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Review Article

Diagnosis and management of

gastrointestinal stromal tumors: An
up‑to‑date literature review
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare life‑threatening forms of cancer that may arise anywhere in the GI tract. Herein, we El‑Menyar1,2,
aimed to review the literature to describe the incidence, management, and outcomes of GISTs. We conducted a traditional narrative Ahammed
review using PubMed and EMBASE, searching for English‑language publications for GISTs between January 2001 and January Mekkodathil1,
2016 using keywords ““gastrointestinal” “stromal tumors.” Among 4582 retrieved articles, 50 articles were relevant over the last Hassan Al‑Thani3
15 years. Several risk stratification systems exist to predict the outcomes of GISTs based on certain criteria such as the primary 1
Department of
site of occurrence, size of the tumor, mitotic activity, staining for proliferating cells, and tumor necrosis. Risk stratification is crucial Surgery, Clinical
in the management and outcomes of the disease. Surgical resection remains the gold standard option of GISTs treatment. Complete Research, Trauma
resection of the tumor is the main predictor of the postoperative patient’s survival. Laparoscopic resections are associated with less Surgery, Hamad
intraoperative blood loss, early return of bowel function, early resumption of diet, and short hospital stay. However, laparoscopy General Hospital,
Department of
is difficult to perform in large and unfavorably placed GISTs and may result in disease progression, recurrence, and poor survival. Clinical Medicine,
Robot‑assisted laparoscopic resections provide instruments for surgeons to perform technically demanding operations. Moreover, Weill Cornell Medical
extensive research work including large clinical trials is ongoing to establish promising role of the adjuvant and neo-adjuvant therapy College, 3Department
for better disease- free survival in GIST patients. of Surgery, Hamad
General Hospital,
Doha, Qatar
KEY WORDS: Gastrointestinal, stromal, tumors
For correspondence:
Prof. Ayman
INTRODUCTION in males in some studies; the male to female ratio Clinical Research,
Trauma Surgery,
in incidence ranged from 1.02 to 1.7.[2,5,9‑12] Herein,
Hamad General
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare life we aim to review the literature to describe the Hospital,
threatening forms of cancer representing 0.1–3% of incidence, management, and outcomes of GISTs. P.O. Box 3050,
all the GI malignancies. Moreover, GISTs account for Doha, Qatar.
80% of the GI mesenchymal neoplasms.[1] The major E‑mail: aymanco65@
cause of GIST is the presence of an abnormal form
of tyrosine protein kinase (KIT) protein also known A traditional narrative literature search was
as CD117, which causes uncontrollable growth of performed using the PubMed and EMBASE search
the GI cells. Population‑based studies have shown engines. The search was limited to the duration
that the annual incidence of GISTs is 11–20 per
from January 2001 to January 2016. We used the
million population.[2,3] GISTs may arise anywhere
search terms in different combinations to enhance
in the GI tract and are recognized as originating
the retrieval of articles. In addition, Google Scholar
from gut pacemaker cells known as interstitial
searches were also carried out. Reference lists of
cells of Cajal (ICC) or their stem cell precursors
that are distributed along the GI tract from the appropriate studies were also hand‑searched to
esophagus to the anus.[4] Although it can appear include further studies for potential inclusion.
Access this article online
at any age, advanced age is a risk factor for GISTs A total of 4582 articles were retrieved from Website:
and the median age of onset reported in previous DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.177499
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
studies was about 60 years.[5‑7] The incidence of Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
PMID: ***

GISTs is much less in individuals below the age of tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited Quick Response Code:

40 and GISTs are very rare in children and young and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
adults.[8] A slightly higher incidence rate was seen For reprints contact:

Cite this article as: El-Menyar A, Mekkodathil A, Al-Thani H. Diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumors:
An up-to-date literature review. J Can Res Ther 2017;13:889-900.

© 2017 Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 889
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El‑Menyar, et al.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

