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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382

Effects of municipal solid waste compost and sewage sludge on

mineralization of soil organic matter
Filipe Pedraa,, Alfredo Polob, Alexandra Ribeiroc, Herminia Dominguesd
Laboratorio Quimico Agricola Rebelo da Silva, Apartado 3226,1301-903 Lisboa, Portugal
CSIC,Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, Serrano, 115 dpdo, 28006 Madrid, Spain
DCEA, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Estacao Agronomica Nacional, Avenida da Republica, Departamento de Solos, 2784-505 Nova Oeiras, Portugal

Available online 26 December 2006


This work sets out to verify whether the application of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) or treated urban sewage sludge (USS)
organic amendments efficiently promote organic matter (OM) increases in a Haplic Podzol (PZha) and in a Calcic Vertisol (VRcc). For
that purpose, carbon (C) mineralization and C kinetic parameters were studied, using a laboratory experimental incubation setup. The
results showed that the addition of the amendments to the soils increased their mineralization capacities, and that the highest C
mineralization rate was reached at the end of the first 2 d of incubation. The different characteristics of the soils seem to have influenced
the C mineralization rates during the 28-d incubation. The USS induced higher C mineralization than the MSWC, and the PZha soil gave
rise to higher C mineralization than VRcc. For all treatments, C mineralization adjusted well to an exponential plus linear kinetic model,
suggesting that the organic C of the amendments was made up of two organic pools of differing degrees of stability. With the exception
of the application of USS 60 t ha1, all the treatments increased the OM content on both soils, or at least the OM remained constant
throughout the incubation.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Organic amendments; Soil; Kinetics; Carbon mineralization

1. Introduction The decrease of SOM by erosion and leaching is

considered one of the most important threats to soil (Blum
Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a major role in et al., 2004; Van-Camp et al., 2004) and this loss can only
maintaining soil quality. In addition to supplying plant be overcome, in the short-term, by the application of
nutrients, the type and amount of SOM influences several organic matter (OM), such as organic amendments (Han
soil properties, particularly those related to physical et al., 2000; Dias, 2004; Parnaudeau et al., 2004; Van-
conditions (Costa et al., 1991; Stevenson, 1994; Van-Camp Camp et al., 2004). Therefore, it is of the utmost
et al., 2004; Clapp et al., 2005). Increasing the soil organic importance to have stringent quality requirements for the
carbon (SOC) content also enhances soil quality, reduces materials to be applied in order to achieve the expected
soil erosion, improves water quality, increases biomass and beneficial effects that these amendments create for the long
agronomic productivity, and improves environmental term. According to the EU Commission, the main limiting
quality by adsorbing pollutants from natural waters and factors of amendment applications to soils are related to
reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration the eventual addition of organic and/or inorganic pollu-
(Lal and Kimble, 1999). tants and microbial contaminants (Van-Camp et al., 2004).
Furthermore, the use of immature amendments can cause
phytotoxic effects, as well as nitrogen (N) deficiency and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 21 3617740; fax: +351 21 3636460. reduction in plant yield (Bernal et al., 1998b). Indeed, the
E-mail address: (F. Pedra). degradation of wastes containing a high percentage of

0038-0717/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1376 F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382

