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I. Choose the correct answer 15x2p= 30p

How often does Peter go to the swimming pool? He She can't come to the phone now because she …..
…..... to the swimming pool every day. He likes for tomorrow's test.
swimming. a) studies
a) goes b) is studying
b) is going c) has studied
c) has gone d) has been studying

Please be quiet. My children ……now. I ….. this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
a) sleep a) don't read
b) are sleeping b) am not reading
c) have slept c) haven't read
d) haven't been reading
The sun ….. in the east. So far, he ……. five stories for children.
a) rises a) writes
b) is rising b) is writing
c) has risen c) has written

Listen! Someone … the piano. Do you hear it? She ……. since noon. Should we wake her up?
a) plays a) sleeps
b) is playing b) is sleeping
c) has played c) has been sleeping

Tanya …….. France several times. I burned my finger while I ........ breakfast.
a) visits a) was cooking
b) is visiting b) had cooked
c) has visited c) had been cooking

We_ _ _ _football last Saturday. They ___________ when the teacher came in.
a) played a) was shouting
b) were playing b) shout
c) have played c) were shouting
d) are shouting

A car hit me while I ________________ the road. I needed to know what ______________ to my
a) was crossing car.
b) crossed a) has happened
c) am crossing b) happened
d) was crossed c) happens
d) had happened

I wanted to pay for dinner, but I __________ my wallet.

a) had forgotten
b) forgot
II. Translate the following sentences 4x5p=20p
1) I don’t believe it! It’s 11 pm and I’m still sitting here writing this article for the school magazine!
2) A month ago, I made a resolution to be more efficient this year and to never leave things to the last
3) I miss my bad habits. Why is leading a better life so hard?
4) Scientists have also discovered that it takes around ten weeks to form a good habit.
III. Match the two columns 5x 4p= 20p
1. Hey, has either of you seen Mia lately? a. Don’t be silly. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
2.What’s up with you? You don’t sound very happy. b. Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s up to me to do
something about it.
3.I haven’t had any time to practise. And I’m tired. I c. No. I haven’t seen her for ages, actually.
don’t know if I’m up to it.
4.Well, you need to do something. You don’t have d. It’s Thursday today
any time for yourself.
5.Come and sit down. I’ll get you something to drink e. It’s nothing
f. You’re a star. That’s just what I need

IV. Translate the sentences 5x4p=20p

1. Focul a fost foarte puternic.
2. Focul are nevoie de o scânteie, de combustibil și de oxigen.
3. Mii de oameni trăiau în spații foarte mici.
4. Puțini oameni și-au pierdut viața.
5. Vremea fusese foarte caldă în acel an.
10p (oficiu)

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