different search engines. We excluded videos, errata, letters, The trend in GIST survival rate was also found increased over the
and corrections. Finally, 50 articles were deemed suitable for years, especially after the year 2000. Perez et al. attributed the
inclusion in the review after the exclusion of 4532 articles not increase in GIST survival rate found in the USA after 2000 to
relevant to the current review. Two relevant papers included the launch of imatinib mesylate (imatinib), a KIT‑selective
from the reference lists were not within the limit of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI).[16] The Taiwanese nationwide
duration in our search strategy. cancer registry‑based study in 2986 GIST patients pointed
out that the widespread use of imatinib resulted in better
Of 50 articles included, 23 were retrospective studies, outcomes.[9] The study showed that 5‑year overall survival (OS)
22 were prospective studies, two were case reports, two were increased from 58.9% (1998–2001) to 70.2% (2005–2008).[9] A
meta‑analyses, and one was randomized controlled trial. recent trend analysis based on over 5000 GIST patients from
The sample size in retrospective population‑based studies the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) registry
ranged from 22 to 6998 GIST patients whereas it was 5–2537 revealed an increase in OS from 15% in 1998 to 55% in 2008
in prospective studies. Table 1 shows sample size, type, year in metastatic GIST.[18] However, the Spanish population‑based
of publication, and origin of studies included in this review. study between 1994 and 2001 showed a favorable survival
in preimatinib population.[19] This improved survival in
TRENDS IN INCIDENCE AND SURVIVAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL preimatinib era could be due to misclassification of very
STROMAL TUMORS low‑risk GIST as leiomyoma.[18] Metastatic or recurrent GISTs
are often associated with poor survival; however, patient
GISTs are associated with a broad spectrum clinical behavior. outcomes improved significantly with the advent of imatinib
Many patients are usually asymptomatic and incidentally and other KIT‑selective TKIs.[1,18]
found to have GIST during imaging or exploration.[1] Metastatic
GISTs often progress rapidly which account for 15–50% of SITES OF OCCURRENCE AND CLINICAL PRESENTATION
cases.[1] Nearly 70–90% of the GISTs are caused by c‑KIT somatic
gain‑of‑function mutations followed by similar mutations in A population‑based study in Western Sweden showed
platelet‑derived growth factor receptor‑alpha (PDGFRA).[13] that 21% of GISTs were discovered incidentally during
PDGFRA gain‑of‑function mutations account for approximately surgery for unrelated conditions including surgery for other
half of c‑KIT‑negative GISTs.[13] Both c‑KIT and PDGFRA genes intra‑abdominal malignancies such as colorectal carcinoma or
are located in the fourth chromosome in humans which gastric carcinoma, and 10% were detected during autopsies.[20]
encodes tyrosine kinase receptors. The risk of GIST increases Kawanowa et al. revealed that most of the incidentally found
with the inheritance of the mutations and, in some instances, tumors were microscopic GISTs and many of them were located
GISTs can be found in several members of the same family. in the stomach.[21] Nearly 85% of the benign incidental tumors
Furthermore, GISTs being a part of genetic syndrome possibly showed KIT mutations which were similar to the clinically
linked with other syndromes such as neurofibromatosis type 1 significant GIST case series with larger size, suggested that
and carney triad.[14] KIT mutations occur very early in the GIST development.[22]
Many studies revealed that GISTs arise more commonly in the
GISTs were frequently misclassified as GI autonomic nerve stomach (40–70%) followed by the small intestine (15–44%) and
tumor, leiomyoma, leiomyoblastoma, leiomyosarcoma, or rarely seen in intra‑abdominal sites (2–11%) such as omentum,
schwannoma.[15] However, a proper classification of GIST was mesentery, and retroperitoneum.[5,8,11,12,19] Extra‑GISTs may also
established in 2002 based on the fact that KIT mutations are present in organs such as liver, pancreas, prostate, ovaries, and
the major causes of GISTs. Over the years, advancements in uterus. Its occurrence was reported as nearly 10% in a Chinese
immunohistochemical staining techniques, improvements in survey.[5] It has been reported that metastatic GISTs frequently
diagnosis, and improved registration led to increase in the occur at liver (65%) and peritoneum (21%).[8]
incidence of GIST as reported in various population‑based
studies.[9] GIST associated symptoms vary with the site and size of the
lesion. Small‑sized GISTs often do not have any symptoms.
For example, a 25‑fold increase in the rate of incidence was Increase in size may develop mass‑related symptoms such
noted in the USA in 10 years since 1992.[16] Similarly, the as abdominal pain, digestive discomfort, and sensations of
nationwide study in the Netherlands showed the annual fullness of the abdomen. Caterino et al. studied the correlation
incidence of GIST increased 6‑fold in 8 years since 1995 whereas between symptoms, location, and prognosis and reported
the incidence of GIST‑like tumors decreased by 28%; however, that nearly 38% of the GIST patients were presented with
the GIST incidence rate was stable from 2000 onward.[17] epigastric or periumbilical abdominal pain.[23] GISTs were
In Japan, GISTs were registered in 1988 for the first time located mainly (3 of 5) in the stomach. The most frequently
and found increased since 1999 whereas leiomyosarcomas noted clinical manifestation for GISTs was GI bleeding that
have decreased.[10] Nomura et al. concluded that GIST might resulted from mucosal ulceration which occurs in nearly half
have been diagnosed as leiomyosarcoma before using of the GIST cases.[24,25] GI bleeding may change the texture of
immunohistochemistry. the stool to either dark‑red or black. In addition, bleeding leads

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El‑Menyar, et al.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

