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ljumanB|ttzeт ]F.tutlаtl С.ri,:ltсr ?


HumanLinеman HumаnLinemаn


ОrсLinеmщ} ОrсLinemа,n ,..

'i' . t t'1if


eveningsports fаns.I'm BobBtfford,шelсomingyoцti ьheвIoodBowIfor
tonight,sсontеst.Youjoin a сщaсityсrowd,paсhedwith mеmbеуs fтomeveryraсe
from асrсjsstheLlnownшorld,аLIhow|inglillebаnshеes in аntiсipation oftanight's
gamе.Оh, аndyes,thereaTеsomеbаnsheеs . .. We|I,hich-offis in abouttwenty
minutes,sowe,vejustgottimeto reсаpon thеrш|еs ofthegflmеbфorebattLestnrts.
Ьnd ofcoшrsе,joiningmeis Jim Johnson. E,vening, Jim!,t
,IhanLl you,
Bob!WIIL,goodеvеning,шndbay,arеyou fo|hsin for a уеat night
oftop-с|аss sportingentеrtаinmеnt! Еirstof а|L,.though, for thosеofyouat home
whoаз,е unfamiliпywith thе rъlles,hеTe,show thegшmеis pLayed.,,
youLanow, BLoodBoшIis аn epiссoфiсt betweеn twoteаmsof heavi|y.аrmеd
andquitеinsаnewаrriors.P|аyеrspаss, throшor run with thebа||,attempting
togetit tothеotharendofthefield,thеЕnd Zonе.Оf couтsе, thеotherteаmmшst
try to.stop
thеm,аndreсover thebal|for theirside.Ifa tеаmgеtstheba||overthe
Iineintotheiropponеnt,sЕnd Zone,it,sсаLLed а touchdown; thetеamthat sсorеs
themosttouchdowns bytheendofthemаtсhwinsthegаmе,а,ndis dесLаred в|ood
BowLСhampions!}i-.oul dotheydo it? It,slik,ethis. ..,


Setting up the Gamе ...............I2

;*fi:"*.;;i;; - ::l;

Knoсk Downs & Injuriеs. ..'.,.'т7

Throwing the 8ai1......


The Origins of Blood 8ow1...........

BloodBowLis dediсаtеd
to thememorуof WаyneЕnglаnd t-

@ Gopyright Gamеs \Иorkshop Limitеd zo16. Blood Bowl, Blood BowlThе Game of FantasyFootЬall,Citadеl, Gamеs !Иorkshop, t - !

G!И and all assoсiatеdlogos,namеs'raсеs'vеhiсlеs,wеapons and сharaсtеrsare еithеr

@orTМ andfot @ Gamеs !Иorkshoр limitеd. A11кghts Rеsеrvеd.
No part of this puЬliсation may Ьe reproduсed,stored in a rеtriеval system,or transmittеdin any form or Ьy any means
еlесtroniс,mесhaniсal,photoсopying,reсording or othеrwise,without thе prior pеrmission of thе puЬlishers.

This is a wqrk of fiсtion. A11thесharaсtersand eventsportrayedin this Ьook are fiсtional, and any rеsemЬlanс
realpeoplе ot inсidеnts is purely сoinсidental. Britlsh Cataloguing-in-PuЬliсationData.A сataloguereсord for this
Ьook is availaЬle from the British liЬtarv.

Printed in China I
Gamеs NИorkshop\ГеЬ site:уwW.gamеs-workshop.сom i
.Еorge NИorld!ИеЬ site : www.forgеworld.с t'
'. 1 . I ..,;

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\Yеlсomе to thе rvorld оf Blood Bowl, whете as thе сoaсh of your team, you'll Ье sееking to dеfеat your rivals in as сonvinсing
аnd violеni a manrrеr as possiЬlе, and nо dоuЬt to еarn famе, fortunе and thе adulation of your fans aiong thе way! Bloоd Bowl
is a sport еnjоyеd Ьy numеrous raсеs)from snеаky GoЬlins to lumЬеring Ogrеs, Ьut thеrе arе fеw who еnjoy a good Ьout of
соmpеtitivе vioiеnсе moте than thе two tеams inс1udеd in thе gаmе Ьox: Flumans and orсs. ovеt thе сoming сhaptеrs wе'll
еl:plain еvеrything you nееd to gеt playing Blood Bowl, Ьut first, lеt's takе a look at what you nееd to aсtually play thе gamе.

Ьluе plastiс framеs of Human playеrs, with siх onе 56 pagе rulе Ьoоk (yоu'rе rеading it!). Instruсtions for
miniaturеs on еaсh framе as wеll as additionalЬal1s and assеmЬling thе miniaturеs inсludеd in thе Ьoх arе to Ье
tokеns. Гound on pagеs 5o-56'

Тйo grееn plastiс framеs of orс playеrs, with siх miniaturеs Two douЬlе-sidеd rulеs rеfеrеnсе shееts.
on еaсh framе as wеll as additional Ьalls and tokеns.
onе framе сorrtaining a rangе rulеr, Sсatter tеmplatе and
onе foldout сardЬoard playing sutfaсе' with a Human Throw-in tеmplatе' Тhеsе should Ьe сarеfully rеmovеd
tеam's pitсh on onе sidе and an Orс tеam'q nitсЬ nn tЬр from thе plastiс framе using а pair of sidе-сutting сlippеrs.
othеr sidе.
A dесk ofсards dеsсriЬing Spесial Plays and Stat Playеrs, as
Ti,vo саrdЬoatd еaсh with а F{uman tеam'S wеll as referеnсе сards for thе miniaturеs inсludеd ln thе
sidеlinе arеa ofi onе siсiе and an Crс tеam,s on thе оthеr. Blood Bowlgamе Ьoх.

Tъ,о sеts of diсе, onе in thе Ьiuе of a Human tеam and thе onе shееt of watеrslidе dесals, сontaining numЬеrs and
othеr sеt gtееn for thе orс tеam. tеam symЬols for Ьoth tеams.

.. gi:aь.i.'.


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T н п i l * д с н r : s : D o n . t i o o k i n t h е Ь с . хй r t h . ' s . ' 'Ь е с э ' ' l s еr h е г е
a r е n ' ta n y - y o u a n d v o u r o p p o n е n r ; r с t h е с о e с h е s l Т о
Сr;эн: Еaсh sеt of plastiс modеls inсludеs two
spесialсoins. One sidе of eaсh shows а symЬolappropriatе to
,l ,
avoid сonfusion with thе tсаms plar.егs thе plastiс рlar'ing thе tеam thаt thе сoin сomеs with, whilе thе othet shows a
p i е с e s ) ,w е w i l l r е t Ъ rt o v о u а г r dt h е o r h е г r е r ] - 1 i t Ъ
plrr еrs аs Blood Bowl logo. Thesе сoins arе usеd for two puгрosеs:
thе tеams'сoaсЬes. A1l rеfеrеnсеs to plavеrs arе to thе Blоod
Bowlpiесеs. Firstly, you сan uSе thе сoin to dеtеrminе whlсh sidе kiсks off
first in thе matсh' onе сoaсh tossеs thе сoin and whilе it is
Рlдylrт* Frвrв: This is thе fiеld on whiсh tЬе gamе of Blood in thе air, thе оthеr сoaсh сalls .hеads'for thе tеam symЬolor
Bowltakеs plaсе. It's сurrеntly Ьig and grееn (a Ьit likе an .tails'for
thЪ Blood BowlsymЬoi.
orс)' Ьut don't worry-_ it'll soon Ье flowing rеd! It is dividеd
into squarеs to rеgulatе movеmеnt and сomЬat; еaсh squarе Thе othеr usе for thе сoin is to trасk sсores onсе thе gamе is
rii сan hold only one Blood Bowlplayеr at a timе. undеr way' To do this, еaсh сoaсh simply plaсеs the сoin on
l. The arеas at еithеr еnd of thе fiеld aте сalled thе Еnd Zones.
thе Sсorе traсk at thе еdgе of thеir own sidе of the pitсh.

If a tеam gеts thе Ьallinto thеir opponеnt's Еnd Zonе, they Tщ-aотr.lн If thе Ьall еVеr goes out of Ьounds, tЬе
sсorе a touсhdown. Thеsе arе good things to sсorе) as thе сrowd willеnthusiastiсally throw it Ьaсk into play. Position
tеam with thе most touсhdowns wins thе matсh and сan thеn thе Throw-in tеmplate on thе sidеline as shown Ье1oщ
danсе around a lot! with thе B1ood Bowl1ogo сеntrеd on thе last squarе thе Ьall
сrossеd Ьеfoте it left play. Rolla siх-sidеd diсе to dеtеrminе
In thе сеntrе of thе fiеld ls thе half-way line, and running thе direсtion thе Ьalltravels in, thеn ro11two diсе and add
dоwn thе lеngth of thе fiеld arе thе linеs whiсh show thе thеm togethеr to sее how many squarеs it willtravеlin that
Ьoundariеs of thе wide zones' Thе rows of squarеs on еithеr dirесtion. Еg, if you rollеd a 4, thеn a z- and a 5' thе Ьallwould
side of thе half-way linе and Ьеtwееn the two widе zonеs movе Z spасеs dirесtly towards thе oppositе sidеlinе.
(r4 squarеs in all) arе known aS thе line of sсrimmage. Thе
diffеtent arеas of thе fiеld arе shown on thе diasram Ьеlow.

SсдттвкTвмpr-дтв: Thе Sсattеrtеmplatе is usеd whеn thе

Ьallis droppеdor a рassmissеsthе targеtSquarе.To usе thе
tеmplatе (you'll Ьe told whеn to do this Ьy thе rulеs),position
thе сеntral squarеovеr thе footЬall.Roll thе еight-sidеddiсе
and movе thе Ьallto thе squarеindiсatеdЬy thе sсorе.Thе
еight-sidеddiсе inсludеd with thе gamе is only еvеr usеd
with thе Sсattеrtemplatе.Usе it like a normal diсе, rеading
thе numЬеr on the upward faсing sidе.


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Qurск Rlгвк-вlтсв Sнввтs:"Thеsе handy pieсes of сard inсlude :r t

all of thе most rеgularly usеd сharts and taЬlesfrom thе gamе' l \
Qurск.sта.RT тЕA]vIs
and will savеyou from fliсking ihrоugh thе rulеs when you on page 22,Уouwi1lfind rulеs for drafting your own
arе plaуing a matсh. team,Ьut if you want to get stattеdquiсkly, you сan usе
the orс and Human tеamsstrаigЬt out of the gаmе Ьox.
PrдYrшсPrвсвs:Thе piastiс pl,yi'g piесеs rеprеsentthе rz
playersfrom еaсh team,of wЬom I1 йay Ье on thе fiеld at any Thе orс tеam has two Blitzеrs' two Blaсk orс Bloсkers,
o.'" ii.". Thеy should Ье assеmЬlеdаs per thе instruсtions two ThrJwеrs and siх Linеmеn. It also has thrеe tеam
on page 5o.There arе four diffеrеnt types of playеr in Blood rе.rolls and a Еan Faсtor of в _tеam rе-rolls and Fan
.: ..:
Bowl: Blitzers, Catсhеrs, Throwеrs and Linemеn. Diffеrеnt Faсtor willЬe ехplained later.
raсes'tеamsсoritain different сomЬinations of players'An
orс tеam,for Ьxamplе,Ьas no Сatсhеrs. Thе Human tеam has two Blitzеrs' two Сatсhеrs,two r
Throwеrs and six Linemеn. It has four tеaй rе"rolls аnd ':
Blitzers are just aЬoutthе Ьеst all-round players on thе fiеld. a Fan Faсtot of 6. ...''
Thёy arg quitе fast and agilе,Ьut strong еnough to smash
thеir wiy through thе opposing linе whеn thеy havе to. Aсе
Rеavеrsplayer Griff oЬеrwald is a typiсal Blitzеr: fast'strong Ьettеr at сatсhing the footЬall.Сatсhеrs speсialisein wat{ng".
and just a Ьit too flash! in thе Еnd Zonе for that аll-important touсЬdown passtO
соmе sailing in out of tЬe Ьluе. The only pr9Ь1етninЬeiдs;"
CatсЬers arе the oppositеof Bloсkеrs. Lightly armourеd Catсhеr is if somеorrеshould сatсh you! t *tt*,
and very agile,thеy сan'tafford to gеt into fights. In thе
opеn fiеld, howеvеr,they arе unmatсhеd _ and noЬody is Throwers arе the most glimorous playеrs on,thе fiеld, aЬle i
to throw an inсh pеrfeсt Long BomЬ to thе waiting hands
of a playеr far down thе fiеld. or at fеastthat'sthе thеory;
throwing tЬе Ьall well takеs real skill.

вtAcк0пЕвt0скЕп тнпorEв вt|тzEп LIilЕtAt

BLIтzЕп ЕAтcнEп тнп0rЕп LltЕtДi



Linеmen arе thе stаndaтd рlayеrs of thе tеam) not Ьrilliant Armоur Valuе (AV): This shows thе amоunt of armour thе
аt any onе thing' Ьut саpaЬlе еnough tс fill in Гor rn in1uгеd piayеr is wеaring. Thе highеr thе numЬеr, thе morе armour
plаyеr whеn nесеssal},.Sonrе tеams Sее1nto Ье madе up оГ tl-rеyhar,е on. Саtсhеrs, fоr еxamрlе, wеaт littlе armour.
nothing Ьut linеmеn - rvhiсLr is wliy thеv arе аltt,a\,sat thе
Ьottоm of thе lеaguеl Skills: Irr addition to thеiг сharaсtеristiсs, a playеr mаy
havе onе oГ morе skills' whiсЬ rеprеsеnt sресial talеnts or
Blaсk orс Blосkеrs af,еvеry stroпg ;rnd rvеar ехtla armollr to aЬilitiеs. For ехarnрlе, allThrowетs havе thе Pass skill to show
protеCt thеmsеlvеs in thе pou,еrfu1hеad-to-hеad Ь1oсks that ttrеir ехtraordinary aЬilitv at thro'wing the Ьa11.
arе thеir spесiality. Ноtvеvеr, thеv аrе nоt аl] that fast, аnd
agair-rstan аgilе oрpоnеnt u.ith rоoпl tо dоdgе, thеy almost Тhе four Star Playеr сards arе only usеd
always соmе off sесond Ьеst. Blасk Оrс Bloсkеrs arе a spесial with thе optiоnal rulеs fоr Сrеating a Blood BowlТеam. You
tyре oГр1а1lеruniquе to thе orс tеam' won't nееd thеm for your first сouplе of gamеs, So put thеm to
one sidе for thе timе Ьеing.
Thеrе arе еight сards, оnе fоr еaсh ofthе
orс player typеs and onе for еaсh оf tlrе Human typеs, Thе
playеr сard shows thе сharaсtеristiсs and skills of еaсh of thе
difГеrеnrtypеs оГplаyеr in thе tеапt:

Моvemеnt Allowanсe (aЬЬrеviatеd to MA): This shows

thе numЬеr of squarеs thе playет rnav movе in a turn.

Strеngth (sT): A playеr's Strеngth тeрrеsеnts Ьou,

physiсally рowетful thеy arе, and is usеd to Ьlосk opponеnts.
,t' ;::
Agility (AG): Thе lrighеr a playеr's Agility, thе morе likеly вt0 #lfl,&'jitT;#,f,T,ill1;.
thеу саn avоid taсklеs Ьy оthет playеrs, ассuratеly throw thе BLoЕl
footЬall, and сatсh a footЬali that is thrown to thеm.


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PossiЬly t!е most important сomponеnts in
.l] С:].'Ёj!.,..i'i1:
. ...t] , Thе sixtеen-sid"d;;." (oftеnсаllеda Dr6)is usеdto
thе game!only onе Ьallis usеd at a timе.The Ьall canЬe,hеLd' piсk rаndom playersftom your tеam rostеr.Thе eight-sided
Ьy a playеr Ьy simply slotting it into thе holе on thеir Ьasе. diсe (D8) is usеd with thе Sсattеrtеmplatеto Sееwhеrе thе
i, Ьall goeswhеn it Ьounсеs.Thе siх-sided Bloсk diсe (thеsе
s havеa spесialsymЬolonеaсhsidе)areusеd during Bloсk
Aсtions. Тhе normalsiх-sided diсe (often rеfеrrеdto as a
D6) arе usеd for prеtty muсh еvеrything еlsе!Somеtimеs',
thе rulеs will tellyou to rol1morе than onе diсе and add thе

теsultstogеthеr;еg,iГyou arе told to тo1lzD6, rоll two diсе

HumаnTеаmЕootbalLs ОтсTeam Еootbа|ls and add thеm togеthеr.If you arе told to ro11aD3, rоll a D6
and halvеthе rеsult,roundingup - I-2 = I,3-4= 2,and 5-6= з).
This is usеd to mеasufе thе range whеn
'|lаs':l.t.l/ii,}JСЕ FIU].,L,R:
aplaуеr throws thе Ьall. !Иhеn you arе instruсtеd to mеasulе
thе rangе, plaсе thе at onе еnd ovеr the head of thе playеr
throwing tЬе Ьа1l and thе linе that runs up thе middlе of the

rulеr ovеr thе hеad of thе playеr thе Ьall is Ьеing thrown to.
If thЪ rесеiving playеr ovеrlaps a Ьoundary linе Ьеtwеen two
1:l- l
rangеS on thе ruler, usе thе longer of thе two сhoiсеs.
в|oсhDiсе Siх-sidеddiсе(пв)
Еaсh сoaсh is givеn one Dugоut at the start of thе
matсh. It is usеd to hold playеrs that are in rеsеrvе or who tight-sideddiсе(пB)
havе Ьееn injurеd, and also to kееp traсk ofthе sсore, how а n d6 - s i d е dd i с е( о м )
many turns havе еlapsed and the numЬеr of tеam re-rolls thе
1i tеam has lеft.


_* kеseтvеs Boх Knoсkedoиf (Косt) PlayетsBoх D ead and Iniuт ed PLауетs B ox

SidеLinе Аyеa

.ЁJ j

4' r_ni;tl

*, ir'1,'* *




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Sеt up thе playing fiеld tn front of 1,ou,and sеtup thе Гour

Thе nехt fеw pagеs of thе rulеЬook аrе intеndеd to givе piayеrsas shown Ьеlow.
you an ovеrviеW of Blood Bowl, and show you irow a fеw of
thе Aсtions work Ьеforе thеy'rе ехplainеd to you. Thе drills *' 'tt .* +++ +
refеr to thе Human соaсh and thе orс сoaсh; rеmеmbеr,
this mеans youl In Blood Bowl, usеd to тefеr to tilе
plаstiс modеls. If you'rе rеading this Ьy yoursei{ you'll Ье
playing thе pаrt of Ьoth сoaсhеs'

onсе you'vе gonе through thе thrее training drills hеrе,
rеad through thе tulеs thеmsеlvеs. Tlrеy,rе divtdеd into two
sесtions: thе first palt has all of thе most important
rulеs, whilе thе sесond patt has optional advanсеd rulеs that *,
makе for a riсhеr., morе ехсiting gаmе" \Ие rесommеnd that
you stiсk to thе сorе rulеs for yоut flrst сoupiе of gamеs, thеn
Ьring in thе advаnсеd ru1еs as you sее fit. In Blood Bowl, thе two сoaсhеs altеrrratеtaking turns onе
aftеr thе othеr. \Х/hеn it's your tutn, еaсh of thе playеrs on
Bеfotе you сaffy on, you wili nееd to assеmЬlе two lIumаn your tеam сan do Somеthing - this is сallеd an Асtion,.
Linеmеn and two orс Linеmеn. If you havеn't аlrеady Еaсh pldyеr сan only takе onе Aсtion pеI turn. Thеrе aте
аssеmЬlеd thеm, you сan find instruсtions on pagе 5o. sеvеral tо сhoosе from, Ьut for now wе'll foсus on thе onе
you'llЬе using thе most: МovЕ'

This drill takеs plaсе during thе Human tеam's turn, so thе
Нuman сoaсh сan takе Aсtions with thеir playеrs. Notе
thе сapital Wе аSSumе that Ьoth сoaсhеs arе proЬaЬly
human, Ьut hеrе wе'rе теfеrring to thе onе in сhargе of thе
Human tеam. Thеу piсk onе оf thеir linеman and dесlarе
that thеy willtakе a Мovе Aсtion. This lеts thеm movе up
a:i' .
to siх squarеs in any dirесtion or сomЬination of dirесtions,
inсluding diagonally. It goеs without saying that you сan't
entеr a squarе сontainiгrg аtlothеr playеr' Yоu'll nееd to сlеar
thе way first, whiсh wе'11сovеr in Drili z.

Тhе Human Linеman movеs siх squarеs so that thеy arе

stаnding nеХt to thе orс linеman as shown in the ехamplе
aЬovе. Do this nowl

Thе Huтnan сoaсh Wants to takе a Мovе Aсtion r,vith thеir First, makе Surе yout Ьoard looks thе Same aS thе ехamplе
othеr Linеmаn, to gеt thеm away from thе orс linеman' Ьеlcw. If thе Human linеman fеilovеr, dust thеm of{ stand
!Иho сan Ьlаmе thеm? trlovlеVеr, moving isn't so еasy whеr.l thеm Ьaсk up and movе thеm to thе right squarе. !Ие сan
thеtе's an.еnетnу playет Ьrеаttling down уour nесk. fudgе things a littlе foт now. It is a training dтill, aftеr a11.

Tl-rееight SquarеSaтound a playеr (thе shadеd spaсеs around

thе Orс tr,inеman in thе ехamplе aЬovе) makе up its taсklе N{ow that Ьoth playеrs on thе Human tеam havе takеn an
zonе. This rеprеsеnts thе arеa it сaГi rеaCh in ordеt to gtaЬ ot Aсtiotl, thе Oтс tеam takеs a turn. Thе otс сoасh starts things
taсklе opposing playеrs. \Иhеr-ronе of your plaуеrs lеal,еs a in muсh thе sаmе Way as сountlеss orс сoaсhеs sinсе thе
Sqllarе that's in an oppоsing plаyеr's tасklе Zonе)yol] nееd to еarliеst days of thе sport: Ьy tаking a BLoCK Aсtion with
makе a Dodge rol1. thе Orс Linеman standing nехt to thе Human linеrnan,Notе
that you nееd to Ье adjасent to an еnеmy playеr to tаkе a
;, :,ttll
Bloсk Aсtion.

Bloсks arе a fundamеntal part оf Blоod Bowl, aS impofiant

as thе oddly-shаpеd Ьa11,thе ovеrsizеd рads аnd thе рost-
touсhdown viсtоry danсеs. A Ьloсking playеr is attеmpting
to put thеir opponеnt out of aсtion, or at thе vеry least movе
thеm out of thе way. It's not witlrout its risks, though - thете,s
always a сhanсе yout opponеnt will hit you Ьaсk!

To dеtеrminе thе outсomе o{tЬе Ьloсk, thе Orс сoaсh rolls

а Bloсk diсe. Еaсh faсе has a sресial symЬоl- you сan look
thеsе up on tЬе rеfеtеnсе shееt, Ьut Ьеforе long, you'llknow
thеm Ьy hеart. In our ехamplе, thе orс сoaсh rolls and gеts
Thе Huтnan playеr movеS to thеir first squaте' Ьut Ьеforе a , whiсh mеans thе Human playет is pushеd onе squarе
thеy сan go any furtlrеt, thеir сoaсh makеs a Dodgе тo11Ьy аway from thе attaсkет and knoсkеd ovеr. Good rеsult! Go
rolling onе оf thе normal siх-sidеd diсе. Do this now - movе aЬеad and roll a Bloсk diсе yoursеlf. If you gеt anything otЬеI
thе Linеman onе Squatе away from thе olс, thеn ro11thе than. ' tty again until you do. Notе that your оpponеnt will
appropriatе diсе. Ifyou ro11а 3 or highеr, your playеr dodgеs disapprovе if you try this in a tеalgamе. onсe tlrе Нuman fi.
r-rimЬly asidе аnd сan сontinuе moving. on a r or z, thеy fal1 playеr has Ьееn pushеd Ьaсk and Кnoсkеd Down, it's timе to
down irr thе Square tirеy mor,еd to and thеir movе еnds. ln sее what damagе you'vе donеl i
our ехamplе, thе сoaсh rollеd a 5, so thе playеr's movе сartiеd
on unimpеdеd.

,' . ;

**. t

fllRlfl"t3: FД5$ilн&
It's timе to rеset the playing fiеld. Сlеar thе playеrs away, thеn
set up Ьoth thе Human Linеmеn and onе of thе Orс Linеmеn
as shown in thе ехamplе Ьеlow. As you сan sее' onе of the
Human playеrs is holtiing thе Ьаll; slot it into the holе on that
Dlavеr's Ьasе to show this.

In this сasе,the playеr falls into thе sесond sесtion,so it's

a Short Pass.Thе Нuman сoaсh rolls a normalsiх.sidеd
diсe,rеquiringa 4,5 oт 6Гot thе passto Ье aссuratе'In our
ехamplе,the сoaсh rolls a z, so thе passmissеs.

