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Master of Arts in Special Education (MAS)



Name: Vicente, Vince Irvin R.

Subject Code: MAS-207
Subject Title: Methods & Techniques in Teaching Special Education (w/ Emphasis on
Classroom Mgt. Func'l Assess. & Applied Behavioral Analysis
Date Submitted: September 23, 2020
Title: Understanding Function of Behavior

A. Summary

The early detection of factors that place children at risk for emotional and behavioral
challenges is crucial to the prevention of more serious difficulties later in their
development. Just as the medical community employs universal screening for the
detection and early treatment of cancers originating in the breast, colon, cervix, and
prostate, universal screening for emotional and behavioral difficulties in children can
reduce the need for more intensive, expensive, and potentially less successful treatment
later in a child’s school career (Kaplan, 2000; Kazdin, 1987; Lane, Menzies, Oakes,
Kalberg, 2012; Severson, Walker, Hope-Doolittle, Kratochwill, & Gresham, 2007 ).
Although it is clear that intervention provided at younger ages has a greater likelihood of
success, the key to that success relies in large part on the availability of a reliable method
for identifying children in need of services (Elliott, Huai, & Roach, 2007; Severson et al.,
2007) . Lacking a reliable, proactive method for recognizing students in need, far too
often, schools respond in a reactive manner, waiting for students to exhibit difficulties in
behavior before taking action to intervene (Gresham, 2004; Walker & Shinn, 2002) .

B. Reflection

This is probably what every parent’s search history would reveal. No matter how old
your child is, you, as a parent, will worry about one thing or the other. Thus, you have
equipped yourself with the knowledge to deal with every potential problem. Right from
health to education, you want to be prepared for it all. In this process, one mustn’t
sideline the importance of universal screening and early childhood education.

The benefits of early childhood education include are the following:

Socialization with individuals apart from the child’s family in a safe environment is of
vital importance. Parents must support their children’s transition into their friendship
groups. The earlier you accomplish this, the better. Why? This helps your little one
overcome shyness and gain confidence.

 Co-operation, at an early childhood education program, children learn how to share, co-
operate, and remain patient. In this process, they’re guided by thoughtful professionals
who have their best interests at heart. This is especially important for an only child who is
unaccustomed to sharing at home. This is a crucial lesson that must be taught at the

 Effective Learning, lessons must be taught in a fun, interactive, and exciting manner to

spark a thirst for lifelong learning. Your child will thus, be equipped to embrace life’s
challenges with enthusiasm, eagerness, and determination.

 Teamwork, several preschool activities revolve around teamwork to teach your toddler

the importance of respecting other opinions, listening, and co-operating. Instilling this
value at a tender age ultimately makes your child socially attuned and more employable.

Resilience, by establishing a consistent, secure, and just social environment, teachers can
foster resilience in children. Clearly defined expectations and predictable consequences
help children manage their emotions optimally. This builds the foundation for their
coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges in the future.
Patience as adults, we encounter situations that test our patience on a daily basis. An
early childhood education program provides an abundance of social experiences where
your child can explore and practice patience. At this tender age, the important virtue of
patience is imparted. E.g. – your child learns to share the teacher’s attention, waits in line
for his turn at the swing, etc.

Confidence and self-esteem, positive interactions with teachers and other children in the
classroom will promote a secure and healthy image of your child in his mind. This
enables him to embrace life’s problems and obstacles confidently.

An after school program that focuses on right brain development activities will teach
your child the above life skills and values while tapping the unadulterated potential of the
right brain. In a left-brain dominant world, a right-brain child will undoubtedly thrive as
he’ll have an upper hand due to his holistic brain development.
He’ll be capable of logically assessing a situation and coming up with creative solutions.
Right brain training consists of activities that can be conducted at home. For example –
using flashcards, pretend play, music, dramatic story-telling, mandala, imaging, etc.
Along with lighting up the right hemisphere of the brain, these activities necessitate
parental involvement. This strengthens the parent-child bond.

Submitted to: Prof. Minguela S. Ting

SPED Teacher III

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