app and tap on Visa Local Offers.

If any of you are familiar with Swagbucks Local or apps similar to that, this is similar to

those types of apps. Whenever you shop out at certain places you'll instantly receive uber credits

to your account. It's really simple, and yes, this does stack with all of the other cash back apps

you might be a part of.

If you're interested in activating the Visa local offers, you'll need to make sure you have a

visa card linked to your Uber account first, and then you should see "activate local offers" in the

app settings of Uber. I don't know if you'll see anything in the Uber Eats app, but you can use

uber credits in either app.

There's really not much to say about Visa Local Offers, but if you're looking for some

FAQ/Terms, feel free to check them all out here.

Cash App "Boosts"

Eh, Kinda Passive I guess

For those if you who don't know what Cash App is, Cash App is an app by Square that

lets you send and receive payments. They've also expanded their app to support bitcoin

purchases, and they'll also let you use the app as a checking account. With the cash app you can

also sign up to receive the Cash Card, which is a debit card that is funded with your cash app

If you have not used Cash App before, they do have a fancy referral program where when

you sign up and send $50 you'll receive $5 and so will I. I do want to make this very clear: Cash

App referrals can see the full name of the person who refers you, and the person who refers you

will have your full name shown to them. If you're really private about personal information, be

careful whose referral link you use. If you trust me, here's my referral link.

Please note that if you want to use the cash app boosts that I'm talking about, you'll need

to be 18 years old and have the cash card (which is free, don't worry)!

Cash App recently announced that their cash card will now be seeing 'boosts'. Boosts are

their fancy way of saying that when you use our card at certain locations you'll receive a


Once you have the cash card, you'll notice on the app below your card you'll be able to

select your boost. Here are the current options (as of posting):

Coffee Shops (pretty much any coffee shop) - $1 Off Each Visit

Shake Shack - 15% Off Each Visit

Whole Foods - 5% Off Each Visit

Panera - 10% Off Each Visit

Subway - $1 Off Each Visit

Chick-fil-A - 10% Off Each Visit

Chipotle <3 - 15% Off Each Visit

So there are quite a few things I want to say & clear up.
You can use a boost every 2 hours.

You must select the boost that you'd like to use prior to the purchase. AFAIK you're able

to swap which boost you want to use as often as you'd like. So when you walk into Chick-Fil-A,

just check and make sure your boost is set to CFA. If not, swap it.

In order to apply the boost, you must pay with the Cash Card. It's automatic. If your total

is $6 and you're saving 10%, you'll only need a Cash app balance of $5.4 for the transaction.

Cash App will cover the other $0.60.

If you link your Cash Card to Apple Pay, you can pay with it that way and the boosts will

still be applied.

Do realize that just because you have the Cash Card on the app, you won't see the boosts.

You need to have the physical Cash Card in your possession for the boosts to show up.

I've been really enjoying using the Cash Card for purchases. Especially at CFA &

Chipotle. It's really not a hassle. When I'm standing in line at Chipotle I'll open the app and make

sure my cash app balance is enough and if not I'll just add funds right away. The boost is applied

immediately which makes you feel good. It's like the guac is free at Chipotle after you use the

cash card. The only downside to using the Cash Card is that you won't be able to stack discounts

with anything else on this list... Unless you find a way to link the Cash Card to any of the things

on this list. Regardless, 15% off at Chipotle is the best I have found, so I'm perfectly okay with

it. If you're shopping at Whole foods, on the other hand, 5% might not be the best you can do.

Stack a nice credit card with 1% Back from Spent and whatever other apps might have whole

foods and you might be able to net >5%.

Empyr Apps

Completely Passive

I've listed this as "Empyr Apps" because all of these apps are basically just the same

thing. I'll take the example of Swagbucks Local since that's what most of you reading this will

already be using.

If you paid attention in the Visa Local Offers section of this section, you'll find that the

Empyr apps are actually very similar to those visa local offers.

When you shop at a certain store/restaurant, you'll earn with the empyr app you have

linked. It's actually really not that special.

Here's a list of some/most of the current Empyr powered apps:

Swagbucks Local


Yelp Dining




IMPORTANT NOTE: You're only allowed to use one Empyr app at a time! As soon as you link

up with another Empyr app, you'll be disqualified from another until you link back up.

I do want to go into this list a bit this time around since there seem to be more and more

Empyr apps popping up.

Dosh might be the most popular of these apps right now. Dosh has nice referral programs

as well as sign up bonuses that makes it very enticing. Dosh also has very decent cash back at the

stores they offer.

Swagbucks Local will always be popular among Swagbucks users. What's really nice

about Swagbucks Local is that the payouts are always instantly converted to Swagbucks, which

can help you cash out sooner. You'll also likely get a slot in the Swago board filled out, which

might be beneficial to you.

Pei is a really cool new app on Empyr that offers cash back at a lot of places you likely

shop at. I talk about it above.

RetailMeNot is a newer one on this list and it's the only one here that I feel like I

recommend you go on/off with. RetailMeNot has recently been doing a lot of "Spend $X, get

$Y" deals at a lot of the stores they offer. For example, they are currently offering $5 Cash back

for in Store purchases of $30+ at Staples. This is a really good deal for an Empyr app, and would

probably be my pick for that transaction, but not most of the time since they don't have very

many stores as options.

