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I – Puneti la plural propozitiile urmãtoare, apoi formulati întrebãri ca sã obtineti

acele rãspunsuri:

1. My bag is red. 5. Its window is clean

2. Your luggage is heavy. 6. Its shelf is full of books.
3. His shirt is blue. 7. My goose is white
4. Her dictionary is new. 8. The news is interesting

II – Puneti verbele de pe coloana dreaptã acolo unde se potrivesc si traduceti. Apoi

formulati întrebãri ca sã obtineti acele rãspunsuri:

1. The alarm clock …at 7 o’ clock knock

a.m. ring
2. Mother…at the door of my room. drink
3. I…out of bed and …to the go
bathroom get
4. I…my face and my hands brush
5. I… my teeth and my hair wash
6. I…a glass of milk leave for
7. I…to work at half past seven

III – Puneti adjectivele la gradul potrivit pentru ca propozitiile sã aibã sens:

1. I can’t do this exercise, it’s too …

2. Fruit is …to eat when it is …
3. Bucharest is the … and the … city in Romania
4. You must read this book, it is …
5. My luggage is …
6. There is no water in the glass. It is …
7. A bus is … than a tram but a plane is …
8. It’s a … day! The weather is …than yesterday.
9. I like this picture …
10.She is a …woman but she is not …than your sister

IV – Ce cuvinte au acelasi înteles? Faceti propozitii cu ele:

1. small, sorry, little, busy 6. say, tell, talk, speak

2. beautiful, happy, pretty, funny 7. read, write, learn, inform
3. late, tired, tall, asleep 8. listen to, hear, hurry, go
4. cold, rainy, warm, hot 9. work, snow, walk, rain
5. come, arrive, leave, live 10. Big, nice, little, large

I – Ce putem cumpãra de la:

baker’s, greengrocer’s, butcher’s, dairy, sweets, grocer’s, fishmonger’s, stationer’s

Schitati un scurt dialog.

II – Ce înseamnã cuvintele? Faceti propozitii cu ele:

skating rink, snowman, snowflakes, swimming – pool, steak, chop, shop, waitress,
cook, over done, under cooked, hard – boiled, one – handed, down – hearted,
peace – making

III – Ce se gãseste în:

living – room, hall, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, lumber-room, vegetable garden

IV – Completati cu cuvintele potrivite. Inlocuiti verbele modale cu echivalentele

1. At home, I sit at table…my mother and my sister. teach
2. Can you … this song? I want to learn it? between
3. You must go …the corner to see him. turn
4. Excuse me, how do I get Victoria Circus? round
Go straight on and then …left. until
5. The…is green. You may cross the street. traffic-light
6. You must wait …he comes! Do not go! traffic
7. You can go down the street. Go…on! straight
8. Alice always… her mother’s hand in the street. holds
9. There is a lot of…: a lot of cars, buses and trams. youth
10.A… may cross the street on his own.
Children must not go alone!

V – Aranjati cuvintele în perechi de sinonime si faceti propozitii:

1. to sail a. to get to
2. to reach b. to navigate
3. colony c. settlement
4. matter d. freedom
5. liberty e. struggle
6. fight f. thing
7. to regard g. even though
8. although h. to consider

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