soluble organic C, in forms such as amino acids or directly proportional to the amount present at any time
carbohydrates, leads to a flush of CO2 production (Whitmore, 1996). Although alternatives to this model
immediately after their addition to the soil. This may have also been presented, most of these include several
cause high CO2 concentrations and low oxygen (O2) organic pools of different degrees of stability (Bernal et al.,
concentrations, that may lead to O2 deficiency in the 1998a). The kinetic model used in this study is the
rhizosphere, and consequently anaerobic and reducing exponential plus linear one (Bonde et al., 1988), which
conditions in the soil (Bernal et al., 1998a). For these considers a labile pool decomposing with an exponential
reasons, it is necessary to know the stability and the degree kinetics, and a resistant pool decomposing linearly
of maturity of the amendments before these are applied to (Alvarez and Alvarez, 2000; McLauchlan and Hobbie,
the soil. Is it advisable therefore, to take these risks when 2004).
such applications may not show improvements in the Our aim was to verify whether the application of two
physical and chemical properties of soils? different organic amendments efficiently promotes OM
Although the C/N ratio is one of the quality criteria of increases in two distinct soils from Portugal. For this
amendments that is considered most, it is sometimes purpose, the C mineralization and the C kinetic parameters
inadequate for predicting decomposition kinetics (Thuriès were studied using a laboratory experimental incubation
et al., 2002). Van-Camp et al. (2004) also state that the setup.
SOM composition is often represented by the C/N ratio,
but the location of the residue and its size are also 2. Materials and methods
McLauchlan and Hobbie (2004) suggest four common 2.1. Soils for mineralization test
chemical, physical, and biological methods to empirically
measure labile SOM. These are the light fraction C, Two types of soil were used in the incubation test.
hydrolysable C, respiration from soils incubated in the Composite soil samples were collected at the 0–20 cm
laboratory, and microbial biomass C. However, respiration depth, at Pegões and Queluz, Portugal, corresponding,
(a biological method) continues to be the most popular respectively, to a Haplic Podzol (PZha) and to a Calcic
method to estimate microbial activity and substrate Vertisol (VRcc) (FAO, 1998). The characteristics of these
decomposition in soils (Zibilske, 1994). Biological separa- soils are given in Table 1. The soils were air-dried in a
tion empirically separates labile from recalcitrant SOM by constant temperature room (25 1C), crushed and sieved
allowing microbes to mineralize SOM under controlled through a 2.0-mm sieve, then dried in an oven at 25 1C to
temperature and moisture conditions and in the absence of constant weight.
new organic inputs (McLauchlan and Hobbie, 2004).
This method assumes that microbes first mineralize the 2.2. Amendments
most labile C, with later mineralization of the resistant
ones. The technique involves measuring CO2 produced by Two amendments were used for the experiment: urban
mineralization of SOM during the course of laboratory sewage sludge (USS) and municipal solid waste compost
incubation (Alvarez and Alvarez, 2000; McLauchlan and (MSWC). The USS was sampled after the anaerobic
Hobbie, 2004). digestion treatment at Frielas Wastewater Treatment
Rates of OM decomposition depend upon several Plant, near Lisbon, Portugal. The compost was produced
factors, ranging from the type of organic amendments to in the Amarsul MSW Composting Plant (Setúbal, Portu-
the soil type and properties, the climatic conditions and gal), where the OM bio-oxidation was carried out during
land management practices. Although OM decomposition an approximately 8 weeks period. This process was
studies are numerous, few researchers have addressed the
relative importance of direct and indirect mechanisms of Table 1
soil texture control on OM stabilization. In general, the Characteristics of the soils and experimental organic amendments
quantity and nature of the soil clay affects the amount
of C stabilized in soil, since fine textured soils (clays) Propertya Soil Amendment
often contain higher amounts of OM than sandy soils PZha VRcc MSWC USS
(Mtambanengwe et al., 2004).
The fitting of kinetic equations to mineralization curves pH (H2O) 5.1 7.4 7.6 7.8
allows the calculation of the potentially mineralizable C Clay (%) 1.5 35 NDb ND
Sand (%) 93 39 ND ND
fraction, and its mineralization rate. Several kinetic models Organic matter (%) 0.65 0.85 54 54
have been used to describe the effects of amendment Total carbon (%) 0.68 1.1 25 23
composition (Bernal et al., 1998a, b; Alvarez and Alvarez, Total nitrogen (%) 0.04 0.12 2.2 3.6
2000; Thuriès et al., 2001; McLauchlan and Hobbie, 2004). Organic nitrogen (%) ND ND 1.8 3.4
The first-order kinetic model has been widely applied in C C/N ratio 17 8.8 11 6.4
mineralization studies, due to its versatility (Bernal et al., a
Values on a dry weight basis.
1998a), where the amount of amendment decomposing is b
ND, not determined.
F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382 1377

