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Common Core Standards:

Ohio’s Learning Standards – Extended Mathematics

Quantities Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.

N.RN.3b Recognize that the absolute value of a rational number is how far it is from 0 on
the number line (e.g., plot a number and its opposite on a number line and recognize that
they are equidistant from zero).

N.RN.3c Recognize that addition means move to the right and subtraction means move to
the left on a number line.

Lesson Summary:

Students will be taught to add and subtract integers as well to place them on a number line. To do
this, students will learn key words and examples based on previous knowledge. With previous
knowledge, they can know they can then contribute it to a number line. A number line will be their
visual representation of the addition and subtraction of numbers. Students will learn to identify
which direction you move on a number line if you are adding and subtracting. Students will be able
to demonstrate this problem and show the result. Ex. Place -6 on a number line with a star.
Then add 3 to -6. Where is the star on the number line now?

Estimated Duration:

For a student to learn and be successful on this topic it will take an estimated time of one week or
5 school days. Each learning session would be 45 minutes long. This time estimation will be based
on the student’s capabilities and modifications that need to be applied to help each student


My approach to this lesson will be practice. I will use the previous knowledge of a student and
apply it to the lesson. Most students will most likely have a basic understanding of adding and
subtracting. I want to apply that knowledge to a number line.
Instructional Procedures

Day 1: Monday
Start time 10:00 am to 10:45 am
10:00am to 10:15am - Overview on what is included in this lesson. The outline and expectations
will be presented.
10:15am to 10:40am -The students will receive a pre-assessment to determine their previous
knowledge on the topic. The pre-assessment will be modified to the student’s abilities per their
10:40am to 10:45am -The grading of the pre-assessment will be conducted by teacher. Class will
continue lesson on day 2.

Day 2: Tuesday
Start time 10:00 am to 10:45 am
10:00am to 10:35am - Students will begin with a demonstration. There will be a number line of
painters’ tape on the floor. Starting from -5 to 5. Each number will be spaced a foot apart. One
student will be called up based on their name being drawn. The student will be placed on a
number (EX. Student is standing on 1). The classroom is presented with a problem, 1 – 2 =
WHAT. Now the student (that’s standing on number 1) will be instructed to move to (-1) on the
number line. Students will be shown this visual and physical representation of moving numbers on
the number line. Students will do 3-4 more examples with different students on the number line.
For their participation they will be given a sticker that goes in their book which will be turned in on
Friday for a prize (classroom system).
10:35am to 10:45am – Students will return to their seats where they will watch a BrainPop video.
This video’s name is Adding and Subtracting Integers. The video is approximately 4 ½ minutes
long. Once the video is over, students will be given an outline of the upcoming activities they will
complete on the topic. This is so the parents will be informed of what their students are learning
and how.

Day 3: Wednesday
Start time 10:00 am to 10:45 pm
10:00am to 10:05am- Students will be given materials for the day. Each student will be given
supplies for the zip-lock activity (Receive a zip-lock baggie with a moving clip, baggie will have
sharpie on them labeling a number line -5 to 5, markers and blank flashcards.)
10:05am to 10:30am – Students are instructed to copy one problem at a time from the white board
to one flashcard. Students who have physical restrictions will have assistance with this step from
their instructional aide. The students will copy 10 problems.
10:30am to 10:45am – Students will participate in the activity that they created. Each student will
pick one flashcard from the ones they made. A student will take the flashcard and insert it into the
zip-lock bag with the problem facing up. The student will then start with the first number (Example
-2) with the clip then they will move the clip right based on the added integer (Example +6). The
student’s clip on zip lock baggie should be on 4. The students will work through the flashcards at
their own pace. Teacher will check on each student progress and answers. The students will
continue lesson on Day 4. For their participation they will be given a sticker that goes in their book
which will be turned in on Friday for a prize (classroom system).

Day 4: Thursday
Start time 10:00 am to 10:45 am
10:00 am to 10:15am - Students will be asked to give an overview on what we had learned.
Volunteers will be used to answer the overview.
10:15am to 10:45am - Each student will get out their assigned Chromebook. These Chromebook
are touchscreen to better accommodate each student needs. The teacher has designed google-
slides with interaction. Each slide will give problems for each student to solve. Once the student
types in or speaks the answer, the right answer will appear. If they got it right they can see if the
Chromebook speaks the same answer they gave. Students will be encouraged to raise their hands
if they get stuck. For their participation they will be given a sticker that goes in their book which will
be turned in on Friday for a prize (classroom system).