Thе Ьа1lhаs to сomе down somеwhеrе)so thе Human сoaсh

usеsthе Sсattеrtеmplаtеto sееwhеrе it еnds up. Cеntrе it on
thе squarеwhеrе thе Ьall should havе landеd (in this саsе,thе
playеrin thе Еnd Zonе) and rol1the eight-sidеddiсе. Put thе
In this ехamplе, it's thе Human tеam's turn again. They,ve Ьall in thе spaсеthаt сorrеspondsto thе numЬетyou rollеd.
managеd to gеt one of thеir Linеmеn into thе Orс Еnd Zonе Repеatthis twiсe morе (thrее timеs in total) to dеterminе thе
- if that playеr сan gеt thеir hands on thе Ьall, it's going to Ьall'sfinal fеsting plaсе.
Ье a touсhdown! Sсoting touсhdowns is, gеnеrally, how you
win gamеs of Blood Bowl. You сan also go for stomping thе
othеr tеam flat, Ьut that,s oftеn more сhallenging.

Thе Human сoaсh dесlatеs tЬat thе playеr with the Ьallwill
takе a Pass Aсtion, in аn attеmрt to gеt thе Ьallup thе fiеld
to thе рlayеr waiting in thе Еnd Zonе. The playеr making
thе pass сan movе (up to siх squarеs, as Ьeforе) then thеy сan
throw thе Ьаll.

Takе thе plastiс fange rulеr and plaсе it so that thе Ьolе at onе
еnd is dirесtly ovеr thе throwing playеr's hеad. Thеn align it
so that thе сеntrе linе of thе rulеr passеs ovеr thе hеad of thе
rес-еiving playеr' Thе differеnt sесtions of thе rulеr represеnt In thе eхamplе aЬove,thе Humаn сoaсh rollеd a z, thеn
diffеrеnt passing rangеS - аs you сan imaginе, it's hаrdеr to аnothеrz, thеn a I) so thе ЬаIl sсatterеdinto thе orс plаyer's

t: throw thе Ьallto a distant playеr than it is to a nеarЬy one. spaсе.That сan'tЬе gооdl If thе Ьall lаnds in a player'ssрaсе'
that playеr gеts a сhanсe tо сatсh it. The Human сoaсh was:;,l*
hoping thеir own player would get this сhanсе,Ьut thanks.rо{
?"3 a run of Ьad luсk, it's thеir opponеnt doing it instеad.Thе orс'
playеt rolls a diсе, nееding a sсorе of 4 orщrоrеtо сatсh the,.
ц wildly Ьounсing Ьall... '',

\** , l'.;

.. 'will hе makе it? Rollthе diсе and dесide fo, yo,',..Ё'};f

you sсorеa +|5 or 6, slоt thе Ьallinto thе Spaсеon thе or? "-
playеr'sЬasе.It's an intеrсеption!Othеrwisе,thе Ьall sсattеrF.
one finaltimе and сomеs to rest in the spaсe it tnovе, .

Thеte you go! Thrее training drills thаt give you.anovervierrr' i l

of how to play Bloоd Bоwl. Now rеad on to lеarn,howфlay ';' .
i]* a gamеfor rеal...
The Basiс Rulеs seсtion сovers everything you nеed to see how many.Re-roll сountеrs thеir tеam is еntitlеd to, and
Ьесomе a fully-flеdged Blood Bowlсoaсh, and if you'vе should plaсе that many сountеrs on thе'Rе-roll traсk of thеir
followеd thе aсtion in thе Blood Bowl Boot Сamp seсtion' tеam'sDugout.
you'llno douЬt Ье keеn to gеt stuсk into a fullgamе. After
thе Basiс Rulеs,you'llfind the Ехtra Rulеs seсtion whlсh Flip thе Blbod Bowl сoin or roll aD6 tosееwhiсh сoaсh will
presentЁan еlemеnt of the gamе that most сoaсhesrеgаrd as сhoose who willsеt{lp first.Thе tеam that sеts up first is
all-important_ fouling the othеr side! But don't worry aЬout сallеd thе kiсking tеam, Ьeсausеthеy willkiсk-off thе Ьa11.
suсh taсtiсsfor now; first you nееd to mastеIthе Ьasiс plays. Thе othеr tеam is сalled thе reсeiving team' Ьесausethey
willrесеivе thе kiсk-off. Еaсh сoaсh must sеt up тr playеrs,or
sЕттlt8l|PтllE ЕAнЕ if they сan,tfiеld rr playеrstЬеn as many players as thеy havе
Beforе you start'it's a good idеa to rеad through these rulеs in tЬе ResеrvеsЬox,Ьеtwееntheir Еnd Zonе and the half-
at lеastonсе so you get sоmе idеa of what you arе doing. way linе, and within thе following restriсtions:
onсе you have donе this,lay out the Ьoard and assеmЬlеthe
playеrs.The owner of thе gamе alwaysgets the first сhoiсе Thе klсking tеam alwayssеtsuP first.
as to whiсЬ team thеy will play! Еaсh сoaсh will also nееd a 1 No morе than two playеts Pеt team may Ье sеt up in еa,сh
Dugout, the appropriatеplayеt сards and thе сountеrs found widе zone (i.е.,a maхimum of four players mаy Ье split
Ъn thе plаstiс framеswith thе playеr figurеs.Еaсh сoaсh wide, two оn еaсh flank).
should plaсе thеir Dugout Ьеhind or Ьеsidе one of thе Еnd 3 . At lеastthrее playеrs must Ье sеt up nехt to thе half.way
, Zones.This shows whiсh half of thе pitсh Ьelongsto еaсh linе, on thе linе of sсrimmagе.
team.You sсore a touсhdown Ьy getting thе Ьallinto thе I
.1..If you сannot Setup thrеe players on thе linе of
" opposingtеam'sЕnd Zonе. sсrimmagelyou must еithеr сonсеdе thе matсh (seepagе
zr), or сarry on playing Ьy plaсing as many'playеrson thе
Еaсh сoaсh should plaсe а Turn markеr in thе First Half linе of sстimmagеas possiЬlе.
squareon the Turn traсk, and a Sсorе сounter in thеir Sсore
traсk. Finally, eaсh coaЪhshould refer to thеir tеam list to тнЕ кlЕк.0tF
After Ьoth tеamshave set up, the сoaсh of the kiсking team
plaсеsthe Ьallin any squarеin thеir opponent'shalf of thе
pitсh, inсluding the opponent'sЕnd Zonе if thеy likе. Thе
Ьallwill then sсattеrin a random dirесtion. Using the Sсattеr
tеЬplate, ro1ltЬe D8 onсе for thе dirесtion of sсattеr;and
thеn ro1la'D6 to see how many squarеsthe Ьall will travеl.

ImPortant Notе: The klсk-off ь thе 'ч91rtimе that you roli a

D6 to sее how many squarеsthe Ьallпffi,еs whеn it sсattеrs.
This is Ьeсausekiсks arе vеry inaссuratе.Iwhеn rolling sсattёI
for a missеd pass,ot when the ЬallЬounсеs, the Ьall only
.moves onе squarеper Sсаtterro1l.

Srow.Мoтroш Rэprдy A kiсk-off must land in the opponent'shaШof thе pitсh.

Jim: Аs any coосhwil| tel|you,Bob,а team'ssiотtingfo.тmation Assuming thе Ьall landsin thе rесеivingtеam'shalf of thе
is vita||yimportant'l/.eтeшe саn seеthе Reihland Rеavеrs, pitсh, thеn it willеithеr land in ari empty squarеor a squarе
we||-honеd,Саge Аttaсh', шhiсhthеyuseаgаinstf astшoving oссupied Ьy a playеr.If the Ьalllands in an еmpty square,it
oтaфlеteаrпs. willЬounсe onе moТеsquarе(seеBounсing Balls on pagе
r9). Ifthе Ьall lands on a squareoссupiеd Ьy a playеr,tЬе
Bob:\ousaidit,Jim.ThosеThrowеrs wil| reсovertheba|l playеr must try to сatсh thе Ьall(see Catсhing thе FootЬall
quiсhly,шhilе theB|itzeтs
probеthеflаnk.sfor а weahnеs* on page r9). If thе Ьall sсattersor Ьounсеs off thе pitсh or
; into thе klсklng tеаm'shal{ the rесеiving сoaсh is аwarфеd.
jim: Thаt,sabso|utеIy
right,Bob.Ь'пdаs slonastheyfind it, the а.touсhЬaсk'and rnu,t gi,ffiе Ьall to any playеt in thеir
теstof thеteаmшiL|foтmup on thаtf|аnh,protесtingthe
bаl| l team.onсе thе kiсk-off has Ьeen taken,you are ready to
an,iет аnd ro|lingщ to thе Еnd Zonе.It,s а сlassiс! proсееdto thе first turn of thе.gamе.

Ё '. -":

0г РLдY Еrоск: Thе playеr may makе a single Ьloсk againsta playеr in
Blood Bоwlis split into two halvеsof r6 turns eaсh (i.e.,еight an adjaсentsquare.Playеrswho arе Pronе may not petforй
turns pеr сoaсh).At thе еnd of thе seсondhaЦ the teamwith this Aсtion.
thе most touсhdowns is thе winnеt. Thе gamе is playеd using
a simplе Ьut striсt qgquenсeof play,whiсh tuns as follows: Brrтe: Thе playеr may movе a numЬеr of squarеsеqualto
thеir MA. Thеy may makе onе Ьloсk during thе movе. Тhе
A. Reсеiving Team's Turп Ьloсk may Ьe madе at any point during the movе, and .сosts'
B' КiсlringTеam's Turn one squafеot movеmеnt.
Important: This Aсtion may not Ьe dесlaredЬy more than
RеpеatA and B,.оnеaftеrthе other' untilthе еnd of thе drivе. onе playеr pеr turn. Howevеr, any playеr may pеrform a
Ъ|itz_ thе player doеsn'thavе to Ье a Blitlеr _ Blitzеrs are just
i'iот'н:A drive is definеd as playing untila touсhdown is Ьеtter at it than othеr playеrs.
sсorеd or the half еnds. During a turn' thе tеam in play may
pеrform onе Aсtion with еaсh playеr in thе team.Thе players Рдss:Thе playеr may movе a numЬеr of squarеsеqual to tЬeir
on thе оthеr tеam maY not take anv Aсtions until thеir own МA. At thе еnd of thе mсivе'thе playеr may passthе Ьa11.
turn сomеs around. Important: This Aсtion may not Ье deсlarеdЬy more than
onе playerpеr turn.
Еaсh сoaсh is rеsponsiЬlе for kееping traсk оf how many Nот.г:Thе Еxtra Rulеs sесtionprovidеstwо additional
turns thеir team has usеd, and must move thе Turn markеr Aсtions:Hand-off (sееpagе,9j ^ndЕoul (sееp^g"3,).
onе spaсе along thе traсk providеd on thеir Dugout at thе Nеither of thеse Aсtions may Ье dесlatеdЬy morе than оne
start ofеaсh and еvеry onе ofthеir turns. Ifсoaсhеs find playеrреТturn.
thеmsеlvеs rеgularly forgetting to movе thе Turn markеr
along, thеy might agrее to usе thе Illеgal Proсedutе speсial тuЕt0uЕпs ,1
rulе, whiсh is found in the Ехtra Rulеs sесtion latеr on. Сertain еvents сausеthe turn to еnd Ьеforе allof thе plaуеrs
havе takеn an Aсtion. Thеsе еvеnts arе сallеd turnovers. The
дстl01{s following еvеntsсausea turnovеr:
Еaсh playеr in a tеаm may pеrform onе Aсtion pеr turn. The
Aсtions that may Ье pеrformеd arе dеsсriЬеd Ьеlow. !Иhеn all r. A playеr on the moving tеam is Кnoсkеd Down - Ьеing
of tЬе playеrs in a team havе pеrformеd an Aсtion thеn thе injurеd Ьy tЬе сtowd or Ьеing Plaсеd Prone is not a
turn ends and thе opposing сoaсh is allowеd to takе a turn. turnover unlеss it is a playеr from thе асtivе tеam holding
thе Ьa11;
е.g.,skills likе Diving Taсkle, Piling on and
You must dесlatе whiсЬ Aсtion a playеr is goiпg to take !Иrеstlесount as Ьеing Plaсеd Prone,or
Ьеforе сarrying out thе Abtiort. For examplе, you might say, z. A passеdЬall' or hand-of{ is not сaught Ьy any memЬer of
p|ayeт is going to tаhe a BLoсh Асtion.,' the moving tеam Ьeforе thе Ьallсomеs to rеst)or
3. A playеrfrom thе moving tеаm attеmрtsto piсk up thе
Players pеrform Aсtions onе at a timе. In othеr words, the Ьall and fails. ]'{otе:Failing a Catсh rо11,as opposеdto a
сoaсh may pеrform an Aсtion with one playеr, and thеn piсk up, is Ьy itsеlf nеver a turnovеr' or
pеtform an Aсtiоn with anothеr plаyеr, and so on. This сarriеs 4. A touсhdown is sсored'or
on until all of the playеrs havе pеrformеd an Aсtion, or thе 5'' A passattеmptis fumЬlеd evеn if a player from tЬat tеam
сoaсh doеs not Want to pеrform an Aсtion with any morе сatсhesthе fumЬlеd Ьall, or
piayеrs. Notе that a playеr must finish thеir Aсtion Ьеfore 6. A playеr with thе Ьall ls thrown or is attеmptedto Ье
anothеr playеr сan takе onе. Еaсh playеr may only pеrform thrown using Throw Tеam-matе(sееpage з+)and fails to
onе Aсtion per turn. only onе Blitz and onе Pass Aсtion land suссеssfully(inсluding Ьеing eatеnor squirming frее
may Ье takеn in еaсh turn. Thеsе Aсtions must Ьe takеn Ьy from an Always Hungry ro11), or
separatе playеrs; a playеr сannot pеrform aB|itzAсtion and a 7' Аplaуer is ejесtеdЬy thе rеfеrееfor a foul.
Pass Aсtion in thе samе turn.
A соaсh who suffеrsa turnover is not allowеd to takе any
LIsтllt AЕтl0ts furthеr Aсtions that turn, and any Aсtion Ьеing takеn еnds
Моvs: Thе Blood Bowl playеr may move a numЬеr of squarеs immеdiatеly еvеn if it was only partially сomplеted.Мakе
еqual to thеir Movеtnеnt Allowanсе (МA) _ inсluding Armour rolls and Injury rolls for players who wеrе Knoсkеd
moving zеro squarеs. Down, and if thе Ьall was droppеdthеn roll to sееwhеrе it
Ьounсes to normally. Stunnеd players should Ье turnеd faсе-
up, and thеn thе opposing сoaсh may start tо takе thеir turn.

,. i# * #r"

t *

.;"'.:.,.;i,....,.. - ,'.,,Ё
TllUETE]IT must Ье madе to seе if tЬеy werе injurеd (sеeKnoсk Downs
A playеr may movе a numЬer of squatеs to th.i, & Injuriеs on pagе r7). If the player is Knoсkеd Down then
Мovеment Allowanсе. Playеrsmay movе in any dirесtion thеir tеam suffеrsa turnover and their turn еnds immеdiatеlу.
or сomЬination of dirесtions,inсluding diagonally,as long
as thеy do not enter a squaтеthat holds another playеr AЕlLlтYтAвLЕ. D0DЕE
(from еithеr team).Playersdo not havе to use up all of thеit Player's AG т23 + 56+
Мovеmеnt Aliowanсе in thеir turn; thеy don't nееd to move D6 Roll Required 6+ S+ ++ 3+ 2+ I+
at allif tЬеiт сoaсh doеs not want thеm to.
Doпсrшс Мoоrrrвкs
z01|Еs Мaking a Dodgе to11.............. .....'.........фI
The eight squarеsadjaсеntto a player make up thеir taсklе Pеr opposing taсklе zone on thе square that thе player is
zone' aSshown in thе diagramЬelow.A player who is Pronе dodging 1o.................
or Stunned doеs not Ьavе a taсkle zone.
If a player moves into a squarеin whiсh the Ьallis lying, they
must attemptto piсk it up, and _ if thеy wish and arе aЬle _ *
сarry on moving.

Taсkle Playеrsthat move into thе squarеwith the Ьall at othеr tiйes
(е.g.,whеn pushеd Ьaсk, thrown Ьy another player with
Throw Tеam-matе,etс) сannot piсk up thе Ьa11, and instеad h.

it willЬounсe one square.This doеs not сausea turnover (seе
Bounсing Balls on page r9).

Look up the player's Agility on thе Agility taЬle * Piсk-up to

find the sсore required to suссеssfullypiсk upthе Ьa11. кol1
a D6, and add or suЬtraсtany of the modifiers that apply to
thе D6 ro11'A roll of r Ьеfore modifiсation AI!ИAYS fails
and a roll of 6 Ьеforе modifiсation AI\ИAYS suссееdsfor any
ta Agility ro11madeduring a gamе.
Еaсh timе a player lеavеsa squarethat is in one or morе
opposing taсkle zones'thе сoaсh must make a Dodge rol1.TЬe If thе finalmоdified sсore equalsor Ьeatsthе rеquired ro11,
playеr only has to dodgе onсе in ordеr to lеavе thе square,no tЬеn thе player suссeedsin piсking up thе Ьall. Slot thе Ьall
matter how many opposing taсklе zonеs arе on it. Notе that into the player'sЬasеto show tЬat they havе piсkеd it up
you must alwaysmake a Dоdgе ro11wЬenyoulеave a squarе and сarry on with the playerlsturn. If the D6 rol1is lеss than
in a taсkle zonе,evёR if there aren'tany taсkle zonеs on tЬe the rеquired tоtal,then thе playеr drops the Ьa11,whlсh will
squarеyou arе moving to (seethе Slow Motion Replay on Ьounсе onе square.If the player drops thе Ьallthеn their
Pager5).. team s,uffersa turnover and thеir turn ends immеdiatеly.

look up the player'sAgility on thе Agility taЬlе _ Dodgе AвltlTYтABLE. Plсl(.UP

oppositeto find thе sсorewhlсh is rеquired to suссessfully Player's AG т23456+
dodgе out of thе squarе,For examplе,if the playеr had an D6 Roll Required 6+ S+ 4+ 3+ z+ r+
Agility of 3,they would nееd to roli a 4 or morе to dodgе
out of the square.Roll a D6, and аdd or suЬiraсt any of Prск-uр Мoоrrrвкs
.thе modifiers that apply to thе D6 ro1l.A roll of r Ьeforе Piсkingup thе ЬalI........'.... ..................
modifiсation AI!ИAYS fails аnd a rol1of 6 Ьеforе modifiсation -I
Per opposingtaсkleZoneon tЬe player.....'................'................
'AIWAYS suссееds.
Important: The Agility taЬleis used to work out thе suссess
If thе final modified sсore equalsor Ьеatsthе rеquired rol1, or failute of a numЬеr of different Aсtions in Blood Bowl
thе player may сarty on moving (and dodging if tеquired) inсluding dodging,piсking up thе Ьall, and throwing or
untilthey have usеd up thеir fullМovemеnt Allowanсе. If сatсhing thе Ьallto namе Ьшta fеw.Еaсh Aсtion has its owц
thе D6 rol1is lеss than thе rеquired total,then thе player is sеt of modifi'ers,and it is only thеsе modifiers whiсh apply to
Knoсkеd Down in the squarеthey were dodging to and a ro1l thе D6 roШ' ,(i.e.,do not uSеany of thе dodgingmodifiеrswhеn
^, to piсk up thе Ьall).
:"' : . ' ;. ". ,

.;" 'il'c З
Eхamplе of
.!lm:,Тhеrе оf thе В'еih|сlndkеnvетs"it iооhs dodging:
tо ttзе,Bоb'iik,еhсs gr:i,тlgl;g th''оwghtLrеtасklr zоls,еs
tr.уiр 1цs:1l.'
оf twо Got,tgеd t. xvпt,t
Еус уLaустs:Еrшt }зgLтlеsta nзоvetо sqL|rt1,r
оf 3, v',hi,сlз
hаsaуl-, thпtiлеnееd,s
n1сoYx,s tо ,rоI!abnsiс Lу
О1.111ОТ€ tо dоigс ti,tссеssfтt||y Ltс gсГsа +l tо thе
з,о||fоr mak,inga dodgе,lэшt tkeп h,аsLо subtraсt.z bссаusrthетс ;
rlrе tмlо Отс tас|l|еZОrLrlтrL tkt sqttсl,iс ls плоvingtо,fa,rв fiпаi
modlfiетof - l. Waп пзсt|tеsttrlе,,llвvе- Lhесrоwr1hоlсls lts brеnth-

,lсdgеs Ivan ,,fr.
tlnd t1lеD6 тoL|is а 5, whiсh ТпсnnstiлаtWгtlз sтtсссssfu||у
rtзiоthе squaте! Ке].lhооfеr
, д..
Bolз: l о,пr1
right! Ivаtэtзlоvсstо sа|lтt,с, ta b'есрoп
z.ivan, ииsf stl]I rrir.'tr't:
gaiп,gtоsquФ1"е Agility a2 45 6+
thсre штеп,tсttl\,tасhlеzОrLrs Dodgе Roll 6+ S+ 3+ 2+ I+

zоt.lеsoп squтrе l.Th'сте сi,rеп,оtас|t),t

tасl<,Lс 215О
Lvсtllgеtsa +l mоdifiеr.fо his D6 rоll. Оtt }JОI |van тo||sа,t пnd Dопсrшс Моnrрr-пкs
z aftст aп
ЬТоrvhс's trytngproпс i,tз,sql,toтс
сaml:: сrпshing dоtl,,rз.
tш sшrгсsфrl Атtз,LaуtТ тnотеthаt саusеl 6 turnоvеr
sо it,sthе Gau'gеd,Еl/е|a nюuе lз,ехt!
iоr t|rеRспUe;.s,

][nsтеаdof,movitrg, a рlayеr may till.ow a lэiосk at an орpоsing If onе piayеr is strоngеl tl"lanthе othеr,thеy arе mоте likеly
playеr и.hо 1sin an adjaсеnt Sq.L1atе. Yoш may оniy rnakе a tо knoсk dowг, thеir oppоnеrrtwhеn thеy makе a Ь'loсk.Tо
Ьiосk egаit-rsta standing рlа.zеl - y0.шnxay not Ьioсk а playеr rеprеsеl]tthis,tLrеnumЬеr оf Biосk diсе that arе rо11еd vаriеs
-,,,,hоЬas atrеadv Ьееtl Knосtr<еcDоr,,rr-l'A Ьlосk is a vеry rоugil dеpегrdingon thе rеtratir,е StrеngtЬs оf thе Ltroц,еVeт,
тlасklе'dеsigr-rесitо rеally SгDР;in орpоnеnt in thеir tтасks!Tо no пrattетhow пranv diсе arе rollеd, oniy onе оf thеrn is
sее if а Ьtrосkwоlks, 1,оulvilt llееd то Usе ti1е spесiаl Elосk еvеr usеd tо dесidеthе rеsuit ox.thе Ьloсk.Thе соaсhof thе
diсе inсlшdеd with thе garnе. strongеrplayеrсhoоsеswhiсh.оf thе diсе is usеd.

arеЕQUAL, otlе diсе is rollеd.

If thе piayеrs'Stгеngtirs
Оnсе ]эеr tutn a playет on tl-lе lт, tеafi1 is alloц,еd tо
makе a spесial B1itz mor,е' A Ьlitz elj.ows tirе playеr to movе If,otrеplаyеris STRONGЕR, twо diсе аrе тоllеdand thе
аnd makе а Ьl.эсk. Тhе Ь].осk -.:lаyloе mаdе at any pоint drrring сoaсhоf thе Strongеrpiayermay сhоosewhiсlr onе is usеd'
ilhе rrrovе, Ьut сosts o11еsquarе of rnоvегnеnt fоr thе playеr
tо .makе. TLiе рla1.етmа), сaг1"]/оn ;.ло'zing aftеr thе еtТесts of if onе playеr is MoR.Е TЕIAN T]ilшСЕ AS sTRoNG, ti-lтее
ti-lеЬlосk lrаvе Ьееn ц,oтkеd ошt if thеy havе аny squarеs оf diсе atе rollеd and thе сoасh ofthе strongеrp1ayеrrnay
1еf,t,and pror, t}таr lhеrе \\,asnot a tuInoVеI.
1]]l0V8trТiё1-}t сlroosеwhiсlr is usеd.

Notе that thе сoaсh of thе playеr makir.rg thе Ьlосk аlwаys
rolls thе diсе, Ьut that thе соaсЬ of thе StrongеI playеr may
сhоosе whiсh is usеd.

Ехirа ruiеs on pаgе 3o allow playетs not involvеd in

thе Ьloсk to aSSiStthе Ьlосking playеrs - this саn altеr thе
n.;mЬеr of diсе rollеd.

.:::..:-..:€ . 1

J *!:.

Rollthе diсе and сonsult the taЬlеЬelow.Thе playеr making Playеrsmust Ье pushеd off thе pitih if thеrе are nо еligiЬlе
thе Ьloсk is thе attaсker, whilе thеir targetis thе defender. еmpty squarеson thе pitсh. A playеr pushеd off thе pitсh,
еvеn if Knoсkеd Down, is Ьеatеnup only Ьy thе сrowd and
SymЬol Rеsult rесеivеsonе ro11onthе Injury taЬlе(sееInjuriеson pagет7).

