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Content for InDesign Booklet

Fire Safety

Fire safety is taken extremely seriously in any place of work or education. If a fire policy is
not in place, or not respected it could put lots of people in serious danger. Above the fire
policies in place for the college.

 Discovered an active fire? Operate the Alarm! Never, ever attempt to fight a live fire.
 Can hear a fire alarm? Leave the building!
 Do not go back to collect belongings.
 Quickly and safely get to your designated assembly point.
 Never re-enter the building unless told its safe.
 Break Glass Points are situated around the area, if you do discover an active fire you
are able to safely alert everyone by using those.

Living in a world with such uncertainty it is so important to be mindful of what you can be
doing to keep safe.
Facemasks are now mandatory when walking between rooms, in the studios and the
Keeping a distance of 2M is advised, this can be difficult when working in the creative
sector, in the studio its common to come close to the models and position them in certain
ways, however now we must use our initiative and think of new ways to do things.
There is now a max number of six people in the studios and darkroom at any given point,
this is to help a super spread of the virus and could be used to and advantage as it grantees
more space to work.
It would be sensible to be wiping down all equipment after use, whether that be in the
studio, or the computers. Additionally, washing your hands regularly and, when those
facilities aren’t available, using hand sanitizer, to insure you are keeping clean.
Bringing your own equipment, such as cameras for the studio, SD cards, and tea towels for
the darkroom is advised, this is great because you are not having to touch what other
people have, and you know the exact journey that your equipment has been on.
Working with breaks helps reduce risks of spreading the virus and working as quickly as
possible. This means that planning more and thinking ahead, so you go into the studio
knowing exactly what you’re doing and do not have hang around potentially with the risk of
infection. To conclude in today’s current climate following a certain set of rules will really
help you and others around you to keep safe.

The Health and Safety at work Act

The health and safety at work act was created for business to protect employees and
employers from any danged in the workplace. This an official document and can be found
and accessed online at the gov website. It sets out basic guidelines and general duties that
anyone in the workplace must have for each other, the public and themselves. It is referred
to in the court of law when any issues arise between anyone in the business, within health
and safety.
Some of the duties include:
Not enduring in any predigest or hate crimes.
Safe and reasonable work practice for all employees, including the correct PPE and first aid.
Being able to exercise your rights to consult on any issues you have regarding health and


The COSHH is a law put in place to protect employees from substances that would be
deemed hazardous to health.

A risk assessment is done to determine how dangerous the chemical is, then measures are
put in place depending on results.
Substances can come in many forms and can include- fumes, dusts, chemicals and gases.
Sometimes these substances are recognised as harmful easily, such as certain paints and
When using the darkroom, you should always know what you are dealing with and the
procedures in place to safely use them.

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