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In the complaint, we submit that jimmy violated

Canon 11 of the code of CPR

Canon 15 rule 15.02 of CPR

Canon 17 of CPR

And Canon 21 rule 21.01 of CPR

Canon 21.01- a lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage of his client, use information acquired in the
course of employment, nor shall he use the same to his own advantage for that of a third person,
unless the client with full knowledge of the circumstance consents thereto.

Canon 17- A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be mindful of the trust and
confidence respond in him

Canon 15.02 lawyer shall be bound by the rules on privilege communication in respect of matters
disclosed to him by a prospective client

Every case a lawyer accepts deserves his full attention, diligence, skill and competence regardless of its
importance or whether he accepts for a fee or free, by agreeing to someone’s counsel, he represents
that he will exercise ordinary diligence or that reasonable degree of care and skill demanded of the
business he undertakes to do, to protect the client interest and take all steps or do all acts necessary
thereof, furthermore, a client is entitled to the benefit of any and every remedy and defense authorized
by law, and is expected to rely on lawyer to assert every such remedy.

The counsel is also bound to observed rules on privileged communication so that the client can open up
all the relevant facts, which the counsel will used in assessing the situation that he will later utilized in
providing legal advised. If there no such rule, then the client will be hesitant in disclosing facts that is
significant to advance the cause of his case, that may likely result for him to lose in the case.

In this case it was clear that jimmy , put their client at the disadvantageous position right after he
disclose information pertaining to the health condition of the opposing parties. It violated said canon
because it happens despite the fact that their client intended not to disclose such information. In result,
jimmy broke the trust and confidence of his client has on him who expect him to exert all efforts for the
protection of its interest until the conclusion of the case.

Canon 11- a lawyer shall observe and maintain the respect due to the courts and to judicial officers
and should insist on similar conduct by others.
As officer of court, counsel is expected to show professionalism in their approach and must observed
proper conduct that will maintain the respect due to the court. A lawyer’s language should be forceful
but dignified, emphatic but respectful as befitting an advocate and keeping with dignity of the legal

This was violated in the case when during the hearing, jimmy defend his point in a disrespectful manner
by raising the tone of his voice while talking to one of the judges. It was demonstrated that jimmy was
not careful on the choice of his word in addressing the concern that he has to the people in authority.

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