Table 1: Studies included in the review

Authors Year Sample Study type Country Conclusion
Ducimetière et al.[2] 2011 748 Population‑based France The observed incidence of sarcomas was higher than expected
Mazzola et al.[3] 2008 Population‑based Switzerland Higher age‑standardized rates compared to other European
(retrospective) countries. The gene mutation spectrum differed when compared to
the literature
Wang et al.[5] 2013 153 Population‑based China Low incidence of GIST, no statistically significant difference exists
(retrospective) in the incidence between males and females
Yan et al.[6] 2008 22 Population‑based Canada There was a trend for increased GIST incidence with routine use
(retrospective) of CD117
Mucciarini et al.[7] 2007 124 Population‑based Italy GIST incidence comparable to other European countries. Survival
(retrospective) was favorable in lower risk categories and in most of the resected
Rubió et al.[19] 2007 46 Population‑based Spain GIST incidence rate was low, survival was favorable in preimatinib
(retrospective) population, but was low in high‑risk cases
Nilsson et al.[20] 2005 1460 Population‑based Sweden GIST has been under‑recognized: Its incidence, prevalence, and
(retrospective) clinical aggressiveness also have been underestimated
Tryggvason et al.[51] 2005 57 Population‑based Iceland GIST incidence data supports the NIH consensus prognostic
(retrospective) categories
Goettsch et al.[17] 2005 Population‑based The Netherlands The increased GIST incidence related to increased understanding
(retrospective) of GIST pathobiology and the routine availability of the diagnostic
immunohistochemical antibody directed against the CD117 antigen
Chiang et al.[9] 2014 2986 Population‑based Taiwan GIST incidence increased, partially due to the advancement of
(retrospective) diagnostic techniques and increased awareness by physicians.
The outcome has improved significantly with imatinib
Nomura et al.[10] 2013 6998 Population‑based Japan GIST might have been diagnosed as leiomyosarcoma in digestive
(retrospective) organs before using immunohistochemistry
Bokhary and 2010 37 Population‑based Saudi Arabia GISTs prevalence more than expected, with most in male adults
Al‑Maghrabi[11] (retrospective) over 40 years of age. Gastric GISTs were frequent. Most tumors
belong to high‑risk group
Barakat et al.[12] 2010 93 Population‑based Jordan A slight male predominance for high‑risk GISTs
Perez et al.[16] 2006 Population‑based USA GIST incidence increased since 1992. Survivals have greatly
(retrospective) improved since 2000, when imatinib mesylate was FDA approved
Kawanowa et al.[21] 2006 100 Prospective Japan Microscopic gastric GISTs are common and only few may grow
into a clinical size with malignant potential
Corless et al.[22] 2002 120 Prospective USA KIT mutation activation is acquired in the early stage of the
development of most GISTs and is of little prognostic importance
Caterino et al.[23] 2011 47 Prospective Italy Symptoms correlate to tumor location, to class risk criteria as
mitotic index and risk classifications
DeMatteo et al.[24] 2000 200 Prospective USA Disease‑specific survival tumor size can be predicted in patients
with primary disease undergoing complete gross resection
Sorour et al.[25] 2014 92 Prospective Egypt GIST‑related emergencies are increasing. Early diagnosis and
treatment are crucial in saving lives. Surgery is the gold standard
treatment in localized GIST. Prognosis is strictly related to size and
completeness of surgical resection
Emory et al.[34] 1999 1004 Prospective USA Tumor location, size, mitotic index, and age have independent
value in predicting the prognosis of patients with gastrointestinal
smooth‑muscle tumors
Wu et al.[35] 2003 57 Prospective USA Imatinib‑targeted therapy of metastatic disease yields encouraging
clinical responses
Pierie et al.[36] 2001 70 Retrospective USA Tumors having more than 1 mitosis and larger than 5 cm in size
associated with poor prognosis, with decreased survival, and
increased local and/or distant recurrence
Cao et al.[37] 2010 181 Retrospective China Surgical resection is the gold standard. NIH risk stratification is
simple and effective to evaluate GIST behavior and prognosis.
Imatinib therapy may play an important role in the treatment of GIST
Dematteo et al.[38] 2008 127 Prospective USA Recurrence in completely resected primary GIST is independently
predicted by mitotic rate, tumor size, and tumor location in the
absence of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy
Emile et al.[40] 2004 276 Retrospective France KIT or PDGFRA mutations were detected in 58.4% of the
c‑KIT‑positive and also in some c‑KIT‑negative tumors
Martín et al.[41] 2005 162 Prospective Spain Deletions affecting codons 557 to 558 are relevant for the
prognosis of RFS in GIST patients
Bachet et al.[42] 2009 68 Retrospective France KIT exon 11 mutations were correlated with the origin of GIST, but
not with prognosis or response to imatinib


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Table 1: Contd...
Authors Year Sample Study type Country Conclusion
Andersson et al.[43] 2006 177 Prospective Sweden KIT exon 11 deletion is an independent adverse prognostic factor
in patients with GIST
Cho et al.[44] 2006 56 Prospective Japan KIT mutations, especially deletions in exon 11, are markers of poor
prognosis for gastric GISTs
Antonescu et al.[45] 2004 24 Prospective USA GISTs have heterogeneous gene expression depending on KIT
genotype and tumor location
Nakamura et al.[52] 2005 80 Prospective Japan results strongly support the hypothesis that Ki‑67 LI and risk grade
are useful for predicting the aggressive biologic behavior of GISTs
Rutkowski et al.[53] 2007 335 Retrospective Poland Primary tumor location and sex are independent prognostic factors
Takahashi et al.[54] 2007 303 Retrospective Japan Fletcher’s system could be enhanced by the addition of “clinically
malignant factors” and “clinically malignant group” could be
potential candidates for adjuvant therapy using imatinib
Miettinen et al.[57] 2005 1765 Prospective USA Molecular genetic study showed patients with point mutations
related to better outcomes than those with deletions
Goh et al.[58] 2008 171 Retrospective Singapore Remarkable prognostic heterogeneity exists in the AFIP high‑risk
category. Study suggests a new system that provides the most
accurate prognostic information
Sanchez Hidalgo 2010 52 Prospective Spain The Fletcher risk scores have the greatest sensitivity and
et al.[59] specificity to predict overall survival, and recurrence compared
with other scores
Gold et al.[60] 2009 127 Prospective USA The proposed nomogram accurately predicts RFS after resection
of localized primary GIST and could be used to select patients for
adjuvant imatinib therapy
Woodall et al.[61] 2009 2537 Prospective USA Tumor size, grade and the presence of metastases did affect
overall survival. When combined in a TGM staging system, grade
and metastasis were the factors most predictive of survival
Karakousis et al.[65] 2011 155 Prospective USA Laparoscopic resection of primary gastric GISTs≤8 cm results
in shorter hospital stays with similar operating room time while
showing sound oncologic outcomes compared with open resection
when matched for tumor size
Liang et al.[66] 2013 776 Meta‑analysis China The laparoscopy might be superior to open surgeries for the
patients with GIST<5 cm
Koh et al.[67] 2013 765 Systematic Singapore Laparoscopic resections result in superior short‑term postoperative
review and outcomes without compromising oncological safety and long‑term
meta‑analysis oncological outcomes compared with open resections
Buchs et al.[68] 2010 5 Prospective Switzerland Robotic system offers oncologically safe resection for an
unfavorably located gastric GIST. Moreover, the three‑dimensional,
high‑definition vision, instrument mobility, and ease of performing
a difficult suturing enable a safe, large atypical gastrectomy, close
to the pylorus or cardia
Desiderio et al.[69] 2013 5 Prospective Italy Robotic surgical resection of large GISTs is feasible and
associated with favorable outcomes
Ortiz‑Oshiro 2012 1 Case report Spain Robotic surgical resection is technically feasible and safe because
et al.[71] of the advantageous movements provided by the robotic arms
Moriyama et al.[72] 2012 1 Case report Japan Robot‑assisted laparoscopic resection for gastric GIST is a safe
and feasible technique. The da Vinci Surgical System simplifies
resecting and suturing the stomach with an appropriate margin
Song et al.[74] 2009 100 Retrospective South Korea Robot‑assisted gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy can be applied
safely and effectively for patients with gastric cancer
Patriti et al.[75] 2008 13 Prospective Italy Robot‑assisted laparoscopic lymph node dissection and
esophageal anastomosis are feasible and safe
Blanke et al.[77] 2008 147 Prospective USA Nearly half of patients with advanced GIST who were treated with
imatinib mesylate survived for more than 5 years, regardless the
starting dose
Dematteo et al.[78] 2009 713 Randomized, USA Adjuvant imatinib therapy is safe and seems to improve
double‑blind, RFS compared with placebo after the resection of primary
placebo‑controlled gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Al‑Thani et al.[80] 2014 48 Retrospective Qatar A total of 48 GIST patients were identified. Surgical resection
analysis was the preferred choice of treatment; however, robotic and
laparoscopic resections were feasible and safe
RFS=Recurrence‑free survival, GIST=Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, TGM=Tumor‑grade‑metastasis, AFIP=Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, PDGFRA=Platelet‑
derived growth factor receptor‑alpha, NIH=National Institutes of Health, FDA=Food and Drug Administration