Aттдскэa IJоrxът:Thе attaсking Playеr is
Кnoсkеd Down.
Thе сrowd doеs not havе any injury modifi,ing skills.

Notе that no Aтmour roll is madеfor a playетthat is pushеd

#+:"ф Bстн Dоwш: Both playеrs arе Кnoсkеd Down, off thе pitсh, thеy arе automatiсallyinjurеd. If a Stunnеd
P=fl# unlеss one ot Ьoth of thе playеrs involvеd has
thе Bloсk sklll. lf onе playеr usеs thе Bloсk
rеsult is rolled on the Injury taЬlе,thе player should Ье
plaсеd in thе RеsеrvеsЬox of thе Dugout, and must rеmain
skillthеn thеy arе not Кnoсkеd Down Ьy this thеrеuntila touсhdownis sсoredor thе half ends.If thе
rеsult,though thеir opponеntwillstillgo playеt holding the Ьallis pushеd out of Ьounds,thеy arе
down. If Ьoth thе playеrs usе the Bloсk skill Ьеatеnup Ьy thе fans,who atе more than h,pPy to throw thе
thеn nеithеr playеr is Knoсkеd Down. ЬallЬaсk into play!The Throw-in templatеis сеntrеdon thе
last squarеthat thе playеr was in Ьеforе thеy were pushеd off
Рusнвn: Thе dеfending playеr is pushеd thе pitсh.
Ё"-:.ъ Ьaсk onе squarеЬy thе Ьloсking playеr.The
attaсkingplayer may follow-up thе dеfеndеr. Кшоск Dow,rqs: A playеr that is Knoсkеd Down should Ье
plaсed on their sidе in tЬе squarе,faсе-up.The plаyеr may

DвгвшnввSтuмвrвs:Unlеss the defеnderusеs Ье injurеd (seеInjuries on Page r7). If thе playеt who is
thе Dodgе skill, thеy arе pushеd Ьaсk and thеn Кnoсkеd Down сomеs from the moving tеam,then this
Knoсkеd Down. If thеy arе using thе Dodgе сausеsan immеdiatе turnovеr.
skillthеn thеy arе only pushеd Ьaсk.Thе
attaсkingplayer may follow-up thе dеfendеr. A playеr who has madе a Ьloсk is allowed
to makd a spесial follow-up move and oссupy a squarе
Dвr'вшnэкDorrтc:TЬе dеfеnding playеr is vaсаtеdЬy thе plаyеr thаt they havеpushеdЬaсk.Thе plаyеr.s
pushed Ьaсk and thеn Knoсkеd.Down in thе сoaсh must deсidе whеthеr tо follow-up Ьеforе any other
squarеthеy arе movеd to. Thе attасkingplayеr diсе rolls are made.This movе is frее,аnd thе playеr сan
may follow-up thе dеfеnder. ignorе enеmy taёklе zonеs whеn thеy makе the movе (i.е.,
they do not havе to dodgеto еntеr the squarе).A playегthаt
Pusн Bдскs: A playеr that is pushеd Ьaсk must Ье moved is Ьlitzing is allowеd to makе a follow-up movе' and thе movе
one squareawayfrom thе player making thе Ьloсk, as shоwn doеs not сost thеm any additional movеmеnt (asthеy paid
Ьеlow.Thе сoaсh of thе Ьloсking playеr dесidеswhiсh square a square in order to make the Ьloсk, thеy have effeс.tivеly
thе playеr is movеd to. Thе playеr must Ье pushed Ьaсk into alrеadypaid for thе movе).
an empty squarеif possiЬlе.A squareсontaining only thе Ьall ; q''
is сonsidеrеdеmpty and a playеr pushed to it will сausеthе Srow ]VIoтrоlс Rвprдy ,t
! ;{.
Ьa'11toЬounсе (seеpage l9). If allsuсh squarеsarе oссupiеd !im: tndthеrеgoеsUтfпhShullhаck,thе GougеdЕyе star ,'" I
Ьy otЬer players,theh thе player is pushеd into an oссupiеd B|aсhОтс B|oсhет. justb|itzеddownthepitсhапd now
[". ."4
squarе,and thе player that originally oссupiеd thе squarе hе'sgoingtothrowаb|oсhаt H.ansvon Bтo|l.en,
is pushed Ьaсk in turn. This seсondarypush Ьaсk is trеatеd gotа Stтenфhof'ц,сompared
Linеman.IJтfтth,s to Hans,3,
ехaсtlу like a normalpush Ьaсk as if thе sесond playеr had whiсhmеаnsthatUrfтih саn уolltwo B|oсhdiсeand сhoose
. Ьeеn Ьioсked Ьy thе first (Prone and Stunnеd playеts may
Ье whiсh onеhе wi||usе.Hе уo||soffi ond o A , and usеsthе
.pushed in this way as wе11).TЬe сoaсh of thе moving tеam Dov,ln'rеsu|tto smashL7ansbaсk,a squaТе
and |lnoсLl
dесidеsall push Ьaсk dirесtions for seсondarypush Ьaсks him f|atonhisbaсhin themud_ КЕRRUNСI{!
' unlеss thе pushеd Ьасk playеr has a skill that ovеrridesthis.

Ехample of Bloсking:

}Ians von Brokеn

Urfrik Skullhaсk
]l0WHs g
Е l]|Jl|нlЕs
Playеrs that arе Knoсked Down or Plaсеd Prone for any
rеason should Ьe plaсеd faсе-up on thе pitсh in the square
thеy arе in. \Х/hilе Prone, the playеr losеs thеir taсklе zonеs
and may do nothing Ьеfore standing up at a сost of thrеe
squares of thеir movеmеnt"whеn thеy nеxt takе an Aсtion.
Playеrs may stand up in an opposing player's taсklе zone
without having to makе a Dodge tollthough (thеy will havе
to dodge if thеy suЬsequеntly lеave). Notе that a player who
stands uP may rtot take a Bloсk Aсtion, Ьесausе you may not
movе when you takе a Bloсk Aсtion. Thе playеr may take any
Aсtion other than a Bioсk Aсtion.

If a playеr сarrying thе Ьallis Knoсkеd Down or Plaсed

TABLE ,',.т''
Pronе, thеy will drop thе Ьа11ln the squarе whеrе thеy ::.. '
fаll. Thе dropped Ьall will Ьounсе onе squarе in a random zD6 Result ';
" n

dirесtion (seе Bounсing Balls, pagе r9) aftеr thе playеr's z-7 Stunnеd - Lеavеthе playеron thе pitсh,Ьut ,.-.
Armour rolls and Injury rolls (if any) arе fully resolved. turn them faсe-down. A11 faсe1down. player5 i..
are turnеd faсе-up at thе еnd. of tЬеit teamis .
neХt turn, еvеn if a turnovеr takes plaсе. Note
that a player may not turn faсе-trP on thе turn
they arе Stunned. onсе faсe-up, thеy may
stand up on any suЬsequеnt turn using thе
normal rules.

8.я I(o'd _ Takе thе playеt off thе pitсh and

plaсе thеm in the Dugout in thе Ko'd Players
Ьox.At thе neхt kiсk-offl Ьеforе you sеt up
any players,ro11for еaсh ofyоur playеrsthat

i .
L ф : P|а,yеl,on theiyside,|ying f асe-щ. kight: Stаnding p|ayer'
havе Ьееn Кo'd. on a ro1l of r-3,the playеr
must rеmain in the Ko,d Ьoх and may not Ье
usеd,although you mаy roll again at thе nехt
Unlеss thе rulеs statеotЬеrwisе,any playеr that is kiсk-off. on a roll of 4-6,you must rеturn thе
Knoсked Down may Ьe injured. The opposing сoaсh rolls zD6 player to thе RеsеrvеsЬoх and сan usе thеm as
and addsthеir sсorеstogеtherin an attеmptto еxсeеdthе normal from now on.
Knoсkеd Down player'sArmour valuе.If the ro11suссееds,
thеn the opposing сoасh is allowеd to ro11onthe Injury taЬlе IO*I2 Casualty _ Take the playеr off the pitсhаnd
oppoЬiteto sеewhat injury thе playеr has suffеrеd. plaсе thеm in thе Dugout in the Deаd &
InjurеdPlayеrs Ьoх. The playеr must miss the
Up: Thе only timе a player сan stand up is at
Sтдr.,Тorшс rеst of thе matсh.
thе Ьеginnidg of an Aсtion at a сost of thrее squarеsfrom
thеit movеmеnt. If thе player has lеss than thrее squarеsof
I movеmеnt,thеy must ro114+to stand up - if they stand up
suссessfully,thеy may not movе any furthеr unless thеy Go
For It (seeЕxtra Rulеs page z9).Еailurе to stand suссеssfully
for any rеasonis not a tutnovеr.

Suвsтrтuтдs:A сoaсh may not suЬstitutefit playеrsfor injurеd

playеts or playеrsthat have Ьeеn sent off while a drivе is in
progress.Тhe only time that a сoaсh may add Rеsеrvеsis
whеn sеtting up aftеr a touсhdown has Ьеen sсorеd,or whеn
sеtting up aftеr ha1ftime or for overtimе.

тl| R 0Wl1| Е тlt Е BALL ofthеplayerthrowing

squarе andtЬelinеthat
runs up the сеntтеof thе ruler ovеr thе сentre of the squarе
Onсе pеr turn a player on thе moving team is allowеd to t

makе.aPassAсtion. TЬе plаyеr is allowеd to makе a normal thе Ьall is Ьеing thrown to. If tЬе line Ьetweеntwo passing
movе' and after thеy have сompletеd the move, thеy may rangеsсrossеsanУ paft of the rесеiving player'ssquаre'thе
throw the Ьall еven if thе rесеivеt is in an adjaсеntSquare. highеr range should Ьe used.It is perfeсtly aссeptaЬlеto prе-
Notе that thе playеr in question doеs not have to Ьe holding measurеthе range to sеvеralplayеrsat any point during thе
the Ьallat thе start of the Aсtion; thеy сould usе their movе to throwing player'smovе Ьeforeyou dесlarethe targetof the
run ovеr and piсk up a Ьallon the ground and then throw it, pass.onсe you have thrown thе Ьallhowеvеr, you may not
for ехamplе. movе the throwing playеr any furthet that tutn, еvеn if they
havе sparеМA lеft.
thе сoaсh must dесlarethat thе playеt is taking a
First of a11, Look up the playеr'sAgility on thе Agility taЬlеto find the
PassAсtion. Thе playеr сan throw thе Ьall to anothеr player sсore requirеd to suссеssfullypassthе Ьa11. кo11a D6, and
in theit qwn tеam (or anotherplayеr in thе opposing team add or suЬtraсt any of tЬе modifi'еrsthat apply to the D6 roli.
if thеy rеally want to),or simply to an еmpty square'though A ro1lof r Ьefore modifiсation AL\ИAYS fаils and a ro11of6
oЬviouф the fi.rstof these options willЬe thе most usеful - Ьеforе modifiсation ALWAYS suссeеds.
and may keep thеm from Ьeinqattaсkеd Ьy thеir own tеam
onсе Per turn.
ЬеmЬеrs! Thе Ьall may on1y.'}-9..Рqssed lf thе finаl modifiеd sсorе equalsor Ьeatsthe rеquirеd rо1l,
! : ..:l]l., thе passis aссuratеand landsin thе targetsquare.If thе DЪ
N.'т,, thе сoaсh must meфшliФthеrangе using tЬe rangе ro11is less than thе rеquirеd total,thеn the passis not aссuratе
.rulеrbу |
- o 1heholе й o.,е еnd ovеr the сеntrе of thе
j Еplaсing
' and will sсatter.Roll for sсattеrthrее timеs,one aftеr thе
.rд t.

s}оwМоtion Replay . О.
ffob:А'уtdtherе'sъohпIfsplittеrfor theGougеdEye,who hasan Eхamplе of passing t

to throw thе ball fouт squaтesto

Ьg1|ltyof 3 and.i,1.*tteтnryting and сatсhing:

KrugPain,spiа,у:.Ihе rоngеruler showsthаt this fa|Isjuston thе

boundarybetwе1naQlichPаss аnd a ShoтtPass)sothe |ongетof Trok ЕШsplittеr


Jim:Thаt,sпght,Bob.тroh,iьgilityof 3 meansthathеmust rol|а

!1oтmoreto be.ontarget,No modifiетsapp|yto the D6 yollbесausе notin а'nytaсh|еzonеs,and thеmodifiеrf or a ShortPass
is +o.Troh,saуTngoеsbaсk andhethтoшsа 6.Loo|l, atthа'tbal|go,
bam!,тighton targеt!!Now а|l Kтughasto dois сatсhit . ' . Ball

Bob:Yousaid it,Jim.It,san аcсuratеpasssoKrug gеts+t.tohis Кrug Painspеar

.D6rol|,buttheтe'sМаtthiаsМeiеrnexttohim, sohisсhanсes of
саtсhingsuffеrsa -t mod,ifer,
шhiсhmeansthаt Krug nеedsa \+ to Мatthias Меiеr i
саtсhthebа]|'тhестowdgoеsquiеtаs thediсeaтeтol|ed. А 3 _ hе,s
droppеdit,and thebаLIbounсеs
Jim:Ьnd if I сanjust buttin hете.,
Bob'thаtmissedpassсаusеsa Р
шhiсhendsthеGougedЕye'stшrn' '.

Agility r 2. 3 +56+ Agility r 2 3+ s6+

Passing Roll 6+ 5+ ++ 3+ 2+ I+ Catсhing Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ I+
PдssrшсMoоrгrвкs Cдтснrьтс}v{onrгrвкs
Catсhingаn aссuratеpass..........'. .....'....'..'.........'.
Catсhing a sсattеrеdpass,Ьounсing Ьalt ktсk-off
or throw-in .....................+o
Pеr еnemy taсkle zone on thе playet
саt1hinвthe ЬaШ. .'.....-I

other,to sеewhеretheЬallеndsup.Notе that...h of th" двlLlTYтIBLE -
soit is possiЬlеfor thеЬallto
Sсattеttolls is madеsеpaтatеly, Plavеr'sAG
еndup Ьaсkin thе targеtsquarё(thoughit willЬе hardеrto D6 RollRеquirеd
сatф. The Ьall сan only Ье сaughtin thе fi.nalsquatеwhеrе
fi'.*$ sче{ssчuarе thе
thеn CдтсвrшсMoоrтrвкs
\\N\\. d\\
!к\\* }
thе Ъa11.
to attempt to сatсh
|t",". i, ,,ot allowed
N Ф * ё :

с1rс P4бб .Ijr\r foг opдrоrrсrrts t(J aссеEIPс IгrсrfсеРпoпs.


AliltlтYт.tBtE- PAssltE B0UtGltgBIILS ,''
Player's AG , т23 4 56+ If thе Ьall is droppеdor not сaught,oI thе ЬallЬounсёsto a'
D6 Roll Required 6+ 5+ 4+ 3l 2+ r+ squarewith a Pronе or Stunnеd playеr,or а player is pushеd
to or lands in the Ьall's squarе,or the square -he.*'ai..thto,,л't'
PдdsrшсМoоrгrвкs Ьalllands is unoссupied (or is oссupiеd Ьy a Pronе oi.Stunned
Throwing a Quiсk Pass.............. .'.........
+I player) ihen it willЬounсe. This ii a teсЬniсaherrn fo.ц.'t!a
Throwinga Short Pass............. ...........
+o thing jumping aЬout all ovеr thе plaсе while tЬe playёis.',i':
Throwinga long Pass............. -r
stumЬlе aЬout trying to graЬ itJTo find.оЬt whеrе tЬe tlfl.
Throwinga long BomЬ..............................:...........;.........
.'.......'..'...-zЬounсesto, ro11for sсatter.
Pеr opposingtасklеzonе on thе playеr.. -I
. If thе ЬallЬounсеsьйan obсupied,q.,".",.hрц,ь" pi6щ ,
тl|ЕF00TBALL ..,.., ''
' thе sq:rarеmust attещpt t6 сatф.it, as desяriйd'prеviorrsly. ''1
If thе Ьall lands in a squareoссupiеd Ьy a standing playеr, If the player fails to сatсh the Ьаll, then it will Ьоunсe again
thеn thе player must attemptto сatсh thе Ьa11. Prone and untilit is еithеr саught or Ьounсеs into an emPty,q.,ar* ot'
. . goеs off the pitсh. *
Stunned players may nеver attemptto сatсЬ the Ьa11. Еither ..&
. r
tеam'splayers may attеmpt to сatсh the Ьall _ if a pliyеr from
: .,..,...
r t.

.. ,i

the othеr team managesto сatсh the Ьa11,

they сan rightly yell
and jump aтounda lot! \X/hen.aЬall sсattersor Ьounсes off thd pitсh.,.itli ."'*". i...
immеdiately thrown Ьaсk in Ьy thё еagerspeсЪtors!!!se the
look up thе player's Agility on the Agility taЬlе _ Catсhing Thrqw-in templateto work out whеre the.Ьallgoes,using th.e...'.:
to find the sсore rеquired to suссessfullyсatсЬ thе Ьa11.Roll a last squarethe Ьall сrossеdЬеfote going;ff1: a]startingptilnt.:'
D6, and add or suЬtraсt any of the modifiers thai apply to the (seеpage+).If thе Ьall is thrown into a squareoссupied Ьy a
D6 ro11.A ro11of r Ьeforе modifiсation AГDИAYS fails and a standingplayer,that player must attеmptto сatсh thе Ьall as
ro11of6 Ьefore modifiсation AI\Х;AYS suссeeds. desсriЬеdearliеr. .. ]..

If thе finalmodlfied sсorе еqualsor Ьеatsthе rеquirеd rol1, If thе Ьalllands in an еmpty squareor a squareoссupiеd Ьy
then thе playеr suссееdsin сatсhing tЬe Ьall. Plaсе the.Ьallon a Pronе оr Stunnеd playеr,thеn it willЬounсе. If а throw-in
^ 1

the playеr'sЬaseto show that they havе сaught it and сarry on results in thе ЬЪ11goingoff the pitсh again,itwillЬe thrown
with thе turn. If the player who сaught tЬе Ьall has not taken in again,сеntred on the last square it was in Ьefore it left thе
an Aсtion yet, thеy maydo so as normal. tf the D6 rol1is less pitсh. Тhrow-ins сaшrot Ьe interсeptеd.
than the rеquired tоtal,then thе player drops thе Ьall and it
willЬounсе (seeBounсing Balls, oppositе). t тUпtoUEпs
If a Ьal] thrown Ьy a player isn't сaught Ьy a playёr from ihё..
moving tеam,this сausеsa turnovеr and фе moving tеam's
turn еnds.Thе turnovеr does-nottake plaсe untilthe Ьdll
finally сomes to rеst.This mеans that if thе Ьall tnissesihе
targеtЬut is still сaught Ьy a player from thе moving tеаm,
thеn a turnovеr doеs not take plaсе.Thе Ьа1lсould еvеn
sсatteгor Ьounсе out of Ьounds,or Ьe thrown Ьaсk int6iaц'
emPty squarе'and as long as it was сaught Ьy а plаyer from
thе moving tеam then thе turnovеr woшld.'Ьеаvoided!,.''... ..
Broск The Bloсk skill, if usеd,affесtsthe results О C

,. Rе-rolls are vеry impoltant in Blood Bowl, as you willquiсkly О

rollеd with thе Bloсk diсe, as ехDlainеdin a

disсover'Thеrе arе two typеs of rе-rolls:team re-rolls and thе Bloсking rulеs. a'
player re-rolls. In eithеr сasе,thеy Ьoth allow you to rе-ro11
: allthе diсe that produсеd any onе rеsult. So, fоr ехamplе,a rе- Cдтсн A playеr that has thе Catсh skillis allowеd
ro11сouldЬе used to rе-ro11a dodge,in whiсh сasethе single to re-rollthе diсе if thеy fail to сatсh the
diсe rollеd would Ье thrown again,or a thrее-diсeЬloсk' in If you arе using the Ехtra Ruiеs tЬat
whiсh саsеall.threеdiсе would Ье rollеd again,and so on. appearlatеr on in this rulеЬook,thеn thе
Сatсh skillalso allows thе player to rе-ro11
vЕRY Iмpoктднт:No mattеr how many tе-rolls you hаve,or the diсе if thеy drop a hand-off or fail to
what type thеy arе,you may nevеr rе-rol1a singlе diсе toll makе an intеrсеption.
morе than onсе.
:5 A playеr with the Dodge skill is allowеd to
тEAt RЕ.R0tLs re-rollthе D6 if thеy fail to dodge out of an
Tеam re-tolls rеpresеnthow welltrainеd a tеam is. A сoaсh opposing playеr'staсklе zonе' Howevеr, the
may use a team re-roll to rе.ro11any diсe ro11(other than playеr may only те-ro]lonе failеd Dodgе roll
' ' Sсattёr,Distanсе,Dirесtion, Armour, Injury or Casualty per turn. So, if thе playеr kept on mоving
.. rolls) made Ьy a player on thеir own tеam and whо is still and failеd a sесond Dodge toll, they сould
оn thе pitсh during thеir own turn (even if the diсe ro11was not use thе skill again.Thе Dodgе skill also,
suссessful).Thе rеsult of thе new ro11mustЬе aссeptedin if usеd,affeсtsthе rеsults rоllеd with the
plaсe of thе first, еvеn lf it is worsе.A сoaсh may not use morе Bloсk diсе (seethe rules fоr Bloсks).
than onе tеam re-roll pеr turn' and may not use a team rе-ro11
. to force thе opposing сoaсh tо rе.ro11a diсe ro11. Pдss A player with thе Passskill is allowеd to rе. I
];' roll thе D6 if thеy miss a pass.
д Еaсh сoaсЬ must keep traсk of thе nuinЬer of rе-tolls they ',{ \'
hаve'еftonthеtraсkprovidld;oo.'.'::.:::::J^'I.!9*..11i StiiiЁ'HДqns A player with thе Surе Hands sklllis

'' .,..:.
a сoaсh uф: up a team rе-rol1,they must moJ..9tlrеir Rъ-roll ..'. allowеdto rе-ro11theD6 if they failto рiсk I
sPaсedownщaids along thе trасk At,ha1fiime.l.'l, ] uP the Ьa11.
tn addition,if you ate using the

' .}" two tеams"get.a.сhЬnсе to rеst and reсuperatе;чn...$soth,qi5 * Еxtra Rulеs, if an opposing playеr has thе
to i\.a starting level. i'' .-i;i.
tё.1ц rе-дolis arei$Ё.stgtqd ; Strip Ballskill, tЬеy may not usе it agаinsta

' r . . ,. . t,i., t.,.-

i' .r" piayer who has Surе Hands.
-Р[$YEппЕ.в0LLsf' ... r.
- фo*. playеrs havе skiШsthat allow thеm to re-roll the diсе Мany playеrshavе skills suсh as Сatсh, Pass,еtс. Unlеss
Ъod"' сеrtаin сirсrrmstаnсеs.Foт eхamplе,a Throwеr has thе statеdothеrwisе in thе skill's desсription,You nеvеI have to
.Фassskillwhlсh allows them to re-rollthe
diсе if thеy miss use a ski[ just Ьесausеthe player has it, you сan сhoosе
a Pass.A сoaсh.mayusе any numЬеr of player rе-roils in the to.usea skillthat affесtsa diсe ro11aftеr rolling thе diсe. For
sameturn, and a singlе p14yеrmay usе a skillaili.numbеr of eхamplе,you сould say you wеrе going to uSеthe Сatсh skill
times in the saйe mdtсh. However, as noted aЬve,:a singlе еitherЪefote or after making a Сatсh toll.
diсе ro1lmay.not Ьe rе-rollеd morе than onсе.
Somе skills are also usеd in yout opponent'sturn. In this
slшtls сasеyou may сhoosе to usе thе skill after an oppоsing playеt
, '..}vlanyрlayers arе dеsсriЬed аs having onе or more сarriеs out an Aсtion or movеs a square.If Ьoth сoaсhеswant
,'....sktlls.Thеsе are speсial aЬilities that modify thе playе1's to use a skill tо affесtthе samеAсtion or move' thеn thе
'..l.pеrfоrmanсe.Some skills allow diсе rе-rolli as dеsсriЬеd сoaсh whоsе turn is taking plaсe must usе thеfuskill first.
, ;.,aЬove,whilе others allow a player to сaffy out a spесial
;.'' Aсtion. A full desсription of еaсh skill is given latеr. You'll Notе that you сan't.goЬасk'in time and usе a skill or re-
.'.".пeеd to rеfer to thе rules for skills quitе a lot during youцfirst ro11toаffесtan еarliеrAсtion. For ехamplе,if a playеrwas
,{ewgamеs_ Ьut don't worry, thе еffесtsof thе skills wiШsoon
Ьlitzing, you сouldn't havе him throw a Ьloсk, move a сouplе

bесomе very familiar.

