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On special occasions

Handcrafted card (n)


Knitted scarf (n)


Piece of artwork (n)


Deeply touched (adj)


bring someone joy


Reflect one’s interest


Thoughtful and considerate


I’m pretty good at


go into planning it (v)


Recipient (n)
1. vào những dịp đặc biệt
2. thiệp làm bằng tay
3. khăn len móc
4. tranh/ ảnh/ tác phẩm nghệ thuật
5. bị xúc động mạnh
6. bỏ vào việc lên kế hoạch nó
7. người nhận
8. : tôi khá giỏi trong việc……….
9. chu đáo, chu toàn
10. phản ánh sở thích
11. đem lại niềm vui cho ai đó
Part 1
1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to
Band 9: Yes, I have occasionally sent handmade gifts to friends and family on special
occasions. I find it to be a thoughtful and personal way of expressing my affection. It
could be anything from a handcrafted card to a homemade knitted scarf or a piece of
Band 6: Yeah, sometimes I make gifts for my friends and family. Like I'll draw a
picture or make a card. It's a nice way to show I care.

see sample answer here

Part 1
2. Have you ever received a great gift?

Band 9: Yes, I've been fortunate to receive some wonderful gifts over the years. One
that stands out is a surprise trip to a tropical island for my birthday. It was an
incredible experience, and I was deeply touched by the thought and effort that went
into planning it.
Band 6: Yes, I've gotten some really cool gifts. Like once, for my birthday, I got a
surprise trip to a beautiful beach place. It was amazing, and I was really happy.

see sample answer here

Part 1
3. How do you often choose a gift?

Band 9: When choosing a gift, I consider the recipient's interests and preferences. I
try to think about what would make them happy or what they might need. It could
be something personal, like a book they've been wanting to read or an experience
they'd enjoy, such as concert tickets.
Band 6: I pick a gift by thinking about what the person likes. Like, if they're into
books, I might get them a book. Or if they love music, maybe concert tickets.

see sample answer here

Part 1
4. Do you think you are good at choosing
Band 9: I like to think I'm pretty good at choosing gifts. I try to be thoughtful and
considerate when selecting something special for someone. It's important to me that
the gift reflects their interests and brings them joy.
Band 6: Yes, I think I'm okay at choosing gifts. I try to make sure it's something they'll
like and enjoy.

see sample answer here

Part 2
Describe a memorable gift you have given
or received.
• What was the gift?
• Who gave it to you or who did you give it to?
• When and where did this gift exchange occur?
• Why was this gift memorable to you?

see sample answer here

Band 9: I'd like to talk about a memorable gift that I received on my 25th birthday. It was a beautiful
handcrafted leather wallet, and my older sister was the one who gave it to me. The exchange took
place at our family home during a birthday party with close relatives.

This gift was particularly meaningful to me for several reasons. Firstly, the wallet was not just any
ordinary wallet; it was a high-quality, genuine leather one. It felt like a symbol of growing up and
entering adulthood. Secondly, my sister had taken the time to pick out a wallet that matched my style
and preferences, which showed a lot of thought and care.

I remember feeling incredibly touched when I unwrapped the gift. It made me realize how well my
sister knew me and how much she cared about my happiness. It wasn't just about the wallet itself; it
was about the love and thoughtfulness behind the gesture.

Receiving that gift was a heartwarming experience, and it strengthened the bond between my sister
and me. It made me appreciate the importance of meaningful and thoughtful gifts in showing affection
and appreciation for loved ones.
Band 6: Let me tell you about this awesome gift I got on my birthday. It was a wallet, a really nice
one. My big sis gave it to me at home during my birthday party with family.

I loved that gift because it was special. It wasn't just any wallet; it was made of real leather, and it felt
so grown-up. What made it even better was that my sister knew exactly what kind of wallet I'd like.
She put a lot of thought into it.

When I opened it, I felt super happy and kinda touched. It made me realize how much my sister cares
about me. It wasn't just about the wallet; it was about the love she put into it.

That gift meant a lot, and it made our bond stronger. It showed me how important it is to give gifts that
mean something to the people you care about.

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