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El‑Menyar, et al.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

to occasional vomiting of blood. Chronic bleeding may lead to beneficial in identifying the patients for targeted therapies.
anemia which causes fatigue and in some cases tachycardia. However, the role of DOG1 is uncertain especially when
Caterino et al. showed GI bleeding (58%) and abdominal KIT and PDGFRA mutation analysis by polymerase chain
pain (61%) were more frequent in gastric GISTs; however, reaction and gene sequencing of tumor biopsy specimens is
other acute abdominal symptoms were more common in available.[32] Kakkar et al. recently studied the utility of DOG1
jejunal (40%) and ileal GISTs (60%).[23] immunocytochemistry and reported DOG1 immunopositivity
in 57% of the cases examined.[33] The authors concluded that
Although it was not statistically significant, gastric GISTs DOG1 immunocytochemistry can serve as a valuable adjunct
showed abdominal pain as the main symptom was larger in ambiguous cases.[33]
in size compared to gastric GISTs with bleeding as main
symptom. Similarly, acute abdominal symptoms, which include PROGNOSTIC FACTORS
appendicitis‑like pain, GI obstruction, or tumor rupture, were
frequent with larger jejunal/ileal GISTs.[22] Acute abdomen Variations in aggressiveness of GISTs are evident in the
symptoms require emergency medical attention. GIST rupture published literature. Studies have shown the occurrences of
was very rare in previous reports. However, rupture and GISTs ranging from small benign nodules to malignant tumors
peritonitis were noted in 8% of GIST patients in GIST‑related in all sites. Many criteria exist to predict the biological behavior
emergency study by Sorour et al.[25] of GISTs, which include the primary site of occurrence, size
of the tumor, mitotic activity, staining for proliferating cells,

Radiological examinations may not provide useful data on Emory et al. demonstrated the significant difference in
localization of GISTs. It can be achieved by the use of barium site‑specific survival for 10 years in 1004 GIST patients.[34]
contrast studies, endoscopy, and computed tomography (CT) The authors argued tumor size and mitotic activity alone was
scan. CT scan also helps in determining size and presence not sufficient to predict the long‑term outcomes in any sites.
of secondary localizations such as hepatic metastases. Moreover, mitotic activity was found highly site dependent.
Positron emission tomography may be useful for secondary For similar mitotic figures and size in 50 high‑power
localization. However, histological and immunohistochemical fields (HPFs), gastric GISTs had shown better survival when
confirmation are required.[26] Immunohistologic features compared to small bowel GISTs.[35] Demetri et al. reported
of GISTs differentiate it from other mesenchymal tumors esophagus has the best prognosis whereas peritoneum has
such as leiomyomas, schwannomas, leiomyoblastomas, and the worst.[29]
leiomyosarcomas.[27] Immunohistochemically, GISTs and ICC
are KIT‑positive, suggesting GISTs arise from ICC. However, DeMatteo et al. analyzed the outcomes of 200 patients with
GIST arises from the locations where ICC are absent such as GISTs and predicted the survival by tumor size in patients with
mesentery or omentum suggests the origin of GISTs are from primary disease after complete resection of gross disease.[24]
stem cell precursors of ICC.[28] Recurrence was predominantly intra‑abdominal and noted
in the original tumor site, peritoneum, and liver. Wu et al.
Other important markers used in the diagnosis of GISTs include showed that GIST size larger than 5 cm along with other factors
CD34, vimentin, keratin, smooth muscle actin (SMA), and S100. predicted recurrence in patients after surgical treatment.[35]
They are usually positive for vimentin and may be positive for Pierie et al. showed that GISTs with size more than 5 cm
SMA and keratin but often negative for desmin and protein contributes to decrease in survival.[36] Cao et al. confirmed that
S100.[26] The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) large tumor size is associated with worse prognosis in GIST
reported the proportion of positivity of GISTs toward various patients undergoing surgical resection.[37]
markers as KIT (95%), CD34 (60–70%), SMA (40%), S‑100 (5%),
desmin (1–2%), and keratin (1–2%).[29] In addition, studies have concluded that a mitotic rate >5/10
HPFs is a predictive of the aggressive behavior of cells.[34,35]
Other markers currently explored include protein kinase Mitotic rate is a measure of tumor cell proliferation indicating
C-theta and carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), nestin, and Discovered the rate of growth of the tumor. Mitotic index can be
on GIST-1 (DOG1).[30] DOG1, also known as TMEM16A and ANO, considered as the most important single variable in prognosis
is a promising biomarker with high sensitivity and specificity. of GIST.[38] In short, tumor size, mitotic index, and tumor origin
Wong reported that one‑thirds of KIT‑negative GISTs were site are the important variables widely accepted in predicting
positive for the antibody DOG1.[30] According to Lee et al., DOG1 the biological behavior of GISTs.
antibodies are more sensitive than KIT in detecting gastric
GISTs, tumors with epithelioid morphology, and tumors with Other prognostic criteria include tumor necrosis, staining for
PDGFRA mutation.[31] Moreover, DOG1 immunoreactivity is proliferating cells (MIB‑1 >10%), invasive character, presence
virtually absent in other mesenchymal and nonmesenchymal of symptoms, and evidence of metastases, or lymph node
tumor types and its use in combination with KIT will be invasion.[26]