;,, :..,1. of squares,and thеn saу,,,Асtua|Ly,I thinh I,ILusеmy Pтo shill
to re'rollthatb|oсh,'_thе skill or rе-roll must Ье used direсtly
Ьeforе or aftеr thе event it will a{fector not at all.

'.t:' :.Jlт
тuпt .
Blood Bowl is split into two halvеs of siхteen turns eaсh - In somе rare сasеs,your team will sсorе a touсhdown in ...]]
еight turns per сoaсh,pеr half.Еaсh сoaсhis rеsponsiЬlеfor your opponеntЪturn. For examplе,a playet holding thi:Ь;ll.
kееping traсk of how many turns their team has used,and сould Ьe pushed into thе Еnd Zonе Ьy a Ьloсk. If one ofyotц
must movе thе matkеr one spaсgalong the traсk providеd on players is holding the Ьall in tЬе opposing team,sвoа а*ь.* .;'
their Dugoirt at thе start of еaсh of thеir turns' as eхplained
еarliеr.Play stopswhеn Ьoth сoасhеshavе had eight turns
еaсh,giving thе playеrsthе сhanсеof a muсh nееdеdrest,
and for thе сoaсhеs'torеjet thе iiiaй's Rе-roll сounter on thе
Tеam Rе-rolltraсk. Play rеstaтtsйith another klсk-off at the
start of the seс.oьdhalf.
The tеam with thе most touсhdowns at thе еnd,dtЬe last seсond ha[ play is rеstаrtеdand thе matсh сoЪtintiЬ. B"fф
turn of thе sесond hald ls the winnеr. If the ййЬ ъ tied at tЬe kiсk-off however, eaсh сoaсh sЬould roll a D6 sr,ф.ф-,;,,}.|..
the"endof thе seсond haЦ it is dесlarеd a drаw unlеss Ьoth Ko'd playеr on thеir team.on a roll of 4, 5 ot 6,tь" $&уt
сoaсhesagreeto go into.suddеn dеath ovеrtimе'.Flip the frtenoughto returnto play,Ьut on anyotherrёsult,tffi.,'Ч.'i
Blood Bowlсoin to sееwhiсh сoaсh сhooseswЬo kiсks ofd Stay in tЬе Ko,d'Ьqх in thе Dugout. ..:.."
аnd thеn play a third sеriеsof еight turns per tеam.Any re- ,'t##*.q'-".,.,"Ч
rolls stillremaining at thе end of the seсоnd half.1inёludиg Bothсoaсhеsmaythensеtup anyfit playеrsjustasthey.'.. i ' '
.. .
rе-rolls еarnеdfrom Kiсk-off еvеnts,Induсеmеnts or Spесiаl did atthеstartof thegame..rJ7.hеn
playis деstarted
afiеra ,,,
Play сardЬifthesе eхtra rulеs are in plЬy) ere сarried оver touсhdown,th",.o.ii;";J;,i#];::H:iiliil},u.,;
and may Ье usеd in ovеrtimе,Ьut teamsdo not reсеivenеw thе start of thе sесond haЦ the kiсking team is thе onе that i
alloсаtionsof rе-rolls as thеy normally would at thе start of did not kiсk off at thе start of the first hal{ .;.*з:
a new half. The first tеam to sсorе wins thе matсh. If nеithеr
team sсorеs,thеn the matсh is deсided Ьy a penalty shоot-out; In thе rare evеnt that оnе team has no players ь6 sei upffiеr ',
еaсhсoaсh rolls a D6, highestsсorewins, rе-rolltiеs!Еaсh
unusеdtеam rе-roll adds I to thе D6 sсorе.

sс0пltЕт0UЕ}|D0rts If thь takеs thе numЬеr of turns to еight o, *Ь." for fopth
lt Y0Uптuп]. tеams,then thе half еnds. If thеre are stillшrn's 1eftin the
A tеam Sсoresa touсhdown during their turn when one of huШ,tЪ"n сontinue playing as if a drivе has just еnded (l.e.,
thеir playеrsis standing in thе opposing team'sЕnd Zonе сlear the pitсh and rol1for Ko'd'p1ayеrs).
wЬile holding thе Ьall at the end of any of your playеrs'
Aсtions.As soon as this happens'pl.y ,top,, the сrowd сheers GotcЕBItв
and whistlеs,аnd сhееrlеadегsdanсeаЬoutwaving pom- YЬu may сhoose to сonсede a matсh at thе startof one of
poms.Thе сoaсh oГthе sсoringtеаmhas our pеrmission own turns]Ьeforеmoving the Turn rnarker alorig thе'traсk. .
to leap aЬoutand сheеr a Ьit too,while moving their Sсore
сountеr one sPaсealong thе Sсorе traсk.
sToP!You havе rеad all of thе rulеs that you nееd to
Any playеr may entеr еither Еnd Zonе at any timе, еven if not know in ordеr to play a gamеof Blood Bowlusing thе .
сarrying thе Ьall. If thе Ьall is thrown to thеm and tЬey сatсh tеamsandtеamсardsprovidedwiththegamе..rJ7.hynot
it, or they are aЬlе to piсk up thе Ьall whilе in their opponеnt's havе a gamе or two Ьеforеyou go on to the following
Еnd Zonе, thе playеr sсoresa touсhdown' Notе, howеver,
thаt in order to sсorе a touсhdown the playеr must end thеir
Aсtion standingin.thе Еnd Zone;if thе playеrfailed to mаkе
a Dodgе ro1l,for ехample, and thils].wasКnoсked Downin thе
Еnd Zonе thеn thеy would not sсore а юuсtrdown. If a playеr
from thе movingieam entё; (or tvasalreadyin) the]opposing
team'sЕnd Zone and,has.oro$eins the Ьall,theц thgy may
not voluntarily leavе the Еьd йonE {or arзYreason during thе
samеAсtion nor maу they hand-off or passthe Ьall _ they are
far too intеnt on sсoting.thе touс.hdown thg{.ns;ш{.
10f the following ехtra rulеs arе optional.This means To сreatea team rostеr'simply notе down the playing
that Ьoth сoaсhesmust agreewhlсh (if any) they arе going сharaсteristiсsof thе tеam for Ьoth play.ersto sеe whilе
to usе Ьefore the matсh starts.Flowеvet,they arе allhighly playing (i.е.,you сannothidе your team'srostеrfrom your
reсommendеd and you'll find thаt using thеm provides an opponent).on pagе z3 is a Blood Bowl team rostеr that
even more eхсiting and interеsting game without slowing сoaсhеsсair photoсopy for personaluse to traсk thеir tеam.
down the mayhem and dеstruсtion muсh. Givе'еm a try!
The Ехtra Rulеs sесtion inсludes rules that makе rеfеrеnсе In ordеr to сreateyour tеam'you havе a trеasuryof l,ooo,ooo
to Othеrеlements of Blood Bowl, whiсh willЬе ехplorеd gold piесеs.This rеpresentsthе сash you have managеdto t
fully in future supplеmеnts Ьut that are provided herе for raisеfrom sponsorsor Ьy othеr' morе undеrhandеd mеans
сompleteness.Еuturе supplеmentswilldеsсriЬe new tеams hire thе playersfor your tеam.Thе first step in aсtually
and Star Playеrs,and the skills assoсiatеdwith thеm. Detailed сreating thе tеam is to study thе tеam lists and dесidе whiсh
rulеs for Blood Bowlleagues willЬe provided, as will rulеs you Wantto use.Al1of thе players in your tеаm must Ье from .bt . ,
for СЬееrlеadеrs,Coaсhing StafГandeven Seсret lwеapons thе sametеam list. So, for eхamplе,an orс team may not -t
сarriеd Ьy thе least,еrr... sсrupulous ofplayers. inсludе Human playersЬесausеthеsе playеrs сome from d - tvia'
different team list.
Apart from thе tеamsin this ruleЬook,thеrе arе plenty of Having dесided on whiсh team list you will use' you must
. othеrs playing in lеaguеsall.ovеrthе known world. There are now hirе thе playеrsfot your team.Еaсh of thе playеrs in
many othеr Human and orс tеams,for eхample,whiсh you your tеam willсost a numЬеr of gold pieсes, as indiсatеd on
l, сan rеprеsеntusing thе plastiс modeli Providеd in thе game. the lists.Thе tеam list also indiсatеs the maхimum numЬеr
of еaсh type of playеr you arе allowеd to takе for your team.
So you сan gеt startedwith your vеry own Blodd Bowltеam Fot еxample,a Нuman tеam may not havе more tЬan two
straightаway,this seсtion PrеsеntsЬasiс rulеs for Human Throwers. In additionl }oUf tеam must have at least rт players
and orс tеams.You сair either usе thе plastiс playing pieсes and may not have morе than 16.!Иithin these resttiсtions you
provided with the gamе to rеPresentthe players in your tеam, may have any numЬer and type of player,just so long as you
or сolleсt thе miniaturеs availaЬlеsеparately. havе thе gоld to hirе thеm.

Нuмдш Tвдмs . 1..
I '.
aTY тITLЕ сosT МA sт AG Av sKILLs a \

o-+ Сatсhеrs 6o,00o B z з 7 Catсh,Dodgе
o-2 Throwers 6 8 Pass,Sure Hands ;'*.
7o,ooo 3 з
o-1 ogre l4o'ooo 5 5 z 9 Bonе-hеad,Loner, Мighry Blow,Thiсk Skull,ThrowTeam-matе
o.8 Rе-roll сountеrs:5o'ooogold piесes еaсh

oпо Tвдмs ,
aTY TIтLЕ сosт МA sT AG Av sкILLs
o-+ GoЬlins 4o'ooo 6 z з 7 Dodgе' Right,Stuff,Stunry
. o.2 Throwеrs 8 Pass,Surе Hands
7o,ooo 5 3 з
o-4 Blaсk orс
Troil I1o'ooo 5 I 9 Always Hungry,loner, Мighty Bloщ Really Stupid, Rеgenеratioц
ThrowТеam-matе B
Rе-rollсountеrs:6o,0oogold pieсeseaсh
Р,s J
тEAt tЕ.п0tls
:'".:i... \й/hеri you сrеate a tеam' you do тrot gет any team rе-roШs
.o. Fan Faсtor for free _ you havе to pay for them from your
l. trеasuty. Еaсh te-rollсosts thе numЬеr of gold pieсes shown *
l on the team list for thе team that you have сhosеn, and allows
yo1r to rе.ro11one diсe ro1l pеr half (see pagе zo). If yor/vе ;&
playеd any games using thе сorе rulеs, you will know just t
.: how important team rе-rolls ate, and it is a good idеa to takе at *
least ori,e or two for your tеam. i
' Yoiri,tеam'sЕan Faсtor rеprеsеntshow popular the team is, I
and сan have imPortant effесtson the rеsults you rol1on thе
Kiс iaЬle. A11tеamsstartwith a Fan Faсtor of o. !Иhen
you сrеatеyour team'you may purсЬasеup to ninе additional f

Fan.Еaitor for ro,ooogold pieсes eaсh.Еaсh point of Fan i

Faсtoi your team Ьas adds тo,oбoto the team'svaluе.


L thеir
Name: Thе Star Player'snamе.

Raсе: TЬe Star Playеr's raсe.

Cоst The сost to hire thе Star Playеr.


CЬ*raсtеristiсs: TЬе Star Player's сharaсteristiсs' whiсh are

diffе.e1t from thоse of a normalplayer of thе Samerасe. lr
Skills: Any skills thе Star Playеr may have.

Teams: Thе raсesof thе teamsthat thе Star Playеr is willing

to plаy for.

|'. 'ф
,l,*ц,,|,'y'"d a


a t.-
| .t1

Spесial Play сdrdsarе kеpt seсrеtfrom thе opposing сo4сh .

Мost Blood Bowltеams havе a welldеsеrved rеputation untilthеy arе playеd.Еaсh сard inсludes a full dеsсription.
for' еrm, Ьеnding thе rulеs of thе game in thеir fаvour. ln of whеn it сan Ье usеd and wЬat еffесt it has on thе game.
faсt thеrе only аppears to Ье onе team that follows all of the !Иhere a catdrefersto Induсеmеnts' this is relevant only ..l
rulеs, all of thе timе - thе muсh maligned Bright Сrusaders whеn thesеoptionalLeaguеrules arе in use.
_ and most сommеntators arе prеtty surе that еvеn they will
wise up soon and lеarn to play dirty!This important aspесt Coaсhеswho arе еngagingin а Blood Bowllеaguе may also
of Blood Bowl сan Ье inсoгporatеd into thе gamе with thе Ьe allowеd,tospеnd thеir team'sgold to purсhasеadd.itionil .
Speсial Play сards. Thеrе arе two deсks of сards inсluded Spесia1Playсards,asехp1ainеdinthesеparatelypuЬ1ished
in thе Ьохеd gamе * thе Randоm Еvеnts and Мisсellaneous leaguе rulеs. t,l

Мayhem dесks:- with more Ьеing availaЬlе separately.

' " ' " t : ' t '

At thе statt of thе gamе, the dесks should Ье shuffled and

plaсed Ьesidе thе gamе Ьoard. Flip thе сoin, tЬе winning
сoa.сh rolls a diсе to see how many SpeсialPlay сards thеy
may take to usе during thе matсh.

D6 NumЬer of Speсial Play сards in use


2-5 2

6 3

Thе othеr сoaсh then rolls on the taЬlе as well, and takes that
many Spесial Play сatds. Notе that the сoaсhеs ro11sеparatеly
to sее how many сards they rесеive _ tЬеy may gеt а diffеrent
numЬеt of сards еaсh.

It is up to еaсh сoaсh to dесidе whiсh deсk or сomЬinаtion

of dесks thеy draw thеir Spесial Play сards from. The only
теstriсtion is that еaсh сoaсh may nеvеr take morе than
onе Мagiс ltеm сard, if this еxtra dесk, whiсh is availaЬlе
sеparatеly,is in usе.


.Ъ']'"3T., . b"**у*1
'"i" 'ф О.

z Gзт тнв Rвr: TЬе fans ехaсt a gruеsomerеvеngeon thе rеfеrееfor somе of thе morе duЬious deсisions madе еithеr
during tЬis matсh or in thе past.Thе rеplaсеmеntrеferеeis so intimidatеd that thеy сan Ье morе еasilypеrsuadеd
to look thе othеr way.Еасh tеam rесeivеsone additional BriЬe to usе duting this gamе.This allows you to attempt
to ignorе onе сallЬy the rеfеreеfor a playеr who has сommitted a foulto Ье sеnt ofi or a playеr armеd with a sесret
Wеaponto Ьe Ьannеd from thе matсh. Roll a D6. on a ro1lof z.-6,tЬ.е BriЬе is еffесtivе (prеvеntinga turnover i.fthе
player was еjесtеdfor fouling), Ьut on a rol1of r, the BriЬе is wastеdand the сall still stands!Еaсh BriЬе may Ье usеd tl'
onсеPеr mаrсh. ; Q '

] rr-
Rrот: Thе trash talk Ьеtwеentwo opposing playеrs ехplodеsand rapidly dеgеnеratеs,involving thе rеst of thе playе a.,a

If thе rесeiving tеam'sТurn markеt is on tu|n 7 for thе half, Ьoth tеamsmovе thеir Turn matker Ьaсk onе sDaсеas
the rеfеrеerеsеtsthе сloсk Ьaсk to Ьеforе thе fight startеd.If thе reсеiving tеam hаs not yet taken a turn this haЦ tЬе
rеfеrееlеts thе сloсk run on during thе fight and Ьoth tеams'Turn markеfs arе movеd forward onе sрaсе.Othеrwisе,
ro11a D6. on a т-3'Ьoth tеams'Turnmarkеrsarе movеd fotwatd onе spaсе.Оn a 4.6,Ьothtеam'sTutn markеrsare
movеd Ьaсk one spaсе.

4. Pвцгвст Dэrпшсв: тhе kiсklng tеam's сoaсh may rеorganizе thеir players _ in othеt words, thеy сan set thеm up again
into another lеgal defеnсе. Thе rесеiving team must rеmain in the sеt-up сhosеn Ьy thеir сoaсh.

}Irсн I{rск: Thе Ьа11is klсkеd vеry high, allowing a playеr on the reсeiving team timе to movе into thе perfeсt .
position to сatсh it. Any one player on thе rесеiving tеam who is not in an opposing playеr's taсklе zonе mаy Ьe
movеd into thе square whеrе thе Ьall will land no mattеr what thеir MA may Ье, as long aS the Squarе is unoссupiеd.

Снl'вктмс Fдшs: Еaсh сoaсh rolls a D3 and adds thеir tеаm's FAМЕ (sее pagе z6).TЬetеam with thе highest sсorе is
inspirеd Ьy thеir fans' сhееring and gеts an еxtra fе-roll this half. If Ьoth teams have the samе sсorе' tЬеr1 Ьoth tc&{ns
gеt a rе-roll.

СrтдhТсlNс $Ивкгнэк: Мakе a nеW ro11on thе \Иеathеr taЬlе (seе page zB) and apply the new rеsult. If thе nеw
!Иеather ro1l wаs a Niсе rеsult, thеn a gentlе gust of wind makеs thе Ьall Sсattеr onе ехtfa sсiuarе in a random
dirесtion Ьеforе lаnding.

Bкrrrrдыт Содснтхс: Еaсh сoaсh rolls a D3 аnd adds thеit FAМЕ (sее page z6).TЬe tеam with thе highest totalgеts
an eХtra tеam rе-ro11this half thanks to thе Ьrilliant instruсtion providеd Ьy the сoaсhing staff. In сasе of a tiе, Ьoth of
thе tеams gеt an ехtra team rе-ro11.

Qt-пск Sшдp!Thе offеnсе start thеir drivе a fraсtion of a momеnt Ьеforе thе dеfеnсе is rеady, сatсhing thе kiсking .
tеam flat-footеd. A11 of thе рlayеrs on thе rесеiving tеam arе allowеd to movе onе square. This is a frеe move and may
Ье madе into any adjaсеnt еmpty squarе' ignoring taсkle zonеs. It may Ьe usеd to entеr thе opposing half of thе pitсh.

IO Brrтz! Thе dеfеnсе stalt thеir drive a fraсtion of timе Ьeforе thе offеnсе is redy, сatсhing thе rесеiving team ' ..

flat-footеd. Thе kiсking team rесeivеs a ftее .Ьonus' turn. Flowеver, players that arе in аn еnеmy taсklе zonе at the .gi]..:1
Ьеginning of this free turn may not pеrform аn Aсtion. Тhе kiсking tеam may usе tеam rе.rolls during a Blitz.,f u.oй,;f'
рlayеr suffеrsa turnovеr thеn thе Ьonus turn еnds immеdiatеly.

IT Tнвow д Rоск: An enragеdfan hurls a largе roсk at onе of thе playеrs on thе opposiцg tеam.Еaсh сoaсh rolls a Dй.
and adds thеir FAМЕ (seеpage z-6)to the ro11.Thе fans of the tеam with thе highеst rеsult arе the onеs who thrеw thе
roсk. In thе сaseof a tiе, a roсk is thrown at еaсh tеаm!Dесide randomly whiсh playеr in the othеr tеam was hiti'nly
playеrs on thе pitсh arе еligiЬlе) and ro1lfor the еffесtsof thе injury straight away.No Armour ro1lis rеquirеd.

t2 Prтсн Iшvдsrош: Both сoaсhes ro11 aD6 forеaсh oppоsing playеr on the pitсh and add thеir ЕAМЕ (sее page z6) to thе .
roil. If a ro11is 6 or morе aftеr modifiсation thеn the player is Stunnеd (playеrswith thе вall & Сhain skil| аrе Ko'd). !
A roll of r Ьеforе adding FAМЕ will always havе no еffесt.

tA О
g i
. TllЕ tl,EAтllEп lLLЕЕAtPп0ЕE]IUпE
Blood Bowl playеrs'arеa Prеtty hardy Ьunсh, so it сomеs as no Thе IllegalProсеdure rule сan Ье usеd whеn keeping
suгprisethat gamеshavе Ьееn ptayedin alltypеs of wеathеr traсk of turns is aЬsolutеly.vital.orсoaсhеskeеp forgetting to
. сonditions. From the iсе floes of thе furthеst nolth to thе move their Turn marker along,and using it сertainly foсusеs
steainysouthеrn junglеs, arеnasopеn thеir doors on matсh peoples'minds! Illеgal proсedurе is inсludеd аmong thе Ехtra
' days and the сomЬatantsgo aЬout their Ьusinessheedlessof Rules, so new or сasualсoaсhеsshouldd't feel сompellеd
the сlimate.At the start of the game,еaсh сoaсh should ro1la to usе it. In more formal, сompetition gamеs'it is howеver
D6. Add thе rёsults togеthеrand rеfеr to the !ИeathеrtaЬlе to еntirеly appropriаtе
find out what the weathеr is like for the dav.
If a сoaсh forgetsto move thе markеr Ьеforе stalting ap?aу
with onе or more of their players,thеn the opposing сoaсh Ч
is allowed to сallfor an .illegalproсеdurе'penalty as soorras
thеy spot thе mistakе.A play is сonsidеrеdto Ье moving a
playеr one or more squatеs,standing up a playеr or rolling thе ' . * 'tl
diсe during your turn. +
.l ?c
A сoaсh who is сalled for an illegal ptoсеdure must eithеr Е.r..
end thеir tufn or immediately losе one re-roll,whiсh will t:l-
сount as the use of a team rе-roll for thе turn if onе has noi
alreadyЬeen usеd.Ifthe сoaсh сhoosеsto not еnd their turn
and has no re-rolls lеft, thеn thе opposing сoaсh gains a rе-
ro11.If a сoaсh forgеts to movе thе Turn marker,Ьut rесtifies
their mistake Ьefore thе opposing сoaсh spots thе error,thеn
thеy сannot Ье сallеd for an illеgal proсeduте.Ifa сoaсh
inсorrеitly сalls an illegal proсedurе thеn thеy must losе a
rе]ro11immediatеly. If they havе no rе-rolls reiтaining, thеir
opPonеnt gains a rе-roll.

тltE Lltlт
In сompetition games when it is vital to keep thе еvеnt
moving along at а fair paсе' many peoplе likе to impose a four
minutе time limit on eaсh playеr's turn. After four minutes, a
turnover oссurs.
li0l]|Et0п lт! 1llilti-0FF-тI|
}|д]| Е BдLt
!Иhеn a playеr takеs any Aсtion apart from a Bloсk, they A hand-off is whеn thе Ьall is simply hande4to anothеr . .,;.
may try to movе onе or two еxtra squarеs ovеr аnd aЬove player,friеnd or foе,in an adjaсеntsquare.The Hand-off .
thе numЬеr that tЬey are normally allowеd to movе'_ this is Aсtion is addеdto thе list oГAсtions suсh as Мovе, Bloсk,
сallеd Going For It! or GЕI. Blitz and Pass.A сoaсh may only dесlаrеonе Hand-offAсtion
pеr turn. A player may move Ьеforе pеrforming thе hand-
Noтв: If a rulе refers to a plаyеr's movеmеnt', do not ofi Ьut onсе they attеmptto hand-off thе Ьall, thе playеr
inсludе the one or two GFI squarеs. pеrforming thе Hand-off Aсtion may not movе any further
that turn, evеn if thеy havе spareМA lеft. Thе Ьall may not Ье
Rolla D6 fot thе playеr aftеr thеy havе movеd еaсh еxtra handеd-offin their opponеnt'sturn, If the Ьallis handеd-off
t square. on a ro11of r, thе playеr trips up and is Knoсkеd and сomes to tеst without Ьeing сaught liy any mеmЬеr of thе

1 Down in thе Square that thеy movеd to. Rollto sее if they
wеre injurеd (sее pagе т7). On any othеr ro1l, the playеr
moving tеam,it сausеsa turnovеr'

О movеs without mishap. If thе player is Кnoсkеd Down thеn No diсе roll is rеquirеd to sее if the playеI attemptingthе .
thеir tеam suffers a turnovеr and thеir turn ends immediatеly. hand-off is suссеssful_ it automatiсallyhits thе targeted
a player.Howеvеr, the playеr that thе Ьallis hаndеd-offto must
A playеr who is taking aBlttz Aсtion maу,go foт it' in order ro1lto сatсh thе Ьall (seeCatсhing the FootЬаll on pagе r9).
to mаkе a Ьloсk. Roll a D6 for thе playеr after dесlaring they Usе thеsеmodifiеrsfor thе Catсh roll:
willmakе the Ьloсk. on а l, thе playеr is Кnoсkеd Down as
dеsсriЬеd prеviously. On any othеr rol1, thе player makеs thе . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. .1. . . ..
Ьloсk without mishap. If thе piayеr is Knoсkеd Down, thеir Per opposing t a с k l e z o n e o n t h е p l a y e r . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.I. . . '
tеam suffеrs a turnovеr and thе tеam's turn ends immediatеly. *






A BL0Еl(
Aftеr a Ьloсk has Ьееn dесlared,thе eхtra team playets of thе
attасkerand thе defendеr give an assist. This allows two or
more attaсkersto gang up on a singlе defender,or for one or
morb defendersto aid a сompanion againsta Ьloсk. These
еxtraplayers eaсh add +r to thе Strength ofthe plаyer thеy
arе assisting.Assisting a Ьloсk doеs not сount as an Aсtion,
and a playеr сan assistany numЬеr of Ьloсks pеr turn. A
playеr is allowеd to makе an assistevеn if they havе moved or :
takеn an Aсtion. The attaсking сoaсh must dесlarеif any of thеir playеrs
willgivе an assistfirst, thеn thе dеfending сoaсh must add
dеfеnsiveassistswith playеrsfrom thеir tеam.In ordеr to
makе an assist,thе playеr:

r. Must Ьe adjaсentto thе enеmy player involved in the

z. Мust not Ьe in the taсkle zone of any othеr player from
the opposingtеam,and..'
3. Мust Ье standing,аnd..
4. Мust have taсkle zones of their own (there arе somе
things that may с1usеa playеr to losе their taсkle zone).

