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Muhammad nur irawan

Discourse Analysis Midterm Exam/UTS


All contexts

No. Context Context type Description

1. Covid-19 Background knowledge Coronaviruses are a family of viruses
context – cultural context that range from the common cold to
MERS coronavirus, which is Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome
coronavirus and SARs, Severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus.
2. Rapid Test Background knowledge Simple/Rapid tests are designed for
context – cultural context use where a preliminary screening
test result is required and are
especially useful in resource-
limited countries.
3. PCR swab Test Background knowledge The test for Covid-19 with high
context – cultural context accurate result. PCR for
Polymerase Chain Reaction (the
method) while swab stands for the
test kit.
4. Positive result in Background knowledge Positive in rapid test means that the
Rapid Test context – cultural context person possibly caught the covid-
5. Positive result in Background knowledge Positive result in PCR swab Test
PCR swab Test context – cultural context means that the person has caught
6. Tracing Background knowledge Contact tracing involves a phone
context – cultural context call from the Ministry providing
you with advice on self-isolation
and checking on your health and
7. Detailed tracing Background knowledge More thorough tracing so that the
context – cultural context virus will not spread to other places
8. Prevention of Background knowledge The act of preventing the
contamination/ context – cultural context transmission of disease. Cultural
infection/ and Situational context context because we know that some
transmission(in disease are contagious, situational
medicine world) context because covid-19 infection
rate are high.
9. Infected Situational context People who caught the covid-19.
10. Patient under Situational context People who are suspected to be
surveillance/pasien infected by the covid-19. Usually
dalam patient under surveillance are those
pengawasan(PDP) who have been in contact or live
near the infected person.
11. “masyarakat” Situational context The people in East Java. Situational
referred in the text because the one that order for them
to be tested is the Governor of East
Java province.
12. The need for the Situational context The governor need to act quickly
governor to act because the virus’ infection rate is
high and there are already several
infected people in the East Java
13. The need for the Situational context Because covid-19 is a pandemic,
government to pay if therefore ht government has the
the PCR test result is responsibility to pay as it is
positive considered natural disaster and
because the cost for the test is not
14. Incoming data Situational context Incoming data about rapid test that
has been done about covid-19 for
the people in East Java Province.

Lexical items Type of grammatical referent

(as found in paragraph/line) cohesion
Rapid test (para 1/line 4; 2/1. Lexical-repetition rapid test in 1/1
2/3; 4/1, 4/3; 5/3
Tracing (5/4) Lex-repetition tracing in 4/3
Khofifah (2/1) Lex-repetition Khofifah in 1/1
Covid-19 (3/3, ¾; 4/2, 4/4) Lex-repetition Covid-19 in 1/1
Swab PCR (4/1) Lex-repetition Swab PCR in 3
Pencegahan (1/2) Gram-ref-associative Covid-19 and penularan,
endophoric combined with the background
knowledge that it is an act to
prevent something. To prevent
the infection of the covid-19
Penularan (1/3) Gram-ref-associative Covid-19 combined with
endophoric background knowledge that
virus is contagious. The
infection/ transmission of
Terjangkit (2/2) Lex-synonym Penularan
Pasien (2/3) Gram-ref-associative Inferred from the word in the
endophoric text, terjangkit, combined with
background knowledge that
patient is a sick person.
Infected (or possibly infected)
Dokter (3/2) Lex-synonym orang-orang yang beresiko
tinggi in 3/1
Perawat (3/2) Lex-synonym orang-orang yang beresiko
tinggi in 3/1
Petugas lain (3/3) Lex-synonym orang-orang yang beresiko
tinggi in 3/1
Positif (3/4) Gram-ref-associative inferred from the words in the
endophoric text, rapid test and covid-19
combined with background
knowledge that one of the
possible definition of positive
is affirmed/confirmed. The test
result that confirmed the
person who take the test has
caught covid-19
Tes lanjutan (3/5) Gram-ref-exophoric PCR swab test
Positif (4/1, 4/2, 5/1) Lex-repetition Positif in 3/4
Digelar (2/4) Lex-synonym dilakukan in 1/2


Locution (found in paragraph/line) Speech act type Meaning/purpose

“Ada 10.337 peralatan rapid test yang Representative: To inform the reader of
belum digunakan...” (2/3-4)
describe this sentence is to inform
listeners especially those
who are in East Java that
there are still many rapid
test kit left.
...saya minta segera digelar ... (2/4) Directive: request/ To give command that the
command rapid test can be done
...saya mendesak agar rapid test ini Declarative and - To intercept: The
segera dirampungkan ... (4/2-3)
Representative: claim speaker here has the
authority to intercept, so
that the rapid test can be
done as soon as possible.
- To inform: this
statement may have
another function to
inform listeners so that
people won’t panic and
feel relieved.
... supaya masing-masing daerah Directive: suggestion - To give advice/
menyegerakan penggunaan rapid test...
or/and Representative: suggestion: the speaker’s
describe suggestion for rapid test.
- To inform: This
sentence is to support
why the speaker’s
suggestions must be
“Dan yang terkonfirmasi positif dari Directive: suggestion - To give advice/
PCR itu bisa dilakukan tracing lebih
or/and Representative: suggestion: This
detail” (5/4)
describe sentence is the
continuation of the
speaker’s suggestion
- To inform/give reason:
This sentence is to
support why the
speaker’s suggestions
must be done


Text Speech Act type Move Exchange

Sherie : Hi Carol. Expressive – greeting I I-R ( Greetings)
Carol : Hi. Expressive – greeting R
Sherie : You didn’t get an ice- Representatives - I I-R-F-R (Conversation,
cream sandwich. describing topic: busy at works)
Carol : I know. I decided that Representatives - R
my body didn’t need it.

Sherie : yes but ours did. I

Carol : heh heh heh. (a) a. a. R

Alright give me some money and b. b. I
you can treat me one (b)
Sherie : I’ll buy you all some. R

Carol : Im kidding. I don’t need F


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