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2. Nutrition is important to one’s growth and development.

What are the words that we can

associated with nurtrition and explain how they can affect our growth and development?

The words I can linked to nutrition are diet, lifestyle, food, nutritional habits, vitamins, minerals.

Our diet and food choices has an impact to our growth and development. These fuel our body or
the source of energy of the body to carry our specific cellular functions – this dictate on how we
develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.

Our lifestyle or the way we live can affect also our growth and development. Healthy lifestyle
can contribute to better cognitive ability of a person. It also enhances our physical attributes and
strength such as in doingsports and exercises.

Vitamins and minerals that we get in our food and nutritional habits are essential also in cellular
level for them to function well for our growth and development.

3. dietary needs such as food choices differ from one person to another, but generally the best
food that a person should regularly have includes whole grains, proteins, and fruits and
vegetable. It is also important to have a balanced serving from each group of food- the go, gro,
and glow. On the food choices and count – it depends and basing on the person’s size, age, and
In the exercise, a person should be aiming for at least 2.5 hrs of medium-intensity exercise per
week, or slightly lower amount of high-intensity exercise.

1. The two types of stressors are Eustress and Distress. The eustress type of stress is
another word for positive stress, and distress is for negative stress. Eustress is more on
motivating a person in carrying a task, is perceive as within the person’s coping abilities
and it improves performance. Just like in taking educational classes or learning a new
hobby –this situation can stresses us but then there is a positive bigger picture for it and
may contribute to enriching ourselves. On the other hand, distress causes anxiety and
may lead to mental, emotional and physical problems to the person. Just like in child’s
problem at school and conflicts on interpersonal relationships – these situation can
cause trauma to the child that may lead to worst case scenarios.

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