The rеsult of thе Ь1о91ionl.yaffeс1sthе two playеrs dirесtly

involvеd. Any assisting players arti not affесtеd.Similarly,
only thё skills Ьelongiirg to the two playеrs.ditесtly involved
in:the Ьloсk may Ьe used on thе result. skflls Ьelonging to
assistingplayеrs сannot Ьe taliЪnadvantagеof Ьy.eithеr sidе.


Srow l\{oтroшRвprдv
Bob:Ini the Erogprepа,resto smаshМatthiаs Меiеr out of thе
' ulay.Both lzzi аnd Маtthias ttaveа Strenglhof whiсh mеаns
тzzi.wouldonly getto rol|oneЬ|асhdtсеaлd
that noтmа.Il,y
шou|dhaзlеto tahеwhatеvёrresulthе,ro||еd on:thеdtсe.

.JiЙ:That,sаbsolutе|yсoттect,Bob,butin thisсаseIzziis gеtting

аi.assistfrom Goтt Shu||haсkwhiсh adds+t to his Strеngth.
. Thоt.rneansthat \zzi сoшntsа'shаving а Strеnфhof 4 to
Маtthias,3, аnd solzzi getsto тo|Itwo diсe'andсhoosеwhlсh I
onеhe wi|I usе.He ro|ls * ond Ъ , and so on|уmanаgеsto
pшshМatthiasbасh. PtAyвк6' Sтквшстнs

Both players equal strеngth:,

Onе playеr stronger:
One player more than
twiсe as strong;
';f '""

$ FlItBLЕЕ modifiсation a1waysfails and a rol1of ь Ьeforе modifiсation
\Иhеn a playеr throws thе Ьall, various things сan go wrong. alwayssuссееds.If thе final modifiеd sсorе is lеss than thе'
Usually,thе Ьallwi1lЬе slightly off targеtor wi1lЬе droppеd rеquirеd total,thеn tЬе playеr fails to intеrсеpt thе Ьalland .
Ьy thе intеndеd reсеivеr,and thеsе еVеntsarе Ьandlеd Ьy the thе passсan сarry on as normal. lf thе D6 ro11еqualsor Ьеats:
normal throwing rulеs. Somеtimеs,howеvеr'thе Throwеr the rеquirеd ro1l,thеn thе playеr suссееdsin intеrсеpting and
may сomplеtеly fumЬlе thе throщ dropping thе Ьall in thеir сatсhing thе Ьa11.Slot thе Ьallinto thе playеr'sЬaseto sЬow
own squarе,оr the Ьall may Ье intеrсeptеdЬy an opposing that they havе сaught it. A suссеssfulintеrсeption сausеsa
playеr Ьеforе it rеaсhеsthе targеtsquаrе.Both ofthesе еvеnts turnovеr' and the moving tеam'Sturn еnds immediаtely.
arе handlеd Ьy thе additionаl rulеs Ьеlow.
ДЕlLlтYТfiЕtl - ЕlТЕп*ЕPтl8г{
ltтЕBЕЕPТl01ls Playеr'sAG т z 3 4 5 6+
onе playеr on thе opposing team mаy attеmPt to intеrсеpt a D6 Roll Required 6+ 2+ t+
S+ 4+ 3+
thrown Ьа1l. To Ьe aЬlе to makе an intеrсеption, thе player:

. Мust havе thе plastiс rangе rulеr pass over at lеast part of
thе squarе thе intеrсеpting playеr is standing in, and...
t- * Мust havе a taсklе zone' and... Pеr opposing taсklе zonе on the playеr.. .
" Must Ье сlosеr to thе Throwеr than thе Throwеr is to thе ',o

target playефquarе of the pass, and... Flьrвrвs .],]:.j': .,,1.'

" Мust Ье сlosеr to thе targеt plаyеr/squarе of the рass than Somеtimеs,a plаyerwho is attеmptingto thтow thе Ьall
thе Thrower is to the targеt playефquare of thе pass. will drop it in thеir own squaТе.
This is motе likеly if thе
playеr hаs any opposing playеrsЬreathing down thеit
Notе that only one playеr сan attеmpt an intеrсеption, no nесk!To reprеsentthis,if thе D6 ro11fora passis r оr less
matter how mаny arе еligiЬlе. Sее pagе 6 for rulеs on how to Ьеforе or aftеr modifiсation,then thе Throwеr has fumЬlеd
mеasurе distanсе with the rangе ruler to dеtеrminе whtсh of and droppеd the Ьa11. Тhе Ьall willЬounсе onсe from thе
thе playеrs is сlosеr. Thrower's square'and thе moving teаm willsuffеr a turЕovеr
and their turn еnds immediately.
Thе сoaсh must dесlarеthat onе of thеir playеrswill trv
to intеrсеpt Ьеfore thе Throwеr rolls to sее if thеy are on
targеt.Look up thе playеr'sAgility on thе Agility taЬle
- Intеrсеption to find thе sсorе rеquirеd to suссеssfully
intеtсеpt thе Ьall. Rolla D6, and add or suЬtraсtany of
tl{Ъдnodifiеrsthat apply to thе D6 ro11.A ro11ofr Ьeforе
SrоvrrMотroш Rлprдy Example of an
Jim:Ьs wе rеturnto thеmatсh,тrok,r,|fsp|ittет
is aboutto attеmpt Interсеption
аnothетpаss.Thistimе,howеvет,МatthiasМеiеуis in а posittonto
malcеаn inteтсеption
аttempt' Trok Еlfsplittеr
Bob:Thе стowdholdsitsbrеathas МatthlasLeaps to intеrсept
the pаss'
Hе nееdsаn Ьgilttyтo||of 3 oTmorе.Hotмеveт,
а playеlrma|ringan .i:'+;;-.

attеmptsuffетs a -z modifiет,
whlсhmеаnsthаt Мatthiаs ;rl',1'r,-i
wil| nеedа sсolеof 5 oт6 to са'tсhthеbаL|.Thе diсеis rollеdаndсomes -t.,

щ with а 6!Маtthiаspiсhso{fthebal|- it,san intеrсеption!! Аnd just l:;,:l=:


Listento thosеReаuетs fans,Jim,arеthеygoingшild! Ball

Agility т 2 3456+ Matthias N{eier

Interсeption Roll 6+ 5+ ++ 3+ 2+ r+
Iштвксвpтroш Мoоrгrвкs
Attеmpting an intеrсеption............. '..,...-2
Pеr еnеmy taсklе zonе on thе plаyеr intеrсеpting thе Ьall........I Gort Skullhaсk

,F Ё *' # + &:;
FllIILS may assist a foulif they are in the taсklе zone of an opposing
Attaсking oPponеnts that havе Ьeеn Knoсkеd Down is playец do not have thеir taсklе zones for any rеason, or are
striсtly againstthe rulеs. }Iowever,dеspitethe largе numЬеr not standing. If the sсorе Ьeats tЬe viсtim's Armour valuе

оf ways in whiсh players сan attaсkonе anothеr lеgally, then they are injurеd and a rol1is made on thе Injury tаЬlе to
many rеsort to thе timе-honourеd tradition of kiсking a man sее what has happеnеd to thеm.
when he's down. Thе refеrееis supposеdto sPot and penalize
piayerswЬo usе suсh undеrhanded taсtiсsЬut unfortunately, тнE пEFEпEE
when something nasry happеns on the pitсh, thе refs arе Rеfеrееsdo oссasionallyspot a playеr making a f9ul and sеnd
oftеn looking thе othеr way and miss the foul altogеthеr.No thеm off tliе pitсh, although this is quitе a rarе oссurrenсе_
wondеr the rеfеreeis сonstantly haranguedЬy the сtowd! how would you tеll a fivе-foot widе Blaсk orс Bloсker
that hе'sout of the matсЬ?!?
Normally, playеrswho arе Pronе or Stunnеd сannot Ье
attaсked.Howеver, wЬеn you usе this rulе, onе player pеr To rеflесt this, if the Armour rol1and/or Injury ro11isa douЬlе
turn is allowed to takе a FoulAсtion. This allows the playеr to (i.e.,two Is or two zs, еtс),thе rеfеrееhas spottеdthe foul, and
move a numЬer of squaresequalto thеir МA and then make a the playet taking the FoulAсtion is sеnt off to thе dungеon
foulagainst an opposingplayеr who is Prone or Stunnеd and that lies under еvely Blood Bowlpitсh. In addition,their
in an adjaсentsquarе.Thе сoaсh nominates thе viсtim, and tеam suffеrsa turnovеr and thеir turn ends immediatеly.
thеn makеs an Armour roilfot them. Othеr playerswho arе
adjaсentto the viсtim must assistthe player making thе foul, If thе sеnt-offplayer Washolding thе Ьall' thе ЬallЬounсеi
eaсh eхtraplayеr adds +r to the Armour ro11. from thе squarethеy wеre standing in whеn sent off. A playеr
who is sеnt to thе dungеon is loсkеd up and may not play fot
Defending players adjaсentto thе foulеr rnust also givе assists thе rest of thе matсh,еvеn if thе rеfеreеis suЬsеquеndrу.gof
. to a player that is Ьеing foulеd. Еaсh dеfеnsivеassistmodifiеs Ьy thе сrowd as a rеsult of a ro11onthе Kiс taЬlе.A сoaсh
, the Armour ro11Ьy-r pеr assist.No playеr from eithеr side may not rеplасеa playеrwho has Ьееn sеnt off until aГtеrthе
drivе еnds.



This seсtion of the rulеs dеsсriЬеsthe skills usеd Ьy thе tеams sкlLLDEsспlРтlol|s
aпd Star Players сoverеdЬy thе Ьasiс gamе.Еaсh еntry also ALrAYslluilЕвYtЕxTBA0пllliAпY]
lists whiсЬ сategorytЬe skillЬelongs to (i.е.,Strength,Agiliry The playеr is alwaysravenouslyhungry _ and what'smore'
etс)'A skill's сategoryrefеrsto the separately-puЬlishеdBlood they'Шeat aЬsolutelyanything! Should the player ever usе
BowlLeaguе rules and desсtiЬeswhiсh playеrs сan aссessit thе ThrowTеam-matе skill, ro1laD6 a{tetthe player has
whеn using thosе rules. Unlеss othеrwise statedin the skill's finishеd moving, Ьut Ьefore they throщthеir tеam-matе.on
desсription,thе following rules apply to allskills: a z+,сontinuе with the throw. on a roll*bfr, they attеmptto
еat thе unfoгtunateteam-matе!Roli tЬе'D6 again,a sесond
A11Ьonusеs/modifiersfrom skills сan Ье сomЬinеd. 1 mеans that they suссеssfullysсoff the team-matedown,
skills may Ье usеd an unlimitеd numЬеr of timеs pеr whtсh kllls the tеam-matewithout any opportunity for
Aсtion. it will sсatteronсе
teсovеry!If thе tеam-matеhad the Ьa11,
Some sh.lls rеfеr to pushing a plаyer Ьaсk in order to work. from the tеam-matе'ssquarе.If thе sесond ro11isz.6,tЬe
Thеsе skills willwork as long as you ro11i result of Pushеd, tеam-matеsquirms frее and thе PassAсtion is automatiсally
Defеndеt StumЬles or Defendеr Down on thе Bloсk diсе. ttеatеdas a fumЬled pass'FumЬlе thе player with tЬе Right
Skillusе is not mandatory. Stuff skillаs normal.
You сan сhoosе to use а skill that affeсtsa diсe rol1aftеr
rolhng the diсе (e.g.,Diving Taсklе does not nееd to Ье вLocк ttiEtERAt]
usеd untilaftеr sеeing the rеsult of thе Dodgе rol1). A playеr with the Bloсk skillis profiсiеnt at knoсking
only Еxшaordinary skills work whеn a player is Pronе or opponеnts down. Thе Bloсk skill, if used,affесtsthе rеsults
Stunnеd. rollеd with thе Bloсk diсe,аs ехplained in the Bloсking rulеs.
A skillmay only Ье takеn onсе per player. - -s . r

]Ф F
* s"
lonеrs, whеthеr it is through inехpеriеnсе' arroganсе,animal
feroсity or just plain stupidity,do not work wеll with thе rеst
of thеir tеаm.As a result,a Lonеr may use team re-rolls Ьut
they have to ro11aD6 first in ordеr to do so. on a roll of 4+;
thеy may use thе team rе-ro1las normal. On a ro11of-'4.3, thе
* original result standswithout Ьеing re-rollеd Ьut thе tеam
rе-roil is lolt (i.е.,usеd).

B0tЕ.HЕAll]ЕXтRA0RDlrAпYl }|lЕl{тY
The playеr is not notеd for their intelligenсе. Bесauseof this, Add +r to аny Armour roll or Injury roll inadе Ьy a playеr
you must rolla D6.immеdiately after deсlaring an Aсtion for with thе Мighty Blow skillwhen an opponent is Knoсkеd .
thе playеr,Ьut Ьeforе taking thе Aсtion. on a rol1of r, thеy Down Ьy thts player during a Ьloсk. Note thi?you'only ..j-
stand around trying to rememЬer what it is thеy're meant to modify onе of thе diсе rolls, so if you dесidе to use Мighry.
Ьe tloing. The playеr сan,t do anything for tЬe turn, and the ' Blow to modф thе Armсjur rol1,you may not modф tЬe .
player'steam loses the deсlarеdAсtion for thе turn. So, if a Injury roll as wеll.
Bonё-hеadplayer deсlаres aB\itzAсtion and rolls a 1' then I
thе team сannot dесlarе anothеr Blitz Aсtion that turn. The PASS:PtSSlt0l .' .n,1'"-'-
loses their taсklе zones and may not Catсlr,Inierсept A playеrwitЬ tЬe Рassskill is allowеdto rе-rollthе Df й,ь,, '
or Pass,assistanothеr playеr on a Ьloсk or foul, or voluntarily throw an inaссuratе Pass or fumЬle. - ,'
movе until thеy mаnageto ro1la z or Ьеttеr at thе start of a
futurе Aсtion or thе drivе ends. вЕltLY sтuPID[ЕxтвA0пD!ilABYl
This playеr is without douЬt onе of thе dimmest сreaturesto
ЕAтЕн tA0ltlтYl еvеr takе to a Blood Bowlpitсh (whiсh, сonsidering thе Id
A playеr who has thе Catсh skillis allowed to rе-roll thе D6 if ' of.mostothеr players,is reallysaying somеthingl).Ъесiф-.of, ,'...
they fail a Catсh roll. It also allows thе playеr to re-roll thе D6 this, you must ro11aD6 immеdiately'afterdесlaгing an Aсtioir "
if thеy drop a hand-off or failto makе an intеrсеption. for thе player, Ьut Ьefore taking the Aсtion. jf th*'. af€ro.Il€.. . .
. :. . .
or morе playеrsfrom the samе team standing adjaсеnttо*hе
ll0DGEtAЕlLlтY] Rеally Stupid playеr'ssquarе'and йho aren'tЕtеallyStupid, .-.
A player with thе Dodgе sklll ts аdеpt at slipping away thеn add +z to thе D6 ro1l.
from opponеnts,and is allowеd to re-roll tЬe D6 if thеy fail
to dodge out of any of an opposing playеr'staсklе zonеs. on a rеsult of r-3, they stand arоund trying to rеmemЬеr what
Flowever,the player may only rе-ro11onefailеd Dodge rol1 it is they're mеant to Ьe doing. The pleyer сan;tdсъnрhmg
,,.|,,, ..
Pеr turn. In addition,thе Dodgе sklll, lf usеd,affeсtsthе forthеturn,aпdtheplayer'stеam1osesthedeсtaredAсtion.'
rеsults rollеd on the Bloсk diсe, as ехplained in thе Bloсking for that turn (for eхamplе,if a Really Stupid player deсlаrеs
rulеs (sееpagе r5). a Blitz Aсtion and fails thе Really Stupid rol1,then thЬ team .'i;,t-
сannot dесlareanothеr Blitz Aсtion during that turn). 'A. :
FEilll IEЕtEвlt]
This player is vеry skilled at holding off would-Ье attaсkers. tr
Thе playеt also loses thеir taсklе zones and may notсatсh'
opposing players may not follow-up Ьloсks made against Interсеpt or Passthе.Ьali,assistаnothеr player on a Ьloсk.
this playеr еven if thе Fеnd playеr is Кnoсked Down. The or foul, or voluntarily movе until thеy manage to ro11a -'.--.
opposing player may stillсontinuе moving afterЬloсking if suссessfulresult for a Really Siupid ro11at the start of a future
they had dесlarеd aB|itzAсtion. Aсtion or the drive ends.

JUilP UP ШЕIt|тYl пЕBЕilЕRAтl0rtЕxтвA0в0ltAвyl

A player with this sklll is aЬlе to quiсkly get Ьaсk into the If the player suffеts a Casualty tеsult on thе Injury taЬlе,
game.If thе player deсlaresany Aсtion other than a Bloсk then ro11a D6. on a rеsult of r-3,the playеr is put in thе
Aсtion, they may iiand up for frеe without paying thе thrее Dеаd & Injured PlayеrsЬoх as normal. on a 4-6,,theplayer
squaresof movemеn'q.The playet mаy also dесlarе a Bloсk wi1lhеa1theinjuryaftetasЬortperiodoftimе
Aсtion while Pronе' whiGh requirеs an Agility roll with a +z organise,tЬemsеldand is plaсed in the RеsеrvesЬЬх instead. .
modifiеr tb see if they саn сomplеtе thе Aсtion. A suссеssful Regenerationrolls may not Ьe re-rolled
rol1mea"nsthе playеr сan stаnd up for frеe and Ьloсk an
adjaсentopponеnt.A ff'}еd ro1lmеans the Bloсk Aсtion is
wastedand the player йy,,o. stand up.

],;€ i .'
пlвl|т sтUtF tЕxтпA0в0ltAпYl йaking an Injury roll againsta Stunty pla.Уet'a(esult of Z
A player with thе Right Stuff sklll сan Ье thrown Ьy another (aftеrmodifiеrs) is сounted as Knoсkеd out, and a result of
plаyer from thеir tеam who hаs thе Тhтow Tеam-matеskill 9 (aftetmodifiers) is сounted as Badly Hurt _ they are Put in
- sеe thе Тhrow Team-matеskill еntry for dеtails of how thе thе Dеad & Injurеd Ьoх and miss thе rest of the matсh,Ьut
plaier is thrown' !Иhеn a player with this skill ls thrown or you do not makе a Casualty ro11forthеm.
fumЬlеd and ends up in an unoссupiеd squarе'they must
make a tanding ro11.unlеss thеy landed on anothet player sUвЕ FEЕт tAGltlтYl
during thе throw.A landing ro11is an Agility rol1with a .r TЬe player may re-rollthe D6 if Кnoсkеd Down when trying
modifiеr for еaсЬ opposing player'staсkle zonе on thе squarе to Go For It! (sееpagez9).
they land in. If they passthе ro11,they land on thеir feet.If
the landing rol1is failed or they landеd on anothеr playеr sUпE HAtlls tGEtERALI
duriпg thе throw,they are Plaсеd Prone and must pass an A playеr with thе Surе Hands skill is allowеd to rе-rol1thе D6
Aгmour rol1to avoid injury. If the player is not injurеd during if they failto piсk up thе Ьa11.
thе landing, thеy may take an Aсtion later this turn if thеy
havе not alreadydonе so.A failеd Landing ro11or landing тнlcкsкULttsтвEtGтlll
in the сrowd does not сausea turnover' unlеss they wеrе This playеr treats a rol1 of B on the Injury taЬlе, after any
holding thе Ьall. modifiеrs havе Ьееn appliеd, as a Stunnеd result rathеt than a
Кo'd rеsult. This skill may Ьe usеd even if thе player is Pronе
sPпltт tAGItlтYl or Stunnеd.
Thе player may attemptto move up to thrеe ехtra Squarеs
than thе normaltwо squareswhеn Going For It! (seе т!lпolu тЕдt.нAтЕ tExтRA0R0!lARYl
page z9).Thеir сoaсh must still ro11tosеe if the player is A player with this skill has the aЬility to throw a playеr ftom
Knосkеd Down in eaсh extrа squarеthey entеr. the samе team instеad of the Ьall. тhis inсludеs thе Ьallif
the playet thrown alrеadyhas it!Thе throwing playеr must
sтU.ilтY tExTпA0tllltдпY] \
end.thе-movеmentof thеir PassAсtion standing nехt to the
.inifid.d tеam-mateto Ье thrown, whо must have the Right
Stuff skill and Ьe stаnding.Thе passis worked out ехaсtly thе
-samеas if tЬе player with ThrowТеam-matеwas passing a
Ьall, ехсept thе player must suЬtraсt-r from the D6 rol1when
thеy passthe player,fumЬlеs are not automatiсallyturnovеrs,
and long Passor long BomЬ rangе Passеsarе not possiЬle.
In addition' aссuratepassesarе trеatedinstеad as inaссurate
[tioпal-r iтodifier when they iтrakеa Pass.Finally, when passеs'thus sсattеringthe thrown playеr thrее timеs as
playets a.rehеavier and harder fo pass than a Ьa11.

the thrown player сannot Ьe interсeptеd.A fumЬlеd tеam-

matе willland in the squarethеy originally oссupied.rf the
thrown playеr sсattersoff thе pitсh, thеy are Ьеatеnup Ьy thе
сrowd in thе same mannеr as a plаyеr who has Ьeеn pushed
off thе pitсh. If thе finalsquare they sсatterinto is oссupied
Ьy another рlayеr,treat tЬe playеr landed on as Knoсked
Down and roll for Armour (еvеn if thе player is alrеadyPronе
or Stunnеd),and then tЬe player Ьеing thrown will sсattеr
onе more squаrе.

If thе thrown plаyеrwould land on anothеrplayеr,сontinuе..

to sсattеrthе thrown playеr until thеy еnd up in an еmpty
squareor off thе pitсh (i.e',they сannot land on morе than
onе player).Seе the Right StuГfentry to sеe if thе player lands т
on their feet or hеad-downin a сrumplеd heap! a

f.t allЬеgan long,long ago'on an anсiеnt Ьattlefiеld.Thе Еvеntually, a half-Ьlmd Dwarf was lеd up and introduсed as .!

lсlash of arms еndеd in a grim ЬloodЬath,and Ьoth sides an expеrt in all languagеs,Ьoth сurrent and аrсanе.Thе Ьook
slumpеd Ьеnеath the сirсling vulturеs on thе reeking, gore- tЬrust Ьеforе his warty nosе' the Dwarf sat сross-lеggеdon
soakedЬattlеfiеld,fiсkle Мadamе Viсtory remaining fitmly the floot and Ьeganporing tЬrough its forgotten sесrеts.
out of reaсh of everyЬody.Мutual eхhaustionlеd to a truсe
Ьеing сallеd,whеreupon thе leadеrsof Ьoth sidеs attеmpted Thrеe days passed,during whlсh time thе Dwarf hardly
to parlеy' movеd from his сhosеn spot.At last,he was rеady to makе
his rеport.A podium was hastily еrесtedЬeforе thе silvеr
As the leadersargued,thе ordinary troops fellwherе thеy tеmplе, and thе stuntеd fеllow hoisted up onto it to dеlivеr
stood,thankful for any rеspitеfrom thе slaughter.Мungk, his findlngs to the assеmЬlеdmultitude.
thе lеadеr of a small orсish Ьand,was sitting with his first
sergeant'indulging in his favouritе sport of Ьogеy-fltсklng. whееzеd thе anсiеnt sеer,Ьlinking his hеavy-
Having Won this aЬsоrЬingсompеtition with a dеft ovеr- liddеd еyеs a fеw times, ,,appеars
to bеtherеLigtous
tехtof a уoup
undеr movе' Мungk wavеd his sсrawny сompanion away.Thе ofшawioтswhoсamеfromalаnd сalledАmoтiсa.Thebook is
orс lеant Ьaсk,wondеring whеn this parlеy nonsеnsеwould dediсаtеd hеа,dpriеstsofthеvаrioussеits
to thе|ostgodт:lufflе.Thе
Ьe over so hе сould get Ьaсk to thе fun of wholеsalе slaughter. of this deity,hnownas сoасhes,|ed
theiтbandsof wаwiorsinto уeаt
gazеdout ovеr thе Ьattlеfield,grinning with fond aTеnasаnd аttеmpted
to ехtеrminаteeaсhother.Theobjeсtvtlаsnot,
rесolleсtion at thе pilеs of Dwarf сorpsеs.TЬеir last stand had hoшeveт,
vio|encesimplyfor violenсе's No! It шasin truth of
taken plaсе in a Ьowl-shapeddeprеssion.At thе southеrn еnd greаt ritual signifiсаnсe!
of this stood a strangеsilvеr dome,undouЬtedly anothеr of
,. thе many аnсient сonstruсtions lеft fiom a prеvious,morе There was a suЬduеdmurmur from the сrowd as thеy
pеaсеfultimе. It was againstthis domе that Мungk now attemptеdto aЬsorЬthis outlandisЬ сonсеpt.Thе Dwarf
rеstеdhls hеаd' ,,Ь
сontinuеd, pig,sblаddеr wаsinflаted аndсаrпеdor thrownfrom
oneendof thеа,тenаto theother,in an фoтt t0,eTm,sсorе.
Bored with simply suсking his tееth and motivatedЬy a theblаdderoveTan opponеnt,sendlinegavеa seсtа numbетof
thunderous rumЬling in his Ьelly, thе orс Ьegan sсraЬЬling thingsсаllеdpoints.
in thе sodden earth in thе hopе of finding a juiсy earthworm
or two on whiсh to snaсk.It was thеn his Ьаttlе.Ьluntеdсlaws Thе bа,tt|e
|аstedа settime.Ьt theеnd,theseсtthat had amassed
hit something hard and smooth.Hе pullеd, Ьut to no avail.He themostpointsшasdесIaredtheviсtoт.фparеnt|y,уoudidn'tеvеn
sсraЬЬlеd:nothing happеnеd.Thеn hе pushеd.Something haveto maim all youТopponents,
аIthoughthесoaсhеs sееmto
wеnt in, Somethingеlse сliсkеd, and finally a third somеthing hаveenсour"aged thispraсtiсe.Еurthermore,the book аLsostаtesthаt
lеt out an almighry hiss. This third somеthing was thе sidе of Nufflе,ssасrednumbеТwase|еvеn, and that onlyеIevenv'lаrпors
tЬе anсient Ьuilding, whlсh slid upwards to lеt stale,dry air fromeaсhsideсou|dbеon thеfiеIdof batt|е.at
pour from thе dark intеrior.