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El‑Menyar, et al.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

A recent study by Kargin et al. assessed the relationship in the pre‑KIT era was based on tumor size, mitotic count, and
of raised blood neutrophil-to- lymphocyte ratio with the proliferative index and classified GISTs into low and high risks.
prognosis in GIST patients.[39] The authors found that this The old grading system considered GISTs and true smooth
ratio significantly increased in the high‑risk patients and was muscle neoplasms together as stromal neoplasms.[49]
associated with short survival.[39] Further, an increase in this
ratio was associated with an increase in the mitotic activity Risk stratification system has been further modified with
of the tumor.[39] the advent of KIT. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
consensus criteria, also known as Fletcher’s criteria, was
GENE EXPRESSION AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR developed in the year 2002.[50] Eight prognostic categories
based on tumor size (≤2, >2–5, >5–10, and >10 cm) and
Studies identified that 60% of gain‑of‑function mutations mitotic activity (<5 vs. >5/50 HPFs) with four subdivisions
occurs within the exon 11 of KIT which consists of 33 codons of risk groups such as very low, low, intermediate, and high
(codons‑550‑582). Deletions involving amino acids W557 risk were followed to assess the malignant potential. Mitotic
and/or K558 (delWK) are more common (8–25% of KIT exon rate used in this system is an alternative to proliferative index
11 mutations) which in fact are associated with higher rate of followed in the old grading system. A size of 5 cm was fixed
recurrence.[38,40,41] Contrarily, Emile et al. found GISTs in which as the cut‑off value to define low and nonlow risk tumors.[49,50]
the last part of exon 11 (codons 562–579) frequently deleted
and was associated with malignancy compared to GISTs with Prediction of recurrence or metastasis based on the tumor
deletion of the first part (codons 550–561).[40] However, several size and mitotic rate that followed in NIH system was verified
studies have shown that deletions at distal part of exon 11, by several studies. Swedish, Icelandic, and Japanese studies
particularly Tyr568 and/or Tyr570 (delTyr), are less common showed high proportion of recurrences in patients classified as
compared to delWK which accounts for 3–8% of exon 11 high‑risk group according to NIH criteria. It was noted as 63%,
mutations.[38] Bachet et al. showed that GISTs with delTyr and 41%, and 39%, respectively.[20,51,52] A slight male predominance
delWK mutations had similar prognosis after surgical resection in high‑risk cases was evident in Jordanian population.[12] In the
and targeted therapy with imatinib.[42] Mutations involving Swedish study, none of the patients classified as very low‑risk
duplication or substitutions at KIT exon 11 showed better group had recurrent tumor disease or tumor‑related deaths.[20]
prognosis when compared to KIT exon 11 deletions.[38,43,44] In addition, the low‑ and intermediate‑risk groups showed low
Similarly, KIT exon 9 mutations had unfavorable outcomes.[38] proportion of tumor recurrence, i.e., 2.4% and 2%, respectively.
Mortality associated with tumor collectively in very low‑,
Evidence suggests that tumor site of origin is associated low‑, and intermediate‑risk groups was shown as only 1.2%.
with mutations. Often, GISTs with KIT exon 9 mutations were Intermediate‑risk groups showed a higher recurrence of
located in the small intestine and with PDGFRA mutations 20% in Iceland‑based study suggesting intermediate risk
in stomach.[45] However, significant association between KIT along with high‑risk influences negatively on the survival
exon 11 mutation status and tumor site of origin was not rate.[51] However, the recurrence proportion in these groups
established.[46,47] Bachet et al. analyzed a large series of patients was lower in Japanese study which recorded as 4.5%.[52]
and showed that GISTs with delWK were mainly gastric and Iceland‑based study concluded that the positive predictive
with delTyr were mainly intestinal.[42] Since both deletions value for aggressive behavior of the high‑risk category was
lead to similar worse prognosis according to Bachet et al., 46% whereas the negative predictive value of both low and
the researchers concluded that gastric and small bowel GISTs very low risk was 100%.[51]
are associated with same poor prognosis.[42] However, Corless
et al. argued that KIT mutation activation is acquired in the Revised National Institutes of Health criteria
early stage of the development of most GISTs and are of little Modification of the NIH risk system was proposed by several
prognostic importance.[22] authors and suggested inclusion of other prognostic factors.
Although Rutkowski et al. validated the NIH system, they
GISTs may show other gene abnormalities such as telomerase suggested addition of independent prognostic factors
expression. Loss of expression of some genes may result in such as primary tumor location and sex.[53] Notably, several
aggressive behavior. Sun et al. argued telomerase RNA can studies showed the general tendency for the NIH system
repress GIST growth which may be mediated by inhibition of to overgrade gastric tumors and downgrade a subset of
telomerase activity and downregulation of Bcl‑2 expression.[48] nongastric tumors when compared to other systems based
on the tumor site of origin which developed later. Rutkowski
RISK STRATIFICATION SYSTEMS et al. also showed that nonradical resection (R1) and tumor
rupture were associated with adverse outcome.[53] Takahashi
National Institutes of Health consensus criteria (Fletcher’s et al. found “clinically malignant” factors such as peritoneal
criteria) dissemination, metastasis, invasion, and tumor rupture
Malignant potential of GISTs varies ranging from small benign affected disease‑free survival and, therefore, suggested
lesions to fatal sarcomas. GIST grading for malignant potential the modification of NIH system with addition of “clinically

