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1. What are the 7 Key Features of 21st Century Education? Explain each.
 Personalized Learning
The teacher does not lead all students through the same lessons. Instead, the
teacher guides each student on an individualized journey. What, when, where and how
of learning is tailored to meet each student’s strengths, skills, needs and interests. Each
student gets a “learning plan” based on how he learns, what he knows, and what his
skills and interests are.

 Equity, diversity, and inclusivity

 Equity
Education does not depend on the status of one’s family of a child or a learner.
There should ne no close achievements gap between rich and poor learner and that
everybody is capable to learn. Education is for all people who are willing to learn.
 Diversity
Students are having different races and backgrounds in life; they will learn on
each other differences and they will accept each other flaws and who they are.
They will not be afraid to mingle to others most specially in the classroom
scenario, to share their feeling and learnings.

 Inclusivity
Everyone is welcome in the learning world. People that have physical and
learning disabilities deserved to be treated fairly on teaching them the lesson.
They are included in mainstream classroom. They are much welcome and equal
participants in the world.

 Learning through doing

This theory came from the well-known person like Jhon Dewey. This
approach is much better my memorizing the content, it is the application of all
the learning of the student. On this way students are being tested on how they
use their knowledge actively. Students are discovering things through engaging
te things around them directly or personally.

 Changed role of the teacher.

Fossilized perception was that a teacher only is capable to speak inside
the classroom and that the teacher only does the talking always but now the
teacher focuses on the students who are the center of attention. The teacher’s
job is to help coach the students as they learn.
 Community relationships
A lot of amazing people who can teach and inspire the students. They
can be served as models to the students. So, teachers need to seek out experts
bring them into classroom. Bringing people from different walks of life into the
classroom also helps our students to create connections with the people of
different cultures.

 Technology
We cannot deny the fact that technology is everywhere. Students should not use
technology to prevent them from thinking or help them cheat. Technology also helps
student access information easily.

 Teacher Professionalization
It is where the teacher uses all their teaching skills to ensure that learning is not
at risks. This is the big challenge for all the teachers. Here, teachers ensure that the
learning is student centered rather than teacher centered. Teachers uses technology
and new pedagogies in ways that will best help their students.
2. Do you observe each of these features in the elementary and high schools that you had
been in? How about in PIT? Defend your answers. (Note: cite each feature and explain.
Yes, I observed some of the features during my early school days, most especially
the fifth one (Community Relationship). They invited some of the well-known person
who will have to give speeches, trainings and seminars related in education. On the
other hand, my very own school PIT practiced all these features:
Personalized Learning- they have differentiated instruction that suits our personal
needs. We have student led projects in each subject and yes, we have freedom of
choice in the classroom.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity- The school welcome rich and poor students if willing
to reach dreams on our different courses we want. Students here also came from
different backgrounds or walks in life.
Learning through doing - PIT filled the mind of facts of the students and then students
apply the learning by different actual activities and one example of that is the Marine
Engineers and Transportation courses.
Changed Role of the Teacher - This is not a teacher centered school, we students are
given opportunity to share our learning and talents. Reporting is one example of this
and yes, everybody is given the chance to enhance our speaking and writing skills.
Community Relationship -Teachers here in PIT cannot be experts on everything that is
why this institution invited some personnel on some occasion like seminars and training
session to be a speaker or to have special message that can teach and inspire us far
better that we can.
Technology- We have technologies that can help us like computer laboratory or in
Marine they have stimulation.
Teacher Professionalization - Teachers here are always do what the best for the
students. They try out new strategies and know some of the latest research on what is
best teaching practices.
3. In your vocation as future teachers, what will you do to ensure that these features are
present in your classroom?
Well, as future educator I must ensure that I will enhance these features
mentioned above by simply putting myself first on the attitude of a true teacher.
Mediocrity has no place for me. This new profound knowledge is my guide.

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