Here's what I plan on doing:

Most of the time I will plan on having my cards linked to one app... Probably Dosh, SB

Local, or Pei. If I find a good offer on the RetailMeNot app, I would temporarily link my card to

that just for the transaction and then link back to another app. I really just have to recommend

you download all of these apps and see what they have to offer for you and pick your favorite.


Eh, it's not actually passive... Ref = DCIBS9

TruNow is the one app I was really debating whether or not should make it on this list.

It's not passive, but it stacks very nicely with a lot of these apps and it's really the only receipt

app right now that scales, so I think it deserves a spot here as well as on my upcoming receipt

apps comparison.

TruNow is a rather new app that will give you cash back at gas stations. It's actually a

really easy process. You'll first go shopping at a gas station (probably buying gas) and once

you're done you just upload a photo of your receipt to TruNow. All gas station receipts will pay

1%* cash back. Certain partnered gas stations will pay 2%* cash back.

The thing that makes this app so good is that it stacks with everything. Let's say I buy gas

from ExxonMobil. I'll sign up for their rewards program and pay with a CC that earns a high rate

at gas stations. I'll earn 1% from Spent and combine that with the rewards program and CC

bonuses and earn 1%* cash back from TruNow as well.

You can cash out your TruNow balance to PayPal or spend it at a partnered retailer.

*So the issue with this app is that if you do choose to cash out to PayPal you'll only get half your

money. So if you're using this and intend on cashing out to PayPal, just note that you're really
earning 0.5% cash back. The minimum cash out is $5 for PayPal, so you'll earn $5 for every

$1000 you spend on gas.

The app does have a referral program where you'll earn $2 for signing up under a ref link and the

person who refers you also gets $2. If you feel like trying TruNow out, my ref is DCIBS9.

For more great stuff: Fishering can be found on Youtube!

Actively saving money with

websites and apps


You need to go through Ebates to the store of your chose, otherwise it’s passive

Ebates is a name that's become common, but if you're still not using this service, you

need to get in on it ASAP. If you've heard of it and aren't using it yet, it's time to start. Ebates is

an intensely useful tool, even beyond it's main service of rebates made for online purchases.

Ebates also gives you the opportunity to refer other members, so you can share the benefits with

your friends and family. Note that you do not get your money back instantly. They work on a

quarterly system. The amount you earned will be cashed out about 45 days after the end of the

quarter. This allows them to ensure the customer didn't return everything they bought and try to

collect the cash back anyway.

McDonalds App

Those golden arches have followed us into the modern day. McDonalds is a classic fast

food spot, and the app has the full package of everything the restaurant has to offer. The app has

a simple, intuitive design which makes it pretty simple to navigate and start using immediately.

Proof we're truly living in 2018 is that the app allows you to get a more in-depth view of the

entire menu. You can read details about every item they have. And, most importantly, when

signed up inside the app, the best part is that you get access to exclusive coupons and freebies!

Who doesn't enjoy a nice free milkshake or fry once in a while?


While not necessarily as popular as the other apps on this list, this is still a must have for

anyone who shops at the convenience store. You can locate stores near you, which is a great tool

if you're in an unfamiliar area. And, of course, our favorite part. This app gives you access to the

7-11 rewards program, which means that every time you pop in for a soda and some jerky while
on the road, you're earning points and getting savings. Also, the app has the unique feature of

giving you cute stickers to be used in texts!


For the uberconsumer, Ibotta is another must have. There's a number of free rewards or

rebate apps out there now, but Ibotta is one of the larger ones, mainly focused on name brand

items. It gives you cash for in-store purchases, and some specific online purchases. The main

focus is on grocery stores, but it also works for some non-grocery stores like Best Buy. Within

the app, you can search for different stores, too, which is great because it covers a lot of regional

groceries, making it much easier to get your rewards and savings.


This one's another must have. Honey is a simple browser extension, which is available

for most browsers, and its function is automatic. There really isn't a reason not to use Honey.

When you make a purchase online, Honey will automatically offer to apply coupons at checkout.

This means that you don't have to search for coupons on other sites, and without any effort on

your part, you can save a little money. Honey also has a great referral service so you can share

the love. And, even if it doesn't discover any coupons for your products, you can often still get

cash back. Honey also has a built in list you can create. This is called the Droplist, and Honey

will watch any items for price drops!


Exactly what it says on the tin. 5dollarmealplan is a weekly service perfect for anyone

who's low on money. We all need to eat, so why not do it cheaper? This is a paid service, but it

works well and saves you money in the long run. There's a 14 day free trial, which is more than

enough time to see the benefits of using it. Meal planning can be really annoying. It's difficult
sometimes to figure out what all everyone in the family wants and needs, and to keep it in check

with other expenses. So, this service takes all of that issue out of the question. The recipes are

simple to follow and easy for anyone.

The End?

With that, I have spent almost 40 hours compiling all of the info seen in this guide. I can

no longer think of anything else that can be added, so I will wrap it up here. If there is anything

that you think is missing, feel free to leave it in the review section and I will make sure to add it

to the next iteration of this guide.

If your name has been listed in this guide, I have either received approval to post your

content, or was unable to reach you and left it completely untouched with your ref links in place. Hope

you don’t mind! It’s easier to ask for forgiveness, than it is to ask permission. But in the event you

don’t want your contribution (or refs) in this guide, feel free to reach out and I will remove it


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