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Learning activity 1Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Every day I can see the paintings of my pets, it is one of the most valuable things
for me, the paintings were given to me by my sister and my mother, they gave
them to me a year ago, they gave me the paintings because one of my pets died
so it's like I can always see it and remember all the beautiful moments that it gave
me, we were celebrating my birthday at home, it is very special because there are
my pets that are practically my family, the paintings are made of a simple material,
they are made of vinyl and the frame is made of balso wood attached with some
lace, the pictures are hanging on one of the walls of my room with that I can see
them every day, I have never lost them and I hope never to lose them, I can not
take them with me since they take up a lot of space and it would be quite
uncomfortable traveling with them, they have never asked me to sell them, the
sentimental value is more than the economic value in this detail.

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