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Fabiana Camposano



This poem talks about the snow falling in London city one day and the lots of changes and effects it has
on the city. From covering every single crevice and corner of the city in white, changing the overall
landscape and the view of the whole city, to making it look like a beautiful scene, something similar to
the white city of the angels in heaven.

It describes the scene as a very silent one, because obviously snow doesn’t make any kind of noise when
falling, but, at the same time, it has the ability to completely change it to the point that one can almost
think that is in a different place because of all the different sights.

The poem also shows two parallel situations: the way that the kids and the adults see the scene. While
the kids are happy, amazed and playful at such a beautiful surprise, playing snowball wars between each
other, tasting it, and even adventuring trough their very known streets and places, which, now covered
in snow, are changed from their usual looks; the adults are fighting against it, fighting to get out of their
homes, to go out in the street and start their daily communes to work and many other activities,
because, as we know, snow can be a very huge obstacle when you have to get to a destination fast.

It even describes in a little bit more detail the trees, which now covered in snow, would look even more
beautiful and big than usual, and that, after all, the usually calm atmosphere of the city would now be
filled with noise, laughs and grunts from the activities that both adults and kids are doing in it. It’s a very
nice and interesting contrast on the fact that both groups see these kinds of events very differently and
that nature can amaze us with surprises like this without any previous sign.

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