conducted in an enclosure kept under controlled aerobic sampling time i and replication a and CO2 Ccia is the amount
conditions. During the process, periodic moisture measure- of C evolved from the control ia samples;
ments were made (using compost moisture meters) and the
compost piles were turned at 5 d intervals leading to a final 1X 3
Cmi ¼ Cmia , (3)
compost moisture content of about 35%. The amendments n a¼1
were air-dried in a constant temperature room (25 1C), and
where Cmi is the mean respired fraction of experimental
in order to obtain representative samples, the amendments
treatments at sampling time i (n ¼ 3 replicates);
were finely ground to 74 mm (CEN/TC 223, 2003). Some of
their characteristics are shown in Table 1. CCMFi ¼ CCMFi1 þ Cmi (4)
where CCMFi and CCMFi1 are the mean mineralized
2.3. Experimental treatments experimental treatments at sampling time i (cumulative
values of respired fraction of experimental treatments with
Ten experimental treatments with three replicates were CCMF0 ¼ 0);
carried out using the two amendments on the two topsoil
samples, PZha (A) and VRcc soils (B), at the following CO2 Caia  CO2 Ccia
CYCmia ¼ , (5)
rates (dry weight): Ca
T0A and T0B—Control (unamended soil); T1A and where CYCmia is the complementary respired fraction of
T1B—Application of 30 t ha1 of MSWC; T2A and T2B— experimental treatments at sampling time i and replication
Application of 60 t ha1 of MSWC; T3A and T3B— a and Ca is the total amendment C content;
Application of 30 t ha1 of USS; and T4A and T4B—
Application of 60 t ha1 of USS. 1X 3
CYCmi ¼ CYCmia , (6)
n a¼1
2.4. Incubation procedure where CYCmi is the mean complementary respired fraction
of experimental treatments at sampling time i (n ¼ 3
The experiment was conducted in an incubator under replicates);
laboratory-controlled conditions (Polo et al., 1984). Soil
samples (75.0 g ofo2.0 mm) were thoroughly mixed with CYCMFi ¼ CCYMFi1 þ CYCmi (7)
0.75 g (equivalent to 30 t ha1) or with 1.5 g (equivalent to where CYCMFi and CCYMFi1 are the mean mineralized
60 t ha1) of organic amendments and placed in Erlen- experimental treatments at sampling time i (complemen-
meyer flasks. Ultra-pure water was added to all treatments, tary values of respired fraction of experimental treatments
in order to bring their moisture content to 75% of water- with CYCMF0 ¼ 0).
holding capacity. The Erlenmeyer flasks were closed and
put into a water bath for 28 d at 28 1C. The CO2-C released
2.6. Modelling of mineralization dynamics and pool sizes
from the microbes was trapped in 0.1 M NaOH and
titrated with 0.2 M HCl, using phenolphthalein indicator,
The quantities and rates of labile and resistant C
after precipitation with 20% BaCl2. The C mineralization
mineralized during the course of the incubation were
was measured daily during the first 10 d and then every 3 d
calculated by parameterizing two-pool models (Alvarez
for a 28-d period.
and Alvarez, 2000; McLauchlan and Hobbie, 2004) with
non-linear regression curve fitting, applying Statgraphics
2.5. Data calculation Plus 5.1 software package to the equation:
The fraction of added C mineralized from experimental Ct ¼ Cl  1  ekl t þ kr t, (8)
treatments at each sampling time was estimated utilising where Ct is the known cumulative amount of C respired at
the following equations: sampling period t, Cl is the C labile pool, kl is the labile
CO2 Caia pool mineralization constant, kr is the resistant pool
Cmia ¼ , (1) mineralization rate and t is the time. During the curve
where Cmia is the respired fraction of experimental fitting, Ct and Cl were expressed as mg of C per 100 g of
treatments (moisture soils and amendments) at sampling soil, kl was expressed per day, and kr was expressed as mg
time i and replication a, CO2 Caia is the amount of C evolved of C per 100 g of soil per day.
from the amended ia samples and S is the amount of soil
evolved from the experimental treatment ia samples; 2.7. Statistical analysis
CO2 Ccia Statgraphics Plus 5.1 software package was used to
ECmia ¼ , (2)
S calculate the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and least
where ECmia is the endogenous respired fraction of control significant difference (Duncan) at P ¼ 0.05, in cumu-
treatments (soils without any amendment addition) at lative and complementary C mineralization treatments.
1378 F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382

