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14th amendment

¨Both the Canadian Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of South Africa have recently
rendered decisions exploring and applying the constitutional right to health in cases outside the
abortion context. (10) This right to health, which is conceived by those courts, at least in part,
as a negative right to noninterference with medical treatment decisions and the doctor-patient
relationship, can and should be recognized in the United States as well, along with the rights to
privacy, autonomy, and bodily integrity protected by the Fourteenth Amendment's substantive
due process guarantees¨

The constitution of the united states protects pregnant woman´s liberty to choose to have
have an abortion without excessive government restriction. This has promoted a debate in the
U.S of whether or not abortion should be legal.

Created: 03/11/2020 06:19 AM

a personal decision

Hill, B. Jessie. "Reproductive Rights as Health Care Rights." Columbia Journal of Gender and Law,
vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2009, p. 501+. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine,;=HRCA&xid;=81041108.
Accessed 10 Mar. 2020.

¨At the same time, however, feminist legal scholars have largely shied away from discussing
abortion as primarily a medical procedure, instead emphasizing the idea of abortion as an
intensely personal decision and as a right that is essential to women's equal citizenship. ¨

Every woman should have the right to make a decision as important and personal as this,
without being afraid of committing an illegal act.
Created: 03/11/2020 12:55 AM

abortion debate in america

Carolan, Patrick, and Brian McLaren. "It's Time to Change the Abortion Debate in America."
National Catholic Reporter, vol. 56, no. 8, 24 Jan. 2020, p. 20. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=63a78322. Accessed
6 Mar. 2020.

¨ The current framing of the debate is wounding our nation and may in fact become our
undoing, dividing us so deeply that in seeking to win elections, we lose our nation's soul.¨

This issue presents an extreme delicacy because if it is not approached in an appropriate,
rational and impartial manner, it can cause separation in our society and deeply hurt our
nation, ending in a political, religious, social and moral chaos ¨

Created: 03/11/2020 12:25 AM

abortion rates

Białecki, Diane. "Abortion and Birth Rates." National Review, vol. 72, no. 4, 9 Mar. 2020, p. 2.
Gale General OneFile,
u=frlopacplus&sid;=ITOF&xid;=11c26c2b. Accessed 6 Mar. 2020.

" According to the world Health Organization, Worldwide every year there are 40-50 million

instead of focusing on the discussions to turn abortion into an illegal act we should focus on
making abortion less necessary.

Created: 03/10/2020 08:49 AM

Debate for making abortion illegal

Carolan, Patrick, and Brian McLaren. "It's Time to Change the Abortion Debate in America."
National Catholic Reporter, vol. 56, no. 8, 24 Jan. 2020, p. 20. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=63a78322. Accessed
6 Mar. 2020.

“Third, we must shift the debate from making abortion illegal to making abortion less and
less necessary. The truth is that we can both reduce abortions and protect vulnerable women
from having politicians (who are mostly wealthy, and male, by the way) interfere with one of
their most personal moral decisions. Abortion reduction rather than criminalization is a goal
that nearly all of us can agree to.�

instead of revolving our attention in the legal weight abortion would entail, we should be in the
look out for new alternatives that lead to a significant reduction of it. It is an indisputable truth
that we can find ways to reduce the necessity for abortion and ensure the protection of those
women who find themselves in the need of doing so. Reduction of abortion instead of
criminalization is an objective that almost everyone can accept.

Created: 03/11/2020 01:02 AM

personal health

Hill, B. Jessie. "Reproductive Rights as Health Care Rights." Columbia Journal of Gender and Law,
vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2009, p. 501+. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine,;=HRCA&xid;=81041108.
Accessed 10 Mar. 2020.

¨this Article argues that it may be time to consider embracing an approach that emphasizes
abortion as a form of health care.¨

If a pregnant woman continues with pregnancy it should be a personal choice, as it involves her
body, personal health and future .
Created: 03/11/2020 06:09 AM

Post Roe America

"What Is the 'Moderate' Position on Abortion?" The New American, vol. 19, no. 20, 6 Oct. 2003,
p. 8. Gale General OneFile,
u=frlopacplus&sid;=ITOF&xid;=6f817d57. Accessed 11 Mar. 2020.

¨In post-Roe America, both abortion and a form of infanticide known as partial-birth abortion
are legal, and abortionists operate openly, enjoying the full protection of the law, and--
supposedly--the support and respect of the community. ¨

in some places of america, abortion is legal and can be performed in clinics with professional
people, which reduces the death of women from unsafe abortion with untrained people.

Created: 03/11/2020 06:10 PM

Pro choice and pro life

Carolan, Patrick, and Brian McLaren. "It's Time to Change the Abortion Debate in America."
National Catholic Reporter, vol. 56, no. 8, 24 Jan. 2020, p. 20. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=63a78322. Accessed
6 Mar. 2020.

Second, we must acknowledge that there aren't only two positions on abortion. It would be
more accurate to say there are five, with purists on either end of the spectrum, and in the
middle, three groups that account for the majority of us, those who are against abortion but do
not want to criminalize it, those who support abortion rights but who would like to see abortion
rates reduced, and those in between who see wisdom (and problems) on both sides. If we get
beyond the old two-sides framing, we can drop the old pro-life versus pro-choice binary
entirely. The fact is that life and choice are not mutually exclusive, and in a democracy, we can
hold our own moral convictions about life and choice, rooted in our religious traditions, without
feeling that others should be forced to live by them.
It is of utmost importance the recognition of the existing midpoints between the already known
positions in the face of the abortion debate. Beyond those who flatly stand for and against are
points of view that, while not 100% permissive, are not 100% restrictive. Accepting the diversity
of positions can mean the end of the pro-life and pro-choice mentality and learn how to live
with the fact that others are not forced to live under our own precepts.

