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Name: _______________________________________ Grade : ____________

Reviewer in Math
A. State whether the given number is a proper fraction, improper fraction, or a mixed
_________________1. 12 _________________4. 8
37 39
_________________ 2. 24
_________________3. 13 _________________5. 11
5 13
B. Give an example of proper fraction, improper fraction, and mixed number. Put it below.

Improper Mixed
Fractions Numbers

6. _________ 9. _____________ 12. __________

7. _________ 10. _____________ 13. __________

8. _________ 11. _____________ 14.__________

C. Write the fraction shown by the shaded parts and compare it with 1 using <, >, and =.

15. _______ 1

16. _______ 1

D. Shade the indicated fraction and in the blank before the number, write P for proper
fraction and I for improper fraction.

______ 17. 4

______ 18. 5

E. Count the shaded parts and write the improper fraction for the set of shapes.

19. There are ______ fourths in 1

1 14
14 =

20. There are ______ eighths in 1 5

5 8
18 =

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