The standard deviation of the kinetic parameters and the the end of the incubation period was highest in T3A and
F-values of the curve fits were used to test the significance T4A (0.649 and 0.861 mg CO2-C 100 g1 d1, respectively)
of established models. and lowest in T1A and T2A (0.435 and 0.595 mg CO2-C
100 g1 d1, respectively). However, in the VRcc soil, at the
3. Results end of the incubation the rate was highest in T4B and T2B
(1.83 and 1.76 mg CO2-C 100 g1 d1, respectively) and
3.1. Physico-chemical properties of soil and organic lowest in T3B and T1B (1.48 and 1.14 mg CO2-C
amendments 100 g1 d1, respectively). At the end of the incubation all
rates in both soils were higher than in the control treatment
According to LQARS (2000), the PZha soil presented an (0.187 (PZha) and 0.427 (VRcc) mg CO2-C 100 g1 g d1)
acid reaction while the VRcc soil was neutral. Both soils (Fig. 1).
showed low levels of OM. Both amendments had a neutral
pH, and considerable OM content. According to the 3.3. Cumulative mineralized carbon
Portuguese Standard (NP 1048-2, 1990), USS is considered
a fertilizer and MSWC an organic corrective. Their C/N The application of the amendments to both soils induced
ratio indicates that they are mature materials (Lancho a remarkable effect on the cumulative mineralized C
et al., 1982; de Varennes, 2003). (Pp0.001). The total amount of CO2-C released from the
VRcc soil was higher than that released by the PZha soil.
3.2. Carbon mineralization The total amount of CO2-C released after 28 d of
incubation for the PZha (Soil A) ranged from 4.75 to
The amendment applications increased the amount of 82.0 and for the VRcc (Soil B) from 20.8 to 106 mg CO2-C
soil biomass in relation to the control in all experimental 100 g1 soil (Table 2), decreasing in the following order:
treatments (Fig. 1). Significant differences were observed T4A4T2A4T3A ¼ T1A4T0A and T4B ¼ T2B4T3B4
among CO2-C evolution rates during the incubation, and T1B4T0B, according to the Duncan test.
among the experimental treatments (Pp0.001). The max- For both soils, the average of the mineralized C
imum C mineralization rate occurred in the first day of increased with increasing rates of applied OM, and the
incubation in all treatments, except for T4B (Fig. 1(b)). At T4 was higher than the T2. However, the T3 and T1 were
this time, the highest C mineralization rate occurred in not significantly different (Table 2).
T4A (Fig. 1(a)) on the PZha soil (17.4 mg CO2-C
100 g1 d1) and in T2B on the VRcc soil (14.7 mg CO2- 3.4. Complementary mineralized carbon
C 100 g1 d1). During the incubation, the highest amend-
ment levels induced larger C mineralization rates in both The complementary mineralized C shows the ‘‘real’’
soils. After the initially high mineralization rate, a gradual mineralization capacity that the amendment addition
decrease was observed in all treatments, before becoming provides to the soils, as compared with the endogenous
constant. mineralization of the control treatment. For both soils, the
The C mineralization rate became constant earlier in the amount of mineralized C increased with the amount of OM
PZha soil than in the VRcc soil. In the PZha soil the rate at applied. Consequently, significant differences were verified

a b
20 20

mg CO2-C 100 g-1 d-1

mg CO2-C 100 g-1 d-1

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Days Days

Fig. 1. Evolution rate of CO2-C during the incubation period on PZha (a) and VRcc (b) soils.
F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382 1379

Table 2
Mean cumulative mineralized carbon from PZha and VRcc soils amended with MSWC and USS and from amendments MSWC and USS at different
application rates after 28 days of incubation