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El‑Menyar, et al.: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors

malignant” group to include patients presenting any of of recurrence. The total area used for mitotic count varied
these factors.[54] in different studies; however, AFIP suggested an area of
5 mm2. Counting remains as an issue when irregular‑shaped
However, the revised NIH criteria was based on Joensuu’s lymphocytes and other inflammatory cells between tumor cells
proposal for modification based on two facts such as and presence of apoptotic bodies in GIST are considered.[49,59]
(1) nongastric tumors have high risk of recurrence compared
to gastric GISTs of the same size and mitotic count and Memorial Sloan‑Kettering Cancer Center nomogram
(2) tumor rupture contributes to the increased risk. [55] In 2009, Gold et al. (Memorial Sloan‑Kettering Cancer Center
Joensuu suggested the inclusion of patients with certain sarcoma team) developed a nomogram to predict recurrence‑free
nongastric tumors (2.1–5 cm + >5 mitoses per 50 HPF or survival (RFS) after surgery in GIST patients.[60] The risk of
5.1–10 cm + ≤5/50 HPF) and cases with tumor rupture in tumor progression was estimated using a point system based
the NIH high‑risk category. As mentioned earlier, several on tumor site (gastric, small intestine, colon/rectum, extra‑GI),
authors were in favor of prognosis based on anatomical size, and mitotic activity. The probabilities of RFS at 2 and
sites. Moreover, tumor rupture was identified as a factor 5 years were predicted by the nomogram and calculated as
which negatively influences the survival. If the revised NIH 100% minus the predicted probability of RFS.
system is applied, the disease recurrence in high‑risk group
category will increase by 15–20% and the positive predictive The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results‑based
value for the aggressive behavior of high‑risk category tumor‑grade‑metastasis system
increases as well.[55] Woodall et al., based on SEER, proposed a system for GIST
staging based on a tumor‑grade‑metastasis (TGM) system.[61]
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology criteria (Miettinen’s The system follows a cut‑off point for tumor size 70 mm in
criteria) defining clinical behavior in GISTs in place of tumor sizes
Unlike Fletcher’s criteria, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (2, 5, and 10 cm) used in previous risk stratification systems.
(AFIP) criteria, known as Miettinen’s criteria, considers the The presence of nodal and distant metastasis was regarded
anatomic site of the tumor and included the risk group of as advanced stage in this system. Tumor size (T1, ≤70 mm;
“benign tumors” with no risk of malignancy.[56,57] Miettinen’s T2, >70 mm; P < 0.001), grade (G1, Grades I and II;
criteria was based on large series with nearly 1900 GIST G2, Grades III and IV; P < 0.001), and presence of metastases
cases having different sites of origin and with long‑term (M0, no; M1, yes; P < 0.001) affected OS. Grade and metastasis
follow‑up. According to these criteria, gastric GISTs ≤10 cm were the factors most predictive of survival when combined
and ≤5 mitoses per 50 HPFs possess a low risk for metastasis in a TGM staging system.[61]
whereas >5 per 50 HPFs and >5 cm in diameter have a
high‑risk for metastasis. On the other hand, all intestinal American Joint Committee on Cancer staging for
GISTs >5 cm regardless mitotic rate have at least moderate gastrointestinal stromal tumor
risk for metastases and all >5 mitoses per 50 HPFs have a In 2010, Edge and Compton, on behalf of the American
high‑risk for metastases. Intestinal GISTs  ≤5  cm with  ≤5 Joint Committee on Cancer, introduced a staging system for
mitoses per 50 HPFs has a low risk for metastases. Notably, GISTs, by adopting the Miettinen’s criteria and incorporating
nongastric tumors represented nearly 90% of all tumors which tumor (T) node (N) metastasis (M) status.[62] In addition, a
metastasized in the Icelandic population‑based GIST study.[51] grade category was assigned to tumors based on mitotic
rate. A “low grade” was assigned for 5 or fewer mitoses per
The positive sides of Mietttinen’s criteria over NIH system 50 HPF and “high grade” for 6 or more mitoses per 50 HPF.
are that NIH system was based on expert opinions whereas The most remarkable aspect of TNM classification is the
Miettinen system was based on study data in around subdivisions of high‑risk category into substages (II, IIIA, or
1900 GIST patients and a long‑term follow‑up based on 1MB). However, further studies are required to validate this
tumor location, size, and mitotic rate. Goh et al. compared subclassification.
Miettinen’s criteria with NIH criteria and confirmed the
superiority of Miettinen’s criteria in predicting the patient SURGICAL TREATMENT
outcomes.[58] The researchers observed that patients with
mitotic counts >5/50 HPFs and tumor size 5–10 cm had Currently, surgical resection remains as the gold standard
fewer recurrences compared to tumor size >10 cm which in the treatment for GISTs. The clinical practice guideline
resulted in a suggestion of modification of AFIP system with by European Society for Medical Oncology considers every
addition of “very high‑risk” group with tumor size >10 cm GIST as potentially malignant and recommends surgical
and mitotic count >5/50 HPFs.[58] management of all GISTs without metastasis.[63] Resectability
depends on the tumor dimension and localization. [61]
The major shortfall of Miettinen’s criteria is the complexity Complete removal (R0) of the tumor and the surrounding
of the system by having excessive prognostic subgroups, tissue is the goal of the surgery as completeness was found
which might reduce the prognostic sensitivity and specificity related to postoperative survival in patients with GISTs