Day 5: Friday
Start time 10:00 am to 10:45
10:00 am to 10:10 am- Teacher will give an overview on what they worked on during the week.
This will form a discussion where students will answer these questions together.
10:10 am to 10:35am - Students will be given the options to partake in an activity of their choosing
based on what we had done during the week. (Use Chromebook, zip lock baggies, floor number
line and group discussion led by aides in classroom) For their participation they will be given a
sticker that goes in their book which will be turned in later today for a prize (classroom system).
10:35am to 10:45am- Based on the success of each student in their chosen activity will determine
how well they understand the mathematical lesson. This will be monitored by the teacher, it is an
informal assessment which will not impose stress on the student. If a student is struggling more
measures will be taken place and individual assistance will be given.


To determine each student understanding of the topic. A discussion about the topic will be
conducted. A pre-assessment will be given in alternate formats depending on the students IEP. In
this assessment it will include problems that show adding and subtracting positive and negative
integers and to see if a student can identify positive and negative numbers on a number line. By
doing this, it can be identified the degree in which each child is knowledgeable on the topic.

Scoring Guidelines:
Depending on the student’s ability to identify where negative and positive numbers are
placed on a number line. If a student can do this, they will be given a pre-assessment on
adding and subtracting integers on a number line. If a student can do this, it will change the
time and attention needed on this topic. It can be learned or reviewed based on the
students’ previous knowledge of the topic.

Based on the success of each student in their participation in class and during each activity will
determine how well they understand the mathematical lesson. This will be monitored throughout
the week by the teacher and aides. An informal test will be given on the 5 th day in the format of an
activity which will not impose stress on the student. If a student is struggling more measures will be
taken place and individual assistance will be given. Scores system being used is placed below.

Scoring Guidelines:
If a student can correctly answer which direction on a number line is positive and which
direction is negative. A student will successfully be able to place and move a number on the
number line based on the addition and subtraction of different integers. If a student can
successfully do this 75% of the time. The student will be identified as proficient.

Differentiated Instructional Support

This is a modified mathematical lesson for students with disabilities. The students that were placed
in this class have similar needs. Student’s with an IEP, have accommodations made, all will be
followed. If a student has trouble grasping the concept of the lesson, one on one tutoring will be

A student or a student’s parents can see the core standard I am following on the Ohio government
A parent may find the standards important to use their judgement also on where their child stands
mathematically. Also, can see what the teacher (Ms. Jordan) is modifying for them to make it
easier for the students to learn the material.
Contact the teacher for more activities.

Homework Options and Home Connections

During the week students will be given a list of activities and goals for this week’s lessons. Parents
will receive this to broaden their understanding of what their child is learning and doing in class. At
the end of the week the students will be encourage to continue practicing with the activities and
resources used in class. However, no homework will be given.

Interdisciplinary Connections
This mathematical lesson can also be integrated into money management and identifying needs.
These students are in high school and will learn more about managing money and the social skill
of identifying their own needs. This lesson will help with that. Let’s say John has 5 dollars but the
book he wants is 7 dollars. How much more money does John need? The student will learn that it
takes 2 to get from 5 to 7. The students will be able to determine how much money they need or
how much money they will have left during purchases. They will also know if they can afford certain
things and if they need to save their money.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Materials

 Zip-Lock Baggies with Clip
 Flashcards
 Markers
 Blue Painters Tape
 Create interactive google slides for students to use to practice the
 Brain Pop; Adding and Subtracting Integers.

For students  Chromebooks

 Google Account
 Writing Supplies
Key Vocabulary
Integer: A whole number either positive or negative.
Number Line: Is a line where whole numbers(integers) can be placed to solve mathematical
Positive Number: A whole number greater than 0
Negative Number: A whole number less than 0
Difference: How many numbers are between a set of two.

Additional Notes

The lesson I planned is modified to many student’s needs. These needs are generalized under the
section moderate to intensive. More modifications and accommodations would be used in a real
classroom setting based on the student’s abilities and limitations.

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