Treatmentsa Soil Amendment

Pzha (mg CO2– VRcc (mg CO2– MSWC (mg CO2– USS (mg CO2–
C 100 g1 d1b) C 100 g1 d1b) C 100 g1 d1b) C 100 g1 d1b)

T0 4.75gc 20.8f 12.8d 12.8d

T1 44.0e 61.0d 52.5c —
T2 69.4c 100a 84.8b —
T3 45.1e 69.5c — 57.3c
T4 82.0b 106a — 93.8a
Treatments: T0, Control; T1 and T2, application of 30 and 60 t ha1 of MSWC, respectively; T3 and T4, application of 30 and 60 t ha1 of USS,
Values on a dry weight basis.
Mean values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (Duncan test, P ¼ 0.05).

Table 3
Mean complementary mineralized carbon from PZha and VRcc soils amended with MSWC and USS, and from amendments MSWC and USS at different
application levels after 28 days of incubation

Treatmentsa Soil Amendment

b b
Pzha (mg CO2–C 100 g 1
C ) VRcc (mg CO2–C 100 g 1
C ) MSWC (mg CO2–C 100 g1 Cb) USS (mg CO2–C 100 g1 Cb)

T0 699hc 2072g 1386e 1386e

T1 4226de 3015f 3620d —
T2 5477b 5058bc 5268b —
T3 4445cd 3739e — 4092c
T4 6802a 5567b — 6185a
Treatments: T0, Control; T1 and T2, application of 30 and 60 t ha1 of MSWC, respectively; T3 and T4, application of 30 and 60 t ha1 of USS,
Values on a dry weight basis.
Mean values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (Duncan test, P ¼ 0.05).

with time in the complementary mineralization rate and As expected, the potentially mineralizable C (Cl) and
among the treatments (Pp0.001). The complementary resistant pool mineralization rate (kr) on both soils
mineralized C results show that the endogenous miner- (Table 4) increased with the amount of OM applied. The
alization on VRcc was higher than on PZha (Table 3). amount of amendment decomposing is directly propor-
Nevertheless, the complementary mineralized C in T1, T3 tional to the amount present at any time.
and T4 were statistically higher on the PZha than on the In the VRcc and PZha soils, the kl was very similar
VRcc. In both soils the T2 and T4 shows a higher among the control and the other treatments (Table 4),
complementary mineralization rate and the USS applica- suggesting that the kinetic mineralization was regulated by
tion induced the highest complementary C mineralization the different soils characteristics.
(Table 3).
4. Discussion
3.5. Modelling of mineralization dynamics and pool sizes
4.1. Carbon mineralization
Our kinetic model offers an acceptable description of the
C mineralization kinetics in all treatments and on both The amendment applications increased the soil biomass in
soils (Pp0.001). relation to the control (Levi-Minzi et al., 1990; Calderon et
The rapid mineralization values obtained pointed out the al., 2004; Naher et al., 2004; Parnaudeau et al., 2004). This
existence of a large easily degradable C fraction in the occurred because the presence of a high concentration of
treatments with the amendments used. In fact, the easily degradable organic C in the amendments led to a large
application of the amendments to the soil produced a growth of the microbial population in the soil (Ajwa and
higher C labile pool than the control (Table 4). However, in Tabatabai, 1994; Bernal et al., 1998a; Stemmer et al., 2000).
both soils, the k1 shows that the differences between the Sarmah and Bordoloi (1995) reported that the CO2-C
faster C mineralization pools were very small. rate evolution was greater during the first week of
1380 F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382

Table 4
Exponential plus linear equation model parameters and F-values for carbon mineralization in PZha and VRcc soilsa

Soil Treatments Cl (mg C 100 g1 soil) kl (d1) kr (mg C 100 g1 soil) r2 (%) F

PZha T0A 7.02 0.037 0.005 94.4 365

T1A 38.3 0.206 0.147 97.2 772
T2A 62.2 0.207 0.174 98.7 1593
T3A 37.8 0.205 0.195 95.5 522
T4A 72.9 0.178 0.236 97.9 1144
VRcc T0B 19.5 0.140 0.057 96.5 663
T1B 56.6 0.144 0.089 99.3 3057
T2B 93.2 0.147 0.148 99.4 3515
T3B 64.9 0.122 0.124 98.8 1879
T4B 95.1 0.155 0.240 98.3 1176
Values on a dry weight basis.
 Significant at the probability level Pp0.001.

