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Opinion and thoughts

1 Opinion includes the words of opinion and argument/ reasons.

2. Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion
each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think
3. Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the
words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.
Definition of asking and giving opinion : To describes how we are to ask the opinions
of others and how we provide opinions to others.

The Sentence structure to express opinions


I Agree with what you are saying.
We Believe this is not the right way to handle this.
I Reckon this could be right considering the reasons.
I Agree that I didn’t look at it from this perspective.
I Doubt that this is possible.
We Assume you are biased on the issue.
I don’t agree with you.
I Think you are mistaken.
I Think So too

When make to asking opinion ,we often use the following expressions.
 How is your opinion? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)
 How about this? (bagaimana dengan ini?)
 What do you think about…? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)
 what do you think of…? (bagaimana pendapatmu?)
 what is your opinion? (apa pendapat mu?)
 hoiw do you like? (bagaimana menurutmu?)
 how was the trip? (bagaimana perjalanan nya?)
 How do you think of my idea? (bagaimana menurutmu pendapatku)
 what are you feeling? (apa perasaanmu?)
 how do you feel? (apa yang kamu rasakan?)
 How do you think? (apa yang kamu pikirkan?)
 Please give me your opinion? (tolong berikan aku pendapatmu?)
 What is your comment? (apa komentar mu?)
 Give me your comment? (beri aku komentarmu?)
 what your view on? (bagaimana pandangan mu?)
 what is your reaction? (apa reaksimu?)
 give me your reaction (berikan reaksimu?)
 Do you have opinion of…? (kamu punya pendapat tentang…?)
 what is your idea? (apa pendapatmu?)
 do you have any idea? (kamu punya ide?)
 How about…? (bagaimana tentang…?)
 Do you like that? (kamu menyukainya?)
 Do you think is it good? (apakah kamu berfikir ini bagus?)
 `what do you like? (apa yang kamu suka?)


When make to giving opinion ,we often use the following expressions.
 In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
 I personally believe (saya yakin)
 I think that (aku berfikir bahwa)
 As far I know (Sejauh yang aku tau)
 I tend to think that (Aku berpikir bahwa)
 In my view (menurutku)
 I don’t think I care for it (aku tidak berfikir Aku perduli tentang itu)
 To my mind (menurutku)
 If you ask me, I feel (jika kau bertanya padaku, aku merasa)
 From my point of view (dari pendapatku)
 The way I see is that (caraku melihat ini yaitu)
 My comment is (komentarku adalah)
 it is my comment (ini komentarku)
 To my mind (menurutku)
 what I have in my mind is (yang aku pikirkan adalah)
 I think I like it ( saya pikir saya menyukainya )

 As far as I’m concered.

 It is considered that.( menurutku).

 Agreeing People’s Opinion

(Menyetujui Pendapat Orang Lain)
1. I'm with you on that one (Saya di pihak Anda tentang hal yang satu itu.)
2. I couldn't agree more (Saya sangat setuju.)
3. Yes, absolutely (Ya, tentu saja.)
4. I'd go along with that (Aku setuju dengan itu.)
5. You've got a point there (Anda punya poin ya tepat dalam hal tersebut.)
6. Hear, hear ! (Dengar dengar !)
7. I think so too (Aku pikir juga begitu.)
8. I couldn't have put it better myself (Saya tidak bisa menempatkan lebih baik
9. Great minds think alike (Pemikir hebat berfikir yang sama.)
10. You took the words right out of my mouth (Anda mengambil kata-kata yg akan keluar
dari mulut saya.)
11. I agree with.. (Saya setuju dengan..)
 Disagreeing People’s Opinion
(Tidak Menyetujui Pendapat Orang Lain)
1. I'm not sure about that! (Saya tidak yakin tentang itu !)
2. You could be right, but... (Anda mungkin benar , tapi ...)
3. (I'm afraid) I don't agree ((Saya takut) Saya tidak setuju.)
4. I agree up to a point, but.. (Saya setuju pada poin tertentu , tapi ..)
5. That's an interesting idea, but.. (Itu ide yang menarik , tapi ..)
6. Do you really think that..? (Apakah Anda benar-benar berpikir bahwa.. ?)
7. Rubbish! / Nonsense! (Sampah! / Omong kosong !)
8. You can't be serious! (Anda tidak bisa serius !)
9. Actually, as a matter of fact. I think.. (Sebenarnya , Pada kenyataanya. Saya pikir..
10. That's not how I see it (Itu bukan cara saya melihatnya.


Lia : What do you think about Gunung tua?
Afi : In my opinion,Gunung tua is the beautiful city. Candi Bahal is history place in
Gunung tua.It has traditional dance is Tor-tor.
Lia : what about its food ? Do you think it is delicious?
Afi : I think ..yes. Do you know Holat? It is delicious.
Lia : Yes I know,By the way. Which one is more delicious Holat or Rendang?
Afi : According to me, Holat is more delicious than Rendang.
Lia : I don’t think so, I think Rendang is more delicious than Holat because Rendang is my
favourite food.
Afi : Hah ha, We have different favourite foods then.
Lia : I think so
Mr. Andy : What do you think of my new house?
Mr. Bryan : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Andy : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.
Mr. Bryan : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels
Mr. Andy : I feel they are great novels.
Mr. Bryan : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.
Mr. Andy : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
Mr. Bryan : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to
rain. OK Mr. A, see you.

Erika: “Hi  Clara, what are you doing?”
Clara: “Hi Erika, I’m writing a poetry”
Erika: “Poetry? for the special one?”
Clara: “Absolutely, tomorrow is mothers’ day so I would like to give this poetry for my mommy”
Erika: “Mothers’ day? Oh my god! I forget about it”
Clara: “Calm down Erika, why don’t you write a poetry too?”
Erika: “No, I cant write a poetry “
Clara: “Do you know what is the thing that your mommy likes?”
Erika: “She likes flowers”
Clara: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”
Erika: “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany me to find it out after class
end?” Clara: “With my pleasure”
Erika: “Oh thank you so much Clara”
Clara: “Don’t mention it Erika”

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