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Strategy – First Attempt, Self Study, Followed Insights

from Prelims to Interview
INSIGHTS May 30, 2016

It is a proud moment for Insights and Insightians. Artika Shukla, who has secured All India
Rank – 4 in her first attempt, in her own words, followed Insights with ‘operatic regularity‘
since December 2014 to till the day she reached her goal. This gives hope to both us and our
followers. Yes, we know hundreds of followers of Insights have secured ranks this year, but it
is very special when a successful follower genuinely acknowledges the fact that Insights was
useful in his/her preparation. This is one of the reasons why we work hard every day. A small
acknowledgement from you inspires us to do more. We congratulate Artika on her grand
success on behalf of our team and all Insightians.

Artika Shukla

Rank – 4, CSE – 2015

Hello everyone!

I am Artika, a doctor my profession. I first thought of appearing in the civil services in

November 2014. I resigned from the course I was pursuing (MD paeds) a week later. And
began serious preparation from dec,2014.

At that time I was as clueless as a newborn. All I knew was that the only thing I could now
try my hand at was civil services 2015 and that I had to give it all I got.

I did not join any classroom coaching. I did join vision ias mains test series. And followed
Insights with operatic regularity throughout the year. This was my first attempt. And my
optional was medical science.

I am here to share my strategy with you . I hope you go through this with a little trust in
me,pick and choose whatever suits you the best. And if this benefits even one of you,I
would consider myself fortunate. ☺


Essential book list :

1. Spectrum modern india

2. Class 11 and 12 geo ncert

3. Economics class 11th and 12th ncert
4. Economic survey
5. key features of budget
6. Laxmikant

7. Daily newspaper reading – I used to read The hindu.

8. Art and culture- multiple resources – CCRT, Class 11th NCERT on art, any reputed
coaching material, themes in Indian history etc
9. Shankar Ias book for environment

I might miss some books completely. Do cross check with the booklist given on Insights or
any other place.

No need to read special science and tech booklets or attend mock classes for current
affairs. The above book list is sufficient if coupled with daily newspaper reading + Solving
Insights test series paper.(EXTREMELY USEFUL)

What I Did:

Bought all the prelims test series papers of Insights and Vision about a month before the
exam. Spent days and nights on end solving them. In my experience,this was more
beneficial than any book or notes I might have read earlier.

A number of questions were repeated directly from insights test series!

Here I want to state that The questions in the tests are tough. They are meant to take you a
notch higher than the rest,I believe. therefore,don’t be disheartened if you can’t score a lot
on them. I could never score a 100 on any of them! But continue solving them with utmost
sincerity and diligence. And the final exam paper will seem like a piece of cake. ☺



I didn’t write a single essay before the exam. I would suggest you not to follow in my
footsteps. Write a few essays before the exam. If nothing,you’ll atleast be more confident
in the examination hall.

Some important points regarding essays:

1. Learn a few quotes by important political personalities a day before the exam.. like
Mahatma Gandhi,Lincoln.Nelson Mandela,Martin Luther King..even Fredrick Neitschze or
Max Weber – on common topics like education, democracy, social empowerment.
Use them to start or end the essay. I did this and I think it might have increased my score.
2. Make headings.
3.Have a central theme in the essay and keep reiterating it every few paragraphs or so.
4. Cover as many dimensions as you can.
5. Try having an optimistic conclusion.
We all know there is no ideal essay on a topic. I would suggest Try bringing something of
your own into the essay. Your own perspective will make it unique. And fetch you marks !!

Essential book list :

Bipan Chandra India Since Independence (selected chapters)

Bipan Chandra India’S Struggle for Independence
Class 11 and 12 NCERT geography + GC Leong
Art and culture- multiple resources – CCRT, class 11th NCERT on art,any reputed
coaching material, Themes in indian history etc
Society and other miscellaneous topics can be dealt with by reading the newspaper daily
and thoroughly. No special preparation is needed.


This is where INSIGHTS SECURE really saved my neck!

I could not have even attempted all the questions in the final exam had I not followed the
secure initiative so thoroughly.
My advice to you is – try going through all the secure questions daily. Try answering
them. If not possible, at least read the article and jot down the main points included in it in a
notebook. If even this is not possible, at least go through the compilations which come out
in the end.

This is an exercise whose importance I cannot emphasize enough. Reading 10 articles

everyday on topics of relevance helps you gain perspective, increase your
knowledge as well as teaches how to write answers comprehensively.

If there’s one thing in this entire write up that you wish to follow, let it be this. Trust me, you
will not realize how much it helps you until the day of your result. ☺

Other resources for paper 2:

Various sites of the ministry
Vision current affair notes

What I did:

At the end of October, I made a notebook for paper 2. And I used to write one topic on one
page – really concise and to the point. For ex- the juvenile justice bill. Make arrows and
write about what it was, what it is now, main points about the bill, the pros, the cons, what
prompted an amendment and the Way forward. Insights initiative called MINDMAPS
helped me in this a lot!!

This is how you should tackle a topic – inside out. So that once you’re done with it, you are
able to answer almost anything related to it.

Make such a notebook at the end of the Oct/Nov and fill it up with 40-50 topics that were
relevant the entire year and revise it in the week before the exam.

Will do wonders!!


Similar strategy as above. Follow Insights Secure!!

2 new additions : Economic Survey : EXTREMELY IMPORTANT

key features of budget.
ARC for disaster.


I would specifically say that this paper requires no preparation. It is a test of your analytical
and decision making abilities as well as common sense. The best you can do is get 2 or 3
papers of a decent test series. Read and understand how to approach case studies and
give one or two tests of ethics so as to understand the kind of questions asked.

Try not going for the extremes in the answers that demand a stand.

Express yourself well and try to finish the paper on time.

That’s all!

Personality Test :

The interview guidance write up on Insights was extremely useful to me. It gave me a
direction at a point where I was clueless. I also gave 2 mocks each at Vaji and Samkalp.

The only useful piece of advice I can give you about PT is that more than the content of
your answers, your conviction and your confidence matters.

Try building them up.

General tips :

1. Do not spend more than 2 months exclusively in the preparation of prelims. It is a
qualifying exam. Instead use the time to increase your grip over your optional/GS mains.

2. Choose an optional you’re comfortable with. Something you enjoy reading and writing
about. Optional marks can make or break your result. IT is the most crucial part of the

3. Answer writing practice has two parts to it :

One is the ability to finish a paper within 30 mins, to improve your speed and to have a
good handwriting.

The other is to build your content from diverse sources, collect and present the information
in an organized manner.

Both are required. Keep practicing until you’re good at both.

4. In the final exam, always write an introduction.. the content if possible in points followed
by an optimistic conclusion. Train yourself to write answers in this manner quickly.

5. Personality Test is the most whimsical part of the entire process. Try not to
depend on it at all. The Mains Exam is what gets you in the final list. Give it your best


This is an exam not only of knowledge but also of strength,patience and focus. Work hard.
Be ambitious and do not be afraid to start. Start where you are. Start with fear, with doubt,
with pain. Start with voice shaking and hands trembling. Start where you are, with what you
have. You can. You should. And if you’re brave enough to start, you will succeed one day.

Best wishes,
Artika Shukla
Rank 4 (CSE 2015)

My Marks



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