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Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Well, one thing very valuable to me is the piano my dad gave me. He gave it to
me one day when I was finishing virtual classes and my reaction was super
excited, he gave it to me because I wanted to learn how to play piano and write
my own melodies for my career in the music industry, that day I received it I was
at the computer sending my homework and that’s when he opens the door and
arrives with a large suitcase the size of a piano. It is very special to me because
it is an advance in my career and in my learning in music, learning the notes
and melodies that can be created, that piano was one of my keys to learn at a
young age. It’s made of metal and plastic. I keep it together in my bed, I keep
the piano in the suitcase and I leave it lying next to my bed, sometimes I use it
as I have been very busy. I haven’t lost it, as I said, it’s one of my keys to
getting into music, I don’t want to lose it and I know that with it I can write many
songs. I don’t take it with me when I travel, that piano I received this year, and
because of the current situation I haven’t been able to travel. I haven’t been
asked to sell it, but if I’ve come to think that I should do it so I can buy the
controller or the DAW license, but despite so much thought, I already made my
decision and I prefer to work to get those things and go creating my own catchy
melodies with it.

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