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HR Planning

How do you predict how many employees are going to leave?

How can KESC tell the number of employee required to be hired in the next years?

What is your strategy in case of HR supply demand imbalance?

Job Analysis

How do you match job task with skills required?

How and from whom would you collect information to study the job of chief electrical engineer?

Lets say a completely new job of Research engineer opens up, how will you study the job to find
out required qualification and job specification?


In which situation a fresh JD is prepared?

Which information is covered under the JD?

Which methods are adopted to collect information for Preparing JD?

o Interview
o Questionnaires
o Observation
o Participant diary
K-Electric Human Resource Planning


K-Electric is meeting the energy needs of 2.5 million people spread across 6500 square km. The
energy consumption is on the rise with the expanding industrial, commercial and residential
areas. This increases the human resource requirement at all three areas at K-Electric e.g.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution. The future need for employees at different level in
K-Electric is calculated through a process of HR demand forecasting. The following methods are
used to make estimates:

1. Trend Analysis: Using this technique k-electric looks into series of recent changes in
human resource and uses this pattern to predict the employee required in the future.
Future hiring is anticipated by looking at the relationship between previous periods of
hiring with respect to growth in distribution of electrical units.
2. Bottom-up Approach: An assessment is carried out to place adequate number of
employees at the lowest level first. The idea is to meet the HR requirement of frontline
workers at each department of the company. The managers then start analyzing the HR
needs of next level in organization. The objective is to support the frontline workforce
with enough supervisors and managers at higher level. In this way the human resource
demand at all levels of k-electric is assessed.

Managing Supply Imbalance

Gap Analysis is used to compare the HR need with actual HR capacity. If the Gap reaches
certain level it means that either HR is surplus or short. K-Electric seldom faces the issue of
having shortage of employees. The positions at k-electric are quickly filled as especially for
frontline workers as unemployment rate is high in the city.. Before privatization in 2009 the
workforce was overpopulated and many people had to be laid off to create a balance and become
cost effective.
Following techniques are used by k-electric to manage talent surplus:

1. Voluntary Separation Program

2. Stop Recruitments
3. Reduce compensation
4. Layoff

Reducing employee from 17000 to 11000 is a great achievement made by K-electric in the past
decade which has put the organization on the right track. But most of these did not leave
voluntarily and were laid off by the company on the basis on poor performance.


K-Electric can adopt Delphi technique to forecast the HR demand at different levels in the
organization. This would be an accurate method as sometimes the statistical approach is not an
effective as the experts in the field are. Experts in the field know the trends and they have
additional information as well which in not reflected in the trends alone.

To reduce the pool of surplus labor K-Electric more focus should be on voluntary separation
program or reduce compensation. In Past K-Electric had labor union issues resulting in strikes
and assaults at their head office which could have been avoided if downsizing/rightsizing were
not done on the basis of layoffs.
Job Analysis

K-electric uses work-oriented job analysis is used for frontline workers and laborers. This
method defines technical skills, tasks and outcomes. On the other hand, the worker-oriented job
analysis is used for managerial positions which provide information on conceptual skills such as
cognitive abilities. Interviews and direct observation is used to collect information at K-electric.
Duties performed are identified by the observation and the interviewing the immediate
supervisor give information about the skill set required to perform that job.

For example in order to study the job of chief electrical engineer a review of current employee
job responsibilities working on similar position is carried out. Also the supervisor is interviewed
as well which in this case is the plant director.

If a completely new job of research engineers opens at K-electric then data on the task,
responsibilities and skill requirements is acquired from other companies. Also Research is done
on the job position for which there is no information available within the organization.


Questionnaire can be adopted by K-electric along with other methods of job analysis. As they
cover most of the areas related to job which may be missed out in a interview.

At times direction observation becomes difficult especially in the case of managerial jobs. These
employees may not be able to fill in every detail when interviewed but K-Electric can ask such
workers to maintain a participant diary. This can give them accurate information on the tasks
performed by these employees.
Job Description and Specifications

Job description includes basic job related data that is useful to advertise a specific job and also
attract a pool of talent. At K-electric job description contains information such as job title, job
location, reporting to and of employees, job summary, nature and objectives of a job, takes and
duties to be performed, working environment, machines, tools and equipment’s to be used by a
worker and hazards involved in it.

Job specification is an essential part of job analysis information. It is known as employee

specifications. In KE employer focuses on the following specifications when hiring a candidate:

• Educational qualifications (degree of the related field, certifications etc.)

• Specific qualities and skills (which includes good communication, interpersonal skills)

• Level of experience (years of working in any other organization or internship programs)

• Physical, emotional and technical skills are required to perform a job in the best way possible.

• General health, mental health, creativity and values and ethics.

It helps them in recruitment of an organization understand what level of qualifications, qualities

and set of characteristics should be present in a candidate to make him or her eligible for the job
so they can meet their organization requirements. Job specification gives important details
related to the required field. In KE, apart from hiring the best suitable candidate they use job
specification for screening of resumes & shortlist only those candidates who are the closest fit to
the job. Their HR managers use job specification to evaluate performance appraisal and
promotions and give them trainings.


They can add information on “Social Environment” related to the job position as well. “This
would describe the size of work group and interpersonal interactions required to perform a job.
Recruiters can use this information to decide the level of interpersonal and communication skills
that the candidate should have. Also, this will make the employees understand the significance of
teamwork and the will consider the work-related interactions as part of their job.

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