Мungk, who would havе Ьееn in sеrioustrouЬlе with thе
wasЬеrwomanhad hе Ьееn wеaring any form of undеrwеar,
gazedgoggle-еyedinto thе glittеring hallnow rеvеalеd
insidе thе domе. Strangеarmour adornеd thе walls' pесuliar ). a
mosaiсslined thе floor' and at its сеntrе' on a greatЬejewellеd
pedеstal,satan еnormousЬook...

After tЬe parleying leadersof thе two grеat armiеs had Ьeen
iдformеd of thе orс's pесuliar disсovery,thеy adjournеd
thеir so-far-fruitlеssmееting in favour of this new mystеry.
Sinсе nonе of thе gеnеralsсould aсtuallyread,howеvеr,
thеy were unaЬlе to estaЬlishmuсh Ьеyond the faсt that
the Ьuilding was oЬviously an anсiеnt tеmplе. Меssеngеrs '.F
wеrе dispatсhеdwith utmost speedin an effor,tto find somе
litеratеЬeing who соuld rеvеal thе sесre1sthе domе held.
{* {f*

ri i. t
О.: q *

дf.']. ! ..

. t :-.-;
. rl1 э'+1:


At this thеre was a gtеatdеal оf shuffling in thе goЬlinoid was forgotten,.andthе various sidеs dispеrsеdto сaгтr'thе
ranks as thеy rеmovеd thеir footwеarin a dеspеratеattempt eхсiting nеws to.their homеlands,whеrе еvery triЬе quiсklv
.еlеven'was.Typiсally,this rushеd to fiеld a tеam.
to fi'nd out just wЬat thе numЬеr
dеgеnеratеdinto Ьrаwling afteta GoЬlin disсovеredwhat
a grеatjoke it Wastq keеp his Ьoots on and stamp on all his It was while thosе who remainеd swept up thе mеss that
mates'Ьarеfееt with his hoЬnails. Ignoring the infrеquеnt thеy disсovеrеda strangеgtеen surfaсеjust undеr the
howls of pain,tЬе Dwaтfсontinuеd... Ьloody mud of the Ьattlеfiеld,a surfaсееngravеdwitЬ
pесuliar 'yЬЬok and linеs. Thе fiеld wаs sсruЬЬеdсleаn.
*This doеsnotmeanthаt thеrеwеrеon\уelеvеnmеmbеrsof a sесt, Thе workers Wеrеhushеd,awareof thе signifiсanсе of thеir
oI team,dsthеyшетeаlsohnoшn.Waттioтs сouldgooffand сome find. At lаst,thе saсrеdGridiron spоkеn of in the Ьook was
on at wi|L,aslon$asthesастednumbeтwasnot eхсeedеd. Оnе rеvеalеd.Thе Dwaf sеer,who had adоptёdthе namе of
сou|dаLsohit an opponеntаt any time,аs |ongаs onedid notuseа SaстеdСommissionеr Rozе-Е1,after a priеst of high standiпg
шeщon!NuffIеsаidthаt onе'sbodyulasone,swеaponа,nd,although mеntionеd in the Ьook, offеred aptaУetto Nuffle and
he а||owed аILuleapons
armoLLT) wеreforbiddеnfrom thеаrеnа.|t is Ьeganto organisеthе first sесt meeting. His mind Ьurnеd
а|sowrittenthat theатеnаfoтthis сonfliсtwаsа reсtangш|ar with plans for thе future,plans that wou1dсulminate in thе
ahugеbowl!', tougЬеstseсtsmеeting in a pЬysiсaloffеring to thе grеat god
_ thе Blood Bowi!
Al1еyes turnеd to regardthе shapеof thе Ьattlеfi.еldin whiсh
thеy had gatherеd,whеrе large squadronsof over-stuffеd ЕдвtvYвдпs
vulturеs wеrе making fеeЬlе attemрtsto gеt airЬornе again. During his time as Saсrеd Сommissioner,Roze.Еlmade great
,,It .
seemsto mе,,,сontinuеdthе Dwarf in a loud voiсе to regain strides in rесrеatingNuffle's originalritеs. In tЬе darkеr ]
thеir attеntton,*thatNшffIе hassееnouтdilemmоand is trying rесеssеsof thе tеmple,piles of remarkaЬlywеll-prеsеrvеd
to тeso|vе that a tеаmis putfoтшardfтomеасhside,аnd
it.I suggest pamphlеts and sсrolis wеrе found, giving further dеtails of

a thаt ol,tтdtffетenсesbe in thisfashion.,'

rеso|ved the anсiеnt gamе'srituals' A tеam of,""., and sсriЬes*,' iЬt
to work translating and rеtranslatingthеsе,until a tast.tJy
A murmur of assentripplеd thtough the сrowd' soon rising of knowledgе was assеmЬlеd.Thеsе quiсk\rhelpеd. сlarify
to a IoaI of agrееmеnt;exсept,that is, for thе сornеr in whiсh thе rulеs of thе gamе.Soon, gamеswerе Ьeing playеd чithin
thе GoЬlins wеrе Standing'sinсe they wеrе allstillехpioring sеt timе limits and on propеrly'markеd pitсhes. By thе tiяnе
thе intriguing nеw possiЬilities of foot.stomping! of Rozе-Еl's death at thе grand old agе of 196,therе Were
sixtееn teamsсompеting in a seasonwЬiсh сulminatеd in the
And so it was that thе firstgame of шufflе Amoriсal FootЬall, glo,io.,, ехсеssеSof thе Blood Bowl final.
as it soon Ьeсamеknown, took plaсе.A pig's Ьladdеr was
inflatеd,muсh to thе pig's сonstеrnationwе must add. Thеre wеrе initially some proЬlems,as tеamsdevblopedthеir
Armour was takеn from thе tеmplе, and plaсеd on сhosen own unique rulеs of play,and a matсh Ьеtwееnthе Dwarf
warriors from еithеr side.TЬе tеamslinеd up, a shaman Giants and the Rеikland Rеavеrsin thе уeat 2399almost
.umpire',drеssеdin frеsh zeЬra skin for thе oссasion,Ьlеw a startеda full-sсalе war whеn nеither sidе сould deсide whose ]
whistlе and thе gamеWasaway. rules to usе.Еventually,though, NAF rеsolvеdthe situation,
and a set of rulеs for еvetyonе to use was puЬlishedin z4o9'
Thеrе Wasno proper pitсh, no linеs and vеry fеw rulеs, and Thе arrivalof Bloodwеiser Bееr as sponsorsof thе Blood Bowl
to this day no.onе is quitе surе who aсtually won. Thеre was сup in z-46тwasthе final transformаtionwhiсh madе thе'
a suitaЬly largе amount of сatnagе,howеvеr,and еvеryone сompetition into what it is today.
agrееdthat thеy had rеally enjoyed thеmsеlvеs.Thе Ьattlе
Roze-ElWas suссeеdеdЬy his aсolytе and аpprеntiсe
Djimm Thorp, and thеn Ьy the infamous }orgеHеllhound.
Hеllhound is known for many things, Ьut his most important
innovation сamе whеn hе rеalisеdthat hе сould sell far morе
tiсkеts for gamеsthan hе сould еvеr hopе to paсk spесtators
into any stadium.And so hе сontaсtеdthе various Guilds of
Мagiсk, asking thеm to find a Wayto transmit an imagе of tЬе
gamеall ovеr thе сontinеnt.
The result Wasthe invention of a dеviсе,namеd aftеr thе TнпGotшPsE0FтнEJ|AF
'Bos,thе original saсrеdsite disсovеrеdЬy Мungk
Campaign fot Rеal Arсanеry _ thе Camra' A Ьound spirit in By thе latе
a Ьox was allowеd to look out in onе dirесtion only, at thе was thе ultimate shrine for allfollowеrs of вlood Bowl. The
Blood Bowlfi.eld,and what hе saw сould thеn Ье transmitted NAF movеd its hеadquartersto a prеstigious nеw сompleх
Ьy tёamsof magiсians using thе spеllСaЬаlvisiоn. nеxt to thе sitе,and two yеarslatеr Ьuilt the Blood Bowl
Мuseum and нall of Famе nearЬy.This remarkaЬlеЬuilding
Anyone сould Ьuy a liсеnсe to have these thoughts has a pеrmanent ехhiЬition dеtailing thе history of thе gamе
transmittеdinto their own minds' Thе idеa was a hugе and thе сareеrsof many of its most Ьrilliant past players.
suссеss'Whеn Hеllhound sold thе franсhisе to Channel 7 for
thе ptinсely sum of 7т4go1dpieсes,it was just thе Ьeginning. The NAF leaguеwas сarеfully organisedand run. There wеre
Rival guilds sеt up сountеr-Ьids.The Nесrоmanсеts' zo Blood Bowl tеams,divided into divisions of fivе tеamsеaсh
Broad,сastingСirсlе сovеtagеЬеganwith Blood Bowl Х, Ьut and all сompeting for thе Blood Bowl сhampionship.The two
their transmissionsarе genеtally thougЬt to Ье dеad Ьoring. сonfеrеnсеswеtе supportеdЬy a huge array of lessertеams
Thе Crystal BallServiсе has Ьееn morе suссessful.Most from allnations and raсes,with thеir own national and loсal
rесently,howеvеr,thе Assoсiationof BroadсastingСonjurеrs leaguеs,intеr-guild сhampionships and so on. From his offiсe
won the franсhisе whеrr,itWasrenewed for thе thirtiеth time at thе NAF hеadquarters'thе NAF сommissionеr Nikk Thrеe-
in z486(inсidentally,thе sum has risen tо a staggеringrz horn govеrned every aspесtof thе game'from thе tops of thе
gold piесеs!)' hlghеst mountains to dееp Ьеlow thе surfaсеof thе world.

o т ] . :


Age: Unknown Hеight: 7 {t тт in О

urrеight' зяo lЬs Position: Bloсker;tеam сaptain a

Career T9tals:4z passingtоuсhdoйns. 43 rushing touсhdowns' 5I2 kills/sеrious injuriеs infliсtеd

Awards: 46 Мost ValuaЬlePlаyerAwаrds.Sёrviсеsto organ TransplantsМеdal 2+79|z+9I.Anti-violеnсе!Иatсhdog

Committеe \ИotstTaсkle of thе Yeat z479, z4}o,z4B5,z486, z49т.NFC Playеr of the Year z485.Сhaos Cup \Иinners Меdal
z47т, z487

Spikеl Мagazine Star Player Rating: 685 points

For all thеir Ьizarrе magiс and weird rites,thе Chaos All-Stars arе vеry popular with thе Blood Bowl-watсhing puЬliс. This
populatity is duе, at lеastin part,to thе suссеssof their hulk-like ogrе Bloсkеr, Мorg .N'Thorg. Мorg, or.Thе Ballista'as
tonguе.fied сommentatorshave niсknamed him, is a huge,lumЬering juggernautof a player.!Иith his Ьalf-shavеnhеad
and grim, tusky visagеhе looks very frightening, Ьut off thе field he's as gentle as a lamЬ and a great hlt with сhildrеn. As a
теsult of his award-winling sеriesof road safetyadverts,aссidentshave Ьeen сut Ьy morе than a quarter'and hе's sold morе
soft toilet paper than anyone in history!

on the Blood Bowlfiеld, though, Мorg is tЬе aссident;at least,hе alwayslеavеsthе oЬjeсtsof hls taсklеs looking like
they'veЬeen in a road smash!His play taсtiсs are еffесtivеin theit simpliсity _ eithеr he Ьludgeons his way through the
opposition and sсores,trampling evеryonеin his way; or hе gives the Ьallto one of his GoЬlin team-matesand throws them
into thе EtldZone to sсorе!

СluЬ historians still arеn,tquitе surе whеrе Мorg сamе from; lеgend has alwayshad it that hе simply walkеd into a
praсtiсе sessiononе day and signеd himself up' 'ilZhеrеvеrhe сamе from; hе WaSa naturalChaos A11-Starsplayеr,Ьеing
Ьoth сalсulating and сruel, and Ьlessеdwith a Ьrutal-looking eхterior.He's alwaysЬееn vеry shy of revеaling dеtails of
his pеrsonal history to sports rеportеrs'and hаs Ьeеn known to demonstratehis shynеssto thе morе irritating of thеm.
Inсidеntally,Мorg is the only player in thе history of thе gamе to Ье еlесtedto the Hallof Fame Ьefotе hе has retirеd from
thе game.


a. I


-!a J
And thеn disastеrstruсk!Jhе '88-'B9seasonwas inсrediЬly Тнп0рпlTвuвrднпштs
suссеssful,and huge amounts of сash pourеd into NAF As its namе implies,thе Сhaos Cup opеn was.oPеnto all .
hеadquartеrs.Unfortunatеly,the tеmptation provеd just too teams.Thе first thrееwееks of thе tournamеntWеrеan
muсh for Nikk Threе-hotn. \ХzhilеtЬe z489 Blood Bowlfinal anarсhiс and сonfusing affаir сalled thе play-offs.During thе
l.r* t
Ьetwеenthе Darkside.СowЬoysand thе Reikland Rеavers play-offs,it was uP to the tеamstaking part in thе tournamеnt '1 :

was taking plaсе,Nikk, thе entirе NAF treasuryand most to arfangеmatсhеsfor themsеlves,thеrе was no rеgular
of the Darksidе СowЬoys сheеrlеadеrsquadvanishеd and sсhеdulеas suсh.A tеamсould play any numЬеr of matсhеs
Wеrenеvеr sgеn again!\Х/hatЬесamе of шtkk no-onе knows, in this p"ti.od,againstany opponеnt (althoughthey сouldn,t
although rumours persist of a seсrеtmountain fortrеssand of play thе samеopponеnt morе than onсe).Tеams sсored
thе outrageous pеrvеrtedgoings-onthеrе..' points for winning matсhes,and at thе end of thе play-off
1nd pеriod, the four tеamswith the most poilits Wеnt through to
The NAF, mеanwhile' was thrown into turmoil. For thе thе sеmi-finals.
rеmaindеr of z4B9it was run Ьy a rapid suссеssionof сorrupt
or plain inсompеtеnt offiсials,who only suссeеdеdin making Thе winnеrs of thе semi-finalmatсhеswent through.tothe
mattеrsworsе.Thе start of thе ,89:9osеasonwas a fi.asсo, Grand Final for the ChaoЬCup trophy and, morе importantly,
and Ьeforе the yеar was out' the еntitе NAF organisationwas a Ьugе money сashprizе.Thе evеntproved a hugе suссess.
.. ....::
dесlarеdЬankrupt and wеnt into rесеivеrship. The play.offs,whiсh had Ьeen organisedЬесause.nеither , ' '
Е cвrгusloll and so сouldn't organisea regular sсhеdule еven if thеy had.' :i!.
Following tЬe сollapseof the NAR Blood Bowl tеamswеre .
wantеd to, provеd surprisingly popular.Thе wild and wоqly ' ',..i
thrown Ьaсk on thеir own rеsourсеS.Unfortunately,most play-offpеriоd gеnеrateda huge numЬеr of gamеsand an
teamsWеrеrun Ьy сoaсhesnot notеd for thеir finanсial еnormoцs amount of ехсitemеnt.NBC's viеwing figures i
aЬihty,and so not surprisingly many rapidly Wеnt Ьankrupt wеnt through the roof and thе audiеnсefor thе finalЬеtween ..'i'|].
and had to Ье disЬanded'Almost Ьalf of the teamsin thе theМarаudеrs(whohadshoтtеnedthеirnamеftomthе
old NFC and AЕC сonfеrеnсeswеnt undеr, inсluding suсh Мiddеnheim Мaraudеrs aftеr thеy wеrе forсеd.tosеll tЬ+ir
fаmous namеs as thе Asgaтd Ravеns (who wеre forсеd to takе stadium)and thе Dwarf Giants,rivallеd thai of thе ]8яBlood 4
up raiding and pillaging to supplеment thеir inсomе, and Bowl Championship.
wеre wipеd out at the Battlе of Slamford Bridge),thе AlЬion
(who gavеup Blood Bowland Sеtup thеir own Having enviously watсhed tЬе suсёessof thе Chaos Сup
vеrsion of the gamе that involved kiсklng thе Ьallinstеad of ope}: thе Assoсiation of BroadсastingConjurers joined
сarrying it), thе Bright Сrusaders (who wеre so honеst that forсеswith Bloodwеisеrto Ьost tЬе'9r Blood Bowl
they allowed aссountantsto look at their Ьooks and wеrе сhampionships using the nе'format.The Blood
Promptly shut down!),Nurglе's Rottеrs (who simply fell Bowl Open provеd to Ье evеry Ьit as popular as thе Chaos
apart)'and the lusttia Croakеrs(who сroakеd!). Cup Opеn, and soon networks and sponsоrsWerefalling
over themselvеsto sеt up thеir own opеn tournamеnts.
Almost allof the other tеamswеrе forсеd to sеll their Four tournamentsquiсkly еstaЬltshеdthеmsеlvеsаs thе
stadiumsand takе to thе opеn road,travеlling from town to most important and eagеrlyantiсipatеdBlood Bowlеvents
town and playing matсhеs againstany opponent,any plaсe, of thе year,and were soon Ьеing rеfеrredto as,theМфor
any time' and for any money thеy сould gеtl At thе еnd of Tournattents'or simply ,theМаjoтs'. . .
'* .
what had Ьeen thе tegular sеason'nеarly allof thе surviving .т '
tеamsWеrestillstrappеd for сash,so rathеr than rеst up over
the summеr,thеy simply kеpt on playing throughoutthe rеst
ofthе yеar.

Мeanwhilе, the CaЬalvision nеtworks wеre dеspеrateto

inсrеasethе falling ratings figurеs for thе gamе.For thе first
timе in thе history of thе gamеthеrе had Ьeеn no Blood Bowl,
сhampionship, and without thе ехсitеmеnt of sеmi-finals
5 .:.
and large сhampionships,CaЬalvision viеwing figurеs wеfе
wеll down on what thеy had Ьеen Ьеforе.In ordеr to try to '

l. ovеrсomеthis trend;thе Nесromanсеrs BroadсastingСirсlе

jоined forсеs with orсidas and hostеd thе first Chaos Cup
Open Tournament.
Height: 6 {t 4in \7еight: 168 lЬs Position:Blitzеr; team сaptain

injuriеs infliсted,4 intеrсеptions

Сarееr Totals: 65 сatсhing touсhdowns,96 rushing touсhdow лs,69ki11s/sеrious

Awards: 9 Мost ValuaЬle Playеr Awards,Bloodweiser Best Nеwсomet Меdal z4B4.АEС Playеr of thе \ear z487' '
Blood Bowl !ИinnеrsМеdal z4B5,z4B7,z49т.

Spikе!Magazine Star Player Rating: 463 points

It isn't oftеn that hеad сoaсh of thе Rеikland Reavеrs,Harry Zwimmer, has a niсe word to say aЬout any other Ьuman tl.
,,Zatboyis almost
Ьeing,Ьut it is rесordеd that whеn hе first saw thе young Griff oЬеtwаld play,hе aсtually dесlarеd,
abovеavетаge!'' Suсh immеnsе praise from thе tight-lippеd сoaсh was only thе first in a grеatmany сompliments paid to
the young superstarfrom Strеissеn,who has sinсе Ьeеn сallеd,,,Gтiffthеgodlik,е!,,(Spikе! magazinе),,,Phew!\rhat a sсorer!,,
(МiddеnhеimМirror) and.ThеуеаtestsinglеgtfttoourprofessionsinсeМorg.N'ThorgfiтstbitаGobLin,shеаdoff

The young oЬerwald сame to the attention of Rеavеrsfans in his first gamefor thе team at thе end of z-4B3, in whiсh his
fеroсiоus taсklе play garnеrеdhim three ears,a nosе and a two-matсh suspеnsion. Undauntеd Ьy this minor sеt.Ьaсk,
Griff gainеd a pеrmanеnt plaсе in thе Reavеrsfirst tеam, wherе hе Ьattlеd his way through thе lines alongsidе his halЁ
сousin and tеam сaptain orlak Sturmdrang.A quite rеmarkaЬlе sесond sеason for thе Rеavеrs еarnеd him a preсious Bеst
N"*.o-., mеdal,and сulminatеd in his sсoring thе winning touсhdown againstthе Darksidе CowЬoys in thе full-sсalе
rout that was Blood Bowl ХХV

oЬеrwаl8s qualities are thosе'ofthe сlassiрBlood Bowl hero. Hе's tall, superfit and strong,with a graсе and сo-ordination
ih,t.,n 1е{*emost othеr plаyers stаndiцg fiistantly teсognisaЬleaсrossa mutky Blood Bowlfiеld Ьy thе splattеringof
r . r .. ,iI 11
figureandit'sno surprisethеgirlsgоwild whenhе hаsthеЬallin his
}it, oЬеrwaldсutsa vе
'.,: ',.
i . ' . , . ,,.. : . ' -
'87 seasonand immеdiately.madеhis mark on the tеam' driving thеm
oЬ"l'-elа Ьeсаmеtеam сaptаin at the start of thе
the yеar as Blood Bowl сhampions yеt again,and OЬerwald was
narсеЕslaп.;Evеrwith startling
I -,t
rеsults.Rеikland finished
votеd AFс Pl-iщr of the Year.Sinсe thеn Griff has gonе from strеngth to strеngth,and is now onе of thе most rеspeсtеd
(and fearеd!)Blood Bowlplayers in thе world.

