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NAME: Cruz, Sealtiel Baraquiel P.


INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Kimberly Mae P. Herrera


Out of the seven scientists that related to cell theory,

choose one and research one of his famous quotations. Make
a reflection about it.

A pristine world is all we want, but in order to achieve it we, as

individuals, should be flawless too. However, being independently flawless is
also only a great fantasy of each and every one of us. The reality we currently
have is that we are living in a cruel society that we, within our own selves,
should be definitely the start of change for us to gain the world that the next
generations deserve. The mankind must be awakened about all the conflicts
of our daily lives, the wrong doings of each other and we ought to be
reminded of the commandments He made for us before we set foot on our
lent existence. I realized all these because of Rudolf Virchow's quote, “It is
the curse of humanity that it learns to tolerate even the most horrible
situations by habituation.” Further, it calls me up that we should be better so
that the others would follow.

Back when I was in Grade 10, we study the world of philosophy.

Ma’am Reyes required us to read a book entitled “Sophie’s World” and I
remember it's second chapter called "The Top Hat". It's context tell us that
people stop to discover new things and tend to stay in their comfort zone and
way of living. That certain idea takes me back to the quote of Virchow and
maybe that's why I am anchored to it. We condone ourselves to simply keep
the things the way it is for the reason that we don’t want anything unfamiliar
and strange that may probably become a disturbance in our life. I can say
that it is a curse because, as of now, I can guarantee that no living soul is
perfect. By acquiring knowledge and slowly discovering our very own selves
may change our mindset into something new and presumably would take us
to the fact that what we got now is an awful society.

I witnessed countless evidences of how we authorize the bad stuffs

happen even if we know how to prevent it and/or correct. It made a question
rose within me: why do we choose to blind? An official who scams the money
of his people, a chief who can easily be bribed by people, a workmate who
consistently comes in late and yet you choose to help him/her for cover-up
stories, a classmate who copies as you simply let him/her and a whole lot
more. We are blinded by the society where we dwell since the moment we
opened our eyes. We should make the evildoers realize that what they are
doing is wrong. However, just like Virchow said, because of habitualization
we are inclined to let them do all their mistakes over and over again.
For me, what we should begin to do is to be better within ourselves
and that would eventually become a habit. Therefore, we can solve this
problem and get on with the lives we all deserve. God gives us the chance to
be greater than we already are and we should not waste that opportunity.
Last but definitely not the list, we ought to carry the mission that to take care
of His beloved creations.

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