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Cystic fibrosis CH/PED

ineffective Airway Clearance may be related to excessive production of thick mucus and
decreased ciliary action, possibly evidenced by abnormal breath sounds, ineffective cough,
cyanosis, and altered respiratory rate/depth.
risk for Infection: risk factors may include stasis of respiratory secretions and development of
imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements may be related to impaired digestive process
and absorption of nutrients, possibly evidenced by failure to gain weight, muscle wasting, and
retarded physical growth.
deficient Knowledge [Learning Need] regarding pathophysiology of condition, medical
management, and available community resources may be related to insufficient
information/misconceptions, possibly evidenced by statements of concern, questions; inaccurate
follow-through of instructions, development of preventable complications.
compromised family Coping may be related to chronic nature of disease and disability,
inadequate/incorrect information or understanding by a primary person, and possibly evidenced
by SO attempting assistive or supportive behaviors with less than satisfactory results, protective
behavior disproportionate to patient’s abilities or need for autonomy.

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