" . .|
BluunBoшt'ТЁвдv .. 'BB.
Blood Bowl in thе уеar2+g3is vеry differеnt to thе highly following thе сollapse of It is very rarе for a Blood Bowl
lstitiсtuted and organised game that was run Ьy thе NAF until team to own thеir own stadium thеse days, although not
2+&8.Now Blood Bowl teamstravеlfrееly round thе world, сompletеly unheard of - thе lowdown Rats stillown thеir
i.iтoving from vеnue to vеnuе to play gamеs.In a way,Blood own stadium, though this owes morе to thе rеfusal of anyonе
.Bowltеams are now muсh morе like a travelling сompany to Ьuy thе mouldеring dеathtlap than any dеsire of thе Rаts
of aсtors,ot a merсеnary rеgimеnt (or a сoйЬination of thе to hang on to thе plaсе. Blood Bowl tеams arе usually paid.
.two!)than thе Blood Bowltеams of thе NAF period' Teams Ьy thе ownеr of thе stadium to pldy thеrе, thе amoutt of
' are aссompaniеdЬy a largе gathеring of rеtainеts,showmеn, monеy.thеy rесеivе dеpеnding on thе numЬеr of faпs who
hangеrs-on,assortеdnе'еt-do-wеlls,loyal fans and dеdiсatеd tЦrn uP to watсh thе matсh, whеthеr ot not thе matсh will Ье
'фportеrs. Thе arrivalof two teamsto play a mаtсh Ьrings shown Ьy a CaЬalvision nеtwоrk, and whethеr thе t€ з m wins
with it a сarnivalatmosphеrе,and is еagеrlylookеd forward to or losеs. And thеn, of сoursе, thеrе arе thе tournatnеnts. Thе
thе loсal population. major tournаmеnts arе hеld in large сities and aitraсt dozеns
of tеams, and hundrеds of thousands of follрwфand fan!;. ...]]]
Ttre stadiumswherе the gamesarе playеd arе usually ownеd Мost of thе Ьig tеаms willplay at allfour major tournaments
Ьy thе town or сity whеrе thе stаdium is Ьuilt,,moreoften and саrеfully plаn thеir travеl routе so that thеy arrivе at the
than irot Ьought on thе сhеap from an impoverishеd tеam tournamеnt venuе wellin advinсе tg Ьесomе aсфrnatisеd;r.;a

rО ,1:-

.r.. . -l't
i ' , , .':'i'":

t., ** rr

Thе major tournaments arе watсhеd Ьy сountlеss numЬеrs
of Humans, Orсs, Еlvеs, Ogrеs, Dwarfs, Trolls, GoЬlins and In honour of thе very first footЬallsitе, еvеry fiеld must
* ".
Halflings' and many morе еsotеriс viеwеrs Ьеsidеs. Just mеasurе 1oo рaсеs x 6o paсеs, with a furthеr fivе paсеs of вnd
how many watсh and play thе gamе is diffiсult to detеrminе Zone at еaсh еnd. Thе fiеld is thеn usually dlvidеd Ьy lines
Ьесausе it is so widеspread. Rumоurs pеrsist thаt thе gamе aсross it еvery fivе paсеs. }Iowevеr, sinсе diffеrеnt raсеs havе

has pеrmеated thе lowеr lеvеls of thе astral and daеmoniс longеr or shortеr lеgs, fiеlds vary in size quitе сonsidеraЬly.
planеs and hopes arе stillhtgh that in a fеw yеats wе shall It is wisеst not to play at thе Storm Giants Asgard stadium
witnеss ехсhangе tеams of Daеmons and еlеmеntals joining unlеss you aЬsolutеly havе to, sinсе еaсh of thеir stеps сan Ье I

allthе rеgulars in thе Blood Bowll As thе long dеpartеd up to a lеaguе in lеngth; you'llЬе travеlling for days just to gеt

Сommissionеr Thrее'Horn famously said on many oссasions, from thе Ьеnсh to thе сoin toss! On thе othеr hand, of сoursе,
is Blood Bow|;buddy,aщ,thing сouldhаppеn!''.You Ьеttеt playing at thе Halfling Grееn Aсrеs stadium is dеfinitеly to
Ьeliеvе it! your advantagе if you arе thе sizе of a Tro11.

i тl. iij+l+ьi]]т:l;j1.l. jiiii.r

i..lчr:lч]д*l liщ t5.:iil,i.
Dеspitе thе appalling сhaos that sееms to rеign whenеvеr As thе anсiеnt tomе found Ьy Мungk rеvеalеd, thе оЬjeсt of
thе whistlе Ьlows, thеrе arе a grеat many rulеs in thе gamе of Nufflе's gаmе is to сarrу thе Ьаl1 into thе opposing tеаm's Еnd
Blood Bowl. You may not Ье suгprisеd to hеar thаt many of Z o n e , w h i l е t h е y t r y t o S t o py o u . T h е t е a m t h a t m а n а g е s t o
thеm arе forgottеn most or allof thе timе, Ьut thеrе arе somе do this thе most timеs during thе matсh wins. Тhаt sounds
tеams who try to uphold somе of thеm. Thе Е{еroеs of Law simple еnougЬ, doesn't it? If that wеIе truеl though, gamеs
arе lеnownеd for Ьеing so goody-goody that thеy play to all would Ье а lot lеss fun than thеy plainly arе. So why is thе
thе rulеs; aS a сonsеquеnсе) of сoursе, thеy arе almost always avеragе gamе of Blood Bowlsuсh a mind-mangling spесtaсlе
Ьеatеn Ьy thеir opponеnts' and arе tеrriЬly Ьoring to watсh offun and fеаr?
too! Howеvеt, hеrе arе somе of thе Ьasiс prinсiplеs of thе
Sport;if you wish to know morе wе rесommеnd you look at A typiсalgamе is prесеdеd with a сoin toss to dесidе whiсh
Мutilatе & Slaughtеr's ехhaustivе handЬook on thе suЬjесt - sidе starts with thе Ьa11.It's hеrе that the сhеatihg genеrally
G еnoсidе:the B|ood B owl W aу. starts: ЬriЬеd rеfеrееs, douЬlе-hеadеd and weightеd сoins,
sН.lfulpalming аnd simply punсhing out thе refеrее and

. '.-'
i-вj &:lilЗtяffiffi'&ffi.
Дi-;] ifrffi *Fii' ffiffil.ЕЁ
:t'.t,i 5Fitrl'lsit rf:::i }n;;.l,.'s ii.'l'; ..iiТэ.:ЕF.jjн]"от:ls
Тhе B1oodBowl Bloodwеisеr Тhе Blood Bowl trophy and a 5oo,ooogp ptizе,split 35o,ooogp to the winnеr
and r5o,ooogp to thе loset. Еor thе players,howеvеr,thе most important prizе
is thе Blood Bowl Playеrsmеdal that is awardеdto еaсh playеr who partiсipates
in thе finаl.

SpikеlOpеn Spikе!Мagazinе Thе mithrilSpikе! trophy and a 3oo,ooogp prizе,split zoo,ooogp to the winnеr ti;

and roo'ooo gр to thе losеr.,Inaddition, aftеrthе matсh,thе awardsfor Tеam of
thе Yеar and Playеt of thе Yеar,as votеd for Ьy thе rеadеtsof Spfte! Мagazine,
arеdесlarеd. -,-rd
. ' 1

Сhaos Сup opеn

.:- t
otсidas Thе Сhaos Сup and a 35o,ooo gp prize, Thе amount of prize monеy whiсh is .:rl

awardеd to еaсh tеam variеs depending on thе whim of thе SPonsors. last yеar
thе losеrs, thе orсland Raidеrs, reсеivеd morе рrizе monеy than thе winnеrs,
thе Dwarf Giants. Howevеr' orсidas insist that allaссusations of Ьias arе
сomоlеtеlv unfoundеd...

DungеonЬowi Collеges of Мagiс Thе DungеonЬowltrophy and a 25o)ooo gp pтizе,split r5o.ооо gp tо thе
winnеr and loo,ooo gp to thе losеr. Also, thе ц,inning tеam rесеir'еs thе
sеrviсеs of a mastеr wtzard for thе сoming yеar. Тhе D'lngеоnЬоrr i is pler'еd in
spесial undеrgтound stadiums Ьuilt and mаintainеJ' Ьl- thе Соl1еgеs оГ \tagiс.

and watсhеd on сrystal Ьalls throughоut thе rr.оr.ldr'ia СeЬаlr'isiоn' ; &.

,* *t
!+.щr.A:E]4Psrф,i:1i:+#J+Е!i]t;;i:+ti] ri.j::]:.4.. i lj ... :1::1 . .]- . ,.:.i'l= i
- -
-t .
.' '.a
sтAпРLдYEв zuЕ
Age: Unknown Height: 7 ft zin
3z5lЬs Position: Anywhеrе Ье likеs

Сarееr Tоtals: 5 rushing touсhdowns, z66kl||s/sеriousinjutiеs infliсted

Awards: 33 Мost ValuaЬlе Playеr Awards. МсМurty,s SpamЬurgеrsFootЬallerof thе \ear z48z, z484,z485,Antiviolеnсe
\ИatсhdogCommitteе \ИorstTaсklе of thе Year z484,z487.B|oodBowl!Иinners Mеdal z.479,z485,z487.Biood Bowl

Spike!Мagazine Star Player Rating: 374points

Undеr an anсient сhartеr,еaсh yеar thе Reikland Rеavеtsarе Ьеholdеn to take on a young orphan as an apPrentiсе.This
praсtiсе has oftеn paid off, as most of thе young foundlings havе grown up to Ье rеaltough сookiеs who'd Ьitе an orс's lеg
off as soon as taсklе him. нowevеr, whеn io z468a Ьulki.nggrеat'usеlеss,whimpеring lump known only as Zug аrrived as
that year'ssеlесtion,thе Rеavеrssuspесtеdthey'd Ьееn sold a dummy. Hе was huge,ovеrweight and unfit, ugly,Ьrutish and
apparеntlyvеry stupid' As a result,hе was also very unhappy and madе life a hving hellfor thе rеst of the apprеntiсeswith
his unсoopеtativеЬеhaviour.

After sеvеralmonths of nonsеnsefrom the mountainous lump, hеad сoaсh Hеlmut Zwimmer сould stand the disruption
no longеr and dесidеd to takе Zlginhand. Zwimmer has never Ьееn known for his gentle approaсhto сoaсhing,and
gradually hе managеdto Penеtratеthе сlouds surrounding hls pupil's Ьrain. A new,happiеr ZugЬegantraining with thе
rеst of thе team' and еvеryone soon realisеdjust what аn aсhiеvеmеntthеir hеad сoaсh had madе,for thе nеw Zug was a
rеvеlation.His immеnse Ьulk was offsеt Ьy a vеry skilful сo-ordination;this guy had sizе and strеngth,and hе knеw what
to do with tЬem! .
....i .

. Zugplayed hisfiist gamеfor the Reavеrs'fi.rstteam in thе autumn of z476,and suссееdedin making his presenсеfеlt Ьy
sеvеrelyinjuring eight МiddеnЬeim playеrs in thе first half. ovеr thе years)hе has Ьесomе a firm favouritе with thе fans,
:. fqr hе сan Ьe a most еxhilaratingplaуЬi to watсh. Sure,he doеsn'tdo all thе fanсy stuff hе rarеly Ьreaks out of a walk,
for eiratъplё,Ъut hе's an expеrt at inсapaсitating an opPonent with a simple Ьaсkhand swipе of one of his great paws. one
interestfnдj.tesult of this tесhniquе is that Ье has the largеst сollесtion of orс tеeth in thе world.

tЬе оpposing сaptain havе allЬeen frеquently used.A rеpresentativеson thе fiеld of play.As suсh, they havе:'г. ..
more ingеnious taсtiс,peфaps, WastЬat employеd Ьy thе important joЬ to pеrform. It's a pity thеn tЬat thе good namе
ЪoЬgoЬlin tеaй in a quarterfinal sеvemlyеats ago:they of rеfеrеeshas frequеntly gonе down so muсh in thе puЬliс's
еstimation.In faсt,many prеtеnd they are Iat-guttеrsor
.. with a Ьall of thеir own. This movе would Ье on rесord as sewet-sweеpеrsrathеr than admit thеir rеal profession.
. possiЬly thе only evеn vaguеly intеlligеnt thing the HoЬgoЬs
. .
i .' bvet did,'wеrеthеy not 2-o down aftеr only eight minutes! Fifty yеars agotthe avеragegamе of Blood Bowlwould Ье
offiсiatedovеr Ьy a tеam ofsеvеn rеfereesand linе judgеs.
'. " As soon aSonе sidе has thе Ьall, it's thе joЬ of the playerson Thеsе days,you're сonsidеred extrеmеly luсky if two turn
"thеothеr sidе to takе it off them. In faсt,it's proЬaЬly this up. The trouЬlе is that rеfеrееssеёm to _ еrm _.*iе tЪther
'l... . wЬiсh is thе rеal proЬlem with the game as far as a rеfеrееis еasily.Sinсе thеy don'twеarpaddingor armour)and sinсе
.....:." сonсеrnеd,Ьесausеplayersjust сan't sеem to сontrol thеir thеy arе oftеn frail and wizеnеd eх-players,they rеally don't
:]] tinthusiasmwhеn faсed with an opponеnt who is holding thе stand a сhanсе againstplayеrslikе Vutner.Vinklеr. Yinklеr,
ЬaШ.Aсtually, thеy сan't сonttolit whеn faсеd with anothеr niсknamеd tЬe,kefuillеy',madе a haЬit o{сфЬra.ging е1сh :

'...:.- playеr.Pеriod!!иhiсh Ьrings us to tЬe..' touсhdown Ьy flаttеning a rеfеrее,until Ье wаsTрrсhеd aftеr

a partiсularly suссеssfulgamеЬy еighty.inерЬEфbf thе.::.; '..:|..
Rеfеrееsand дlliеd Rulеkeеpеrscuild (RARё).
1'i'".. hard-faсеd,zеЬra-stripedoffiсials with the . - - , . ' i,i
. funny trousеrsand the piеrсing whistlеs.arеthе NAF's
BriЬеry is anothеr unсontrоllaЬlе proЬlеm; thе attlactions of
taking a hеfty сut of a gamе,s gatе takilgs in rеturn for not
sееing сеrtain rulеs infringеmеnts havе Ьееn workеd out Ьy
many olfiсiаls. Thе реrsuasion оf thе hulking Ьrutеs doing
tЬе ЬriЬing in thе first plaсе сan oftеn Ье quitе an induсеmеnt
to сorruption as wеll. BriЬеry is now so сommon that thе
RARG hаs sеt offiсial union rаtеs for ЬriЬing a rеfеrее and,
undеr an agtееmеnt signed last sеason, сluЬs arе not allowеd
t o o [ Г е r 1 е s st Ь а n t h е g o i n g r a t е .

The Еvil Gits vs Thе Мaraudеrs z-o (МatсЬ AЬandoned)

}Iighlights: In tlrе most сontrоvеrsial game of thе sеasonl thе Еvi1 Gits pul1еd off a surpтisе win аgainst thе muсh-fаnсiеd
Мaraudеrs. Thе gamе was aЬandonеd at half timе whеn thе Мaraudеrs refusеd to go Ьaсk onto thе pitсh, сlaiming that thе
Gits had usеd snеaky, undеrhand taсtiсs to gеt thеir tеam up to sсratсh. шдг offiсials undеrtook an ехtеnsivе invеstigation
into сlaims of illеgalЬanking praсtiсеs to hirе playеrs, аnd thе usе of playе rs,borrowеd'from othеr teams that wеrе
dеspетatе to Sее thе Мaraudеrs losе thе matсh. HowеvеI, thе Gits wеnt through to thе final - thе last wotd going to thе
,.I,L|hоvе 'Тhose
hеad сoaсh of thе Мaraudеrs' mе теvеnge!,',hе spat out ffom Ьеtwееn grittеd tеeth. Еvil 'Y.'l'r'r,з'!,i
cits ain,thеотd
t h e L а s to f t h i s' . . , ,

SkavеnЬlight SсramЬlеrs vs orсland Raidеrs 3-o

нighlights: Thе SсramЬlеrs ovеIсamе an imprеssivе orсland Raidеrs tеam to pulloff a Ьig win. Thе SсramЬ1еrs.
viсtory was marrеd Ьy tragеdv, howеvеr, whеn famеd GoЬlin playеr.Sрikеy'Normаn diеd aftеr landing hеad hг't Ln
SсramЬlеrs Еnd Zonе. Grunk H'thon, thе cgrе who thrеw Spikеy, was Ьеsidе himsеlf with griе{ and ехр1rrn..j .lj:.: 't' r
,,I, ,
matсh, о|шaysthought,is,еad was thе оrdеstpnтt of ,im. Pooтo|d Spihеy.Sniff!,,.

SkavenЬlight SсramЬlеrs vs The ЕvilGits 3-z

нighlights: In onе of thе gIеat сomе-Ьaсk matсhеs of alltimе, thе SkavеnЬlight SсrаmЬlеts man.lgс j
z.o dеfiсit at half timе to win thе matсh з-z with a last-minutе touсhdсr',,n Ьv Varmit Еr.ilеr.е'thе Sс:-'.l..
Blitzеr'in thе dying sесondsof thе matсh.Askеd aЬoutthе loss aftеrthе mаtсh.thе соeсhс.ith..Е
S a У , , \ , m g ш t t е d . . . ' ' Ь е f o r е i r a t еGЕivt isl f a n s g o t t o h i m a n d m a d е s u r е t h e t h е г е e l l r . r r . а s l Q . ' t е . t l r - . l ] : . '...,''':-l.l. . . . ' . j
a p o w е r f u l l a х a t i v е t h a t a p p е a r е d t o h a v е Ь е е n a d d е d t o t h е G i t s . Ь a r 1 е r - \ \ - a | .эi г. h r ] j t i п l . . : . . :
o f а l l с h a г g е s . H o w е v е Г . m a n y w jt n е s s е s г е p o г t е d s е е i n g a m r . s t е l . i o L r t t . - , t . . . , : ' t , :. t, ,' - ,:...,l,.,,
Ьorе а striking rеsеmЬlanсе to thе managеr of thе Мaraudеrs. '.

ъ .{: **
:.;:';lt! s - ..;
.*;Ё l;i-,u.':,i;i: '. !+;*.

вL0фB0wLвEsULтs aч9Ч

Sвйr.Еrшдr Sсore
The SkavеnЬligЬt SсramЬlers vs The Evil Gits +-o

In tЬе Blood Bowl fi.nal,the SсramЬlersthrashеd the Gits in one of thе most viсious.matсhеs9f ф" yеar.By the
end of the gamе' a totalof nine players had Ьeen killed or seriously injurеd (four SсramЬlеrsand fivе Gits). Thе SсramЬlеrs
hеad сoaсh 1aterinsisted'thatthе refеrеehad Ьeen Ьought,сiting thе faсt that Ье did not award a single penalty-againstthe
ЕvilGits in the entire matсh,something that has never happenedЬеfore in thе go-уeathistoryof thе Gits tеam!

Sвмr-Еrшдr Sсore
na Deff Skwadd vs The Reikland Reavеrs 3-2

In the shoсk rеsult of thе seasorr'thе Deff Skwadd managеdto pull off a surprisewin againstthе Reavеrs,who werе сlear
favouritesto win thе Сhaos Cup for a teсord twentieth time. In the еvеnt,however,the Dеff Skwadd'sdеfеnсe,led Ьy
Troll Bloсker.Rippеri8olgrot, managedto hold thе powerful Reavеrsoffenсe to only two touсhdowns.Меanwhile, star
GoЬlin player SсrappaSoreheadand his ttusty pogo stiсk managedto kеep thе Deff Skwadd;.nthе matсh Ьy pogoing oveт
the Rеikland ftont line to sсore two touсhdowns and send the game into sudden-dеathovertimе.It lookеd as if nеither
tgam was going to Ье aЬle to sсorethе vital winning touс the overtime period (in whiсЬ сasethe matсh would
Ье dесided Ьy penalry shootout),whеn star orс Blitzеr Urgrain KnееЬеnder managedto graЬ a desperatelast sесond Hail
Мary passin the RеavеrsЕnd Zone to win thе rnatсhfor thе Deff Skwadd.

Цl*д' Sсorе
SlravеnЬliфt SсramЬlers vs Da Deff Sliwadd +-o

ТЬе Dеff Skwadd got off to a finе 3tartwhеn a hand grenade loЬЬed Ьy star GoЬlin fanatiс Fungus the'Loon fldttеned four
Skavеn players and gave Da Dеff Skwadd thё Ьall. Thъ Skwadd wеrе unaЬle to сapitalisеon this suссеss,howеver,сougЬing
up tЬe Ьa|l within yards of thе SсramЬlersЕnd Zone when orс Blitzer Urgrain КneeЬеnder slipped ovеr trying to sсore.-
Thе Def[Skwadd.never got Ьaсk into the game after this eaф disastеr,and the SсramЬlersсame awaywith an easywin.
The SсramЬlёrstiтnprеssivеreсord through the play-offs,semi-finalsand finals (thеy sсorеd an avеrageof'4,5 touсhdowns '
pеr matсh ..,d dld not lеt a singlе opPonеnt sсore againsttЬem throughout thе сhampionships!)mark them as the
Ьeat'fot the foreseеaЬlefuturе.

\[/hеrеwould wе Ьe withqut those Ьеautiеsof the Blood Мost tehmsЬave very striсt rules aЬout сheеrlеaders;
BowlЬattlеfield, those сuddly сutiеs of thе Chaos Ctip еspeсially wlrerе telations with playets are сonсеrnеd. Somе
. '. сonfrontatioa, tЬe сhееrlеadеrs?You know, evety team gеts teamsfоrЬid any form of сontaсtЬеtween the starsand the
i squad,with infringemеnt punishaЬlе Ьy instant dismissal.
dеmoralisеdat somе timе or another'Ьut thetе'snothing likе
i . , haРPY сhant from a Possе of pretry girls to turn a z-o defiсit The most irrrportant off-duty task of any сheerleadеr who
.. * halЁtime to the lowdown Rats into a triumph for modеrn knows hеr stuff, though, is сreating thosе inсrеdiЬlе сhants
'. lt
:l. :.. ' .pest сonttol! Еvery tеam has its own сheеrlеadingsquad,from a,,d .i'"",,. Hеrе is a sеlесtion from some of today'stop tеams:
...] ' the statk Ёlvеn Ьeauty of the Darkside Co#girls to thе гoly-
.poly homеlinеss of thе Grееnfiеld Gigglers.Еven Nurgle's
- Rottеrs'hasa gang of сhеerlеadingloveliеs who are proЬaЬly
' :'very Pretty if you happеn to Ьe a tеn fooт ЬloЬ of putresсent
}. . .diseasе likе the rest of the Rotters.players.
TнвEvll Glтs TнпЕouввв
the:| )(!-:('l!
Gits, wе,I|'' t|||.| )3.,|
and aтеОrсsаnd dat'sno |iе
'l 'l' and||.||!!!|3
''.!on .WI,LI
уol,,|!,' maheyтosсTеem an,maheyooсTy
\Yе,|Ipu|Lyoтehair an,pinсhyoтеthigh
..G.I.T.S. *
- Wе,reЕУIL throughand thтough Аn,if dat don'tшorh,we,||gougeyour eye! i
soinсrеdib|уnasty,this is шhatwе lihе to do GissаG, фssаo, фssаW, gissаl ... (еtс)',
\/е,||pok.еourфmy fingeуsinto aLIyouтnook,s € r стаnniеs
Ьndwhеnwе,uеgottenboтed with that,we,|Lsеt|ightto your I

othеr wеll-knotvn Gits сhants inсludе thеir famouSvariation

ot.Y ou'L|NeuerW a|k.tgаin''and the intimidatorу .crу,,,Th
GonnabеaЕatal Ассident!',

I Darksidе CowЬoys xvII SkavеnЬlight SсramЬlеrs
II Dwarf Giants ХvшI SkavenЬlight SсramЬlеrs
III VynЬеim Valkyriеs хIх Reikland Rеavеrs
Iv GougеdЕyе )О( Еlfhеim Еaglеs
v Worlds Еdge \Иandеrеrs )oil Darksidе CowЬoys
\T Сhampions of Dеath )ОilI Bluсhan Bеrsеrkеrs
\.tI Сhaos All-Stars )О(III orсland Raidеrs
VIII Nurglе's Rottеrs )OilV Dwarf Giants
Ix orсland Raidеrs ^ )сЦv Rеikland Rеavеrs
х Galadriath Gladiators )o(vl Champions of Dеath
)([. Rеikland Rеavеrs )оГWI Reikland Rеavеrs
хII Arсtiс Cragspiders )oПrIII DarksideСowЬoys
)сII Gougеd Еyе )о(Ix NoСhampionshipтlеLd
хIv Vynhеim Valkyriеs )oo( orсland Raidеrs
)ry oldhеim ogrеs )ooш Rеikland Rеavers
ХvI СrееvеlandCrеsсents )оoсI . SkavеnЬLightSсramЬlеrs

Thе world is also pтeyedupоn Ьy thе raiding flееtsof thе
Dark Еlves, who sweеpthrough thе seasand attaсkthe сoasts,
The world in whiсh Blood Bowlis played is a wild and as,wеllas Undеad fleеtsfrom thе pаrсЬed southеrn dеsеrts.
d,'gerous plaсe _ lеt's fасе it, it hаs to Ье if people are gоing
t ":; . .
: to play Blood Bowl for Гun! Considering the vast numЬеr of raсеstЬat hatе еaсh othеr's
guts,it is hardly surprising thаt war Ьetwееn thеm is a
Lifе for the people of this world is oftеn short and dеatЬ frеquent stateof affairs,while rеЬellions аnd uprisings сan
suddеn and unехpeсted.Сonsidеring thе similaritiеs Ьetwееn overturn nations and plunge thеm into сivil war..Anсiеnt
еverydaylife and Blood Bowlthen, it is hatdly surprising fеuds and Ьittеr hatrеdsaIе сommon and run very deep.
that thе gamе has provеd so hugеly and еnduringly popular. Nonе-thе-less,whеn two Blood Bowlteams аrrivеat a сity
Brought up amidst сonstantwars,dark forеstsfullof horriЬle to play a matсh, a speсialtruсe is dесlaredwhiсh lastsuntil
monsters'and thе еver-prеsentrеality of plague and othеr aftеrthе matсh is ovеr.This mеans that,no mattеr what thе
inсutaЬlе diseasеs,its pеoplе are natural Blood Bowlplayеrs, raсe of thе team or its supporters,and Ьarring all-out warfarе, l.
willing to risk all to win faЬulous riсhеs or famе in a worid nothing willinterfеte with thе playing of the all-important
where thеir future is nеvеr сertain' gamе of Blood Bowll

The world is home to Меn, Dwarfs,Еlves and Halflings. тЕAts
0вGBloollвou,L ;i'
Thesе сivilisеd folk arе irumеrous and powerful, and their orсs havеЬееn playing Blood Bowlsinсe thе gamеwas
сitiеs arе largе and well-fortifiеd.And thеy nеed to Ье, for disсovеrеd_ indeed it was an orс who disсovеredtЬе shrinе
thе wotld is also homе to many of the evilсreaturеs that arе wherе thе saсredЬook of Nufflе was hlddеn. Orс tеamsare
"thеir enеmies:orсs, GoЬlins, and the followers of Chaos in very hard-hitting,сonсentratingon pounding an opPonеnt
their various guises.тhе high mountains and dееp fotеsts arе into thе turf to сreategapsthrough whiсh tЬе eхсеllеnt orс
, infestеd with many monstеrs'and thе northеrn rеgions are Blitzers сan run. Indееd,if any fault сan Ье found with orс
wili and dangerousand ovеrun Ьy Trolls. Away to thе еast teamsin genеtal,it is that thеy somеtimеs spеnd a littlе Ьit
7- liе thе lands of thе еvil and dеmentеd.ChaosDwarfs,while .;],. too щrrih timе pounding thе opposition,and not еnough
. from thе far north сomе the ar-miеsbf Сhaos, advanging . tirite running the Ьallto sсore!
ё" soutЬwatdsto slay and plundеi in thе namе of thеii feшgodst'.]..'

