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MySQL, Setting Up, Connecting, Viewing, Inserting

What is MySQL?

• MySQL is one of the most popular relational

database system being used today.

• MySQL database stores data into tables like other

relational database. A table is a collection of related
data, and it is divided into rows and columns.
What is MySQL?

• Each row in a table represents a data record that are

inherently connected to each other such as
information related to a particular person, whereas
each column represents a specific field such as id,
first_name, last_name, email, etc.
What is MySQL?

• SQL, the Structured Query Language, is a simple,

standardized language for communicating with relational
databases like MySQL.

• With SQL you can perform any database-related task, such

as creating databases and tables, saving, deleting, updating
data, and querying a database for specific records.
Setting Up
Setting Up MySQL in PHP

• Before connecting to a database server through PHP,

you must have at least a web server and the MySQL
database server itself for your database, and the
database itself.

• Applications like XAMPP and WAMP offers these

services once installed on your machine.
Setting Up MySQL in PHP

• You can create database and tables and view, insert,

delete or update data directly to the database
provided by XAMPP/WAMP through phpMyAdmin.

• This can be accessed through your browser and typing

http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ on the address bar.
Connecting/Closing Connection
Connecting to MySQL

• In order to store or access the data inside a MySQL

database, you first need to connect to the MySQL
database server.

• PHP offers two different ways to connect to MySQL

server: MySQLi (Improved MySQL) and PDO (PHP
Data Objects) extensions.
Connecting to MySQL

• In PHP you can easily do this using the

mysqli_connect() function. All communication
between PHP and the MySQL database server takes
place through this connection.
Connecting to MySQL

• The default username for MySQL database server is

root and there is no password.

• However to prevent your databases from intrusion

and unauthorized access you should set password for
MySQL accounts.
Closing MySQL Connection

• The connection to the

MySQL database server will
be closed automatically as
soon as the execution of the
script ends.
Closing MySQL Connection

• However, if you want to

close it earlier you can do
this by simply calling the PHP
mysqli_close() function.
Showing Database Data
The include statement

• Before we move to inserting, deleting and updating

data, we must first discuss the include() statement.
This allow you to include the code contained in a PHP
file within another PHP file.
The include statement

• You can save a lot of time and work through including files —
Just store a block of code in a separate file and include it
wherever you want using the include() statements instead of
typing the entire block of code multiple times.

• A typical example is including the header, footer, menu or

mysql connector file within all the pages of a website.
The include statement

• Instead of copy/pasting these codes to each individual pages:

The include statement

• …just include the file to save time in managing changes

and errors!

• Common practice is to save these ‘include’ files to a folder

separate to your main pages (ex. includes folder)
Selecting Database Data

• To retrieve data from database tables, we use the SQL

SELECT statement to select the records from database
tables. Its basic syntax is as follows:
Selecting Database Data

• Example of
database data
using the SELECT
statement in SQL
through PHP:
Inserting Database Data
Inserting Database Data

• The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new rows

in a database table.

• Let's make a SQL query using the INSERT INTO

statement with appropriate values, after that we will
execute this insert query through passing it to the PHP
mysqli_query() function to insert data in table.
Selecting Database Data

• Here's an example,
which insert a new row
to the tbl_products table
by specifying values for
the productID,
productName and stocks

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