Created: 03/11/2020 06:59 AM

pro- choice

"Roe V. Wade's Shaky Legal Reasoning." UWIRE Text, 10 Mar. 2020, p. 1. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=56b509c5. Accessed
11 Mar. 2020.

¨ reality, though a large majority of Americans believe that abortions should be legal under
certain circumstances or any circumstance¨

an important amount of the American population agrees with abortion under certain
circumstances such as when it comes to the health and well-being of the person carrying the
pregnancy .

Created: 03/11/2020 11:11 PM

pro-life and pro-choice

Carolan, Patrick, and Brian McLaren. "It's Time to Change the Abortion Debate in America."
National Catholic Reporter, vol. 56, no. 8, 24 Jan. 2020, p. 20. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=63a78322. Accessed
6 Mar. 2020.

¨Second, we must acknowledge that there aren't only two positions on abortion. It would be
more accurate to say there are five, with purists on either end of the spectrum, and in the
middle, three groups that account for the majority of us, those who are against abortion but do
not want to criminalize it, those who support abortion rights but who would like to see abortion
rates reduced, and those in between who see wisdom (and problems) on both sides. If we get
beyond the old two-sides framing, we can drop the old pro-life versus pro-choice binary
entirely. The fact is that life and choice are not mutually exclusive, and in a democracy, we can
hold our own moral convictions about life and choice, rooted in our religious traditions, without
feeling that others should be forced to live by them.¨

it is of utmost importance the recognition of the existing midpoints between the already known
positions in the face of the abortion debate. Beyond those who flatly stand for and against are
points of view that, while not 100% permissive, are not 100% restrictive. Accepting the diversity
of positions can mean the end of the pro-life and pro-choice mentality and learn how to live
with the fact that others are not forced to live under our own precepts.

Created: 03/11/2020 12:49 AM

respect other peoples decisions

Carolan, Patrick, and Brian McLaren. "It's Time to Change the Abortion Debate in America."
National Catholic Reporter, vol. 56, no. 8, 24 Jan. 2020, p. 20. Gale General OneFile,;=ITOF&xid;=63a78322. Accessed
6 Mar. 2020.

¨First, we would stop demonizing each other. We would acknowledge how seductive it is for
each side to consider itself morally superior and reduce its opponent to the level of moral filth.
We would face the harm that kind of pride can do, both politically and spiritually. In our
combined 120-plus years of life experience, neither of us has ever met a single supporter of
abortion rights who hates babies, supports infanticide, or who has a "the more the better"
attitude toward abortion. Nor have we ever met an abortion opponent who hates women and
wants to throw mothers in jail for seeking an abortion. No doubt, such extremists may exist, but
we have yet to meet any, and we can no longer let the debate be framed and fought from the

we must stop belittling our contrary´s and accept that a third party will always own a different
opinion than ours. Our approach on this subject should always be respectful towards others
beliefs and argumentations; be as realistic and sincere as possible, trying not to falsely and
negatively magnify our statements in order to make them valid .
My Ideas:
We are aware of extremist cases but they fail to be relevant since they don't represent an
important percentage in our debate .

Created: 03/11/2020 12:31 AM

Roe v. wade decision

"What Is the 'Moderate' Position on Abortion?" The New American, vol. 19, no. 20, 6 Oct. 2003,
p. 8. Gale General OneFile,
u=frlopacplus&sid;=ITOF&xid;=6f817d57. Accessed 11 Mar. 2020.

¨the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision,¨

My Ideas:
What is the Roe v. Wade decision ? was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which
the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman's liberty
to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.

Created: 03/11/2020 05:52 PM

texas abortion law

Gallegos, Alicia. "Supreme Court Strikes down Texas Abortion Law." Family Practice News, vol.
46, no. 12, 1 July 2016, p. 48. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine,;=HRCA&xid;=af9c6c8f. Accessed
11 Mar. 2020.

¨In one of the most significant decisions on abortion rights in 2 decades, the U.S. Supreme
Court has struck down the Texas abortion law that imposed restrictions on physicians and
facilities that perform the procedures.¨

Physicians now can perform abortions in Texas without restriction and without penalty .
Created: 03/11/2020 06:53 AM

unsafe abortions

Hill, B. Jessie. "Reproductive Rights as Health Care Rights." Columbia Journal of Gender and Law,
vol. 18, no. 2, Summer 2009, p. 501+. Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine,;=HRCA&xid;=81041108.
Accessed 10 Mar. 2020.

¨The right to abortion is also a health care right. It is a right to access a particular medical
procedure and a right to use that medical procedure to protect one's health from significant
harm, even if that procedure terminates a potential life. ¨

Making abortion legal its also promoting health care,it would decrease the risk of dying from an
unsafe abortion.

My Ideas:
Unsafe abortion occurs when pregnancy is terminated bay a person lacking the necessary skills
to do the procedure .

Created: 03/11/2020 06:28 AM

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