: .--: . t
' ,i-...*.' sтARPLAYEП liHoUL.ЕHЕwEп
'Age: jo
Ееigfot 5 ft
Wеight:r88 IЬsPosiiiЬn: Blitzertеаmсaptain
.Qareer Totals: Rushing I,o+?paces,passing
4o2 Paсеs'5r touсhdowras,z99fatalitiеs.
,{&ards: orсworld Magazinе orс of the Year,AFС Playеr of the Yeat z485,ChaosСup \winnеrs Меdal z477' z48z, z483,
Blood Bowl PlayersМedal z478
Spikе!Мagаzinе Star Player Rating: 4r7 points

Мajor Blood Bоwl starsсomе in all shapesand sizеs.Somе fans idolisе"playersЬесausеthеy are handsome,or strong or
very сharismatiс.others, tЬough, aсtually notiсe and appreсiategood taсtiсalplaying, and a majority are greatfans of iong-
setving Gougеd Еye сaptain,Varag GЬoul-Chewer. Varag'sunusually taсtiсalЬrain (for an orсl) and his violеnt playing
style has еnsured him a good-sizedсrowd of raЬid fans.

VaragЬas originally a forеman at thе \Х/olfleglеad.minеs in eastеrnDrakwald,Ьut was сapturеdЬy slavеrsfrom the
rivalGouged Еyе triЬе in z47т.TЬefollowing year he was spottedЬy thе сoaсh of thеir Blood Bowlteаm, thе сеlеЬtatеd
Gort Sevеr-limЬ,while hе was putting onе of his сaptorson thе сritiсallist. Quiсkly rесognizing thе potеntialplaying
advantagesof having a playеr who сould make a few rudimеntary deсisions,Coaсh Sеver-limЬtook a tremendous сhanсе
' and put thе ineхpеrienсеd Varag at the hеad of his z474Еуeteam (most of thе z43Еуetеаm had Ьееn massaсrеdЬy
-'.Aхеfaсе'Мangеlssonof the Vynhеim Valkщies the year Ьeforе).

Ghoul.Chеwеr was an instant hit, and dеspitе a few сompliсations involving somе ovеr-drastiсpunishmеnts for player
:. irgsuЬordination'has remained at the hеad of thе inсrеasingly-suссеssfulGougedЕyе tеam.His finest hour so far was
leading his tеam of young Ьravеs to a sесond Chaos Cup win a few years ago. Noщ hе has sеt his sights on moulding a tеam
'.Wоrthy of winning the Blood Bowl Сhampionship too!
Orсs havе always rеspесtqd Ьrawn ovет intеlligеnсеl аnd so Оксlднn R.t,rrjвкs:
The Raiders startеdout as thе Sеverеd
thеy frеquеntly makе use of Blaсk Otсs and Tro1l playеrs in Hеads,Ьut сhangеd thеir namе following a rеloсation to
thеir tеams, to add еvеn morе ц,еight to thе front linе. In orсland afterfinanсialtrouЬlе. Under thе fiеrсе сoaсhing of
addition, thе orс raсе has сlosе links ц,ith othеr grеenskin ogrе еx-torturerCruеi-Еyе,the orсland Raidеts won thе first
raсes suсh as GoЬlins, and it is not unсommon to find suсh Blood BowlOpеn Championship'and they are now looking
plаyеrs in orс tеams. Гorthеir sесondopеn title.

tAillllJs0RATЕAHS *д Dврг siтс,д*г.Тhеy wеrе a small сluЬ playing in a .] i. .

Gоlтсвп Elв: over thе last fеw yеars, thе Gougеd Еyе havе Bаdlandsminor lеaguе'until thе тiсh piсkings on thе Opеn
сhanged from Ьеing a laughing stoсk to Ьесomе arguaЬly thе tournamеntсirсuit inspirеdthеm to takе a shot аt thе majors.
Ьеst Orс tеam around. Now undеr thе lеadеrship of long- In thеir first sеasоnthеy wete soundly ЬёatеnЬy evеry tеam '
sеrving Varag Ghoul-Сhеwеr' thеy сontinuе to improvе and a that thеy plаyеd'Ьut thеy didn't givе up, and thе iiisФirёd .}'' '.i'
major toutnamеnt titlе сannot Ье far off. signing of four Blaсk orс playеrs,a Tтoll Bloсkеr and sит ,
GoЬlin plаvеrFungusthе Loon has madеthе Deff Skwadda
'r tеamto ц'atсh. ..',.1...

тнЕ ti0UGЕD
Team Соlоurs: Rеd and whitе
ownеr: His Мost GrossеstМajеstyGoЬsuсk Skul1сrushХII
Hеad Cоaсh: Gort SеvеrlimЬ
Playеrs: Orсs
Human tеams likе thе Rеikiand Rеavеrs don.t har.е things аl1thеir.o\\'n \\'a\-оnrirе tslоосi tsоil.1iеi.]. anj nоrl.hеrе rs this
m o r е t r u е t h a n t h е D o о m D o m e , t h е d i s m a l d i n g y h o m е o f t h е G o u g е d Е r ' е . U n d е r t h е а u s p i с е s о Г t г i Ь a l о r . е r l о г dG о Ь s u с k
Skullсrush ХII and thе ехtrеmely sadistiс training mеthods of SеvеrlimЬ' thе tеam har.е risеn Гrom Ьеing а lаughin.g stoсk
to сhiеf сontеndеrs for thе top. It is unfortunatе that thе Gougеd Еyе tеnd to plar- in thе samе lеaguеs as thе Rеаr-егs.зs onе
sidе must dеfеat thе othеr if thеy arе to proсееd into thе uppеr rеасhes of thе r,arious сups аnd сhamрionshiрs.

24О3 Slavеs сaрturеd Ьy orс raiding partiеs tеll thе Gougеd Еye ttiЬе of a wondrous gamе plаyеd Ьr' humans' .\ gг..-l.,lp
of otс spiеs managе tо kidnap a сoaсh and soon thе Gouged Еyе are playing thеir fiтst fеrv matсhеs. Sej1.'..tЬе
man thеy сapturеd was a spесialist rushing trainer and tЬе tеam havе great trоuЬlе passing tЬе Ьail. саusin: thеп1
to losе all Ьut one of their first sеvеnty-two games.
2429 Undaunted Ьy еarly failurеs, thе Gougеd Еyе finally rеalizе what thеy are doing Wrong and mаnagе то ki.jnзг
a passing ехpеrt Vimmy Gloam' aftet a latе-night Мiddеnheim Мaraudеrs tтaining sеssion' Aftеr а littlе
persuasion, he imparts all hе knows and undеr his guidanсe thе orс tеam Ьeсomеs a forсе to Ье гесkonеj rr.lrh.
2+3т First yeat in thе Central Division and undеr thе сaptainсy of Еruk ogrеhaсk, thе Еye managе a rеsресгaЬlе third.
A rесruiting drivе pionееrеd Ьy Blood Bowlfan Еmpеrot Skullсrush ХI allows orсs a сhanсе to сhоosе Ьеri,,.ееn
a spеllin his army oI in thе tеam. Thousands floсk to try out for thе Gouged Еyе.
2+6+ UnЬеliеvaЬly, thе Gougеd Еye Ьеat thе Rеavеrs in a last ditсh play-off sсramЬlе ЬloodЬath аnd gо э]j rh. \t.l]\.lLr
thе сhampions rostrum whеn thеy dеfеat thе Dwarf Giants. Сaptain of the day was Hurk \rеrminsmзshе: Ьur
Orс of thе Мatсh must go to thriсе-sсorеr Bo1g Stonemanglе (latеr known as,Dwатf Мang|е,';'Тhе Giаnтs созсh
Was too Ьusy sсriЬЬling in his вooh of cтudgеs to offеr any сommеnt.
a+75 A rookiе Varag Ghoul-Сhеwеr joins the Еyе and is an immediate hit.
z-488 The Gougеd Еyе, now under thе inspirеd leаdеrship of long-sеrving Varag Ghoul-Chеwеr, go tiom sтrеngth tо
strеngth and massaсrе to massaсrе. Anothеt Blood Bowltitlе сannot Ье far off.

Tеam }Iоnours:СhaosСup winnеrcz++I,2++51z+5o,z+5I|2+52,2453,2454,z46o,z469,2473,2477,

Bowl !Иinn erc z464 (IУ), z473(ХIII), za95 (ХххIV)

Hallоf Famе: Еruk ogrеhaсk, Bo1gStonemanglе'Garg !Иorm-faсе

Spikе!Мagazine Tеam Rating: 317

L ч.'.
нutA]. BL08D в0tUL тEAts BкrснтCвusдовкs:TheCrusadersсouldЬeatrulygreat
Human players are the Ьest all.round Blood Bowl players in Blood Bowltеam, if it wasn'tfor onе sеrioushandiсap _ they
the old \Иorld.They may |aсk tlre shееr strеngth of thе orсs, never,evеr,сheat!rVhilе othеr teams arе preparing fot thе
the agility of the High Еlves, the toughnеssof thе Dwarfs, matсh Ьy ЬriЬing rеfеreеs,thе Crusadеrs are performing
thе frenzy of thе Dark Еlvеs, or the spеedof thе Skavеn,Ьut сharity matсhеs_ a f.actthatwill stop them winning a major
they do not suffеr any of these playеrs,wеaknеssеsеither. It tournament untilthеy shapеup and leatn to play dirtyl
i, ь".iry surptising thеn tЬat humans aссoullt {or ovet 5o%
of all в1oodBowlp1ayers_ so long as you inсludе Skeletons, Tнв Мдкдuпвкs: onсе known as the Мiddеnhеim
Ghouls and Vampirеs playing for Undead teams'and mutants Мarauders,thеy сhangеd thеit namе whеn they wеre forсed
playing"forсЬaos tеams! to sell tЬeir stadium and takе to the open road foШowingthe
сollapsеof thе NAЕ in'89. Мany say that this was thе making
of thеm, and thеrе is no douЬt that the Мaraudеrs arе now
onе of thе top Blood Bowlteams playing the gamе.A return
matсh againstarсh.rivalsthе Rеikland Rеavers(who defеatеd
the Мataudеrs at Blood Bowl)О(xI) is еagеrlyantiсipated
Ьy Blood Bowl fans throughout the world, and in quite a few

Tнв Rlrю-c,NоRвдwкs: Тhе Rеavеrsаrе thе finеst all-

round team in thе sport,with no other tеam сoming сlose
to matсhing tЬeir сonsistеntwinning reсord (four times
Blood Bowlwinnеrs, ninеtеen timеs Chaos Cup winnеrs).
Under thе сaptainсyof star Blitzеr Griff oЬеtwald, tЬe tеam
сontinuеs to go from strеngth to strеngth

Tнв VyьтнвrмVдrкyкrвs: Thе Valkyries arе,to.ЬеЬrutally

honest, a paсk of raving maniaсs. only on thе field of play,
you understand,for they are Ьerserkеrs,initiates ofan oЬsсurе
Norsе rеligion who work thеmsеlves into a killing fueлzу
whiсh usually only lasts the length of thе matсh. If it lasts
longet then fans are warned to avoid attempting to сollесt
autogrаphsaftеr thе gamе!

Tнв Evrr сrтs: тhls is an evil tе?m madе up mainly of

HoЬgoЬlins, evilorсs, evil Dark Еlves,оr in faсt any.other
playеrsjust so long as thеy arе ЕVIl! Thе Gits arе followеd
everywhere Ьy their evil unoffi.сial supportеrs сluЬ, the Еvil
. Gits Unoffiсial SupportеrsСluЬ, who аrе if anything evеn
\ - morе.evil than the evil team thеy еvilly suppott!
a \
l .

тнE пEll(LAl|D
Team Соlours: Bluе and whitе
Оwner: JJ Griswеll Jt Неad Соaсh: Hеlmut Zwimmеr
}Iomе Stadil'rm: Тhе oldЬowl(сapaсity 7I.,+1.т- surfасе astrogranite)
Players: }Iumаns

Thе Reavеrs wеre formеd ovеr a сеntury ago, in z389, whеn a vaсant ftanсhisе сamе up in what was thеn the oldlands
Сonferеnсе. Кnown during thёir first fеw yеats as thе Altdorf Aсolytеs, thе tеam quiсkly еstaЬlished thеir reputation fof
grеat skilland aЬility, as otiginal ownеr DD Griswеll snr poaсhеd and Ьought up thе Ьest players througЬout thе WеstеIn
lands. This poliсy of marrying awеsome Ьuying power with the Ьеst monеy сan Ьuy has sееn thе Rеavеrs in good stеad
throughout thеir long lifе' Today, under DD's grеat-grandson JJ GriswеllJr, thе Rеavеrs arе proЬaЬly thе finеst all-iound
tеam in thе known world.

2389 Thе Altdorf Aсolytes arе formed Ьy a Ьusinеssсonsortium in assoсiationwith thе pеoplе of thеir home сity,
and makе thеir Ьasеat thе Griswеll Меmorial Stаdium.TЬanks to thе stеrling еfforts of hеad сoaсh Jоhann
\Иеisshauptand thе largе treasuryof DD Griswell, in thеir first seasonthey сome fourth in thе \x/hitеskull , . .
Сhallеnge Сup (now thе Сhaos Сup).
2396 \Иhеn the GriswеllМеmorial stadium сollapsеsduring a storm' amid rumours of payЬaсksand сost-сuttingЬy
the firm who Ьuilt it, thе tеam сhangеsits namе to thе Reikland Reavetsand setsup home at thе nеw oldЬowl
No-onе is quitе surе whеrе this namе сomеs from, Ьut it hеlps thе Rеavеrsto thеir first сup win, Ьeating thе
\Х/uppеrtal\0Иotаns in thе finаl.
2399 A lеgеndаrymatсh againstthе visiting Dwarf Giаnts tеam еnds in uproarwhеn it is disсovеrеdtЬat еaсhtеam is
using its own vеrsion of tЬе rulеs. Gamе aЬandonеd'at77-+. { ..':
!+тI DD Griswеll Jr takеs ovеI as ownеr of tЬе tеam uPon the dеath of his fathеt.Thе hеad сoaсh at this timе is now
Blind !иilly Мullеr. Thе Rеavеrsslump to their Worstplaсings еvеr and Мullеr is rеputed to have gоt thе joЬ
through Ьlaсkmailing DD Jr over some rathel indisсrееt moments with thе еntirе Rеavеrsсhееrlеadingsquad.
2432 Thе Rеavеrsstartthe first seasonof a fourtееn-yеarlow patсh when еlеvеn mеmЬers of the fi'rstteam arе
infесtеd during аn injudiсious Nurglе's Rottеrs game.Thе ttansfеr of еight playеrs to thе SuЬterrаnеan
SlimеЬalls hеlps еasеthе сrisis,Ьut thе loss hits thе Rеavеrshard. пD Griswеll Jr replaсedЬy son JJ Griswеll Snr.
z.468 JJ Griswеll Snr dies aftеr gеtting too сlosе to the sidelines during an Asgard Ravens fiхture, and is rеplaсеdЬy
сurrеnt owner JJ Griswеll Jr. Nеwhеad сoaсh Hеlmut Zwimmеr atrivеs soon aftеr,and institutes his .Nеw
Ordеr' of trainingand pгеparation.
2485 Rеikland thrash thе Darksidе СowЬoys to win Blood вowlxхtц Ьut only after surprisе suЬstitutеorlak
Stutmdrang rеplaсеsfatally-injurеdсaptain,!Иolfram von Beсk, aftеr only ninеty sесonds.Thе lеgеnd arу Zug
Sеtsup his stlll-unЬеatеnМost opponents Bittеn in onе Мatсh reсord.
2487 Gdff oЬerwaid (inсidеntally,Sturmdrang'shalf.сousin!)rеplaсеsorlak aStеam сaptain aftеr his prеdесеssor
finds thе prеssurеsof running thе tеam and posing for the girls as an all-round Blood Bowl megastaltoo muсh.
Thе tеam go from Sttеngthto strеngth,winning theit foutth Blood Bowl. .
2489 Thе Rеavеrsarе onе of thе fеw tеаmsto survivе the сollapseof thе NAF unsсathеd,thаnks mainlv to thе аsтutе
finanсial planning of tеam ownеr JJ GriswеllJr.
Prеsent The Rеavеrssilеnсеsсеptiсswho said thеy сouldn'tadjustto thе nеw styleof thе opеn tournamеntsЬr-sтorming
Ьaсk to win Blood Bowl ХХХI in a hard-foughtfinal againstthe Мaraudеrs.As Griff oЬеrrr'ald statеdatiеr thе
matсh',why didш,еrvin?Bесаusеwе,rе simpLythebestBloodBowItеamthеуе rvhy.'Hе сould rrеil Ье nght...

Team }Iоnours: Blood Bowli,r,innеТs z+77 (.XL),z479 (xlx), za85 (ХХV),z+B7 (хХиI)' z.19l )L\\l
z396, ц99'z+o5' z+:rz,z+2.z-7+27,z118, z16т.,z463, z47o

Hallof F a m е : ! И a l t e r d a m m К е m р t 1 ' Е r d r i с h H o l s t е i n , С o a с h J o h a n n \ \ : е i s s h a u р тJ.r r l е s\ \ ' i n j е :

Spikе!NIagаzinе Tеam Rating: 3zr points

This Ьoх сontains two teamsof finely dеtailed Citadеl Al1of thе miniaturesin tЬis sеt hаveЬеen designеdso that
miniаtures,represеntingthе Human and orс tеams.The the piесes push togеthеrsnugly еnough to stаy together
models сomе unassemЬlеdand unpainted,although you during pla'i. Howеvet' wе reсommend stiсking еaсh player
will notiсе that thе Orсs are greеn and thе l{umans are togеthеrwith plastiс glue so that they dont fall aPart.If you
Ьlue, mеaning that evеn if you dont paint thеm, you'll easily wish, you сan also usе a mould linе sсraping tooi to сlеan up
Ье aЬlе to tеll tЬе teams aPaftat a glanсе!If you'vе nеvеr any mould lines (unsightly lines that сan somеtimesform
assemЬlеdor painted plastiс models Ьeforе,don't worry,just around thе outlinе of a modelduring thе moulding proсess).
follow the stеp-Ьy.stepguides on thеse pages.
Gamеs !Иorkshop sеlls Сitadеl Finе Dеtail Сutters,a Citadеl
Bеfore you сan assеmЬleany of your playеrs,you will nееd Мouldlinе Rеmovеr and сitadеl Plastiс Gluе, whiсh аrе idеal
to remove thеm from the plastiс frames.A pair of finе plastiс for the aЬovеtasks,Ьut doеs not reсommеnd thеse produсts
сutters is idеаl for this _ wе don't reсommеnd that you twist for usе Ьy сhildren undеt thе agе of r6 without
or Snаpthе modеls off thе sprue' aSyou сould risk Ьreaking adult supervision.
thеm. It's Ьеst to rеmovе yout playеrsfrom the frames onе
"ata time, сlipping thе parts off as you nееd thеm. If you take You сan stop therе if you want' Ьut to really get tЬe Blоod
еvеrything off at onсе, it's vеry еasyto lose pieсes ot get Bowlеxperienсе you should try painting your tеams.You
сonfused as to what goes wherе. сan еither сoPy the team сolours as shown on pages5o-56,or
piсk your own sсhеmе (еspeсiallyif you'rе сrеatingyour own
tеam using thе rules on Pagе zz).If уouwish to furthеr your
painting, thе Games \ИorkshopweЬsitе and YouTuЬеpage are
a great sourсе for adviсе and guides.

..J ?.
{ ,'31

l! .r*

0пс BL0cl(Еп BLlтzЕп




LlilEttr 3 ' тHB0u,Ев

ih" вlood Bowlminiatures suppliеd with thе game havе Ьееn produсed
in сoloured plastiс to help you gеt startеdplaying straight away.Мany
сoaсheslikе to paint thеir miniatures however,and Gamеs Workshop
suppliеЬan eхtensiverangе ofpaints, Ьrushes and other ассеssories,from
thе Ьasiсsright up to spесialisеdtools and mаtеrials.

onе of the many great things aЬoutЬeing a Blood Bowl сoaсh is that
you get to сhoosе thе сolours your playеrswill wear on the pitсh. Мany
сoaсheslikе to invent thеit own сolour sсhеmеsand thе Citadеl paint
range сontains so manyсhoiсеs that no one nеed еvеr run out of idеas.
For the painting guide that foШowsЬowevеr,we'tе using thе distinсtivе
tеd of the Gougеd Еye orсs. It's worth noting that this last сolour is
usefulwhatеvеr tеam'kit you dесide'on as Blood Bow1playеrstеnd to
еnd up сoverеd in rеd Ьy thе end of thе matсh! Сoaсhеs should fееlfrеe
paint their orс tеam howevеr they wish, as the Gouged Еyе atе just
one orс tеam soaring high in the Blood Bowllеaguеs. othеrs are just as
distinсtive, thе orсland Raidets in their fetсhing Ьlaсk and yеllow.еvil
sunЬuтst'kit, for example.

Bеfote painting, you'llnееd to underсoatyour miniatures _ in thе .

eхample that follows Chaos Blaсk spraywas usъd.onсё fnished, you
may also wani to varnish your miniatures using Citadel Purity Seal spray
varnish,espесiallyif yЬur playеrs have a haЫt of spending any amount of
time stunnеd...,

REllARil0Uв 0всttЕs}l



LПl l 2


{ ,'

r t


r: tr , l

_ a \

о'9 r. r

'.tl :et


r {

Thе Human Blood Bowltеam miniaturеs arе produсеd in thе Ьluе of thе
Rеikland Rеavеrs, Ьut thеrе аrе numеrous other сolour sсhemеs a сoaсh
might likе to usе on thеir own tеam. Thе ехamplе that follows shows how
to paint a linеman in thе iсoniс Ьlue usеd Ьy thе Reavers, Ьut many of thе
prinсiples used"сan Ьe apphеd rеgardless of the tеam. Мuсh variation сan
Ье derivеd from сomЬining сolours _ the Rеavers makе usе of a light Ьluе
and a dark Ьlue, with white and gold dеtails. By сomЬining tonеs and spot
сolours, any numЬеr of еntirеly uniquе team kits are possiЬlе. Сoaсhеs
are еnсouragеd to takе a look at thе hugе rangе ofсolours availaЬlе in
thе Citаdеlpaint rangе for inspiration - thеrе arе so many possiЬlе
сornЬinations that thе sky rеally is thе limit!

As with thе prеvious ехamplе, thе Human linеman lvas undеrсoatеd

with Chaos Blaсk spray Ьеforе Ьеing paintеd. If ,vou hаr'е сhosеn lightеr
tonеs for your tеam's kit, you might instеad usе Сitadеl Cоraх lVhitе spray
underсoat, allowing Ьright' сlеan сolours to rеally shinе. As with thе Orс
Linеman еxamplе, it is a good idеa to varnish your miniaturеs аs a final step
in thе proсеss) to protесt thеm from damagе whеn laid on their sidеs.


Aвt0Uп ЕL0тH tl,нlтЕ


s0Екs в00тs BlILD


Thеtесhniqшi,,ho*n on thesе pagеsсan beusеdin lotsof diffeтent
eхamplе,уouсdn useth^e samemethodf or pdinting theHurпаn Linemап's
. whitе hеImеtstripeto piaintthe othеrwhite aтTnourmаrhingsfor bothtеams,
Оr mаybeуou сoш|d paint yourHuman p|аyerswith шsingthe
methodshownfor bheОтс:playey,s аrmour.It,sеnhre|yщ.tq you!

If you'dliheto seеmorеtфs and teсhniquеs;

сheсhoutхrhite Dшarf magazine
and the w аrhammerTY "YouTube сhannе|.

. A О

. .t О:.

',t :J

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