incubation with different types of OM. Similar results were Alvarez and Alvarez (2000) and Mtambanengwe et al.
also obtained by Diaz-Burgos et al. (1993); Stemmer et al. (2004) affirm that clay particles are believed to protect
(2000); Thuriès et al. (2001); Thuriès et al. (2002); and some of the more easily decomposable organic compounds,
Naher et al. (2004). and pores smaller than 75 mm are responsible for the
protection of organic substrates against microbial
4.2. Cumulative mineralized carbon decomposition in soils (Mtambanengwe et al., 2004). The
effect of clay in increasing the content of OM in soil is
The cumulative C results are lower when compared with possibly caused by newly synthesized matter, extracellular
data from the literature (e.g., Naher et al., 2004). Our metabolites, as well as cellular material, forming biostable
results may be explained by the lower C/N ratios of the complexes and aggregates with clay (Sorensen, 1981). Two
experimental amendments, inducing their high stability. mechanisms have been put forward to explain the effect of
In fact, similar results were obtained when applying soil texture on OM decomposition: (1) the protective action
amendments with C/N ratios of similar magnitude by by clays against OM degradation through the formation of
Diaz-Burgos et al. (1993). complexes between ions associated with large clay surfaces;
The cumulative CO2-C mineralization on both soils, and (2) high CEC and accessibility by soil microbes
after 28 d of decomposition, seems to become steady in all (Mtambanengwe et al., 2004). However, Whitmore (1996)
treatments suggesting that, after this period of time, the states that the amount of CO2 produced is independent
amendments are mature enough for field application. of soil type and suggests that the decomposition of labile
OM takes place independent of the ability of the soil to
4.3. Complementary mineralized carbon protect OM.
It has also been suggested (Levi-Minzi et al., 1990) that
The different soil texture and total organic C content of the amendments which present a complementary miner-
both soils may explain the differences between endogenous alization rate of about 5% are good enough to maintain an
mineralization on VRcc and PZha soils. There is no effective amount of OM in the soil.
consensus from the literature with regard to the effect of The usual agricultural practice consists of the addition
soil texture, especially clay content, on SOM. However, of organic wastes to the soil some weeks before sowing
some authors obtained significant increases in soil micro- in order to allow the soil microorganisms to degrade
bial biomass C, as the clay percentage increased (Saggar the labile OM, reduce phytotoxicity, release plant nutrients
et al., 1994) and a strong correlation between soil C and the and reach a new equilibrium in the soil microbial
percentage of clay (Sorensen, 1981; Saggar et al., 1994). activity (Bernal et al., 1998b). Therefore, it is important
It has also been shown that, at a soil pH of 5 and below, to know when the new equilibrium in the soil micro-
biological activity becomes inhibited, thereby promoting a bial population is reached and when sowing may take
decrease in the rate of SOM decomposition (Bronson et al., place.
1998; Brye et al., 2004). Simple incubation experiments have proved valuable in
The C mineralization decreases with increasing clay understanding the mineralization kinetics of C for
content (Mtambanengwe et al., 2004) and this fact can organic materials amended to the soil (Blet-Charaudeau
explain why the complementary mineralized C for the et al., 1990; Saviozzi et al., 1993; Bernal et al., 1998a, b;
treatments with higher amendments rates was higher on the Rogers et al., 2001) and the mineralization during an
PZha than on the VRcc. incubation period of 3 (Beloso et al., 1993) and 6 weeks
F. Pedra et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39 (2007) 1375–1382 1381