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localized to primary organ sites.[24] Surgical resections were difficult while performing laparoscopic resection. It can also
indicated even if it was incomplete, aimed at palliation of result in inadequate resection margins or tumor spillage and
symptoms related to mass effect and the risk of bleeding. consequently end in disease progression, recurrence, and poor
Unresectable GISTs should undergo molecularly targeted survival.[69]
intervention with imatinib mesylate, and complementary
resection should be considered if GISTs responds to the Robot‑assisted laparoscopic resections are in place to address
medication. [26] In patients with primary GISTs, surgical the shortfalls with laparoscopic resections by providing
resection offers a 5‑year survival rate of 48–70%.[24,34,35] instruments for surgeons to perform technically demanding
Studies revealed the prognosis of low‑risk GIST after complete operations.[68-70] It may be advantageous in surgical resection of
resection was excellent while high risk has a high rate of large and unfavorably located GISTs, especially placed at pylorus
recurrence.[26] Unresectable patients normally have short or cardia. Da Vinci surgical system offers superior ergonomics,
survival and frequent recurrence. Sorour et al. showed that enhanced vision, precision, dexterity, and control for surgeons
median survival among unresectable GIST patients was to operate.[70-71] The three‑dimensional high definition images
nearly12 months.[25] can be magnified up to 10 times so that surgeons have a close
view of the operating area. The mechanical wrists that bend
Surgical management of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and rotate resemble the movements of the human wrist and,
including open surgeries, laparoscopic method, and robot therefore, allow surgeons to make small and precise movements.
assisted surgeries are the commonly used methods in the In addition, the software incorporated with da Vinci minimizes
resection of GISTs.[64-68] Laparoscopic resections had shown the effects of a surgeon’s hand tremors on instrument
advantages over traditional open surgeries. Postoperative movements.[70] Recent studies also found that the minimally
pains, infections, hernia, dehiscence associated with longer invasive robotic resection was oncologically safe and resulted
incisions in traditional open resections are less likely to occur in favorable outcomes such as earlier return of bowel function,
in laparoscopic resections. In addition, laparoscopy provides earlier resumption of diet, decreased duration of the use of
clear view of intraoperative field and helps in minimizing analgesia, and shorter postoperative hospitalization.[68,69,71,72]
the damage caused by hands and instruments during the
procedure, enhances postoperative recovery, and results in Hashizume and Sugimachi in 2003 reported the first
short hospital stay. Furthermore, diagnosis and treatment of robot‑assisted gastrectomy in10 patients in South Korea.[73]
GISTs can be done while performing laparoscopic resection.[65] Since then, it was proven safe and feasible by many researchers
Karakousis et al. demonstrated that laparoscopic resection of particularly in lymph node dissection for gastric cancer
primary gastric GISTs ≤8 cm resulted in shorter hospital stays and adenocarcinoma.[74,75] Song et al. series was the largest
and associated with better oncologic outcomes compared with in this regard which comprised 100 patients with gastric
open resection.[65] adenocarcinoma. [74] However, only a few studies were
published regarding the use of da Vinci system in oncologic
A recent meta‑analysis on laparoscopic versus open gastric resection for gastric GISTs. Buchs et al. performed esogastric or
resections for gastric GISTs, which included 17 studies duodenogastric junction preservation in five GIST cases located
involving 776 participants showed laparoscopic resections at cardia or antrum and found oncologically safe resection was
were associated with favorable outcomes such as less possible with the robotic system.[68] Similarly, Desiderio et al.
intraoperative blood loss, early return of bowel function, series of five GIST cases underwent robotic gastric resection of
early resumption of diet, and short hospital stay. However, tumors located at unfavorable positions, i.e., cardia or antrum.[69]
there were no differences in terms of recurrence, operative
time, and overall complications.[66] Laparoscopic resection TARGETED THERAPY WITH IMATINIB
was shown as a strategy with higher overall success (93%)
compared with open surgeries (88%) by the decision analysis. Identification of the fact that oncogenic mutations in tyrosine
Koh et al. also confirmed that laparoscopic resections result kinases such as KIT or PDGFRA stimulated the growth of
in better short‑term postoperative outcomes and long‑term the cancer cells resulted in the development of TKIs such as
outcomes without compromising oncological safety compared imatinib aimed at inhibition of tumor proliferation. The US
with open resections.[67] Food and Drug Administration granted accelerated approval
for the use of imatinib for patients with advanced or metastatic
However, the two‑dimensional visualization, counterintuitive GIST in 2002. In 2008, the approval included patients at an
instrument movement, limited instrument mobility, and increased risk for recurrence after surgical removal of the
surgeon fatigue due to abdominal wall torque limit the use GIST and regular approval was granted for patients with
of conventional laparoscopic equipment. Therefore, the use of metastatic GIST.[76]
the laparoscopic technique in large and unfavorably located
GISTs is limited. The NCCN restricts the use of laparoscopy Wu et al. studied imatinib‑targeted therapy in the treatment of
for tumors <2 cm in dimension.[29] In unfavorably placed GIST and showed that use of drug in metastatic disease yields
GISTs, instrument mobility is affected and suturing becomes promising clinical responses.[35] Blanke et al. showed the improved

