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Universidad de Monterrey

Nombre de la materia. Ambiente negocio internacional

Nombre del Trabajo. actividad C8
Matrícula y Nombre de Alumno: Jackdar Mohammad 582249

San Pedro Garza García, N.L.24de oct. de 2020

7.1 Etapas de la evolución de la Unión Europea: Estructura Política
1945 - 1959
A peaceful Europe: the dawn of cooperation
The European Union was born with the desire to end the frequent and bloody conflicts between
neighbors that had culminated in the Second World War.
1960 - 1969
A stage of economic growth
The 1960s is a good time for the economy, favored, among other things, by the fact that EU countries
stop collecting customs duties for commercial transactions with each other.
1970 - 1979
A growing Community: the first enlargement
On January 1, 1973, Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom join the European Union, bringing
the number of member states to nine.
1980 - 1989
The changing face of Europe: the fall of the Berlin wall
The Polish trade union Solitariness and its leader, Lech Walesa, became famous in Europe and
around the world after the strikes at the Gdansk shipyards in the summer of 1980. In 1981 Greece
became the tenth member of the EU and five years later, Spain and Portugal join. In 1986, the Single
European Act was signed, a treaty that forms the basis of a comprehensive six-year program aimed
at eliminating obstacles to the free movement of goods across the borders of the EU, thus giving
rise to the "market only". On November 9, 1989, a major political turnaround occurs when the Berlin
Wall is torn down and, for the first time in 28 years, the border between the two Germanies, the east
and the west, is opened, leading to its unification in October 1990.
1990 - 1999
A Europe without borders
With the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, Europeans feel closer. In 1993 the
creation of the single market culminated with the "four freedoms" of movement: goods, services,
people, and capital. The 1990s is also the decade of two treaties: the Maastricht (Treaty on
European Union) in 1993 and the Amsterdam in 1999.
2000 - 2009
The euro is the new currency for many Europeans. More and more countries adopt it during this
decade. September 11, 2001 became synonymous with the "war of terror", after the hijacking and
collision of several planes against buildings in New York and Washington. As de la evolution de la
Unión European: Structure Political
2010 - 2019
A delicate decade
The global economic crisis hits Europe squarely. The EU helps several countries to cope with their
difficulties and establishes the "banking union" to create a more secure and reliable banking sector.
In 2012 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union. In 2013 Croacia bécame the
28th nombre o the EU
As is well known, the NAFTA agreement came into effect on January 1, l994. Its passage
through the United States Congress was surprisingly contentious when it was finally brought
forward for consideration in the fall of l993
2. Background to NAFTA and Renegotiation Proposals by the Trump Administration
2.1. NAFTA Background
2.2. Arguments for a NAFTA Renegotiation from the Trump Administration's Perspective: Scenarios
3. Tariff estimates in Mexico and the United States with and without NAFTA
3.1. United States: total foreign trade and footwear, 1990-2016
3.2. Mexico: total foreign trade and footwear, 1990-2016
NAFTA in Mexico has implied a qualitative watershed in the country's strategy, generating an
important process of polarization of households, companies, and export-oriented regions, while
most of the country is not linked to these processes and products. As a result, value chains such as
electronics, aeronautics, and auto parts-automobiles have achieved an important process of
orientation towards exports, while other value chains such as footwear have been oriented towards
the domestic market (Dussel Peters, 2017) . In this process of increasing polarization, the Mexican
socio-economy has been actively linked to NAFTA, considering the heterogeneity and polarization
mentioned above. In general terms, and contrary to expectations, since the implementation of the
Agreement, the gaps between the GDP per capita of the United States and Mexico have not
What is the USMCA or T-MEC? Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and
The United States notified Canada and Mexico of the launch of a new trade agreement between the
three countries, which entered into force on July 1, 2020.
The agreement, which was previously known as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
or North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been renamed T-MEC (Agreement between
Mexico, the United States, and Canada, in the English United States, Mexico , and Canada,
USMCA). Apart from the name change, the USMCA free trade agreement contains significant
improvements: new rules of origin, market access provisions for automobiles, agricultural market
access, investment and public procurement, labor and the environment, intellectual property rights
(IPR), and digital commerce .initially instituted by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay to which
Venezuela * and Bolivia have joined in later phases, the latter in the process of accession.
Its official working languages are Spanish and Portuguese. The official version of the working
documents will be that of the language of the host country of each meeting. As of 2006, through
CMC Decision No. 35/06, Guaraní was incorporated as one of the Block languages.
The main objective is to promote a common space that will generate commercial and investment
opportunities through the competitive integration of national economies to the international market.
What is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations?
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies launched the ASEAN Economic Bulletin (AEB) in July 1984.
Since then, AEB has become a reputable academic journal providing contemporary, rigorous, and
insightful analyses on the economies of Southeast Asia. It covers a wide range of economic topics
and issues concerning individual member countries of ASEAN and the Southeast Asian region as a
whole; as well as intra- and inter-regional aspects that involve interaction among the member
countries of ASEAN, and their economic relations with the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the
world. AEB is published three times a year - in April, August, and December. The April issue is
designated as a special issue, with focus on a specific theme. The editors of AEB welcome scholarly
article submissions that have clear policy relevance and pertain to the ASEAN region and its
member countries. Submissions from young academics are especially encouraged.

Doy mi palabra de que he realizado esta actividad con integridad académica.

ASEAN (2008), ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint. Consultado el 3 de Marzo.
Disponible en
ASEAN Secretariat and the World Bank (2013). ASEAN Integration Monitoring Report.
Consultado el 3 de Marzo. Disponible en
Bartesaghi, I. (2012). La evolución del comercio intrarregional en el MERCOSUR.
Consultada el 5 de Marzo. Disponible en
Aguiar, A., Narayanan, B., and McDougall, R. 2016. “An Overview of the GTAP 9 Data Base.”
Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 1(1):181-208. DOI:
Ciuriak, Dan, Lucy Ciuriak, Ali Dadkhah and Jingliang Xiao (2017). “Quantifying the
Termination of NAFTA.” Working Paper, Ciuriak Consulting Inc., 27 November.
Mensbrugghe (2017). “The Standard GTAP Model, Version 7.” Journal of Global Economic
Analysis, 2(1):1-119. DOI:
Li, Minghao (2018). CARD Trade War Tariffs Database.
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) (2018a). Appendix C. Tariff
Schedule of Canada – (Tariff Rate Quotas).
VALLE, J.M. (2003): La Dimensión Europea de la enseñanza: El reto educativo de
la Europa Unida, en AA.VV., Perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas: lengua
de acogida, educación intercultural y contextos inclusivos (Madrid, Dirección
General de Promoción Educativa de la Consejería de Educación de la
Comunidad de Madrid).
VALLE, J.M. (2004): 50 años de política educativa de la Unión Europea (1951-
2001): fundamentos y acciones. Tesis doctoral. Defendida en la UNED,
Madrid, el 26 de febrero de 2004.
VALLE, J.M. y VILLALAÍN, J.L. (1993): Acciones y programas de la Comunidad
Europea, Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 211, pp. 16-23 (Barcelona, Fontalba)

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