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Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Every day, when I am ready and before leaving my house either to work or do
some errand, I put on my 15-year-old ring, at first when they gave it to me I
did not use it much because I wanted to take care of it and keep it always,
but Over time I began to use it constantly, when I am at work I take great
care of it so as not to damage it and I hardly ever go out without it, once in a
while it has stayed at home and I feel a little uncomfortable because I am
used to it. wear it, that's why I always leave it in the same place to
remember. This ring was given to me by my mother, the day I was turning
fifteen, because it seemed like a nice gift for that day and she considered me
to be a good student and a
good daughter to get that gift, plus I wanted it because since I was little I
have liked rings a lot, so she fulfilled my wish to have one.
My mother gave it to me in an afternoon when we were having lunch and
walking with my family.
For me it is very special because I feel that it is my lucky charm, since my
mother gave it to me, for this I have it well stored in a small box and it has
never been lost, I like to take good care of it. Although it sometimes damaged
me, but I kept it until the day I had the full money to fix it and it was like new
again, from that moment I take care of it and value it much more.
In addition, as I have already said, I almost never go out without it and less if
it is a walk, whether familiar or not, since I feel that it is what protects me
and brings me luck. Everyone knows that it is the most precious treasure that
I have so far, that for me it is not just a thing or an object, it has a very great
sentimental value, it is very special, that is why they have never told me to
sell it and So they will tell me I would not do it either. Even if they offer me a
lot of money or anything else, I feel attached to it.

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