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survival of patients with advanced GISTs with imatinib treatment Table 2: Clinical trials for gastrointestinal stromal tumor cancer
and reported that median survival increased approximately from Tyrosine kinase inhibitors of KIT and/or PDGFRA
20 to 60 months.[77] This study among 147 patients showed that Nilotinib (brand name Tasigna)
Sorafenib (brand name Nexavar)
nearly half of patients with advanced GIST, when treated with Pazopanib (brand name Votrient)
imatinib mesylate, survived for more than 5 years, regardless of Dasatinib (brand name Sprycel)
starting dose. Wu et al. reported disease stabilization or tumor Masitinib (AB1010)
regression in 39% of patients in a median duration of response Regorafenib
Crenolanib (CP‑868,596)
of 19 months, in their study.[35] Taiwanese population‑based study OSI‑930
noted the OS in preimatinib period (1998–2001) and imatinib Cediranib (AZD2171)
period (2005–2008) and found the significant improvement with Amuvatinib (MP470)
Dovitinib (TKI258)
the use of imatinib as OS increased from 58.9% (preimatinib) to DCC‑2618: Trial expected to open
70.2% (imatinib).[9] Perez et al. showed the marked improvement Biologic inhibitors of KIT or PDGFRA
in GIST survival in the US since 2000 paralleled the introduction Olaratumab (IMC‑3G3)
of imatinib into clinical practice.[16] Cell cycle inhibitors
Vorinostat (brand name Zolinza)
Ixabepilone (brand name Ixempra)
The effectiveness experienced in unresectable GISTs led their CUDC101
use in both preoperative and adjuvant therapy. Preoperative Panobinostat
Insulin‑like growth factor pathway inhibitors
treatment with imatinib improves the resectability by reducing
the size of the tumors (neoadjuvant therapy) which were AMG 479
initially inoperable. This was found safe, reducing surgical MK0646
morbidity lowers the risk of bleeding and ruptures and may Figitumumab (CP‑751,871)
Linsitinib (OSI‑906)
reduce the extent of the operation.[32] The drug was also XL228
indicated after complete resection of primary GIST with higher Cixutumumab (IMC‑A12)
risk of recurrence as adjuvant therapy (preventive). Takahashi MEDI‑573
et al. suggested the use of imatinib as an adjuvant therapy in HSP90 inhibitors
Ganetespib STA‑9090
patients with peritoneal dissemination, metastasis, invasion, Retaspimycin (IPI‑504)
or tumor rupture where the disease‑free survival is largely Tanespimycin (17‑AAG, KOS‑953)
affected.[54] A phase 3 trial in patients with moderate to high SNX‑5422
risk of recurrence, adjuvant imatinib therapy significantly AT13387
improved RFS at 1 year; however, there was no difference Inhibitors of pathways downstream of KIT and PDGFRA
in OS.[78] However, adjuvant therapy was highly benefited in RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK/MAPK inhibitors
high‑risk GISTs classified according to the AFIP risk score or XL281
revised NIH criteria. Based on various trials and treatment GDC‑0973 (XL518)
recommendations, Yip et al. concluded that imatinib adjuvant Selumetinib (AZD6244)
therapy is indicated in high‑risk patients for the duration of BAY86‑9766
Akt inhibitors
3 years.[79] Al‑Thani et al. described all the GIST cases in a small Perifosine
country from the Middle East, in which imatinib was found XL418
in one case only.[80] This patient showed a 10‑cm lesion with mTOR inhibitors
an intermediate risk received adjuvant imatinib therapy and Everolimus (RAD001)
Sirolimus (brand name Rapamune)
showed a favorable long‑term outcome. Temsirolimus (brand name Torisel)
Deforolimus AP23573
Clinical trials for GIST cancer are summarized in Table 2.[81] PF‑04691502
PI3K inhibitors
Although GIST is not common, it represents the majority of XL765 (also inhibits mTOR)
the GI mesenchymal neoplasms. Risk stratification is crucial GDC-0941 bismesylate
in the management and outcomes of the disease. Surgical GDC-0980 (also inhibits mTOR)
resection remains as the gold standard in the treatment. PF-04691502
Complete resection is related to the postoperative survival BAY80-6946
in patients. Laparoscopic resections are associated with less Buparlisib (BKM120)
intraoperative blood loss, early return of bowel function, MAPK=Mitogen activated protein kinase, PDGFRA=Platelet‑derived growth
early resumption of diet, and short hospital stay. However, factor receptor‑alpha
laparoscopy is difficult to perform in large and unfavorably
placed GISTs and may result in disease progression, resections provide instruments for surgeons to perform
recurrence, and poor survival. Robot‑assisted laparoscopic technically demanding operations. Moreover, extensive
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research work including large clinical trials is ongoing to is underestimated: Results of a nation‑wide study. Eur J Cancer
establish promising role of the adjuvant and neo-adjuvant 2005;41:2868‑72.
18. Güller U, Tarantino I, Cerny T, Schmied BM, Warschkow R.
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survival in 5138 patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor. BMC
Financial support and sponsorship Cancer 2015;15:557.
Nil. 19. Rubió J, Marcos‑Gragera R, Ortiz MR, Miró J, Vilardell L, Gironès J,
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