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Vrsit San Francisco todayl It's a really fun place. and n•
places to see. You can walk on the Golden
Gate Bndge and even see Chinatownl Podre sure to entoy
your visir Book your vacatron today'
There are many wondedull churches.also, there are a lot of
parks comer

Famous for scene, cul tu ra l at tr ac ti on s. div er se

commundies and world-class cuisine. Bndge. cable cariz,
F i sh er m a d s W a d A l c a t r a z , C h i n a t o w n . U n i o n S qu a r e.
North Beach. the Castro district and Union Dolores The
much-celebrated fog creares a romant'c mood In Ibis most
European of Amencan ches

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