(Duchaufour, 1984; Garcı́a et al., 1992) may be similar to entrapment (Alvarez and Alvarez, 2000; Brye et al., 2004;
the mineralization in the field during the cultivation Mtambanengwe et al., 2004).
period. Consequently, the mineralization produced in the McLauchlan and Hobbie (2004) also found some
4 weeks of the present incubation experiment is valid as relationships between aggregate abundance and the quan-
an approach to the field process (Diaz-Marcote et al., tity of labile C, suggesting that aggregates are associated
1995). with soil C. However, the aggregates do not necessarily
All experimental treatments, on both soils, except for protect labile C that would otherwise be decomposed by
USS 60 t ha1 (T4), increased or at least kept the OM microbes. Larger aggregates are capable of protecting
constant in the soil, during the incubation. larger quantities of organic C, but it is not clear if this C
may be considered labile (McLauchlan and Hobbie, 2004).
4.4. Modelling of mineralization dynamics and pool sizes
5. Conclusions
The use of the kinetic model to describe the C
mineralization process allows us to estimate the potential This study verified that the addition of two amendments,
C fraction and the mineralization rate, as well as estimating urban sewage sludge (USS) and municipal solid waste
Cl with the curve-fitting technique. This technique may be compost (MSWC) to the PZha and VRcc soils provided an
the most accurate because the laboratory incubation most increase in their mineralization capacities; the highest C
closely approximates decomposition in the soil, and mineralization rate was reached during the first 2 d of
mathematical estimation of Cl avoids errors associated incubation.
with choosing a length of incubation. However, this The USS amendment produced higher C mineralization
technique must be applied carefully (McLauchlan and than MSWC, and the PZha soil induced higher organic C
Hobbie, 2004). There are several equations to choose from mineralization than the VRcc soil. The higher C miner-
that may be biologically relevant (Alvarez and Alvarez, alization of the USS amendment may be related to its
2000), and sometimes parameters must be constrained to higher organic N content, promoting a more elevated
give accurate results. The curve-fitting technique provides microbiological activity due to the existence of easily bio-
information about the constant decay of the labile pool in degradable N compounds. The different behaviour be-
addition to the pool size of Cl. If information about kl is tween the two soils may be related to their different
desirable, the curve-fitting technique must be used, which physical and chemistry characteristics.
requires relatively long incubation periods (McLauchlan These results emphasize the importance of continuing
and Hobbie, 2004). these studies for a better understanding of the mechanisms
The k1 results show that the OM of amendments USS that take place, in order to develop OM management
and MSWC had given a similar microbial activity in both options for soils with different characteristics.
soils at the initial part of the active phase (Table 4). The kl Except in the case of USS at 60 t ha1, all the other
values were higher than those obtained by Bernal et al. experimental treatments with the amendments, in both
(1998b) or by Hassen et al. (1998), but closer to those soils, increased, or at least kept constant, amounts of OM
found by Bernal et al. (1998a). For Bernal et al. (1998b), a in the soils during the incubation period. If that does not
constant lower than 0.033 d1, for the C mineralization happen, the amendment maturation must be optimized or
kinetics, points to a mature compost. added at smaller rates (e.g., at less than USS 60 t ha1) to
However, there is a need for standardization of the the soils.
methods in order to measure the CO2 output, as well as for
the equations that determine the respective kinetic para- Acknowledgements
meters, in order to allow a comparison of results. As a
matter of fact, the European Committee for Standardiza- We would like to thank Silvio Fonte for his collabora-
tion created a draft (CEN/TC 223, 2003) describing the tion with the analytical work. We also wish to thank the
methodology and the way the results should be treated. PhD student Diaz-Marcote for allowing us to mention his
However, this draft only indicates conditions for soils with experimental findings.
15% to 25% clay, a pH between 6.0 and 7.3, a
concentration of total calcium (Ca) below 2 g kg1 (dry
matter), and a total organic C ranging from 0.5% to 1%
(dry matter). Ajwa, H.A., Tabatabai, M.A., 1994. Decomposition of different organic
These results were consistent with the study of Mtamba- materials in soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 18, 175–182.
nengwe et al. (2004), who stated that the decomposition of Alvarez, R., Alvarez, C.R., 2000. Soil organic matter pools and their
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